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Jun 22nd, 2017
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  1. I = interviewer
  2. S = Student
  3. I = Hello and welcome to another episode of "know your schools". Today we are talking to a student from The Waikato Institute of Technology's School of I.T. We are going to talk about some of the good and not so good things about being a student at Wintec and about his personal experience in his time as a student and plans for the future.
  4. First off I would like to thank you for taking time to come on the show.
  5. S - Not a problem
  6. I - How long have you been a student at Wintec
  7. S - 2 years now
  8. I - Have you spent both of those years in the school of I.T
  9. S - Yes, I started last year doing the National certificate in computers level 3 in semester one and went on to do the certificate in computing level 5. Which I unfortunately did not pass so I had to redo it this year.
  10. I - Out of all your classes so far which have you enjoyed the most and which classes have you not enjoyed.
  11. s - I have enjoyed most of my classes, probably with the exception of the theory classes and maths. I really enjoyed the programming class in NCC. But overall it's been pretty good.
  12. I - As for tutors have you found them helpful?
  13. S- All the tutors I have dealt with have been really helpful when I was stuck on something
  14. I - good to hear. Now I understand Wintec has quite a few services available for students such as Peer tutors. Have you had to use any of these services, if so did you find them helpful? and is there anything that could be improved on.
  15. S- Last year I used Student learning services to help me on a few classes and they were really good, It really helped to be able to get help from someone one on one. I haven't really had to use any of the other services so I don't know how good they are. One thing that I would like to see is more computers in the Hub, or an additional place for students to be able to use computers, even if it is a classroom that is open during lunch I think that would be a nice improvement.
  16. I - After this year do you plan on continuing to study at Wintec?
  17. S- Yea, I plan on doing my diploma in programming and maybe doing the degree after than but I still haven't made up my mind on whether or not I'm going to.
  18. I- and after you have finished studying what would you like to do for a job.
  19. S- Ideally I would like to work in game development or something similar. I might not get a job in that particular industry right away but it is what I would like to end up doing.
  20. I - Sounds like you got it all planned out. You said you wanted to work in game design, Were there any company's you would like to work for?
  21. S- Well I would love to work for Blizzard Entertainment as they make my favorite games, that would be the dream job but I would also like to work for a company like valve who makes games like Counter-Strike and Team fortress.
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