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Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. #declares variables
  2. acturalCost = 0
  3. #asks player for types of words for the mad lib
  4. print "Please type a place?"
  5. placeType= raw_input ("Please type a place?")
  6. print "Please type a noun?"
  7. nounType= raw_input ("Please type a noun?")
  8. print "Please type the name of someone you know?"
  9. personType= raw_input ("Please type the name of someone you know?")
  10. print "Please type a verb?"
  11. verbType= raw_input ("Please type a verb?")
  12. print "Please type an object?"
  13. objectType= raw_input ("Please type an object?")
  14. print "Please type an emotion?"
  15. emotionType= raw_input ("Please type an emotion?")
  16. print "Please type a food?"
  17. foodType = raw_input("Please type a food?")
  18. print "Please type a number",
  19. numberType = raw_input("Please type a number")
  20. #converts string number you put in into a int
  21. numberType = int(numberType)
  22. #chances the value of actualCost
  23. actualCost = numberType * numberType
  24. #converting the int of actualCost into a string
  25. actualCost = str(actualCost)
  26. #prints the mad lib with the words you put into the program
  27. print "You are going to " + placeType + ", don't forget to bring a " + nounType + "."
  28. print "When you get to the beach you see " + personType + "."
  29. print "You walk over and " + verbType + " "+ personType + "."
  30. print "After talking to " + personType + ", you walk away and see a " + objectType + "."
  31. print "You are very " + emotionType + " to see a " + objectType + "."
  32. print "While at the " + placeType + " you decide to buy a " + foodType + " it costs $" + actualCost + "."
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