
Ayane Klein (WIP)

Feb 2nd, 2018
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  1. Magical Burst
  2. Name: Ayane Klein
  4. Magical Girl Name: Rhythm Battler Foxy
  6. Specialization: Knight
  8. What Kind of Girl are you?
  9. Bold, Tough, Hot-blooded "Half"
  11. What convinced you to make your pact?
  12. The chance to help my pops out of the hole he's in and to protect the people I love
  14. What is your wish?
  15. To become a true OG and protect my family and raise them to fame, greatness, and glory
  17. Magical Element: Sound
  18. Magical Weapon: Sonic Knuckles (Music Powered Power Fists, speakers on each knuckle and on the palms)
  19. Magical Power: The Flow (Ayane can spontaneously cause the world to become "musical", making people and objects move and react to the beat of the music flowing from her.)
  20. Magical Girl Costume: Red "Elegant Hoodie" with golden studs and zipper, hood down and jacket open. Back of the hoodie has a patch sewn on and bordered lightly with those same golden studs. The patch is a pair of white angel wings sprouting from a heart with a speaker in the center of it. Undershirt is a white suit vest with gold buttons and a red lapel. White pants with cut rubies running down the hems. Red boots with rubies matching the ones on her pants fastening three buckles each and golden accents. Sonic Knuckles ride over the long sleeves of the Hoodie, being almost "mecha-like" in appearance. They are brushed gold with reflective red accents. Her hair gets pulled into a long ponytail and turns red streaked with gold. Her irises become marbled with those same colors, pupils become heart shaped.
  22. Normal Attributes
  24. Charm | 4 |
  25. Insight | 3 |
  26. Tenacity| 7 |
  28. Magical Attributes
  29. Attribute | Combat Stat | Rank | Overcharge |
  30. Heart | Defense | 8 |[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|
  31. Fury | Support | 4 |[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|
  32. Magic | Attack | 6 |[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|[ ] [ ]|
  34. Resolve
  35. 18 | 18
  37. Wounds
  38. -2 -3 -4 Dead
  39. [] [] [] []
  41. Magical Talents
  43. Boost
  44. Free Action, 3/Scene, 1 Overcharge When making a magical challenge, you can take 1 Overcharge on the magical attribute you’re using for the challenge to roll an additional die and add it to your result. This die will give you another die and another point of Overcharge if it rolls a 6 as usual, and if you use it for an attack it gives +2 to the attack’s damage as usual.
  46. Recover
  47. 2/Episode While out of combat, a magical girl can use this to regain 1d6+2 Resolve.
  49. Guardian
  50. Free Action, 1 Overcharge (Defense)
  51. If you are in the same position as an enemy and they attempt to move out of that position, you can make a Support vs. Support
  52. challenge. If you win, they are unable to move out of your position.
  54. Reflector
  55. Free Action
  56. Once per round, if you successfully attack a target, you play put a Reflector effect on yourself or an ally within a range of 0-2.
  57. The reflector lasts until the end of your next turn. While it is active, any time an enemy successfully attacks the bearer, they
  58. ignore up to 3 points of damage from the attack, and the attacker takes those points of damage.
  60. Crisis
  61. One day I started going about my usual routine, but everyone was convinced that I had died the day before.
  63. Relationships
  64. Name | Rank | Note
  65. Maho-mies | 1 | Represents all the girls at rank 1 each
  66. Kotomine | 2 | Kotomine-sensei is a cool dude. He respects the students an' respects the Street.
  67. Pops | 3 | Ayane's father, Terrance Klein
  68. Mom | 1 | Shizuka, Ayane's Mother. She doesn't know anything about her really, but dad says she was amazing
  69. Misato | 1 | Misato Yumizaki, the only girl Ayane knows that can *actually* challenge her in Hero Battle
  72. Status Effects
  73. [] Bound: Movement uses a Major Action. –2 to all challenges.
  74. [] Bleeding: Take 2 damage at the start of each round.
  75. [] Stunned: Can only take 1 action (Major or Minor) per turn. If you remove this status, you can use your remaining action in the same turn.
  76. [] Excited: +1 to the damage of all of your attacks. This status is removed if you receive the Calm status effect.
  77. [] Calm: +1 to all defense challenges. This status is removed if you receive the Excited status effect
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