
Decorating with Sayori

Dec 12th, 2017
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  1. "I think it should go here, no wait there! No.. maybe there?"
  3. Sayori looked around the living room indecisively. She would occasionally pace around and stare at a corner of the room before shaking her head and continue her walk.
  5. "Sayori just pick a spot, it doesn't really matter." I chime.
  7. "I know but it's a really hard choice!"
  9. I let out a sigh of frustration and walk over to the corner next to the couch and plant the four legged metal base on the floor.
  11. "There, we'll put the tree here." I declare.
  13. "Are you sure? Maybe it'll look good ove-"
  15. "No Sayori, it'll look just fine here." I give her a playful glare, and she replies back with a pout.
  17. "Fiiine you big meanie. We'll put it there on one condition."
  19. "And what's that?" I ask.
  21. Sayori does a swift 180 and grabs something and completes the 360 and puts a Santa hat on me, catching me off guard.
  23. "You have to wear this!" She says as smiles.
  25. "Aw come on Sayori, no! I told you I don't want to wear it. I look dumb"
  27. "Do not! I think you look really cute in it!" She giggles.
  29. "No I'm not wearing it."
  31. Sayori pouts again and clasps her arms in a begging motion.
  33. "Please, for me? It'll fit the Christmas spirit."
  35. I wince a bit, but I can't say no to her like that.
  37. "Alright fine, but I'm taking it off once we're done setting everything up."
  39. "Deal! Thanks Anon! I knew you'd be on the nice list!~" She says as she winks at me.
  41. I can't help but laugh at how cheesy that was, it's good to see her cheerful for the holidays.
  43. "Here I'll start setting the tree up, go start decorating the walls, we have a lot to do." I suggest.
  45. Sayori gives me an affirmative nod. "Can do!" She runs off down the hallway to grab the box of decorations. I grab the first part of the tree and start placing fixing it on the base. Once I have it set firmly I turn over to put the second piece on when I'm startled by a blaring jingle, followed by it lowering in volume and an embarrassed voice calling out from the kitchen.
  47. "Sorry! I didn't think it would be so loud!"
  49. The jingle changes to a catchy Christmas tune.
  51. "I just thought it would be nice to have some music play while we decorate!"
  53. "I can't argue with that! Just don't have it so loud so we don't have to shout!" I yell.
  55. "Got it!".
  57. The volume lowers a bit more and I get back to setting up the tree. Once I finished locking it in place I take a minute and go walk over to the kitchen to see what Sayori is up too. On my way there I see she's already started on the hallway, various Christmas designs dotted the hallway, snowflakes, elves, presents and Christmas trees. Sayori took extra care to make sure no same design was next to each other. I walk in the kitchen and see Sayori decorating the top cabinets with a different set of designs. I get ready to speak up but it seems she hasn't noticed me, because she starts moving her hips to the rhythm of the song playing. She's a little off tempo but it's honestly endearing to see how much fun she's having.
  59. I let out a loud cough to announce my presence
  61. Sayori jumps and turns around, completely red faced.
  63. "Anon! Don't sneak up on me like that!"
  65. "I wasn't going to but I saw you were enjoying the music and I couldn't help it. You never told me you liked to dance." I joke.
  67. Sayri smiles nervously while playing with her fingers.
  69. "Ehehe, well I can't help it. This music is so cheerful it makes me wanna dance."
  71. "I don't blame you, it is catchy. I wish I could dance though, I'm horrible."
  73. Sayori's face lights up with excitement. "It's easy! Here look!" She grabs my hand and pulls me to the open space in the kitchen.
  75. "Just move your hips with the rhythm! Like this!" Sayori starts swaying her hips to the upbeat tempo of the song playing. I try to keep up but I awkwardly move completely off beat.
  77. "See? I told you. I'm not good." I laugh.
  79. "You have to loosen up silly! Just have fun with it!"
  81. She starts exaggerating her moves to give me and idea. It takes me a bit to warm up to the idea but I start jokingly mimicking her and to my surprise I actually move on beat.
  84. "See! It's easy!" She grabs my other hand moves both of them in rhythm as well. Not long after we're both dancing to the music in rhythm. We both keep laughing at how much fun dancing is, even if we know we're not doing it right. The song ends and we're greeted to a more slower paced romantic song. Me and Sayori look stare at each other, or faces burning from the implications. She lets out a sheepish laugh and puts her hands behind her hips.
  86. "Maybe I can teach you this type of dance another time, ehehe"
  88. "Yeah, we both have decorations do to." I let out a weak laugh. "But I'd like to learn this dance with you, let's try after we get done decorating?" I ask her.
  90. Sayori looks at me with a warm smile. "Of course! It'll be fun! Now let's get back into decorating!"
  92. "Actually I just got done setting up the Christmas tree. Want to help me decorate it?"
  94. Sayori nods and we both return to the living room where I hear Sayori gasp besides me.
  96. "Anon it looks great! You picked a good spot for the tree." she exclaims.
  98. "Told you it'd be a good spot. Now help me decorate it."
  100. Sayori and I spend the next while carefully decorating the tree, setting up the lights, putting ornaments in an organized fashion. Once I plugged the lights it the tree shined brightly, illuminating the whole room, as well as making Sayori's face illuminate as well. She stared at the tree in awe, you'd think it was her first time seeing a Christmas tree.
  102. "Hey, we're not done yet, we still need one more thing." I say, breaking her focus. Sayori looks at me confused. I point at the top of the tree to emphasize what I meant.
  104. "The star! We forgot the star!" she yells as she runs back into the kitchen, quickly returning with the box of remaining decorations and starts fishing inside. She pulls out the star and hands it to me.
  106. "Oh no I'm not putting it on, I want you to do it." I assure her.
  108. "Are you sure Anon? Putting on the star's the most important part."
  110. "And that's why I want you to do it Sayori. You should do it."
  112. Sayori gives me a soft smile and hugs me tightly for a second.
  114. "Thank you Anon." she whispers.
  116. I get a chair ready and Sayori quickly stands on top of the chair. She starts leaning foward to place the start but the chair rocks a bit, throwing her balance off. I quickly grab it and keep it still.
  118. "Don't worry, I got you."
  120. Sayori smiles and starts going back to placing it. After a bit of focus she places the star perfectly on the top of the tree. She takes a minute to take in the view.
  122. "It really looks great Anon. You did a great job setting it up."
  124. "Hey you helped too, and you put the most important part on. Credit goes to you too."
  126. We both share a laugh as Sayori hops down.
  128. "Well we still have a box left, so let's get to decorating, this time you can help me Anon!" She reaches in and grabs a view decorations and hands them to me.
  130. "Can do." I reply back.
  132. We spend the next few minutes decorating the living room, enjoy the Christmas music playing. Through our combined efforts we empty the box faster than we expected.
  134. "Alright we're almost done! There's just one more thing we have to set up." Sayori announces.
  136. "And what's that?"
  138. She reaches in and pulls out a small three leaved decoration.
  140. "A mistletoe!"
  142. We both let out a laugh but sure enough she hands me the mistletoe and we go to hang it on the door way to the living room.
  144. "And there we go. All done." I say I look back down at Sayori who's blushing.
  146. "What is it?"
  148. "Ehehe~. Anon, look." She points back up before playing with her fingers.
  150. "We're under the mistletoe. You know what that means~" She lets out a timid laugh.
  152. My face starts burning a bit at this realization that we are standing directly under the mistletoe. Did she plan this? It's too much to be a coincidence.
  154. "Well, uh. We are, so I guess we have to. I-if that's fine with you" I sputter out.
  156. Both of our faces start blushing more.
  158. "Of course it is dummy. Why do you think I pointed it out?" She laughed weakly.
  160. "Right, well."
  162. Sayori slowly starts leaning in, her eyes closed and her cheeks as red as her sweater. I quickly lean in and close my eyes once I got close enough, my head starting to spin. It felt like forever but I quickly feel Sayori's lips press against mine and we stay there for a few seconds, whether out of shock or enjoyment. We both quickly retract and let out a nervous laugh.
  164. "That wasn't so bad." I say.
  166. "Yeah, it was pretty nice. Ehehe" Sayori giggled. Despite her nervousness, she seems pretty happy that it happened. I can't say that I blame her, it was really nice.
  168. We both stare at each other smiling before our attention gets drawn to the change of song. Another slow paced romantic song came on the radio again. Sayori and I look at each other for a moment, as if we read each others minds. I raise my hand and gesture towards the living room.
  170. "How about you show me how to dance to these type of songs now?"
  172. Sayori smile beams as she grabs my hand and takes me to the open spot in the living room, spending the rest of the evening enjoying the Christmas spirit.
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