
Movie Night (Comfy)

Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. >"LINCOLN" Shouted Lori as her brother walked through the front door
  2. >"What's wro-" Lincoln was hoisted by the collar of his shirt before he could finish his question
  3. >"BOBBY BROKE UP MITH ME!" Yelled Lori, mascara stained tears rolling down her cheek
  4. >"What, WHY?" exclaimed Lincoln
  5. >"You made Ronnie Anne CRY" Answered Lori "And YOU are gonna make it up to her"
  6. >"But she always bul-"
  7. >"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!" Interrupted Lori
  8. >"I'm inviting them BOTH over to watch a movie This Saturday" Explained Lori "you WILL be polite to Ronnie Anne, and you WILL make up with her"
  9. >"And if I refuse?" Asked Lincoln, sweat dripping from his forehead
  10. >"If you don't" Started Lori "I will LITERALLY make your life a living hell!"
  11. >"And that would be different, How?" Asked Lincoln sarcastically
  12. >"LINCOLN!" Shouted Lori, Tightening her grip
  13. >"OK, ok" Conceded Lincoln "I'll do it"
  14. >"Good" Replied Lori, letting her little brother down "I'll call bobby and make the date"
  15. >Lincoln Ran up to his room, and shut the door behind him
  16. >"*Sigh* What have I gotten myself into?" Mumbled Lincoln
  18. >Fast forward to Saturday
  19. >*Ding Dong*
  20. >"Coming" Said Lori, dragging Lincoln downstairs by the arm
  21. >Lori opened the door
  22. >"BOBBY!" Shouted Lori, Jumping into Bobby's arms
  23. >"Hey Babe" Said bobby "Your remember My sister, Right?" Said bobby, putting his hand on Ronnie Anne's Shoulder
  24. >"It's good to see you Ronnie" Said Lori in a sweet voice as she pushed Lincoln forward
  25. >"oh,uh....hey Ronnie" Said Lincoln uninterestedly
  26. >Lori shot Lincoln a look as they all went inside
  27. >"So Babe" Bobby started "What movie are we gonna watch tonight?"
  28. >"One of those new horror movies" Replied Lori Holding up the disk-box for "Tennessee Axe-blade genocide"
  29. >Lori shut the lights off and put in the disk
  31. >The movie was pretty boring at first, A woman gets lost in the woods, Finds a bunker
  32. >same boring stuff you see in most movies
  33. >Lori and bobby were Lying on the couch together, as Lincoln and Ronnie Anne sat on the floor
  34. >"So, how've you been Ronnie" Asked Lincoln, Trying to be Polite
  35. >"Meh" Muttered Ronnie, Trying to ignore Lincoln
  36. >Lincoln went back to watching the movie
  37. >About 20 minutes later, Things started to get good
  38. >The Murderer was Chasing the woman through the town, Chopping down everyone in his way
  39. >People screaming, body parts Flying everywhere.
  40. >Lincoln was enraptured by the display
  41. >"mmmm*sniff* mmmm"
  42. >"what was that" Thought Lincoln, as he watched the movie "Guess it was nothing"
  43. >The movie got quiet
  44. >A a young girl was walking through an alleyway
  45. >everyone's eyes were glued to the screen, Wondering what would happen next
  46. >Suddenly, The villain jumps out of the shadows and cuts the little girl's head off
  47. >"eep" a small voice cried
  48. >Lincoln looked around to find the source of the noise
  49. >Lincoln turned to his right to find Ronnie Anne shivering, Practically in tears
  50. >"Heh, Big bad bully's afraid of a movie, Not so tough now huh" thought Lincoln, a smug grin forming on his face
  51. >As he went back to watch the movie, he could hear Ronnie Anne's muffled whimpers
  52. >*sniff* *sob*
  53. >"Jeeze" thought Lincoln "She's not looking so good"
  54. >Lincoln put his hand on Ronnie Anne's, causing her a bit of shock
  55. >Ronnie Looked at Lincoln, tears streaming down her eyes, and moved a bit closer to him
  57. >Seeing her Calm down, Lincoln put his arm around her shoulder
  58. >"This isn't so bad" Thought Lincoln as he held the shivering girl
  59. >A loud screech erupted from the TV, Causing Ronnie Anne to panic
  60. >She grabbed Lincoln by the waist, Hugging him as hard as she could
  61. >Lincoln Reciprocated, hugging her around the shoulders and patting her on the head
  62. >Ronnie Anne's shivering Finally stopped, The two weren't even paying attention to the movie anymore
  63. >Lori looked down at the two, wondering what was going on
  64. >She poked Bobby on the shoulder and pointed down
  65. >There they saw Lincoln and Ronnie Anne Hugging each other, each one not wanting to let the other go
  66. >At the sight of this, Lori hugged Bobby, Giddy with excitement
  67. >The two of them just stared at the new young lovers, Lying there, just enjoying each-other's company
  68. >None of them remember how the movie ended, and Frankly, Nobody even cared.
  70. END
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