
The First of Many Training Arcs! (Asim)

Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. [10:13] Boredom.
  3. It struck once more-- there was nothing to do, nothing of interest going on other than Myrtle's usual antics of... being strange, though upon hearing the one-armed man's question, Vargas turned to face him.
  5. Hmm... a potential training partner.
  7. "Doin' alright... just bored.
  9. I'm looking for a spar-- would you be up for it?" He asked. Training could only do so much, one needed real combat experience to take things to the next level.
  10. (Vargas Beoulve)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [10:13] Myrtle rolls around on the ground, playfully chewing the jerky in blissful unawareness.
  14. (Myrtle)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [10:16] The man shrugged while watching Myrtle feast upon the massive amount of floor jerky. His yellow hues make their way to Vargas. "I don't see why not. I need to relearn how to fight anyway..." He makes a thin suggestion about the lack of his arm. It must've been recent if he doesn't know how to fight without both arms.
  19. He walks up to the lad. "Lead the way to a good spot. I'm not really familiar around here."
  20. (Asim)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [10:17] Vargas Beoulve says, "There aren't really any 'good spots' nearby, but I'll try."
  24. [10:18] Vargas Beoulve says, "This'll have to do."
  25. [10:18] Asim says, "I suppose so."
  26. [10:22] Before long, the two arrived at well... what wasn't necessarily a good spot, but had a decent enough space. It was the same area he sparred against Myrtle, and Kris.
  28. He was of course unsure of his opponent's abilities, but considering the man only had one arm, Vargas assumed this wouldn't be too difficult a battle.
  30. "Let's see what you've got!" He'd chirp, prior to entering a combative stance and encompassing his form with violet flames.
  31. (Vargas Beoulve)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. [10:24] A hand moves over to the area lacking an arm. A light sigh is let out. He will make the Parsi pay for the suffering he has been given. Training is the first step to besting them. The gap was close back then. Now he surely must've closed the gap in some regard.
  36. The man draws his blade, and takes a common stance. He seems slightly unbalanced from the missing counterweight that his arm provided. "I have a question before we start... Are you friends with that large kid? I think you were defending him when my friends and I were being all to rude with the lad. I would like to apologize on my behalf. It was uncalled for." He asks the question then continues to apologize as if he knew what the answer was. Really he was just guessing.
  38. A then blue aura covers him before shards of crystal form around his body. They jet out and start to fly around him in a slow manner.
  40. "Yup, may the best man win!"
  41. (Asim)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [10:32] Strangely enough it seems that his lack of an arm has sped up his movements. This is what he expected but it caused him to move quite awkwardly. No doubt his movements made it hard for his opponent as well. Giving him a weird but useful advantage.
  46. The quick dance around the sparring grounds ended with a short break. After a effective set of spells and strikes. The boy he had been training with had been knocked back from the older man. The age difference really has put a damper on the longevity of the fight.
  48. The one armed nomad prepares himself for another round. A thin spread of blue mana covers the field in front of him. Perhaps he had laid a trap? Or he is planning some sort of attack. Whatever it is, clearly it was a test. It wasn't honed in the slightest.
  50. "Good stuff! Lets continue." He says.
  51. (Asim)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [10:34] That large kid.
  56. He could only surmise that Asim was talking about Kalm. A sigh was heaved, prior to the boy nodding. "That's probably my brother that you're talking about." A frown became apparent over the youth's features. A lot of people had been accepting of his brother, though there were of course those who'd bully him.
  58. It was something that he hated, but at least this guy apologized.
  60. With that out of the way, Vargas prepared himself to fight and as things kicked off, it appeared that lacking an arm didn't hinder his opponent as much as initially expected.
  62. Either that, or Vargas was still weak-- maybe it was just both? The blonde Beoulve boy attempted to maneuver around the field and dodge his opponent, but Asim was faster. Things weren't looking well for Vargas thus far, though the fight was far from over.
  64. He grew curious however... just what was that blue mana that was spread out? He'd proceed, but with caution.
  66. (Vargas Beoulve)
  67. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. [10:43] The tell that his new spell was apparent. Once they rushed at each other again he had spawned a large amount of crystals in front of himself. This drained his mana quickly slowing his movements for the rest of the spar. He hadn't trained his ability to spawn and sustain such an amount of crystals.
  71. With that being said not long after the boy dodged his attack the crystals broke into many pieces before fading. He needs to train this further but he is close to being able to use such a spell. Perhaps if he can master this spell he will be able to sustain his magic longer!
  73. They danced around the field much like before. It was much closer this time. As the man tried to end it as fast as he could. The missing mana had caused more issues for him than he could've imagined. This made him face tank most everything this young Plasma magi threw at him.
  75. If it wasn't for the lessened durability the kid had from his age, he would've lost. That was clear.
  77. A small crystal from the ones around him is shot out at the kid. It ended the fight as lackluster as it seems. A glancing blow caused the boy to fall to one knee. Not long after the man did too.
  79. "Good spar! Doing this should help me get use to fighting again in no time!" He says while taking a stand one more.
  80. (Asim)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [10:46] To no one's surprise, Vargas was outclassed in every way. Speed, power, and experience-- Asim held it all within their bout. As the nomad moved, Vargas found himself unable to keep up.
  85. At this point, his goal shifted from winning, to simply attempting to last for as long as he could in their fight. Both arms rose in an attempt to guard against incoming strikes.
  87. Taking note of a wall of blue crystals which began to form, he'd leap backwards, dodging it as well as returning with a great deal of his own strikes. It was the perfect chance as it seemed Asim's mana was dwindling.
  89. But ultimately, he was struck by a swift blow, causing him to fall with heavy breaths.
  91. "Yeah... you're stronger than you look.", he'd state, prior to coming to a stand once more.
  92. (Vargas Beoulve)
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. [10:49] A tired nod comes from the man. "I'm glad I still have some strength after all that has happened. I still need to better myself." Vargas can feel a sense of hatred from the man. It wasn't directed at the him, but the last bit of his sentence held a tad bit of weight in the mans voice.
  97. "Your quite strong yourself... Why do you aim to gain power?" He asks to further understand the man he had just sparred.
  98. (Asim)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [10:54] After all that happened.
  103. Hearing those words caused Vargas' gaze to fix onto the man's missing arm. He began to wonder just what did happen in the first place, especially with that strange feeling of hatred emanating from Asim's form.
  105. With praise, the boy would smile, lips curling at the edges. "Eihehe… thanks, I try." He'd state, raising a hand to scratch the back of his head causing blonde locks to ruffle. That smile would soon fade with the man's question as a serious glare was given to the nomad.
  107. "I want to make sure that I never lose a family member again." It was stated rather coldly. No matter how many years had passed, the pain of losing a loved one would never be forgotten.
  109. "I want to protect both of my brothers."
  110. (Vargas Beoulve)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [11:00] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  114. [11:00] Even with the depressing response he had received, he gave him a soft smile. He seemed glad that his gaining of power held meaning rather than just because he liked fighting. It was a good cause he was aiming to do. Something that the nomad seemed to understand ever so slightly. Just the man wish he was able to understand better.
  116. "I'm sorry you had to go through that..." At such a young age no doubt whatever might've happened could've been traumatic for him. A drive that many in Orsona don't have. They only hold bloodlust and envy towards those who do hold any type of opinion.
  118. "I hope you can get strong enough to stay true to your goals." He nods after his smile faded back into a sorta blank expression. This training will help the both of them. The man stands there to see if the kid has any other plans. Since he was the one that approached him for the spar.
  119. (Asim)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. [11:04] While the dream of becoming strong enough to protect his brothers felt like just that-- a dream, Vargas was making strides in growing stronger. He could feel it, even if he didn't win many battles, that he at least improved with each loss and learned.
  124. "It's fine..." It really wasn't, though he didn't care for anyone's concern. The Beoulve planned to take matters into his own hands when the time was right. A few stretches were given, mainly of the arms and legs.
  126. "I plan to." He knew that he'd become stronger, and that he'd make his words a reality, but that was aside from the point. For now, Vargas simply played the role of an innocent kid who worked hard to become stronger.
  128. "Do you want to keep going-- with the sparring, I mean?"
  129. (Vargas Beoulve)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. [11:05] The man readies himself for another round. The more he trains back to back the better. "Yea we can continue." Those words are followed with a nod.
  133. (Asim)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [11:23] Krís walked out of the village while stretching, yawning and rubbing their eyes.
  137. (Krís)
  138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. [11:28] Another large sets of spars were followed. Some were harder fought than others. The both of them were trying their best to beat the other. The kid was at a disadvantage due to age but his skills were really good. The nomad didn't lose any of the fights overall but he was still struggling to win them all.
  142. After a few swift blows the current spar came to the end. The man lets out a sigh and looks over to Kris, giving her a wave. "Sup."
  143. (Asim)
  144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. [11:31] The following spars went just as the first did-- Asim was strong, much out of the Beoulve's league, though with each loss he felt as though he was learning.
  148. Finally, as their sparring concluded he'd sit down right in the middle of the dirt, taking a breather.
  150. "Thanks for that, I feel like I learned a lot." A wave was given to Kris as well as they arrived.
  151. (Vargas Beoulve)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [11:34] She walked up waving to them both, blinking hard to wake their eyes up. To her amazement, Asim was actually training! This would go well in the end run for them both. A bit of courage added to events to come in the future.
  156. "Hey you two. Not killing each other I hope?" She jested and giggled.
  157. (Krís)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [11:35] Asim looks back to Vargas. "Thank you as well for the practice. It was quite enlightening for how to better use my magicks. I'm Asim by the way, nice to meet you!" He says quickly since they have been just sparring each other.
  162. Yellow hues turn back to Kris. "Yea, not yet."
  163. (Asim)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [11:35] "We were just doing some sparring. Your friend here is pretty strong for only having one arm!"
  168. A little too strong, actually, but it served as inspiration for him to further his growth.
  170. "Do you want to do some sparring too?" He asked, facing Kris.
  171. (Vargas Beoulve)
  172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. [11:36] Vargas Beoulve says, "I'm Vargas-- it's nice to meet you too."
  175. [11:37] Krís says, "I'll fight whomever wants to practice. I'm Kris...I think I remember telling you my name but I just woke up so-"
  176. [11:37] Asim asks, "We both need training... so should we flip a coin?"
  177. [11:39] Vargas Beoulve says, "Well, you can go first."
  178. [11:39] Asim says, "Oh, alright."
  179. [11:39] Asim looks at Kris... time to fight the living wall again.
  180. (Asim)
  181. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. [11:44] Kris hopped to her side of the field and held their hand high. Mana scattered out from her hand and rested and random points in the area. Metal armaments; Knives, swords, polearms, you name it. All were pointed into the field.
  185. "I picked up a few tricks myself."
  187. Around her figure came to fruition armaments of the same style and hovered there. In her hand now, she would grasp a spear. Likely her favored weapon for now; and when she did so, bits of metal attached to her frame in defense.
  189. "Let's see what you can still do with one arm."
  190. (Krís)
  191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. [11:46] He was ready for combat from the last spar he had. This might prove to be difficult. Lets see if he can manage to overcome his friends power. Her metal will be really tricky. He won't be able to rush at her at all times like he did with Vargas. A lot of tactics will have to be thought out.
  195. "Yea, lets see."
  196. (Asim)
  197. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. [11:54] Kris's tactics would work quite well. After all, Asim had to get close in order to do any of their attacks. The only issue now was dealing with how strong he had really gotten. The gap in power they once had was nearly gone.
  201. "Keep an eye around you!" She shouted as a hammer manifested and swept their feet out beneath them.
  203. "Ha! You fell for it!" They then boldly exclaimed.
  205. Now that Asim was off balance and staggered, Kris summoned chains from the sky above that latched onto their friend and held them there momentarily. Then she would jump up and simply gut punch him like she always does playfully.
  206. (Krís)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [11:58] Rain Multhunder says, "<I wonder how many Swuisarme's each of them are worth now.>"
  210. [11:58] His already uneasy footing from the lack of one arm was an issue. However the constant chains and movements of the dancer had him move in stranger ways. He didn't understand how to fully handle her at the moment but he is getting close and closer to beating them. He need to get stronger faster if he plans to best the Parsi.
  212. For now he simply got side tracked and fell into the trap she had laid for him. He looked at the ground once she spoke about it. "Fuck..." As he was lifted into the air and punched him in his gut.
  214. Once he fell back and landed on the ground he stands up dusting himself off. "Again!" It seems his pride is getting the better of him again.
  215. (Asim)
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