
[AiE] Rarity's drama filled affection

Jun 27th, 2015
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  1. >"Oh... You want to be more that just friends?"
  2. >"Oh dear... Umm... Ughhh..."
  3. "Yeah..."
  4. >"I-Anon-I-"
  5. "You think I have a chance?"
  6. >"I mean- uhhh-"
  7. "I really think there's something there."
  8. >"Anon, please-"
  9. "We've spent so much time together, I want to try."
  10. >"I think you should-"
  11. "I'm gonna go for it. Thanks Rarity, I gotta find Fluttershy!"
  12. >"... Y-You're welcome."
  15. >"Anon, you didn't let me..."
  16. "Yes?"
  17. >She turns away from you covering her face
  18. >"No... nevermind, do what makes you happy..."
  19. "Alright, I'll head over to see her right now! You're such a good friend Rarity!"
  20. >"Yes.. friend, right... of course..."
  23. >"Oh, Anon, what are you doing out this evening?"
  24. "Well, waiting for Fluttershy. We're going out to dinner."
  25. >"I see..."
  26. "Yeah, I don't know if she sees this as a date or not though.. I'm really nervous."
  27. >"W-Well, if you need any help... I'M here for you."
  28. "Heh, thanks, Rarity. What would I do without you?"
  29. >"I ask myself that same question, Anon..."
  32. >"Anon... can I ask you something?"
  33. "Yeah, what?"
  34. >"Well, it's about you, and I..."
  35. "Oh shit! I'm sorry Rarity, I got to go running off now, I wanted to see Fluttershy early. This can wait right?"
  36. >"Yes... it can."
  37. "Awesome. You're the best. I'll see you later!"
  38. >"...I love you"
  39. "Sorry, did you say something? I wasn't paying attention."
  40. >"No... nothing."
  43. "Whoo."
  44. >"Anon?"
  45. "Rarity!"
  46. >"OOF! A-Anon!"
  47. "Ahh! I feel great!"
  48. >"... The date went well?"
  49. "Mhmm! We're going out again tomorrow."
  50. >"Ohh..."
  51. "I need a new suit, one good for an outside environment."
  52. >"Oh?..."
  53. "Yeah, we're going to have a little walk to see some waterfalls. She's making us dinner."
  54. >"Hmm..."
  55. "I know it's last minute, but you're the only one I trust like this."
  56. >"... You do? I am?..."
  57. "Yeah. Hell, you're the only one who knows my body, even I don't know it as well as you do!"
  58. >"... I'll get to work right away
  59. "Thanks! C'mere!"
  60. >"... Hmm..."
  63. >"Well anon... I finished it for you... I hope it's good..."
  64. "Aw, thanks so much!"
  65. >"Anon... can I ask you something?"
  66. "Yeah sure."
  67. >"If... if there's something you want... but you can't have because someone else has it... what would you do?
  68. "Eh, just let it go."
  69. >"What if that's not an option?"
  70. "I bet it is! Whatever it is can totally be replaced."
  71. >"No... it can't."
  74. >"Anon?! Anon?!"
  75. "Haaa, Rarity? What are you doing?"
  76. >"ANON! Where were you?! I-I was worried- you weren't here-"
  77. "Fluttershy and I spent longer out than I thought we would. We really clicked. Heh, you were right, we really are close friends. It was like we didn't even need to go through the starting stuff. Went straight to the stuff that matters... It's-she's amazing."
  78. >"Ah-h-haaa?"
  79. "Rarity?"
  80. >"I-I-"
  81. "Are you okay?"
  82. >"Ghk, m-mhmm. J-Just a cold. Snff. I have to go!"
  83. "Oh, get better soon!"
  86. "Hey, Rarity?"
  87. >"Anon?..."
  88. "I-Uhh, I need to talk with you about something kinda private."
  89. >"Anything..."
  90. "Well, Fluttershy and I are about to have our third date."
  91. >"..."
  92. "On Earth, um, this is embarrassing. Well, on Earth, that's about the time a man 'propositions' the woman."
  93. >"Propositions?"
  94. "Um, yeah, you know... M-Make love? Sex?"
  95. >"... O-Oh."
  96. "Anyway, I don't know a mare's body as well as I do a woman's, I was wondering if you could help?"
  97. >"Making love, then? ... You could practice with me, perhaps?"
  98. "Ha, Rarity, come on! Don't even joke. You're like family to me. You matter."
  99. >"Ow..."
  100. "Ow?"
  101. >"No, I said, oh, Anon... It-I... I just... Th-Thank you. I'm glad I.. Matter, to you."
  102. "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to embarrass you."
  103. >"No no, you did not... Anon, if you truly want to make love. Look her in the eyes. You'll see fear, but longing. She'll gaze into them, like this."
  104. "I see..."
  105. >"Yes, you should lead in with a kiss. A deep, passionate, loving embrace."
  106. "Heh, human woman are the same way then."
  107. >"Lay her down, make her feel safe, loved. She'll lead you to what she wants."
  108. "Oh, so listen to her?"
  109. >"Yes! Listen well. Especially when she says.. I love you."
  110. "Whoa, Rarity. It's a bit soon to be saying that?"
  111. >"H-Huh?"
  112. "It's only the third date. I mean, it's making love, but... being IN love? I-whoo, I want to be, but Fluttershy and I just started dating."
  113. >"... H-Heh, I guess it would be foolish for her to say SHE loves you after so few dates."
  114. "I mean, she might, we have been friends a long while."
  115. >"So long..."
  116. "... You think she loves me?"
  117. >"Anon, you are an amazing being. Any more would be so lucky to love you, even more so to have your love."
  118. "... Rarity... I- are you... Do you, like me?"
  119. >"... H-Heh, don't be silly!"
  120. "Oh-OH! Oh geez."
  121. >"Anon! I don't!"
  122. "Oh, whoa, I am so sorry!"
  123. >"Wait, it's just a misunderstanding!"
  124. "And I said all those things- told you a this!"
  125. >"Anon, please, stop!"
  126. "I'm sorry! I should go!"
  127. >"ANON! ... Why?..."
  131. "H-Heeey, Rarity."
  132. >"Anon! You-You came back!"
  133. "Yeah, I talked with Fluttershy."
  134. >"..."
  135. "I had to. She had a right to know."
  136. >"Oh Celestia... A-Ah..."
  137. "Rarity, please don't cry."
  138. >"I'm sorry. I must have- I'm-"
  139. "Shh..."
  140. >"..."
  141. "We talked. She wanted to break up."
  142. >"What?..."
  143. "Yeah. She wanted me to date you instead. Said you'd make me happier. Spent a good twenty minutes calming her down."
  144. >"..."
  145. "Had to convince her I wanted HER... Not you."
  146. >"Why-Why not me?... Why Fluttershy?"
  147. "I don't know. If I could explain it, I would, you deserve it."
  148. >"... She is so lucky."
  149. "So am I. To have her and you. Two amazing mares in my life."
  150. >"... Anonymous."
  151. "Yeah, Rari-Mmph!"
  152. >"Mm..."
  153. "Nn! Ra-Rarity! Stop!"
  154. >"A-Anon?..."
  155. "What was that?!"
  156. >"You-You said two amazing mares! I assumed-"
  157. "No! I meant- I mean, I didn't try to imy that-that I- oh god."
  158. >"Oh no, Anon! I'm so sorry!"
  159. "Don't. Please, don't. I-I need to go. I need to get my head together."
  160. >"Anon! ... I love you..."
  161. "... I'll see you soon."
  162. >"... Stupid, stupid, stupid mare!"
  165. "Rarity?"
  166. >"..."
  167. "Hello?"
  168. >"..."
  169. "Rari-... No... no no."
  170. >"..."
  171. "R-Rarity?"
  172. >"Nnn..."
  173. "Just sleeping, good..."
  174. >"..."
  175. "Agh. I-fuck. I probably won't be able to say this as easy while you're awake, so I'm REALLY hoping you're awake right now."
  176. >"..."
  177. "I'm sorry. Not for liking Fluttershy or for NOT liking you the same way, but for hurting you. You're my oldest friend here, one of my best."
  178. >"..."
  179. "I guess I was clinging to that so hard I didn't notice any of the hints. Looking back, there were a LOT... not helping."
  180. >"..."
  181. "... I should have come by sooner, but I needed to patch things up with Fluttershy. Again. After the kiss, she pushed harder. Heh, that girl loves you more than she loves herself. Not that there isn't plenty to love."
  182. >"..."
  183. "You're beautiful, you're sweet, you're loyal to a fault. Any guy'd be lucky to have you. I'm just not interested in that way. Mostly don't want to lose what we have. If something happens with Fluttershy, we won't ever be able to go back to the way we were. I CAN'T have that happen with you. I need you in my life."
  184. >"..."
  185. "Still asleep? Good. Also, I'm not blind. You have a lot of faults too. You can be very selfish, at least when it comes to Spike or ponies you don't know that well. You get really attached very fast. I still remember how many stallions you dated before we became friends... And then you suddenly stopped... fuck, I'm blind."
  186. >"..."
  187. "I see Fluttershy's faults too. She's a door mat, but that doesn't stop her from caring about others. Gives up a lot of her own time, is barely learning to stand up for herself, and she doesn't know how to talk to guys. Thank god we were friends or our first date might've been a disaster."
  188. >"..."
  189. "Agh... anyway, I came here to say I don't want to lose you, and I do love you... just not in the same way you love me. I'm also not giving up what I have with Fluttershy."
  190. >"..."
  191. "... also, I know touching still shocks you and that you're breathing changes when you're awake."
  192. >"WAH!"
  193. "Hi there."
  194. >"O-Oh, Anon, what are you doing here so late?"
  195. "Finally got the balls to talk to you.:
  196. >"I see... Well, what about?"
  197. "So you were asleep?"
  198. >"Yes, quite deep."
  199. "Heh. Nothing, just wanted to say I don't want to lose a great friend."
  200. >"... Neither do I, Anon. I-I'm sorry for what I did-!"
  201. "Shhh, silly pony. It's fine. Hell, I've done similar things. Regretted it afterwards. I know what you're going through."
  202. >"O-Oh. Well, I do."
  203. "I know. Because we're friends. Which is why I'm letting it slide like water off a duck's back."
  204. >"Pardon?"
  205. "Sorry, Applejack said that a few times and- yeah... So, still close?"
  206. >"Please."
  207. "Still close."
  208. >"... Anon?"
  209. "Hmm?"
  210. >"If things were different... If I had confessed before you took an interest in Fluttershy, would I- would WE have had a chance?"
  211. "... Honestly?"
  212. >"Always."
  213. "... I don't know. I never saw you that way, so I never thought about it. Then again, I DON'T know you romantically, so I can't say no... Hmm."
  214. >"This isn't helping, you know..."
  215. "The best I can say is we would have had a chance. the same chance Fluttershy and I have. how far we would have gotten with it, well, who knows? One date and we could have found out we can't work."
  216. >"I doubt it..."
  217. "Five months and we don't feel a long term spark."
  218. >"O-Ow..."
  219. "Seven years and going strong."
  220. >"... Hmm?"
  221. "Hell, maybe even marriage and kids."
  222. >"I-ponies can't-"
  223. "Joking, joking... Listen, what I'm trying to say is that I don't know. We could have been a quick flame, we could have gone the long run. Nothing is set in stone, love isn't a 'one and only' type deal."
  224. >"So, I could have, and forgive my phrasing, your Fluttershy?"
  225. "Yeah... Maybe."
  226. >"..."
  227. "But you're not. You're my Rarity, and I wouldn't trade what we have."
  228. >"Anon..."
  229. "I have to get going, like you said, it's late."
  230. >"I see..."
  231. "We'll talk more later, right?"
  232. >"Yes, please."
  233. "Night Rarity."
  234. >"Good night Anon... I will see you soon."
  237. "Rarity!"
  238. >"Anon, you're right on time."
  239. "Really? Thought I'd be late."
  240. >"A few minutes is nothing."
  241. "Ah, thanks."
  242. >"So, how are things with Fluttershy?"
  243. "They're good."
  244. >"Only good?"
  245. "I mean... well, things are still a little touchy, she's still acting meeker than usual ever since she found out other mares are interested in me."
  246. >"Oh dear..."
  247. "Don't. It's not just you. Ever since it came out we're dating, some mares have been more... open to the idea of dating a human."
  248. >"... Like who?"
  249. "Know that mare who works down at Gleaming and Gold?"
  250. >"No."
  251. "Yeah, I thought Fluttershy was going to cry... i mean, I always think that, but only because I know how to heart she takes things."
  252. >"She is a bleeding heart."
  253. "The world needs more of them."
  254. >"I didn't mean- I-"
  255. "It's fine, sorry. Just ticked."
  256. >"Speaking of, where is Fluttershy?"
  257. "She got a letter from her dad. Apparently something happening in the family and he wanted her to go see him."
  258. >"And she just left?"
  259. "Yeah, her dad's ex-military or something."
  260. >"Military? You mean a retired guard?"
  261. "I don't even know. She doesn't talk about him."
  262. >"I see... well, if you're ever feeling alone, I can always make time."
  263. "... I hope you mean alone like lonely, not-"
  264. >"No!"
  265. "Sorry, sorry..."
  266. >"... well, I didn't exactly scream understanding the last time things weren't one hundred percent clear."
  267. "Yeah... but, yeah, I'll probably take you up on that. It'll be nice just hanging out again."
  268. >"Indeed. Things have been quiet for me."
  269. "Eh, gimme a couple hours."
  270. >"Hmm, gladly."
  273. >As you tidy up, you head a knock.
  274. >A higher than a pony can reach, knock.
  275. >"Rarity? Helloooo?"
  276. >With a small smile, you head toward the door and open it up, grabbing the handle with your magic.
  277. >Anon is standing behind it with a pink box under one of his hands.
  278. "Anon, do come in."
  279. >You move to the side and he enters.
  280. >He chuckles, heading towards your kitchen.
  281. >"Hope you don't mind, I brought those weird tangy tarts you like."
  282. >You are about to let your heart flutter when you shake it off.
  283. >He's doing this as a friend.
  284. >Yes, he did this before, and he didn't have feelings for you then, as he does not now.
  285. >... You went too far in grounding yourself.
  286. >Entering the kitchen, he opens the box and pulls out a cannoli.
  287. >You raise an eyebrow.
  288. "I thought you said they were tarts."
  289. >He shrugs, swallowing.
  290. >"They're in there."
  291. >As you are about to speak, a yell from the second floor interrupts you.
  293. >With a sigh, you step out of the kitchen.
  294. "Sweetie Belle, there is now need to yell."
  295. >Your advice is immediately ignored.
  296. >"WHAT?!"
  297. >You are about to say again when Anon steps next to you, raising a finger.
  298. >Stepping back, he raises a hand to form a cup over his mouth.
  300. >There is a squeal followed by quick hoofsteps.
  301. >Your sister lunges at Anon, grappling his leg.
  302. >"Anon!"
  303. >He chuckles, rubbing her head.
  304. >"Hey lil puff, long time no see?"
  305. >She just smiles up at him, having not seen him even longer than you had not.
  306. >"What're you doing here?"
  307. >Anon, chuckles, walking with your sister still grappling his leg.
  308. >"I could ask you the same thing. I'm here to hang out with your sister. You?"
  309. >Sweetie Belle lets go of Anon's foot when she sees the box.
  310. >Running over, she hops up on a chair and looks inside, speaking as she searches.
  311. >"Mom and dad dropped me off for the weekend. Ooh! Yes."
  312. >Sweetie Belle grabs a fluffy sugar coated bread.
  313. >As she is about to bite, you click your tongue
  314. "Ah ah ah! What do we ask?"
  315. >She groans.
  316. >"Rarity, I'm old enough that I shouldn't need to ask for a snack."
  317. >You look to Anon.
  318. "No, but you do need to ask before pilfering someone's pastries."
  319. >Her eyes widen a bit at her realization, immediately looking to Anon.
  320. >"Oh, sorry! May I please have one of your breads?"
  321. >He nods.
  322. >"Go ahead."
  323. >With that, Sweetie Belle takes a bite.
  324. >Holding the pasty with her mouth as she walks over, opening the fridge with her magic, reaching for the milk.
  325. >With a soft sigh, you head towards the box yourself.
  326. >"So, on watch duty?"
  327. >Looking through the box, you spot a passion fruit tasty treat and claim it with your magic.
  328. "Yes, but it's no bother. Sweetie Belle is a young mare, she knows how to behave herself."
  329. >You say as she gulps a cup of milk.
  330. >How...crude.
  331. >She lets off a relaxing sigh.
  332. >"Mmm! So sweet!"
  333. >Taking a bite of your treat, you turn to see Anon more than half done with his own.
  334. >You know it is because he is larger and take bigger bites, but it still baffles you.
  335. "I hope you don't mind."
  336. >He chuckles.
  337. >"Nah, I missed lil puff."
  338. >Sweetie Belle's smile practically gleams.
  339. >With a small smile of your own, you look to Anon.
  340. "Still, this will limit what we can do."
  341. >He shrugs.
  342. >"Not really. We could hang out here, head to the park, maybe catch a movie."
  343. >Sweetie Belle gasps.
  344. >"Ooh! Ooh! The cow that jumped over the moon! Can we see that?"
  345. >Anon looks quite shocked to hear that.
  346. >"Wait, what?"
  347. >Sweetie Belle nods.
  348. >"Uh huh! It's a magic-fiction movie where this cow has to get to the dark side of the moon to stop-"
  349. >Anon sighs then chuckles.
  350. >"Oh, okay then, never mind. On Earth- heh, never mind. Sure, yeah, if your sister wants."
  351. >You give a reserved look.
  352. >True Sweetie Belle does wish to see it, but... it's a children's film.
  353. >Your sister gives you a pleading look as Anon rubs his chin.
  354. >"It could be my treat."
  355. >Blinking, you take a very soft breath.
  356. "Well... all right then."
  357. >You feel you will regret this...
  360. >You immediately regretted your decision.
  361. >It did not have to do with all the children's screams in the theater.
  362. >It did not have to do with the fact the movie was an absolute bore.
  363. >It did not even have to do with the sticky floors, which you've washed your hooves three times and can STILL feel.
  364. >No, it had to do with your stupid stupid thoughts!
  365. >During the entire film, you could not get over how close you two were.
  366. >Physically.
  367. >You know his feelings remain the same, loyal to your dear friend Fluttershy, but the physical distance made it so much harder to cope.
  368. >The lines were tight, so you were all but touching him.
  369. >You all took the end seats, with Anon being the only one next to you.
  370. >The scent of his cologne, more than likely only put on from one of his dates with Fluttershy, still hung to him.
  371. >All the while you could not help but remind yourself why you 'fell' for him.
  372. >Sweet, patient, more than willing to offer a hand.
  373. >Even to some little colt throwing a tantrum!
  374. >The foal spilled his candy and his parents refused to buy him more, which they were justified in.
  375. >That damnable man bought him a small box.
  376. >His parents were quite heated, but still.
  377. >You would not have done that, you even agree with the parent's actions, why does Anon going against what you felt was justified feel right?!
  378. >Maybe that's why he has eyes for Fluttershy instead of you...
  379. >"Rarity?"
  380. >Stirred from your thoughts, you look to the voice.
  381. >You see Anon sitting just outside a playground, Sweetie Belle within it, playing with the other foals.
  382. >Well, less playing with so much as trying to show off.
  383. >Anon tosses his head, calling you over.
  384. >As you walk, you try to toss your previous thoughts aside.
  385. "Yes?"
  386. >He looks to your sister.
  387. >"Are you going to be all right?"
  388. >You feel yourself tense a bit.
  389. "Of course, I'm fine, why do you ask?"
  390. >He chuckles.
  391. >"I meant with Sweetie Belle. Watching her."
  392. >You sigh, relaxing.
  393. "Oh, that's what you meant. Yes, of course I will. It's not my first time watching her for my parents."
  394. >He nods, still watching her.
  395. >"Right, forgot about that. Sorry, just felt I should ask in case you needed some help or a breather."
  396. >He looks to you.
  397. >"I know she does bug you from time to time, it's kinda obvious."
  398. >You shrink back a bit.
  399. >"C'mon. It's not terrible to have a limit on how much you can stand your siblings."
  400. >He smiles, turning back to the playground.
  401. >"If you need a break, I can watch her sometime for you."
  402. >You feel a smile form on your own lips as well, turning to your sister, sitting next to Anon.
  403. "That's very sweet of you. If I need it, I will take you up on the offer."
  404. >He sighs, leaning back.
  405. >You can feel his arms by you.
  406. >Or perhaps it is just your imagination.
  407. >Either way... this feels nice.
  408. >In the friends only way.
  409. >You NEED to remind yourself of that.
  410. >As sad as it may be, you need to.
  413. >Having put Sweetie Belle to bed, you and Anon break out the more adult oriented entertainment.
  414. "A '33 bottle of Canterlot Reserve. A gift from a well off client of mine."
  415. >You hand it to Anon, who uses the corkscrew to free the refined scent.
  416. >"Whoa, that's heavy."
  417. >He pushes it away before pulling it back, taking a whiff.
  418. >"Hmm."
  419. >You bring two glasses over.
  420. >Anon fills them both midway.
  421. >Using your magic to lift your glass, you give it a soft swirl before taking a sip.
  422. >Anon does as well, but with his hands.
  423. >"So, what's the occasion.?"
  424. >You shake your head.
  425. "No occasion. Just felt like finally breaking it out. Spoil myself, so to speak."
  426. >He chuckles.
  427. >"Well, lucky me. I just happened to be around for it."
  428. >He takes another sip, humming as he leans back.
  429. >"Wow, strong, even by my standards."
  430. >You giggle, letting the flavor from your first sip hold.
  431. "Patience, Anon. You can't rush everything."
  432. >He chuckles, looking away.
  433. >"Yeah, no kidding."
  434. >You give him a concerned look.
  435. "Is something the matter?"
  436. >He scoffs, looking to you.
  437. >"Fluttershy... I love the mare, but it's just..."
  438. >He sighs, looking down.
  439. >"We still haven't done it."
  440. >Feeling your expression soften, you clear your throat.
  441. "It?"
  442. >He looks to you, a spark in his eyes.
  443. >"Sex. I want her. She's mine, isn't she?"
  444. >You feel a little frightened.
  445. "Yes, I mean, I would assume so."
  446. >He shakes his head.
  447. >"She said she doesn't want it. She still thinks she isn't good enough for me, at least that's what she says."
  448. >You blink, looking away, taking another sip of your glass.
  449. "Well... if she feels that way, maybe you should find someone else?"
  450. >He chuckles.
  451. >"Who would you suggest?"
  452. >Blushing, you take a larger sip.
  453. "I was serious with my offer to practice with you. I never did retract that offer, did I?"
  454. >Rarity, you foolish mare, what are you doing?
  455. >Anon is silent, looking to his glass.
  456. "I'm sorry..."
  457. >He takes another sip.
  458. >"Don't be. If I get some more of this in me, heh, I might just take you up on that offer."
  459. >You pause for a moment before grabbing the bottle with your magic, gently bringing it over and filling Anon's cup.
  460. >He looks to you and raises an eyebrow.
  461. >"Oh. You're serious right now?"
  462. >You giggle. shaking your head.
  463. "I'm just playing... but who knows? Maybe you'll be the one playing with me in a bit?"
  464. >His eyes widen a little as he takes a much larger drink.
  465. >"Maybe I will."
  466. >You join him.
  467. >It's just harmless flirting right now.
  468. >So long as nothing comes from it, you two will be fine.
  471. >Squealing, Anon kicks your door open, his hand grabbing and smacking your bottom.
  472. >He tosses you onto the bed, making you squeal once more.
  473. >Both of your faces are flushed red.
  474. >You can use that as an excuse.
  475. >Anon works on getting his shirt off.
  476. >About time too, that damnable man is always such a tease with his clothes.
  477. >Hiding such foreign features...
  478. >Licking your lips, you help him with his belt.
  479. >Before long, he is down to his underwear.
  480. >You can make out the thick bulge underneath it.
  481. >Biting your lips, you pull it down.
  482. >His shaft slaps up, his flare right in front of you.
  483. >You whimper.
  484. "Oh my Celestia..."
  485. >His medial ring is farther down than normal.
  486. >The flare before you is thick.
  487. >If you do this, if he cums, he is going to fill you up...
  488. >You can feel yourself winking faster.
  489. >Leaning in, you take a lick up the side.
  490. >He is not the largest you've ever seen, but he's larger than anyone you've been with.
  491. >Pulling back, you are about to take it in your mouth when he pulls you back.
  492. >"Excuse me?"
  493. >You look to him, confused.
  494. >"We aren't here to get passionate..."
  495. >He pushes you back, your marehood exposed to him.
  496. >He mounts you, pushing his thick shaft into you!
  497. >You moan out, his cock stretching your walls.
  498. "O-Oh, Anon!"
  499. >He growls, pushing deeper into you.
  500. >You can feel his ring already!
  501. >Anon leans down, his hands holding your hooves above your head.
  502. >He thrusts, marking your depths with his member.
  503. >The man goes again, groaning, making the bed creak.
  504. >His pace quickly picks up and before you know it, you can feel him pushing you against the headboard.
  505. >You know this is wrong, but you don;t care.
  506. >If Fluttershy can't satisfy him, you will.
  507. >You've wanted this for much longer than she has.
  508. >Now, it's yours...
  509. >You're his.
  510. >The thick cock inside of you is proof of this.
  511. >He pumps roughly, making you scream.
  512. "AHHH! HARDER!"
  513. >You want him to violate you.
  514. >To love every moment of this, more than he loves that mare.
  515. >You can feel him start to flare.
  516. "Yes.... YES! Anon, yes, cum for me!"
  517. >He moans out, his lips next to yours.
  518. >You can feel his breath.
  519. >Breathing, you moan, the entrance to your womb being hit with his dick.
  520. >Breaking into tears, he cums, filling you.
  521. "ANON!"
  524. >Gasping, you shoot up, your face wet with sweat.
  525. >You feel tears in your eyes.
  526. >Looking around, your legs shaking, you see you're alone.
  527. >... Save for your 'massager',
  528. >Breathing is a struggle.
  529. >You shake yourself off, trying to remember what happened, where you are.
  530. >Your room, obviously.
  531. >You came here after Anon left...
  532. >Then you put Sweetie Belle to bed.
  533. >Afterwards, while you were alone, your ind drifted to horrid thoughts.
  534. >How badly you wanted Anon, if only as a physical outlet for your needs.
  535. >You came upstairs, pulled out your 'massager' and roughly played with yourself.
  536. >While in your afterglow, you fell asleep.
  537. >Your dreamt of...
  538. >Crying softly, your rub your eyes.
  539. >You are a horrible pony.
  540. >A horrible horrible pony...
  541. >A horrible pony who might be sick.
  542. >Standing up, you head to the bathroom, bile possibly stuck in your throat.
  543. >Or perhaps it is just stress.
  544. >Either way, you do not want to risk it.
  547. >Relaxing in the mud bath, you sigh.
  548. >You had hoped coming here would your nerves.
  549. >It has, but not nearly as much as you'd hoped.
  550. >You mostly feel terrible.
  551. >For what you dreamt last night, for dropping Sweetie Bell off with Anon, and for dropping her off so you could have a spa day.
  552. >Sinking so your lips are past the mud, you breathe through your nostrils.
  553. >As you rest, you hear some mares gossiping about.
  554. >You would ignore them, but you have a damnable habit of eavesdropping.
  555. >"Mmm, have you noticed how the human walks nowadays? He seems to have an extra spring in his step. It really shows off his, well, EXTRA features."
  556. >Another mare giggles.
  557. >"I know. For a biped, his but is absolutely delicious~"
  558. >They giggle.
  559. >You scowl a bit.
  560. >True, you fantasize about him, but you don't talk as if he is lesser.
  561. >Biped or not, he is you friend...
  562. >"I heard he's dating that shy pony who lives with those animals on the outskirts of town."
  563. >"Really?! What did a mare like that do to get him?"
  564. >You hear a small groan.
  565. >"Well, it might have something to do with her liking animals. He probably thought since she was so kind to them..."
  566. >Your scowl deepens.
  567. >"True... too bad he didn't see most mares could be open minded. It must suck, having to settle like that."
  568. >Standing, you walk towards the showers.
  569. >You think you've stayed here long enough.
  572. >As you walk to Anon's house to pick up Sweetie Belle, you think on what those mares said.
  573. >Yes, it was horrid and disgusting, but could it be true?
  574. >You don't THINK Anon would settle, and his feeling for Fluttershy are true, but could his feelings have come from the way she treats all living things?
  575. >As you near his home, you pause, blinking.
  576. >You see Fluttershy in his kitchen, cooking.
  577. >Anon steps behind her, leans down and holds her, kissing her cheek.
  578. >She blushes, pulling back, looking to him with soft eyes.
  579. >Anon takes this chance to peck her lips.
  580. >She doesn't shy away or move.
  581. >As you watch, you feel your heart twist and sink.
  582. >Closing your eyes, you walk forward.
  583. >Outside the door, you hear voices.
  584. >They're quiet and you have to REALLY strain to listen, but they're there.
  585. >"So, you're sure?"
  586. >"Yes. I am... tonight, after Sweetie Belle leaves."
  587. >"I'm not saying I don't want to, but are you-"
  588. >"Heh, yes! Anon, seeing my father really put some things in perspective."
  589. >"... So, you're doing this for revenge?"
  590. >"Anon!"
  591. >"Joking, joking... hey, Fluttershy?"
  592. >"Hmm?"
  593. >"I... Uh, I just wanted to say that I... I-"
  594. >You knock, not wanting to hear him finish his sentence.
  595. >There's a soft sigh.
  596. >"One sec, I'll get it real quick. Probably Derpy."
  597. >There are footsteps and you take a step back yourself.
  598. >Anon's door opens and you see a look of shock in his eyes.
  599. >It quickly changes to a smile.
  600. >"Rarity! What're you doing back so soon? I thought you said you'd be out till the evening?"
  601. >You force a smile.
  602. "Well, I finished my business sooner than I thought I would. thank you, Anon."
  603. >Looking into his house, you see Fluttershy walking into view.
  604. >She smiles and walks towards you.
  605. >"Rarity."
  606. >Her hoof wraps around you, holding you.
  607. >As she does, you feel your smile falter.
  608. >Fluttershy has been so good to you.
  609. >As has Anon.
  610. >Yet these feelings of jealousy, envy, and of want persist so.
  611. >How?
  612. >How can you want to hurt these two who are so good to you?
  613. >"Rarity?"
  614. >Looking over to Anon, you see concern on his face.
  615. >Be strong, Rarity.
  616. >You chuckle, smiling once more.
  617. "I'm so sorry. I must have missed Fluttershy more than I thought... really."
  618. >You look to Fluttershy, smiling semi-sincerely, semi-forced to hide your feelings.
  619. "I'm happy you're back."
  620. >She gives you that soft, pure smile she has.
  621. >"I'm happy to be back."
  622. >A look of realization appears on her face.
  623. >"The stir fry!"
  624. >She runs inside.
  625. >Anons chuckles.
  626. "Silly filly..."
  627. >A moment of silence follows before Anon looks to you.
  628. >"Want me to get Sweetie Belle?"
  629. >You nod.
  630. "Please."
  631. >Anon nods back, walking inside.
  632. >He is gone for a minute or two, then comes back with Sweetie Belle in tow.
  633. >She hugs him.
  634. >"We'll play again, right, Anon?"
  635. >He rubs her head.
  636. >"Of course, lil puff. Promise."
  637. >She smiles with glee and runs to your side.
  638. >"Bye Anon! BYE FLUTTERSHY!"
  639. >Her voice certainly can get loud.
  640. >You hear Fluttershy call back.
  641. >"Bye Sweetie Belle!"
  642. >You had never heard Fluttershy yell so clearly before.
  643. >It was always a mixture of restraint and fear.
  644. >Placing a hoof around your sister, you look to Anon.
  645. "I will see you soon, Anon."
  646. >He smiles.
  647. >"I know. Later Rares."
  648. >You steel yourself and turn away.
  649. >After a few moments, Sweetie Belle speaks.
  650. >"Rarity, do you know where we can get some Neighpon models?"
  651. >You give her a confused look.
  652. "Pardon?"
  653. >She nods.
  654. >"Uh huh. Anon had these really cool robot like models he said he got from a neighponese store. Do you know where we could get some?"
  655. >Thinking on it, you nod.
  656. "Yes, there's a store in Canterlot. We could make a day of it."
  657. >She gasps.
  658. >"Really?!"
  659. >You nod.
  660. "Mhmm. Tomorrow. Today, let's just relax."
  661. >Anon has neighponese models?
  662. >You were unaware.
  663. >... Then again, you aren't his mare.
  664. >You wonder if Fluttershy approves of them.
  665. >If you were in her position, you might ask him to put them up.
  666. >They would seem a bit childish.
  667. >...
  668. >And it is not your call to make.
  669. >He enjoys them.
  670. >Sighing, you keep walking.
  673. >As you step into the quaint little shop, you can't help but notice how dark it is.
  674. >It does set a quiet ambiance, yes, but it is still so dreary.
  675. >Sweetie Belle runs up to the cash register.
  676. >"Excuse me! Do you have any models?"
  677. >The Neighponese mare quirks her head.
  678. >"Models?"
  679. >Your sister nods.
  680. >"Yeah! Like the ones you build and can play with?"
  681. >The mare smiles softly.
  682. >"Ohhh, right this way."
  683. >She leads your sister to an aisle near the back.
  684. >Alone, you sigh and look around.
  685. >Small tube like plants are put on display around the cash register.
  686. >There are books, strange dresses, funny looking stuffed animals, and little sticks in boxes all around.
  687. >Some look glazed in chocolate, but that couldn't be the case.
  688. >Who would waste chocolate on something aesthetic?
  689. >... Well, Pinkie might.
  690. >Looking to the books once more, you notice a smaller, yet thicker one seems to have been put on backwards.
  691. >You decide to flip it when you notice a barcode.
  692. "... What?"
  693. >Opening it, you see that it is the last page.
  694. "What?"
  695. >You turn it over and see that there is a warning on the 'first' page.
  696. >Apparently these books are read in reverse?
  697. >No, they are modeled to be read from right to left, not left to right.
  698. >Turning a page, you see it is a comic book.
  699. >It seems needlessly complex for a comic book.
  700. >Setting it down, you take a step towards another part of the store when you look back to the book.
  701. >Lifting it with your magic, you resume your small walk while flipping another page.
  702. >The pictures certainly are cute. though it is purely fiction.
  703. >Apparently there is some sort of Princess and a set of magically enchanted gems.
  704. >You are quite confused.
  705. >They keep stating things as if you are supposed to know this.
  706. >Closing it, you see a '12' on the side.
  707. "... Oh."
  708. >Setting it down, you look some more.
  709. >The door opens and you instinctively look towards it.
  710. >Your eyes widen as you see Anon and Fluttershy.
  711. >What are they doing here?!
  712. >Lowering yourself, you try not to be seen.
  713. >They walk past the aisle you are on.
  714. >Anon speaks to Fluttershy in an audible, but quiet volume.
  715. >"All right, so some pocky for Angel, a little purse strap, and maybe a new model. Am I forgetting anything?"
  716. >Fluttershy giggles.
  717. >"No, thanks for doing this."
  718. >He sighs.
  719. >"Well, I'm doing it for you. So, you know, not that big of a deal."
  720. >Sighing, you listen as heavy footsteps move further into the store.
  721. >... HeavIER, that is.
  722. >Looking forward, you are caught completely surprise by a voice right next to you.
  723. >"Rarity?"
  724. >you feel yourself straighten up, turning to the voice.
  725. "Yes, Fluttershy?"
  726. >She looks confused.
  727. >"What are you doing here?"
  728. >You chuckle, trying to hold composure.
  729. "Why, whatever do you mean?"
  730. >She looks around.
  731. >"I mean, what are you doing in Canterlot? And how did you know about this store?"
  732. >'This store'?
  733. >They come here often?!
  734. >You giggle.
  735. "Oh, I just needed to pick up a book."
  736. >You grab the first one you can find.
  737. >Looking at it, your eyes widen and heart drops.
  738. >'111 different positions to find the perfect pleasurable unity'.
  739. >Looking to Fluttershy, her cheeks are flushed red, her eyes dilated.
  740. >"O-Oh my."
  741. >You put it back, gulping.
  742. "No, not THIS book."
  743. >You then grab the next one.
  744. >'The proper guide to traditional Neighponese tea ceremonies'.
  745. >Yes, this will do.
  746. >Looking back to Fluttershy, she seems to have calmed a bit.
  747. "Heh, whoopsie."
  748. >She sighs.
  749. >"Heh, silly me. Of course you'd want something so high class."
  750. >Wait, this is high class?
  751. >"Oh, sorry for asking such a rude question. It just felt so coincidental, almost like you knew Anon and I would be here."
  752. >She could not be farther from the truth.
  753. >You hear a *ch-ching* and turn to the register.
  754. >Anon and Sweetie Belle are there.
  755. >The mare working the register hands Anon a bag and two of those boxes filled with sticks.
  756. >Anon immediately opens one and hands a stick to Sweetie Belle- in her mouth.
  757. >She bites...
  758. >And it tastes good?
  759. >She takes another bite, and you can see that what you thought was a stick is actually a cookie.
  760. >Anon and Sweetie Belle then walk to you and Fluttershy.
  761. >Anon smiles at you as Sweetie Belle holds a moderate sized box.
  762. >"Hey Rares, didn't think I'd see you and lil puff here."
  763. >Sweetie Belle immediately interjects.
  764. >"Sis, Anon helped me find one of the best models! All the joints move, it comes with pink and blue palette, and look!"
  765. >There is a gem emblem on the hood.
  766. "I see. how sweet of him."
  767. >Anon pulls out a stick.
  768. >"Speaking of sweet, try this."
  769. >Fluttershy frowns.
  770. >"Oh... I thought we'd but Angel his own box."
  771. >The man grins, pulling out the second box from the bag.
  772. >"We are. I just got one for me. Now, ahhh~"
  773. >With a smile, Fluttershy opens her mouth, closing her eyes.
  774. >Anon gently places a stick in her mouth, where she holds it between her lips.
  775. >He then offers one for you, but holds it at a distance.
  776. >Feeling your lips purse, you use your magic to grab it.
  777. "Thank you."
  778. >Your FRIEND smiles, closing the box.
  779. >"Anytime. See anything you want, Fluttershy?"
  780. >He turns to her and she takes a small nibble of her stick.
  781. >Her cheeks redden a bit and she shakes her head.
  782. >With a smile, Anon walks next to her.
  783. >"Right then, we should get going. See you two later. Bye Rarity, by lil puff."
  784. >Sweetie belle waves them off as do you.
  785. >Funny, Fluttershy seems to be walking a bit strangely.
  786. >Her back legs are shaking.
  787. >Furrowing your brow, you shake it off.
  788. >Sweetie Belle looks up to you.
  789. >"So, can we get it?"
  790. >You look from her box, to the books, then to the strange comic.
  791. "..."
  794. >Snacking on a 'pocky', you turn the page of your comic.
  795. >'Hyper gem wars'.
  796. >You were foolish enough to actually buy the thing.
  797. >... And foolish enough to read almost seven chapters of it.
  798. >For some reason, this silly drabble has your attention.
  799. >Rubbing your eye, you look to the clock.
  800. >It's been forty minutes since you put Sweetie Belle to bed, yet you're quite tired yourself.
  801. >You close the book, then look to the tea ceremony one.
  802. "..."
  803. >Just a peek.
  804. >Opening it up, you see mares wearing those dresses in the store.
  805. >There are also stallions in what looks like robes.
  806. "Lesson one: preparation."
  807. >The page goes on to list items needed.
  808. >Aside from ingredients like ginseng and some sort of leaves, you are unfamiliar with everything else.
  809. >Turning the page, there are all the items listed and pictures for reference.
  810. >You blink, turning it again/
  811. >There are instructions on tedious things such as turning the bowl and dipping the mixing tool.
  812. >Such a strange thing...
  815. >Walking to Twilight's, you're hoping she can shed some light on these books.
  816. >Or at least have the same damnable interest in it that you have.
  817. >As you enter the Library, you see a few of your friends already here/
  818. >Rainbow Dash looks to you and smiles.
  819. >"Rarity! You're just in time."
  820. >She waves you over.
  821. >In time for what?
  822. >You move next to your friends.
  823. >Applejack, Twilight, and yourself surround Rainbow Dash.
  824. >"All right; you all know Fluttershy's my best friend, but I have to admit, there's been something that's kind of bugged me."
  825. >You internally roll your eyes.
  826. >You are probably closer to being her best friend than she is...
  827. >Rainbow Dash chuckles.
  828. >"All right. this isn't funny, at least that's not why I'm laughing."
  829. >Applejack smiles.
  830. >"Come on then, what's the news?"
  831. >Rainbow Dash looks left, then right.
  832. >She leans in, and you all lean in as well.
  833. >"Fluttershy finally lost her 'you know what'."
  834. >Twilight looks confused.
  835. >"Her... last baby tooth?"
  836. >Rainbow Dash gives her an annoyed look.
  837. >"No! Her v-word."
  838. >Twilight still looks confused.
  839. >Applejack scowls.
  840. >"Rainbow means her virginity, not that it's any of her business."
  841. >That all too familiar heart sinking feeling is back.
  842. >Twilight blushes, gasping softly.
  843. >"W-Wait, what? How could you tell? Did she tell you?"
  844. >Dash shakes her head, looking proud.
  845. >"Nah, nah. I just saw her and the signs were all over. She was walking funny, she couldn't sit without squeaking, and she was WAY too smiley, so it musta been good!"
  846. >You try t ignore her as best you can.
  847. >Applejack scoffs.
  848. >"Right. Like Anon would up n' do that. He doesn't seem the type."
  849. >Dash shrugs.
  850. >"Who said it was Anon?"
  851. >You feel your sorrow fade, replaced with rage.
  852. "Excuse you?!"
  853. >You step forward.
  854. "Are you implying she would cheat on Anon?!"
  855. >She raises an eye as well as a hoof.
  856. >"Sheesh, calm down. Besides, it's not that hard to believe. Would YOU want to have sex with him?"
  857. >If she knew how...
  858. >But that's not what matters.
  859. "Does it matter if I would? Would Fluttershy make love with Anon is the better question. Which by the way, RAINBOW DASH, she would!"
  860. >You take another step forward.
  861. "Further more, how DARE you trivialize her intimate affairs! What she and Anon do behind closed doors is none of your business, nor any of ours! Yet here you are, bragging about it as if it is some achievement of YOURS."
  862. >The mare's eyes widen as you continue to eat into her, her wings shrink.
  863. "You call yourself her best friend? You claim to be happy for her? Yet here you are, saying she would cheat on someone she is loyal too! Speaking of loyalty, was that not your element, RAINBOW DASH?!"
  864. >Fuming, you huff and puff, nearly calmed down.
  865. "You should be ashamed of yourself."
  866. >She just leaves, walking cautiously.
  867. >Still breathing heavily, you are coming down.
  868. >Applejack whistles.
  869. >"Wow, Rarity, what the heck just happened?"
  870. >Thinking on it, any courage you just had seems to leave you.
  871. >You fidget a bit, hooves shaking.
  872. >Ever since Anon and Fluttershy became a couple, you've felt mush sorrow, but seeing Rainbow Dash speak of them so...
  873. "I-I don't know. I just- hearing her speak so ill of them. I-I"
  874. >What was that?
  875. >Twilight coughs, shyly chuckling.
  876. >"Sooo... ignoring that, why'd you come here, Rarity?"
  877. >Yes...
  878. >Ignore it for now.
  879. >You'll figure out what just snapped in you later, alone.
  880. >Pulling your books out, you sigh.
  881. "Twilight, please tell me you know something about Neighpon."
  884. >Placing a hoof to your chin, you nod.
  885. "I see."
  886. >Twilight stops her projection, bringing up another.
  887. >"Again, like Pegasi, the neighponese put a LOT of emphasis on honor. Honor to the family, honor to yourself, honor FOR yourself."
  888. >You REALLY did not know what you were getting yourself into.
  889. >Applejack is laying face down against Twilight's desk, a small puddle of drool falling to the floor.
  890. >With a near silent sigh, you look back to Twilight.
  891. >"Which is why their trade relationship with the Gryphons is so great. You'd almost mistake them for sea-ponies."
  892. >Twilight giggles at her own joke.
  893. >Rolling your eyes, you scan the room quickly and see Spike watching from the stairs.
  894. >You smile softly and wave.
  895. >He grins and waves back.
  896. >You may just have your out.
  897. "Oh, dear, it looks like Spikey Wikey wants to talk."
  898. >Twilight stops her long winded lesson and turns to the stairs.
  899. >"Huh? Oh, heh, guess we'll pick this up later. Spike, you have something to say?"
  900. >He stands up, running downstairs quickly.
  901. >"Yeah! I just was you were really into your talk, sooo... Yeah. Anyway, you got a letter from Celestia."
  902. >Twilight gasps, her eyes on Spike as he pulls out the letter in question.
  903. >She grabs it from him and opens it immediately.
  904. "Well then, I'd hate to be a third wheel."
  905. >Taking a step back, you see a bit of disappointment on Spike's face.
  906. >Twilight looks to you, her smile gone.
  907. >"Oh? All right then. Talk to you later, Rarity."
  908. >As you are about to excuse yourself, something picks at the back of your head.
  909. >Not literally of course.
  910. >You are reminded of the night Anon came and 'apologized'.
  911. >He mentioned your flaws, one of them being that you use Spike selfishly.
  912. >You are well aware of his affection, but it is just a child's crush.
  913. >It is not too abusive to use it to your aid now and again, is it?
  914. >... Is it?
  915. >You look towards Spike to see his face.
  916. >Sorrow.
  917. >Feeling your stomach knot a bit, you sigh.
  918. "Actually... if you would not mind, perhaps I could stay? I am quite curious as to what the Princess is writing about."
  919. >Twilight giggles, nodding.
  920. >"Of course. It's not like it's secret business or anything. She's just checking up on the town. Monster attacks, Anon, us, all that."
  921. >Hmm, it would make sense for the Princess to keep tabs on Anon, being alien to this world.
  922. >As you ponder, you see Spike scooch closer, smiling as he keeps his eyes on Twilight.
  923. >As he does, you frown, pondering.
  924. >Should you keep this charade up for much longer?
  925. >You had always planned to end it.
  926. >... One day.
  929. >As you lay on your couch, you sigh.
  930. “I mean, it is not as if I am FORCING him. He's happy to help."
  931. >You groan, pushing your head into the pillow.
  932. “No... that's an excuse. Just an excuse. Still, what if he continued to act this way even if I made it clear there is no chance for us? Am I still at fault?”
  933. >You look to Opal, who is staring at you from the far end of the couch.
  934. >She looks bored, her tail swaying back and forth.
  935. “... Well?”
  936. >Opal mews and hops off, walking right past you.
  937. >Furrowing your brow, you speak calmly.
  938. “No treats for a week.”
  939. >Releasing another sigh, you lay back.
  940. >After you left Twilight's, that thought of if you were in the wrong stayed with you.
  941. >Certainly letting a little dragon have a crush was fine and you had let him have it for quite some time now.
  942. >It is not as if you are being cruel, but it continues to nag at you.
  943. >Groaning, you roll off the couch.
  944. >This is Anon's fault.
  945. >Putting this worry on you.
  946. >Heading to the kitchen, you pull out a spoon and a tub of your comfort ice cream.
  947. >Once you are back on the couch, you pop the top and take a spoonful.
  948. >So sweet, so flavorful.
  949. >Taking another scoop, you just stare, eyes weak.
  950. >As you remind yourself of your time at Twilight's, the scene with Rainbow Dash crossed your mind.
  951. >The outburst, the anger, the way you so quickly flipped from sad to furious.
  952. >You know you still wish to be with Anon, so why did you defend them so fervently?
  953. >As you take another spoonful, you nestle into your couch.
  954. >Your feelings just seem to be conflicting all over the place today.
  955. >Next thing you know you'll begin to despise Anon.
  956. >As you are about to take yet another spoonful, you stop, mouth open.
  957. >Releasing a sigh, you close the top.
  958. >You head back to the kitchen, put your ice cream away, place the spoon in the sink, and head upstairs.
  959. >In your room, you toss yourself onto the bed and scream softly into the pillow.
  960. >It's too early to think about sleep, but you feel so drained.
  961. >Looking up, you see your comic.
  962. >Alone.
  963. >By itself.
  964. >... You forgot the tea ceremony book at Twilight's.
  965. >Letting off an annoyed groan, you magic the book towards you.
  966. >Flipping it open to the page you were on, you get comfy.
  967. >You remind yourself of what you read and why the protagonists are in a forest.
  968. >Once you are caught up, you flip the page.
  969. >Forest is moving, searching for an item, blah blah blah.
  970. >Flipping it again, you pause, closing the book.
  971. >You then open it, blinking, feeling just the tiniest bit... uncomfortable?
  972. >There is a vine wrapped in a suggestive way around one of the main mare's body.
  973. >It is entangled between her legs, grasping her lower body in quite a... obscure?
  974. >Yes, obscure way.
  975. >You breathe in and flip the page.
  976. >She is upside down, the vine wrapping around her legs to hold her.
  977. >Next page.
  978. >The main stallion is trying to cut her down, but more vines wrap around her.
  979. >Next page?
  980. >It is a large scene of the mare.
  981. >You close the comic, gulping and tossing it back to it's spot.
  982. >How-how disgusting.
  983. >Putting so much emphasis on positioning like that!
  984. >Why would they do that?!
  985. >Feeling yourself be bothered by it, you think of ways to distract yourself.
  986. >You could always make some gifts.
  987. >Something as far away from THERE as possible.
  988. >Like hooves... or feet.
  989. >Perhaps you could knit some cocks?
  990. >Socks!
  991. >Some socks.
  992. >Not cocks.
  993. >Hot, throbbing, long...
  994. >It's- it's not weird to get aroused seeing that stuff, is it?
  995. >No, they MUST have designed it as such.
  996. >With how close it was to the mare's sensitive parts.
  997. >How much the tip looked like a flare...
  998. >Fuck it.
  999. >You need this.
  1000. >Pulling out your 'massager', you lock the door with your magic, stroke over your teats, lay back and release a breath as you turn it on.
  1001. >It's not your fault this is happening.
  1002. >It's those perverted Neighponese.
  1003. >Honor your back hoof.
  1004. >What honor is there in such perverse things?
  1005. “Oooh....”
  1006. >In such thick things.
  1007. >Such thick things indeed...
  1010. >Snorting, you blink, turning to your clock.
  1011. >It's barely five am.
  1012. >You must have fallen asleep again.
  1013. >Turning so you are in a more comfortable position, you stretch.
  1014. >Good rest.
  1015. >Fantastic 'massage'.
  1016. >... To long stretchy penises.
  1017. >You feel a little bit of shame for that.
  1018. >Closing your eyes, you try to recall if your dreamt.
  1019. >More importantly, if you dreamt about a certain act that you would regret.
  1020. >With a smile, you recall you did NOT, in fact, dream of taking Anon from Fluttershy this time.
  1021. >Just being violated by vines.
  1022. >Your face contorts into one of realization.
  1023. >At least it is better than being a monster of a mare.
  1024. >As you roll off your bed, you wonder how you should spend your newly found early morning.
  1025. >Breakfast?
  1026. >Shower?
  1027. >... More comic?
  1028. >As you bite your lip, you look back to the book in question.
  1029. “... Easy, you'll just get excited again.”
  1030. >Looking away from the book, you walk towards your bathroom.
  1031. >A shower would feel divine right now.
  1034. >As you step around the market, you eye some flowers.
  1035. “Hmmm.”
  1036. >This arrangement would look lovely and you think your clientele would appreciate the vibrant colors.
  1037. >”Pssst, whatcha looking at, Rarity?”
  1038. >With a smile, you keep your eyes on the flowers.
  1039. “Just curious if I should get some flowers for the Boutique.”
  1040. >You hear a deep sniff and giggle.
  1041. >”They smell REALLY good. You should buy them.”
  1042. >Giggling, you decide to stop playing coy.
  1043. >You turn to face your pink friend.
  1044. “Okay Pink- … Pinkie?”
  1045. >Turning a bit more, you fail to see her.
  1046. >Confused, you turn back to the flowers to see Pinkie face deep in some.
  1047. >”*SNFFF-FF* These smell like cotton candy!”
  1048. >She pulls her head out, her mane colored in heavy pollen.
  1049. >With a soft sigh, you smile at our silly friend.
  1050. “Good afternoon, Pinkie.”
  1051. >She smiles and waves.
  1052. >”Hiii, Rarity. You doing something Tomorrow?”
  1053. >Thinking, you shake your head.
  1054. “Not particularly. Why?”
  1055. >Pinkie grins, pulling out a card.
  1056. >You open it and confetti comes out.
  1057. >A little horn plays, but not from the card.
  1058. >Looking to Pinkie, she has a teeny tiny horn.
  1059. >Still smiling, you see that tomorrow...
  1060. “Oh... I- oh.”
  1061. >Pinkie giggles.
  1062. >”Yeah! Anon totally let me plan his Birthday this time! Isn't that GREAT?!”
  1063. >You force a smile.
  1064. “Yes it is!”
  1065. >How could you forget his birthday?!
  1066. >True, the past few days have been an emotional roller coaster for you, but still!
  1067. >A gift, you need to make him a gift.
  1068. “Don't worry Pinkie, I'll be there.”
  1069. >With a polite smile, you move towards the mare in charge of the flower stall.
  1070. >Go about your business, get the flowers, and once Pinkie Pie is out of view...
  1071. >RUN!
  1072. >Run home and get straight to work!
  1073. >On what, you aren't sure of yet, but it must be fantastic!
  1076. >Yawning, you are feeling the effects of waking up so early.
  1077. >Stitching away, you keep yourself as focused as possible.
  1078. >*Knock knock knock*
  1079. >You call out.
  1080. “I'm sorry, but we're closed.”
  1081. >An all too familiar voice calls out.
  1082. >”Rarity?”
  1083. >You pause, needing to make sure it is who you think it is.
  1084. “Ye-Ye-. Mm-kmph. Yes?”
  1085. >”Hey, it's me. Mind if I come in?”
  1086. >What is Anon doing here?
  1087. “Of course. Er, one second!”
  1088. >Setting up a good spot to stop, you make your way towards the entrance.
  1089. >You see Anon's shadow on the door.
  1090. >Opening up, you are shocked to see Fluttershy with him.
  1091. >Turning to Anon, you smile and step back.
  1092. “Come in, come in.”
  1093. >Anon and Fluttershy enter, making their way to your couch.
  1094. >”Thanks. We won't be staying long though.”
  1095. >You nod, bringing in a seat.
  1096. “Oh? Are you two going somewhere?”
  1097. >He chuckles.
  1098. >”Actually, yeah. Fluttershy and I were wondering if you wanted to come out to dinner with us.”
  1099. >You pause, blinking once before looking from Fluttershy back to Anon.
  1100. “I beg your pardon?”
  1101. >Anon nods, but Fluttershy is the one to speak.
  1102. >”Yes. We were thought you'd like to come to Anon's birthday dinner. We asked a few others, bu they all were busy.”
  1103. >Anon shrugs.
  1104. >”Don't get us wrong. This isn't a 'settling' thing. More like a 'saving the best for last'. So, what do you say Rares. Hungry?”
  1105. >You take a moment to think.
  1106. >If you go with them, you may not finish Anon's gift in time.
  1107. >However, it would be quite rude to say no...
  1108. >With a smile, you nod.
  1109. “I could go for a light dinner, yes.”
  1110. >Anon clasps his hands together.
  1111. >”Sweet. We would have gone tomorrow night... but I don't think we'll be going anywhere then.”
  1112. >As he says this, you see Fluttershy's cheeks brighten.
  1113. >... Oh.
  1114. >Well then, it would make sense.
  1115. >It is his birthday, of course he would want 'it' then.
  1116. >You try not to focus on the thought too much; for fear you'll become jealous.
  1117. >... and maybe something more.
  1118. “Ahhh, I see. Er, well then, I am glad you invited me.”
  1119. >Not the most well put thing you could say, but still.
  1122. >Anon unlocks his door, staggering as he steps in.
  1123. >Fluttershy is clinging to his back, giggling.
  1124. >You yourself are right behind him, feeling a little light.
  1125. >As your friend turns on the light, you step in.
  1126. >”Whoo. Good meal. Heh, sweet wine too.”
  1127. >Fluttershy snorts, nuzzling into his neck.
  1128. >”Like grape juice!”
  1129. >You chuckle, stepping in.
  1130. “As if you would know. Barely a glass.”
  1131. >Anon turns to you, shaking his head.
  1132. >”Nn, nn. You have to count my drinks too... We're a couple.”
  1133. >You roll your eyes.
  1134. “It doesn't work like that. She'd have had to drink your drinks.”
  1135. >He smiles slyly, grabbing Fluttershy and bringing her forward.
  1136. >”Okay then!”
  1137. >He kisses her, causing her to squeal.
  1138. >She giggles and bats at his chest softly with her paw.
  1139. >”A-A-Anon! St-ha-p it! Heh heh!”
  1140. >He keeps kissing her.
  1141. >”You taste like a brewery! Heh... M-Mmm.”
  1142. >Blushing, you see her stop fighting.
  1143. >Feeling your blood rush, you groan.
  1144. >A head ache runs through you.
  1145. >Anon and Fluttershy stop their public display of affection.
  1146. >Your yellow coated friend hops down, walking over to you, cheeks red.
  1147. >”Are you okay?”
  1148. >You nod, leaning against the wall.
  1149. “I'm fine... a little light headed.”
  1150. >Fluttershy groans in sympathy, hugging you.
  1151. >You rest against the mare.
  1152. >The perfume she has on smells sweet.
  1153. >She pulls away, looking to Anon.
  1154. >”We can't send her out like this. What if someone tried to take advantage of her?”
  1155. >He rubs his chin.
  1156. >”I could walk her home.”
  1157. >Fluttershy calls out in worry.
  1158. >”What if someone tried to take advantage of you while you walked back alone?!”
  1159. >Anon nods.
  1160. >”Huh, I could stay at Rarity's.”
  1161. >You hear Fluttershy whimper, ears lowering.
  1162. >”Then I'd be all alone...”
  1163. >She walks up and nuzzles against his leg.
  1164. >Anon sighs.
  1165. >”None of that. Guess Rarity'll have to stay here the night.”
  1166. >He looks to you.
  1167. >”Is that okay with you?”
  1168. >You frown a bit.
  1169. >What about Anon's gift?
  1170. >You'll never finish it in time now...
  1171. >Still, you don't want to worry Anon or Fluttershy.
  1172. >You nod.
  1173. “That's fine. Heh, I'm actually really sleepy.”
  1174. >Anon nods, walking over and picking you up with one arm.
  1175. >You squeal.
  1176. ”A-Anon!”
  1177. >He then walks over and picks up Fluttershy as well.
  1178. >”Aaalley oop!”
  1179. >She squeals as well, but hers is happy.
  1180. >”Eeh! St-Strong boy.”
  1181. >He carries you two throughout his house, all the way to his bedroom..
  1182. >Blushing, you see him nudge it open.
  1183. >Breathing a little heavier, you wonder if he is going to do what you think he is.
  1184. >Anon sets Fluttershy down first.
  1185. >He then leans down and kisses her.
  1186. >”Be right back, beautiful.”
  1187. >She giggles, grabbing the blanket and covering herself.
  1188. >Anon then straightens up, carrying you out of the room.
  1189. >You sigh, reading too hard on the matter.
  1190. >The big, strong man takes you to his guest room, laying you down softly.
  1191. >”Theeere we go. Safe.”
  1192. >He chuckles, leaning in and pecking your forehead.
  1193. >”Nigh nigh, Rare.”
  1194. >You give a weak laugh.
  1195. “Heh, for a minute there, I thought you were going to try and get me involved in a threesome.”
  1196. >Anon stops as he's about to leave the room.
  1197. >He scratches his chin, then shakes his head.
  1198. >”I-I dunno if Fluttershy would be okay with that... she's really got no confidence when it comes to how sexy she is.”
  1199. >Hearing that, you feel somewhat disheartened.
  1200. >For the exact reason, you aren't sure.
  1201. “I see... if it helps, she's a very beautiful mare.”
  1202. >Anon turns back, smiling.
  1203. >”She is. You are too.”
  1204. >He waves, leaving.
  1205. >”Night Rares.”
  1206. >Alone, you lay on the bed.
  1207. >In a way, he confirmed he does find you attractive... and he didn't outright say he wouldn't want to have sex with you too.
  1208. >Maybe there's a chance?
  1209. >Are you reading too far into this?
  1210. >You blame the liquor.
  1211. >Sighing, you lay back, head ache nearly gone, but still noticeable.
  1212. >...
  1213. >As you lay there, you smile.
  1214. >Tonight was a great night.
  1217. >Stepping into the hallway, you walk out, trying to be quiet.
  1218. >You woke up feeling VERY thirsty.
  1219. >Now you are trying to navigate the halls while avoiding waking up Fluttershy or Anon.
  1220. >”Oh...”
  1221. >Your ear twitches as you pass Anon's open door.
  1222. >”Ohhh... slower... mmm, d-deeper.”
  1223. >You blush, feeling a tingle between your legs.
  1224. >”Mmmm, that's good... ha-ah!”
  1225. >You shouldn't be listening.
  1226. >You should NOT be listening.
  1227. >... You should also not peek.
  1228. >Peering in, you can make things out quite clearly.
  1229. >The moon light is right over their bodies.
  1230. >Fluttershy is lying back, her hooves trying to grip something.
  1231. >Anon is lower, his lips between her legs.
  1232. >... Utterly naked.
  1233. >You feel yourself breathing harder, eyes trailing down.
  1234. >You can make out his sheathe, you think.
  1235. >It's different than those you've seen.
  1236. >The flare almost looks like a bulb.
  1237. >It twitches, and you swallow a gasp.
  1238. >Anon's head grinds back and forth, you can hear the sound of his lips suckling and dragging across flesh.
  1239. >”Oh, Anon. H-ohhhh. Your tongue is amazing! S-So- so- AH!”
  1240. >Her hips thrust up and you see Anon's head stop moving.
  1241. >They hold this position for a moment before Fluttershy falls back.
  1242. >You hear a gulp, followed by Anon wiping his mouth.
  1243. >”Heh, little pony...”
  1244. >He pulls himself up, his knees spread above Fluttershy's mid-section.
  1245. >She leans up and you can see her licking his flare...
  1246. >His pink, round flare...
  1247. >That is NOT a flare.
  1248. >Oh no, it is something much different.
  1249. >Fluttershy drags her lips across the bulb, leaving a clear trail connecting to her lips.
  1250. >She does this again, and again...
  1251. >Her tongue leaves her mouth, flicking across it.
  1252. >”That's it... mmmph, you know how I want it.”
  1253. >He grabs her mane, pulling her slowly closer.
  1254. >She whimpers, her thighs grinding against each other.
  1255. >You see Anon reach to the back of her head, pulling her down harder.
  1256. >She's taking the sheathe deeper!
  1257. >You could swear she was almost down to his medial-ring.
  1258. >Peering closer, you see that there isn't one, in fact, you don't think that's a sheathe.
  1259. >Meaning each and every inch of that cock...
  1260. >You swallow a moan this time, feeling yourself about to wink.
  1261. >Fluttershy takes Anon all the way to his testicles before he lets her pull back.
  1262. >She then slides her mouth back and forth.
  1263. >You bite your lip, wanting satisfaction so bad, but if you try touching yourself, they might hear.
  1264. >Anon pulls out of her mouth, sliding down her body.
  1265. >His strange bulb prods her marehood.
  1266. >You can hear your friend moan out.
  1267. >”Oh! Ah! Pl-Please, don't tease me.”
  1268. >Anon just chuckles, reaching down to stroke her teat.
  1269. >She stifles a VERY loud whimper.
  1270. >”N-Nooo, what if Rarity hears us?”
  1271. >You pull back, hearing your name shocking you.
  1272. >Anon growls a bit, from what you can hear, he pinches her teat harder.
  1273. >”Guess we'll have to find a way to keep quiet.”
  1274. >Some shuffling follows and you peek back in.
  1275. >Fluttershy is in missionary position, all four of her hooves on the ground as she present herself.
  1276. >Anon gets behind her, stroking his bulb up and down as Fluttershy's tails sways lefts and right.
  1277. >She is biting a pillow, whimpering more.
  1278. >You can't take it anymore!
  1279. >Using your magic, you make a VERY light gag and makeshift dildo.
  1280. >As you look, you feel your body shaking.
  1281. >You quickly change the shape to match Anon's bulb, ridding yourself of the medial ring.
  1282. >Anon grabs Fluttershy's hips, pushing into her marehood.
  1283. >She tries to cry out, but the pillow is quite thick.
  1284. >You do the same with your magical human penis, grinding your hooves as quietly as you can on the floor.
  1285. >Anon thrusts, making her gasp out before re-biting the pillow.
  1286. >You attempt to mimic this action.
  1287. >Gasping against the gag, you breath through your nose.
  1288. >Anon goes again, setting a pace for himself.
  1289. >Following their lead, you moan, silently having it return to our mouth each time.
  1290. >The creaking of Anon's bed, mixed with the stifled cries and moans of pleasure from Fluttershy are turning you on FAR too much!
  1291. >Before you know it, you're cumming, coating the magical toy with your juices.
  1292. >You aren't too lost in your lust to know to make a mess.
  1293. >Your juices stick to the human phallus.
  1294. >Anon just keeps going, pounding away at Fluttershy's pussy.
  1295. >You see him raise a hand and spank her, causing you to squeal before falling into a descending series of moans.
  1296. >You resume fucking yourself with the toy, all inhibitions you had holding you back temporarily gone.
  1297. >Fluttershy's screams out, her hips bucking forward.
  1298. >Even as she climaxes, Anon just keeps going.
  1299. >You join them in this series of thrusts, spanks, and mare-gasms for a good twenty minutes, Anon coming maybe once or twice during this, maybe.
  1300. >You see Anon thrust forward, holding it as he makes a strange, almost animalistic moan.
  1301. >He pulls Fluttershy back, grinding into her as he gives her deep, slow pumps.
  1302. >Anon holds this position for a few moments before falling forward, holding himself up so he can fall to Fluttershy's side.
  1303. >The two looks in each other's eyes, Anon giving a ragged laigh.
  1304. >”Hah hah.... haha, happy birthday to me.”
  1305. >He leans in and kisses Fluttershy, the two spooning and cuddling.
  1306. >As you come down from your orgasm high, you feel remorse hit you immediatelly.
  1307. >You just watched two of your friends make love and used it as material to masturbate like a lusty harlot too...
  1308. >Waiting until you can move, you pull the magically formed toy away, trying to quietly stand and make your way to the bathroom.
  1309. >You'll flush this, get your drink of water, then head to bed and think about what horrible thing you just did...
  1310. >You stop, feeling yourself wink once, slowly.
  1311. >Even if you do regret your decision, it was quite the experience.
  1314. >Sitting at the table, you wait for Anon and Fluttershy.
  1315. >You figured it would be rude to leave witbout saying good bye
  1316. >Add to the fact it would look suspect...
  1317. >As you sip some tea you made, you hear a light yawn.
  1318. >You look to the entrance, then immediatelly look away.
  1319. >Anon is in nothing but his boxers
  1320. >You hear a soft chuckle followed by another yawn.
  1321. >"Sorry, sorry. Forgot you stayed the night."
  1322. >You look back to the entrance and see Anon is not there.
  1323. >"I'll get some pants on. One sec."
  1324. >Clearing your throat, you speak where he can hear you, but not overly so.
  1325. "Actually, I have to get going."
  1326. >Anon chuckles again.
  1327. >"Oh, then I am DEFINITELY getting some pants on. Just one sec."
  1328. >You sigh, finish your tea, then stand.
  1329. >As you patiently wait, you hear the clip clop of hooves.
  1330. >Fluttershy enters and smiles, her mane a frazzled mess.
  1331. >"Good Morning, Rarity."
  1332. >You smile back, guilt growing.
  1333. "Good morning Fluttershy, and I hope it continues to be one, but I must go."
  1334. >Walking towards the kitchen's entrance, you are stopped by a hug.
  1335. >Fluttershy lets off a happy little sugh before letting go.
  1336. >"Okay, Rarity. We'll see you this afternoon, right?"
  1337. >You pause, lookong Fluttershy in the eyes.
  1338. >She looks so happy...
  1339. "Of course, I wouldn't miss this for the world."
  1340. >She continues to smile as a pair of hands reach around you.
  1341. >Taking a sharp inhale, the owner of said hands hugs you.
  1342. >"Thanks for a fun night, Rares. See you soon."
  1343. >Anon lets go, walks towards Fluttershy, and proceeds to hug her.
  1344. >You give a weak smile and giggle.
  1345. "Happy Birthday, Anon."
  1346. >The pair turn to you, expressions soft and sweet.
  1347. >"Thanks Rarity. Thanks ."
  1348. >With that, you turn and make a calm exit.
  1349. >Outside the house, you feel conflicted.
  1350. >You should still feel guilt, yet... you don't
  1351. >Honestly, you're a little happy.
  1352. >Perhaps it will last for just the moment, but you don't care.
  1353. >You feel happiness now.
  1354. >After the jealousy, sorrow, anger, and regret you've faced...
  1355. >It feels wonderful.
  1358. >As you pace lightly, Anon's original gift put aside, you think.
  1359. >What can you get him on short notice?
  1360. >You WANT it to be hoofmade, but you may not have the time.
  1361. >A hat?
  1362. >To simple.
  1363. >A new suit?
  1364. >No time!
  1365. >Shirt?
  1366. >Again, too simple!
  1367. "AGH!"
  1368. >You sigh, pacing faster, then stop.
  1369. >Perhaps you could give him... yourself?
  1370. >Feeling a sensual shiver run over you, you let the idea hand for a moment longer before shaking it off.
  1371. >It's bad enough you peeked on Anon having sex with Fluttershy, you shouldn't fantasize about you being in her place!
  1372. >No matter how wonderful it looked.
  1373. >...
  1374. "STOP IT!"
  1375. >You pace again, practically running.
  1376. "GRAH!"
  1377. >These sexual thoughts won't leave your head!
  1378. "Out! Out!"
  1379. >Quit imagining how it would feel!
  1380. >How he must taste!
  1381. >The touch of his testicles against your behind!
  1382. >What you would wear!
  1383. >Slowing down, you soon come to a halt.
  1384. "Wear..."
  1385. >Not you, but perhaps... Fluttershy?
  1386. >You do have her measurements...
  1387. >Some negligee would not take too long to make.
  1388. >You shiver once more, realizing they would be having sex while wearing something you made.
  1389. >...
  1390. >No!
  1391. >No fantasizing!
  1392. >The idea is good, but the thoughts it brings are not!
  1393. >Taking deep breaths, you force yourself to calm down.
  1394. >You have a gift idea.
  1395. >You will make it.
  1396. >Not fantasize about you- OR FLUTTERSHY, having sex in it!
  1397. >Grabbing cloth, you hurriedly work.
  1398. >Not just because of the time constraints, but to distract you as well.
  1399. "Thread by thread... knitting together this see through gown... stitch by stitch... imagining Anon holding me down."
  1403. >Composing yourself one last time, you make sure everything is perfect.
  1404. >Mane?
  1405. >Light and bouncy.
  1406. >Coat?
  1407. >Spotless.
  1408. >Gift?
  1409. >... Wrapped up perfectly with a neat little bow on the box.
  1410. >Feeling content with your appearance, you enter Sugarcube Corner.
  1411. >Apparently you are quite late.
  1412. >The party is in full swing, at least by Anon's pace.
  1413. >Music at a tolerable level where one can enjoy it without annoying others.
  1414. >Cake is out, yet not cut.
  1415. >Presents stacked, most of your friends are here, and the food is already being served.
  1416. >You see Anon, with Fluttershy on his lap, talking with Applejack and Pinkie Pie.
  1417. >"Rarity!"
  1418. >Yelping, you turn to the voice, seeing Spike by you.
  1419. >Releasing a sigh of relief, you smile.
  1420. "Why, hello there Spike."
  1421. >He has a smile wide as can be, and you know exactly why.
  1422. >Turning back, you see Spike's outburst has drawn attention to you.
  1423. >Anon waves, Fluttershy resting happily on his chest.
  1424. >You blush a bit in embarrassment and walk towards the table Anon's gifts are stacked.
  1425. >Placing the box down, you move towards Twilight, feeling awkward.
  1426. >She is sipping on some punch, standing next to Rainbow Dash.
  1427. >Your purple coated friend smiles.
  1428. >"Hey Rarity, how are you?"
  1429. >Giving her a smile, you try to integrate into the existing conversation.
  1430. "I'm fine, darling. How are you two doing? I hope I wasn't interrupting."
  1431. >Twilight's smile fades, turning to an annoyed frown.
  1432. >She rolls her eyes then turns to your rainbow maned friend.
  1433. >"Don't worry, it wasn't important. Rainbow Dash here just can't be happy Fluttershy and Anon are happy."
  1434. >Oh dear...
  1435. >You had forgotten her little issue from the other day.
  1436. >Hopefully she is not sour about your yelling at her.
  1437. >Rainbow Dash blows a raspberry, looking back.
  1438. >"I'm just saying, Fluttershy could do better. Like Big Mac, or even a wonderbolt."
  1439. >And now you don't care if she is mad or not.
  1440. >Even seeing Fluttershy so joyous and calm, she still doesn't like their relationship.
  1441. >...
  1442. >You quirk your head, controlling yourself.
  1443. "You mean like Soarin? Hmm, yes, I could see him taking an interest in her."
  1444. >Your two friends look to you in shock, but of the same type.
  1445. >Twilight's look is legitimate, where as Rainbow Dash's is of anger.
  1446. >Twilight shakes her head, giving you a hurt look.
  1447. >"Rarity, I thought liked them dating."
  1448. >'Liked' is a strong word, one you know isn't true.
  1449. >You can tolerate it, you can accept it, you can even support them, but you don't like it.
  1450. "Oh, Twilight, don't get me wrong. I am happy that they are happy, and fully support them, but I can see Dash's point. A stallion like Soarin would absolutely adore Fluttershy."
  1451. >There it is.
  1452. >Rainbow Dash always wore her emotions on her sleeves, so to speak, and right now she was furious.
  1453. >You know full well of her interest in the doofy stallion.
  1454. "Sweet, kind, giving, hmm, yes. Fluttershy would be a good match for him. She is also a good match for Anon though."
  1455. >There is a slight sting as you admit that.
  1456. >Whether it is because you believe it or because you feel other wise, you are unsure.
  1457. "Still, if she had eyes for Soarin..."
  1458. >Dash huffs, her feathers ruffled.
  1459. >"Well, whatever. She settled for Anon, so it doesn't matter."
  1460. >Looking towards the couple in question, you see Anon and Fluttershy's smiles from before are gone.
  1461. >Anon holds a stoic, almost annoyed look, while Fluttershy just rest her head against him, her expression almost sorrow filled.
  1462. >Did they hear you?
  1463. >Clearing your throat, you look back to Twilight and Dash.
  1464. "No, she did not settle. Neither of them did. Can you not just tolerate they are a happy couple?"
  1465. >You hear a chuckle fill the room.
  1466. >"Oh, but are they?"
  1467. >Feeling a bit of fear, you look around.
  1468. >You are not the only one.
  1469. >"My, you three are loud. And the rest of you! How polite, pretending not to hear."
  1470. >All eyes congregate on the light.
  1471. >It sparks, the bulb cracking.
  1472. >Out slithers a grey smoke.
  1473. >It grows quickly, then poofs into a familiar Draconequus.
  1474. >Discord smiles, floating down with a miniature umbrella on his back.
  1475. >Once he lands, the umbrella zooms up and into the bulb, fixing it.
  1476. >He chuckles, looking around.
  1477. >"What? Why is everyone so surprised to see little old me?"
  1478. >He slides over to Fluttershy and Anon, getting behind them and wrapping his arms around both of them.
  1479. >"It's not that shocking that Fluttershy and Anob here would invite their good pal Discord."
  1480. >He tries to squeeze his head between theirs, and given the positioning, looks quite awkward.
  1481. >Anon slides himself and Fluttershy free, supporting Fluttershy's rump with his hands.
  1482. >"Yeah... surprised you showed up. The whole rsvp thing."
  1483. >Discord looks confused, scratching his chin.
  1484. >"Hmmm, that's odd. I'm sure I sent my-"
  1485. >He grins, snapping his fingers.
  1486. >"OH, that's right, I completely forgot to mail this."
  1487. >He pulls out a miniature stallion wearing a mail costume.
  1488. >The stallion moves!
  1489. >"HELP! I've been in his pocket for a week! At least, I think it's been a week. I can't remember!"
  1490. >Discord tosses him before snapping his fingers, the stallion grows to a full sized pony.
  1491. >"Now then, remember that letter I gave you?"
  1492. >The stallion nods, legs shaking, eyes wide.
  1493. >"It goes to him."
  1494. >Once again, the stallion nods, giving Anon the letter before running out of the bakery, screaming.
  1495. >Anon holds his gaze on the door before turning to Discord.
  1496. >"All right... so, you think Fluttershy and I aren't a happy couple?"
  1497. >Discord turns away, still smiling, waving it off.
  1498. >"Oh, pish posh. Perish the though. Just thinking out loud. I mean, I haven't see you two together."
  1499. >He then turns to them, expression changing to a more calm, almost manipulative one.
  1500. >"In fact, I haven't seen Fluttershy in a while. I'd say... ohhh, since before you two got together."
  1501. >Anon, lets her down, holding his ground.
  1502. >"Whose fault is that? I'm not exactly holding her on a leash, you know."
  1503. >Discord gives Anon an offended look.
  1504. >"Why, I never! Did you really think I was implying you were controlling Fluttershy? Nooo, not I! Hmm, though that does seem a little projective, doesn't it?"
  1505. >Discord poofs away, causing Anon to look around.
  1506. >A pair of mismatched parts are then placed on Anon's shoulders, causing him to stiffen up.
  1507. >"Oh, but don't worry. I'm not here to ruin your special day."
  1508. >A little bottle forms in front of Anon.
  1509. >"I just wanted to drop off my gift. I am a busy being, after all."
  1510. >The hands poof into smoke, then nothing.
  1511. >"Ta-ta, Anob. Have a VERY happy birthday."
  1512. >With that, the strange air about the room seems to fade, returning to normal.
  1513. >Anon shakes, rubbing a shoulder.
  1514. >"Gross..."
  1515. >The bottle shakes a bit in the air, about to drop.
  1516. >Anon catches it, looking it over.
  1517. >He shakes his head, looking confused.
  1518. >Damnable Discord.
  1519. >The look on your friends' faces...
  1520. >They look so uncomfortable.
  1521. >Clearing your throat, you try to help bring the mood back, when Pinkie takes a single long hop towards the cake.
  1522. >"So, who wants cake?!"
  1523. >Her smile causes you to relax, and it seems to be having that effect on others as well.
  1524. >Anon smiles, nodding.
  1525. >"Yeah, cake sounds good."
  1526. >You sigh, feeling a bit conflicted.
  1527. >Discord is clearly up to something, and if you hadn't called out Rainbow Dash, he might not have made that big of a show.
  1528. >Somehow, you feel a measure of responsibility.
  1529. >As Anon and the others surround the cake, Fluttershy makes her way over to you.
  1530. >Without saying a, she hugs you.
  1531. >"Thank you."
  1532. >It takes you a moment to react, but you hug back.
  1533. "You're.. quite welcome. Though I did nothing worthy of thanks."
  1534. >She smiles, shaking her head.
  1535. >"I know some ponies don't like Anon, o-or like him too much... but both sides don't want us together... thank you, for defending us."
  1536. >Her smile fades, replaced with sorrow.
  1537. >"I-I know how hard it must have been for you... with..."
  1538. >She goes silent, but you know what she is trying to say.
  1539. >Shaking your head, you hug her again.
  1540. "Ohhh, don't give it a second thought. Anon's happiness means much to me, as does yours."
  1541. >You meant what you said earlier.
  1542. >Fluttershy is all those things and more.
  1543. >Pulling back, you speak.
  1544. "You are a wonderful mare. Anyone who says Anon does not deserve you, or the foil to it, is wrong."
  1545. >Fluttershy is sweet, gentle, soft, kind, elegant...
  1546. >Beautiful, her eyes are quite captivating, all around cute.
  1547. >You pause, clearing your throat.
  1548. >As you wonder what you were just thinking, you remember a moan Fluttershy made last night.
  1549. >It sends your body to stone, your cheeks burning.
  1550. "Er- excuse me!"
  1551. >You rush to the little fillies room.
  1552. >"Oh, um, okay."
  1553. >Inside, you head to the sinks.
  1554. >What in Celestia's name just happened?
  1555. >You look into the mirror, confused.
  1556. >As the moan comes to mind again, a thought of you under Anon, legs up, his bulb headed manhood piercing you fills your mind.
  1557. >You shake your head.
  1558. >Why now?
  1559. >Why here?
  1560. >You were controlling those horrid thought so well!
  1561. >Sighing, you wash your face, preparing yourself to go back.
  1562. >... in a few minutes.
  1563. >You need to calm down.
  1564. >Breath in... and out...
  1567. >Making your way to the Library to FINALLY pick up your book, you still can't shake the thought that has hounded you all day off.
  1568. >You have seen neither Anon nor Fluttershy for days.
  1569. >After Anon's birthday, the two of them seemed to vanish form the public eye.
  1570. >True, you suspect they could just be at either of their homes, but to go full days without seeing them around...
  1571. >It almost feels as if they're avoiding you.
  1572. >Sighing, you reach the Library's front door.
  1573. >With two knocks, you wait.
  1574. >Spike opens the door, smiling the moment he sees you.
  1575. >"Oh, hey Rarity! What's going on?"
  1576. >You give a soft smile back, matching his gaze.
  1577. "Oh, nothing much, I just need to speak with Twilight. Get my book I left here the other day."
  1578. >He nods, opening the door and stepping aside.
  1579. >"Gotcha. Come on in, I'll grab Twilight for you."
  1580. >Entering the tree building, you move towards the shelves, looking over various titles.
  1581. >It does not take long for Twilight to meet you.
  1582. >"Hi, Rarity. Spike said you wanted your book?"
  1583. >You nod, turning to her.
  1584. >...
  1585. >Her mane is done up differently.
  1586. >It is in a bun, held together by sticks.
  1587. >You give her a small look of confusion.
  1588. "Errr-"
  1589. >Twilight seems confused by YOUR confusion.
  1590. >Her expression quickly changes to one of realization as she undoes her bun.
  1591. >"Sorry! Heh, was- it's in your book. Not that you would know, uh, it's how some of the mares have their mane done."
  1592. >Twilight's been reading your book?
  1593. >...
  1594. >Admittedly, this shouldn't surprise you.
  1595. >With a smile, you grab the sticks with your magic.
  1596. "Well, it is a very cute style. How did you manage to get it like that with these?"
  1597. >Your friend giggles, taking them from you.
  1598. >"It's not that hard. Just look."
  1599. >You watch as she moves the sticks, using magic to take parts of her mane.
  1600. >With a few rolls and curls, the bun is done, then Twilight slides the sticks in to hold it.
  1601. "Hmm, interesting."
  1602. >Twilight nods.
  1603. >"Very. I didn't learn how to do it from your book, but seeing the mares like that, well, I picked up a few others."
  1604. >With a small giggle, you shake your head.
  1605. >You then pause, thinking.
  1606. >If she has books on Neihponese culture, perhaps she might also have some copies of your comic?
  1607. >After finishing the first volume, you've been interested in reading more.
  1608. "Hmm, Twilight?"
  1609. >Looking to your friend, she quirks her head slightly.
  1610. >"Yeah?
  1611. "You wouldn't happen to have some copies of 'hyper gem wars', would you?"
  1612. >She giggles, shaking her head.
  1613. >"Rarity, I didn't think you were into things like that."
  1614. >With a blush, you scoff, looking away in embarrassment.
  1615. "Wh-Why, I never!"
  1616. >Twilight giggles some more at your expense before taking a couple steps away.
  1617. >"I'll go check. I KNOW we have the first volume."
  1618. >Sighing as she leaves, you feel a little shame.
  1619. >Yes, it is silly, illogical, and more than a little perverse...
  1620. >But you find the story interesting.
  1621. >As you stand there, eyes to the ground, you head a cough.
  1622. >Raising your gaze, you see Spike with two tickets in his hand.
  1623. >"Sooo..."
  1624. >He rocks back and forth, looking embarrassed.
  1625. >"S-So... I was wondering, would you want to come with me to a thing in Canterlot?"
  1626. >... Oh.
  1627. >This is...
  1628. >Oh...
  1629. >"It's a gallery, for gems! Lots of famous ones, like the Trottingham Emerald and the Saddle Arabian Topaz Scarab! Lots of big name celebrities'll be there too. I know Photo Finish is planning to go when it opens."
  1630. >He's done things like this before, but not to this degree.
  1631. >You can just guess at what he must have done to get those tickets.
  1632. "Spikey- Spike... I-"
  1633. >He rises his hand, shaking is head.
  1634. >"Before you answer, I just want you to know it would be as a just friends thing! Promise."
  1635. >Feeling crestfallen, you know he SAYS that, but his intentions are different.
  1636. >You've always known these 'just friends' activities are his way of trying to earn your deeper affection.
  1637. >If things were different, if Anon had never called you out on it, you would have said yes in a heart beat.
  1638. >Now though...
  1639. >Taking a deep breath, you shake your head.
  1640. "I'm sorry, Spike. I have to decline."
  1641. >He chuckles, looking nervous.
  1642. >"Well, I mean, you don't HAVE to. Not really. Heh, I mean, why would you have to?"
  1643. >Should you say you're busy and leave it at that, or should you make things clear now, that there is no actual chance of his affections being returned?
  1644. >... No, you won't hurt him.
  1645. >Not now, not while he seemed so excited over the event.
  1646. "I'm just very busy. I wouldn't know when I'm free or if I could properly prepare. I'm sorry."
  1647. >Spike sighs, you can see the disappointment on his face.
  1648. >Not a heartbroken sorrow, thankfully.
  1649. >"Oh... okay... still, who am I gonna take to this?"
  1650. >Without thinking, you reply.
  1651. "Well, there's Twilight, Sweetie Belle, perhaps even Applejack?"
  1652. >Applejack?
  1653. >You have a small internal giggle.
  1654. >Applejack doesn't seem the type who would enjoy Canterlot for a fun trip.
  1655. >Spike scratches his chin, then shrugs.
  1656. >"Maybe. Hmm, do you think any of them would like to go?"
  1657. >You actually think before speaking this time.
  1658. "Hmm, Twilight would be happy to go to an exhibit. Sweetie would just be happy being in Canterlot. Applejack though? I doubt it, but she might just enjoy your company."
  1659. >He smiles, looking to the tickets.
  1660. >"Well... I got some time before opening day. I'll ask them when I can."
  1661. >You nod, feeling a little relieved.
  1662. >Spike is a sweet dragon.
  1663. >Just then, Twilight returns with four books floating by her.
  1664. >"Well, you're in luck! We have the second and third one, but then it skips straight to volume six."
  1665. >She giggles, floating over two of them.
  1666. >As she looks to the last one, she smiles.
  1667. >"I'll see if we can't get the rest in. It looks cute."
  1668. >That's what you thought at first too...
  1669. >Taking the two books, a third one floats under them.
  1670. >Your tea book.
  1671. >As you smile, you can feel it fade.
  1672. >That thought has returned.
  1673. >Holding a soft hum, you look to Twilight.
  1674. "Twilight, dear, have you seen Anon or Fluttershy recently?"
  1675. >Your purple friend thinks for a moment before her expression changes to one of curiosity.
  1676. >She looks to you, shaking her head.
  1677. >"Actually, I haven't. Are they okay?"
  1678. >You sigh, holding her gaze.
  1679. "I wouldn't know. It's why I asked. Did they say anything to you before?"
  1680. >Twilight sighs, bringing a hoof to her chin.
  1681. >"No... Last I saw them was during Anon's party. After that, nothing. Have you asked anyone else about this?"
  1682. >You give a weak giggle.
  1683. "No, just realized this today. Thought it was just me."
  1684. >Twilight gives a concerned look.
  1685. >"Hmm, well, Spike and I will go check on them. Just in case."
  1686. >You nod.
  1687. "Thank you, darling."
  1688. >True, you should probably check on them yourself instead of sending Twilight to do your dirty work...
  1689. >But it almost feels wrong.
  1690. >Yes, you are worried about them, but for some reason you don't want to see them.
  1691. >Together, at least.
  1692. >That little fit you had at their birthday is still sitting with you.
  1693. >Not in a positive way, either.
  1694. >Looking to the three books, you gather them up.
  1695. "Well, I should be going. Thanks again for doing this for me, Twilight."
  1696. >Your friend smiles, giggling.
  1697. >"Doing what?"
  1698. >Ah, right.
  1699. >She doesn't know the extent of how much Anon and Fluttershy relationship matters to you.
  1700. "The books, of course."
  1701. >And it is probably best it is kept that way.
  1702. >You don't want your friends thinking you are so petty.
  1703. >Twilight floats the comic up beside her.
  1704. >"Oh, that. It's no big deal."
  1705. >She walks up and gives you a quick hug.
  1706. >"See you soon, Rarity."
  1707. >Spike does the same.
  1708. >"Yeah, see you soon!"
  1709. >Holding any hint of emotion back, you push a smile.
  1710. "As soon as I can."
  1713. >As you pace the floor of the boutique, you keep debating
  1714. >Should you go or not?
  1715. >Twilight did as she said she would, going to check on your friends.
  1716. >She said they were fine, just very busy.
  1717. >That was over a week ago.
  1718. >Busy with what?
  1719. >This has been torturing your thoughts.
  1720. >Not the question itself, but the implications.
  1721. >Perhaps everything that happened involving the mares and stallions of Ponyville having an opinion on their relationship is making them want to move?
  1722. >Or maybe Anon or Fluttershy can't handle the stress and the other has been trying to save their relationship?
  1723. >What if one of them is sick?
  1724. >What if both of them are?
  1726. >You let off a soft scream, that last thought stabbing at you the worst.
  1727. >On the other hoof, what if they are fine and you show up in a worry over nothing?
  1728. >What if they ARE avoiding you?
  1729. >What if they hate you for kissing Anon?!
  1730. >You need answers, but if you get answers, will that just make things worse?!
  1731. >Tearing up, you thrash a bit.
  1732. >What do you do?
  1733. >Taking several breaths, you calm yourself.
  1734. >...
  1735. >It is better to know and be wrong, then to be right and not know, isn't it?
  1736. >At the very least, it will calm these rabid thoughts.
  1737. >Steeling yourself, you nod.
  1738. >You WILL see them!
  1739. >As you make for the door, you hear a knock.
  1740. >"Rarity? I... Are you there? Are you busy?"
  1741. >Anon!
  1742. >But his voice sounds weak...
  1743. >Rushing to the door, you open it, your emotions shooting south.
  1744. >Anon looks ragged.
  1745. >His eyes look almost empty, dry, lacking of color.
  1746. >The clothing he is wearing is clearly not fresh.
  1747. >Not to say he smells, but he does not look good at all.
  1748. >"Hey... can I come in?"
  1749. >You nod, stepping aside from the door.
  1750. >Anon enters, leaving the dark night.
  1751. >In the light, he looks worse.
  1752. "Anonymous... what's wrong? What's happened? I don't see you for almost two weeks and you-"
  1753. >He raises a hand, bringing the other to his face.
  1754. >After a few moments of silence, he takes a deep breath.
  1755. >"I just... can't be alone right now."
  1756. >What's happened?
  1757. >Stepping in front of him, you look to him, worried.
  1758. "Anon... please... why do you look as if the world's tossed you aside?"
  1759. >His eyes lock with yours.
  1760. >He tries to hold his composure, but breaks down, eyes welling up.
  1761. >"Dammit... DAMMIT!"
  1762. >He covers his face, falling back onto his bottom.
  1763. >You walk to him, wrapping your hooves around his neck as he silently, angrily sobs.
  1764. >"It's fucking... it's fuck-.... it's horrible, Rarity."
  1765. >You just hold him, letting him release whatever he is holding back.
  1768. >Bringing Anon a cup of tea, you see him stooped into the chair.
  1769. >After his good cry, he's been silent.
  1770. >When you asked if he wanted tea, he just nodded.
  1771. >Pouring him a cup, he sighs.
  1772. >"Rarity... do you think Fluttershy is... faithful?"
  1773. >You pause, unprepared for that question.
  1774. >After a few tense moments, you look to Anon.
  1775. "Yes."
  1776. >He sighs, bringing a hand to his face once more, dragging it down.
  1777. >"I want to believe... I do."
  1778. >What is he implying?
  1779. >... You think you have an idea, but you don't want to believe.
  1780. "If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to."
  1781. >He blinks, eyes still empty.
  1782. >"I actually do... I actually really do."
  1783. >Taking a seat, you prepare yourself for the worst.
  1784. >Given what he said, it may very well be.
  1785. "I'm here for you... you only need to say what you feel comfortable saying."
  1786. >He sighs, leaning further into the seat.
  1787. >"Where to start, where to start... I guess my birthday would be a good point. At least, if what she says... what she thinks is true."
  1788. >He sits up, leaning on your table.
  1789. >"After we said our goodbyes, after we got back home, we decided to relax. Nothing unusual, just spending time together... then Fluttershy grabbed that drink Discord gave me."
  1790. >Anon's eyes finally show something, but you aren't sure what.
  1791. >"She said she wanted some. I asked her if it was safe to drink, if it was even a drink, and she said it was. That she trusted him. Heh."
  1792. >He shakes his head, looking away.
  1793. >"I'm not sure what it was... but after we had a cup, it made feel like an animal afterwards. Not rabid or blood thirsty... a different kind."
  1794. >Curious, you interrupt him.
  1795. "An animal that is not blood thirsty? Like a cow or dog?"
  1796. >He turns to you.
  1797. >"Rabbit."
  1798. >You feel a blush run across your cheeks.
  1799. >He sighs, looking straight forward.
  1800. >"It was... insane. We spent almost five days going at it, barely stopping. I think we only stopped a few times. You know, normal reasons, and once to talk to Twilight... I, uh, had to make up an excuse."
  1801. >That is what he meant by busy... V-Very lewd.
  1802. >"Afterwards... like, IMMEDIATELY afterwards, Fluttershy said she felt funny. I thought maybe she was just tired and dehydrated... she ran to the bathroom and threw up."
  1803. >You feel a bit sick hearing that.
  1804. >"I didn't think much of it. I was concerned, yeah, but I thought maybe she was sick."
  1805. >You can see his hand fidget, expression changing from the stoic, almost angry one.
  1806. >He looks hurt.
  1807. >"She stayed in for a couple days. I went to work, but spent the rest of my time taking care of her."
  1808. >Anon grinds his teeth, shaking his head.
  1809. >"After a couple days, she asked me- begged me to get a pregnancy test."
  1810. >She couldn't have been...
  1811. >"I did... she was... she..."
  1812. >You see him struggling.
  1813. "She was 'it'."
  1814. >He seethes, nodding.
  1815. >"Yeah... problem is timing... I... Fluttershy and I have been having sex for a while now. Never once used a condom. She said it was impossible for me to get her pregnant."
  1816. >Anon sighs, voice wavering as he does.
  1817. >"So... that could have meant a few things. Maybe she cheated on me... maybe she was wrong..."
  1818. >You cough, feeling he is forgetting something.
  1819. "Or perhaps that drink Discord gave you was magical?"
  1820. >He nods.
  1821. >"The thought crossed my mind... again, meaning a few things. She was pregnant with my kid, pregnant with something else... or..."
  1822. >You know he doesn't wish to say it.
  1823. "No. Magic doesn't work that way."
  1824. >You are lying, you don't know how chaos magic works.
  1825. >But you also know that is the last thing he needs to think about.
  1826. >"... Still, there's that problem of timing. It happened right after we stopped. What kind of insane magic does that?"
  1827. >He finally returns his gaze to you.
  1828. "I... don't know."
  1829. >He just blinks, gaze lowering.
  1830. >"Yeah... we talked about it a lot after that... there was... yelling. Crying, worry, and a lot of talk about what to do."
  1831. >He brings his hands up to the table, resting his face on them.
  1832. >"We're not in the best spot to raise a kid... haven't even been together a year. Then there's the fact neither of us is ready to have a kid of our own."
  1833. >You want to correct him, tell him it would technically be a foal, but that would only anger him.
  1834. "I see... what happened?"
  1835. >He is quiet.
  1836. >"She..."
  1837. >He lets off a weak chuckle, shaking his head in his hands.
  1838. >"Did you know ponies can self-abort? I didn't..."
  1839. >Oh Celestia...
  1840. >"That was yesterday... she said she couldn't look at me... heh, I-I blew up at her over that."
  1841. >He stops, voice going almost monotonous.
  1842. >"I said so many hurtful things... I was so mad... it felt like she blamed me...
  1843. >There is another pause.
  1844. >"She made me leave... I realized what I had done BEFORE I was out the door. I tried to apologize, but she didn't want to hear it."
  1845. >Anon sighs, raising his head.
  1846. >"I spent from then till maybe... ten, twenty minutes ago? All that time alone. In my home... in the dark."
  1847. >Anonymous...
  1848. "... You came to me first?"
  1849. >He chuckles, nodding.
  1850. >"I needed help. I thought about who I could count on the most... remember me saying I needed you in my life?"
  1851. >You tear up.
  1852. >This is what he meant.
  1853. >He needed you to be here if something like this happened.
  1854. >And it did.
  1855. "Anon... I am so sorry."
  1856. >He just nods.
  1857. >"Yeah, me too."
  1858. >There is silence once more.
  1859. "Is there anything I can do?"
  1860. >He just stares, that look of emptiness in his eyes fading.
  1861. >"I want to talk to Fluttershy, but she doesn't want to see me... can you check on her? Let her know I am sorry?"
  1862. >You nod.
  1863. "Of course... Anon?"
  1864. >He looks to you,
  1865. >"Hmm?"
  1866. >You sigh, wanting to smile.
  1867. "I'm glad to see you again... I was worried."
  1868. >It's a horrible situation, yes, but you missed him.
  1869. >Anon just sighs, resting his head on your table.
  1870. >"Rarity, I want to be happy to hear that. I do... but, things are..."
  1871. "Oh- no, I understand... I'll talk to her tomorrow for you."
  1872. >Of course.
  1873. >He would be more concerned with his relationship.
  1874. >Stupid, stupid mare...
  1875. >Anon just rests there for a while, and you silently watch him.
  1876. >After a while, you hear soft breaths.
  1877. "Anon?"
  1878. >There is no response.
  1879. >The poor man...
  1880. >He must be so emotionally drained right now.
  1881. >Going up to your room, you grab a blanket.
  1882. >Coming back down, you toss it over him.
  1883. >You know he is hurting, but he looks so peaceful right now.
  1884. >This handsome man...
  1885. >Once more, you just watch him rest for a while.
  1888. >As you make your way towards Fluttershy's home, you think upon what to say.
  1889. >Should you come right out and say Anon is sorry and wants to speak with her?
  1890. >Ask how she is feeling and if she wants to talk with him?
  1891. >Perhaps you should just see if she is doing well.
  1892. >Doing what she did...
  1893. >You can imagine that it must have been heart-wrenching.
  1894. >As you near the cottage, you can hear her sobs.
  1895. >The poor dear...
  1896. >You pause, wondering if you should even bother right now.
  1897. >"He-He said so many mean things."
  1898. >Is she talking to herself?
  1899. >Angel, perhaps.
  1900. >"Hush, Fluttershy, I know. He's just human. Awful war prone, violent human."
  1901. >Wait a minute.
  1902. >Discord?!
  1903. >Fluttershy sobs more.
  1904. >"I know, but he-he-he's different. He never acted that way before!"
  1905. >Why is he here?
  1906. >Did she invite him over?
  1907. >"No, he isn't. Come now, you know he liked you. He was just acting affectionate, like a wild dog. You had something he wanted, and he cozied up. Fluttershy, from you told me, he made some VERY horrible accusations. Did he even listen to you?"
  1908. >You continue to listen, frozen in place by confusion and curiosity.
  1909. >"He did- he said- ohhhh!"
  1910. >You friend cries continue.
  1911. >"Fluttershy, come here. It's all right."
  1912. >You hear movement.
  1913. >"Listen to me, is this what you want? You know he'll just hurt you more."
  1914. >You shake your head.
  1915. >What happened was a misunderstanding, an accident caused by neither of them.
  1916. >They acted naturally, in fear and shock.
  1917. >"Humans. They aren't meant to be with ponies, and with good reason. They aren't ponies."
  1918. >As you scowl, listening, you wonder how he even knows about humanS.
  1919. >The only way he could be so knowledgeable of them is if he has seen them.
  1920. >If so, why not offer Anon a way home?
  1921. >...
  1922. >He's lying.
  1923. >You're sure of it.
  1924. >"But-but I love him... I love him so much."
  1925. >A low hum comes from Discord.
  1926. >"You love him, but does he love you?"
  1927. >He does.
  1928. >"Yes!"
  1929. >Discord lets off a small chuckle.
  1930. >"Then why was he at Rarity's last night?"
  1931. >WHAT?!
  1932. >Fluttershy whimpers.
  1933. >"Wh-what?"
  1934. >There is a sigh followed by that damnable Draconequus' voice.
  1935. >"Yes. I saw him with my own two eyes. He went in and didn't leave all night."
  1936. >Fluttershy cries harder, her voice soon becoming muffled.
  1937. >You are going to kill him.
  1938. >"Fluttershy, you need someone who trusts you. Who wouldn't betray you over something you two could have talked about."
  1939. >She wouldn't speak with him~
  1940. >"Perhaps someone with more pony in him than ape?"
  1941. >What does that even mean?
  1942. >...
  1944. >Leaning back, you throw as much magic as you can into the door, making it slam open.
  1945. >Stepping in, you see Fluttershy crying into Discord's long, what you assume, chest.
  1946. >"R-Rarity?"
  1947. >She looks up, her eyes weak and hurt.
  1948. "Fluttershy, do NOT listen to him. Yes, Anon came to me last night, but only to cry over you. He's hurt, Fluttershy. He's hurt, scared, and wants to talk with you."
  1949. >Discord scoffs, rolling his eyes as he pets down her mane.
  1950. >"Puh-lease. If he wanted to talk with her, he would have come himself."
  1951. >You stare daggers into him.
  1952. "He would have, if Fluttershy had not said she did not want to see him."
  1953. >You look to your friend.
  1954. "Anon thinks you hate him, that you blame him for what happened. He is well aware he said horrid things, but he regrets them."
  1955. >Letting your expression soften, you look to your dear friend.
  1956. "Fluttershy, he LOVES you. He loves you so much that this is killing him."
  1957. >Exaggeration, yes, but you do not think by much.
  1958. >You see something in Fluttershy's eyes.
  1959. >You are no mind reader, but you can guess.
  1960. >Worry, hope, regret?
  1961. >Perhaps even a mixture of all three.
  1962. >Fluttershy tries to stand, but Discord holds her back for a moment.
  1963. >"Fluttershy, dear. Can't you see? She's only telling you what you want to hear, what will make you feel better. If Anon was truly in so much pain, why would he go to another mare? Yes, she said it was to cry, but why a mare? Why not come crying to you, begging for forgiveness?"
  1964. >For some reason, Fluttershy is listening to him.
  1965. >Her ears lower, and she looks to you.
  1966. >"Rarity... why did Anon go to you?"
  1967. >This damn manipulative beast.
  1968. "Several reason, several OBVIOUS reasons. He was respecting your wishes not to see him, everything is still fresh in his mind and he did not want to open the wound so soon, he did not want to be alone in the dark."
  1969. >The next reason you want to state makes you pause.
  1970. >You take a deep breath, as it almost hurts to admit this.
  1971. "He needed someone he could trust to talk to... and he does not see me as a mare... only a friend..."
  1972. >Fluttershy's eyes once again leak tears.
  1973. >She jumps from her couch, walking to the door.
  1974. >As she does, Discord stands, floating in front of her path.
  1975. >"Fluttershy, are you a fool?"
  1976. >Your friend looks confused.
  1977. >"Think about it. He doubted you. He did not trust you. Yes, he may regret his words, but does he trust you? You were with his foal, and he thought you had cheated on him. Even if he is sorry, does that excuse him?"
  1978. >You have HAD it with this- this BASTARD.
  1979. >Moving next to Fluttershy, you gently push her behind you.
  1980. "Excuse me, but is this even your business? Better yet, why are you so set on making Anonymous out to be a horrid monster?"
  1981. >Discord brings a paw to his chest, expression almost bored.
  1982. >"Why, I am just looking out for a friend."
  1983. >You scoff.
  1984. "Looking out for her? From what I've heard, it was your gift that caused all this! Your gift that had Fluttershy suddenly become with foal. Your gift that cause this horrible set of events to happen. YOUR GIFT that made both of them cry!"
  1985. >He glares at you, crossing his arms.
  1986. >"Is there proof of this?"
  1987. >He can NOT be serious.
  1988. "You gave them a magical drink that drove them to be animalistic. That is all the proof needed."
  1989. >He clicks his tongue, shaking his head.
  1990. >"No. That is not all the proof needed. Silly mare, that just proves I gave them a WONDERFUL night. Which Anon repaid by hurting dear Fluttershy so much."
  1991. >You do not believe this.
  1992. "I- you-!"
  1993. >He slithers towards you.
  1994. >"If all you have to go on is speculation, whose to say Anon is in the right?"
  1995. >You are NOT letting him have this, even if it is only in his messed up mind.
  1996. "Fine. Anon did get Fluttershy pregnant. The foal was Anon's. You had nothing to do with it. Why shouldn't Anon have acted the way he did?"
  1997. >Discord gives you a lost, yet unbelieving look.
  1998. >"Excuse you?"
  1999. >You nod.
  2000. "Yes. Fluttershy assured him they cold not have children, did you not, Fluttershy?"
  2001. >You look to her.
  2002. >There is shame on her face as she looks down.
  2003. >"... Y-Yes... I honestly didn't think we could... We aren't even from the same world, not even close to the same Genus."
  2004. >Leave it to Fluttershy to know about animals.
  2005. "Yes. A first, would it not be? Something new. Something scary. Something neither you or he are ready for, or were expecting, no?"
  2006. >Your friend tears up, nodding.
  2007. >"I- we didn't know."
  2008. >This poor mare...
  2009. >That poor man.
  2010. "Fluttershy, Anon thought it was impossible. His mind jumped to what cold have been possible. Not what happened, just what could exist."
  2011. >Discord laughs, forcing himself back into the picture.
  2012. >"Oh, that's precious. It's so impossible for them to have a baby that his trust for her broke?"
  2013. >You look to him, tired of him.
  2014. "Discord... listen well."
  2015. >He leans in, smiling.
  2016. >"Yes, Fairity?"
  2017. >You look him dead in the eyes.
  2018. "You... are a bastard."
  2019. >He continues smiling.
  2020. "You are a manipulative bastard who is trying to control Fluttershy instead of trying to help her. You are a monster, a beast, and down right VILE."
  2021. >His expression starts to drop, just a bit.
  2022. "Not because of your looks, oh no. You are horrid. A selfish, cruel, BASTARD!"
  2023. >You walk to Fluttershy, holding her.
  2024. "You are a bad friend."
  2025. >He just holds his expression, nostrils flaring as he breathes.
  2026. >"... Is that all?"
  2027. >What?
  2028. >"So, you think me a monster, huh? That hurts SO much."
  2029. >He places both feet firmly on the ground, bringing his hands to his back.
  2030. >"Well, not really. I don't care what you think. I care about Fluttershy. What's best for her, and Anon, clearly, is not."
  2031. >He walks to Fluttershy, who you are still holding.
  2032. >"He is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. A little ball of rage and anger. Sure, they're happy now, but that won't last. Humans are-"
  2033. >You interrupt him then and there.
  2034. "How do you know so much about humans, HMMM?!"
  2035. >He honestly looks confused this time.
  2036. >"Huh?"
  2037. "You keep speaking of them as if you know them, how?"
  2038. >Fluttershy pulls herself free.
  2039. >She looks from you, to him.
  2040. >"Yes... how?"
  2041. >He is quiet for a few moments.
  2042. >"Well now... isn't it obvious? I've seen them. Been to their world."
  2043. >You furrow your brow.
  2044. "Then why did you not offer to take him home? If not just to visit?"
  2045. >He clicks his tongue, looking away.
  2046. >"Well... there's a possibility they aren't the same humans."
  2047. >He truly is a bastard.
  2048. "Excuse YOU?!"
  2049. >He chuckles.
  2050. >"Make no mistake, they are humans. There's just no way of knowing if they are HIS humans or not."
  2051. >Fluttershy looks ready to burst.
  2052. >"So all those things you said were lies?"
  2053. >Before he can answer, you speak.
  2054. "Yes! He lied about Anon coming for me. He lied about humans; Fluttershy, all he's done is lie!"
  2055. >Discord all but growls as he speaks.
  2056. >"I did no such thing! I never denied they may not have been the same humans, and I certainly did not say Anon 'came for you'."
  2057. >You throw him a disgusted look.
  2058. "Then why did you leave it so it sounded that way?!"
  2059. >His voice booms, right in your face.
  2060. >"Because HE'S the monster. I may not be normal, but he isn't even from this world!"
  2061. >You have him.
  2062. "So... a monster loves Fluttershy."
  2063. >Your friend whimpers.
  2064. >You look to her.
  2065. >Still crying, but her expression looks stronger.
  2066. >"And I love him..."
  2067. >She wipes her nose, then walks up to you.
  2068. >"Discord. You should leave."
  2069. >The Draconequus chuckles.
  2070. >"Fluttershy, please-"
  2071. >"Leave."
  2072. >Discord's playful expression shifts.
  2073. >"You're making a mistake."
  2074. >Pulling her close, right by your side, you look to him.
  2075. "Perhaps. But it's hers to make."
  2076. >Discord stares at you two, stoic.
  2077. >"... Have fun, with your abusive monkey. Shutterfly."
  2078. >He then poofs away, filling the room with thick smoke.
  2079. >Coughing, you rush her out of her house.
  2080. >As you do, you notice dozens of animals evacuating the building.
  2081. >Outside, you look to Fluttershy.
  2082. >She falls against you.
  2083. "Fluttershy?"
  2084. >She lets out soft sobs.
  2085. >As she does, you place a hoof on her.
  2086. >Forced pregnancy, nearly manipulated, and now betrayed.
  2087. >... This mare is so strong.
  2088. >You just hold her.
  2089. >She doesn't deserve this.
  2092. >As you lead Anon to Fluttershy's cottage, you can feel his hand try to slip free.
  2093. >It's been a couple days since the Discord incident.
  2094. >Fluttershy needed time to recover.
  2095. >Anon needed time to compose himself.
  2096. >They've had their time.
  2097. >Now they need to be together.
  2098. >... They need to.
  2099. >As you two arrive outside, you see Rainbow Dash leaving.
  2100. >She looks from you, to Anon, then scowls.
  2101. >"... Jerk."
  2102. >She flies off before either of you can speak.
  2103. >Anon sighs, voice shaking.
  2104. >"I-I shouldn't be here. She doesn't want to see me."
  2105. >You sigh.
  2106. "She does, you know she does."
  2107. >Anon pauses.
  2108. >"... I'm scared."
  2109. >That much was clear.
  2110. "Scared enough that you would let her go?"
  2111. >Another moment of silence follows before Anon groans.
  2112. >"Let's go. Now. Before I lose my nerve."
  2113. >Nodding, you walk up to the door and open it.
  2114. "Fluttershy?"
  2115. >There is a near silent response.
  2116. >You can't make out what it is, but it's there.
  2117. >Looking to Anon, you nod.
  2118. "Come."
  2119. >He takes a deep breath, then walks.
  2120. >Inside, you can see him shake.
  2121. >"Fl-Fluttershy?"
  2122. >There is another response you can't make out.
  2123. >Entering, you close the door.
  2124. >Anon heads towards her bedroom.
  2125. >You follow.
  2126. >You aren't leaving until you're sure they will talk.
  2127. >As Anon enters, you are right behind him.
  2128. >"Fluttershy?..."
  2129. >There is a lump on her bed.
  2130. >A wet lump.
  2131. >Anon walks up to it.
  2132. >There is silence as he hugs it.
  2133. >After a moment, sobs.
  2134. >"I-I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!"
  2135. >Anon chuckles, shaking his head.
  2136. >"Don't be. I shouldn't have said those horrible things. Fluttershy, I was wrong. I should have trusted you. I DO trust you."
  2137. >The mare struggles free from her blankets, pouncing the human, her mane a mess, coat dirty.
  2138. >She cries into his shirt.
  2139. >"I didn't know- I DON'T know if you can get me pregnant, but I know I would never cheat on you. I love you, Anon!"
  2140. >Anon's eyes starts to well up to.
  2141. >"And I love you, Fluttershy. I- Rarity told me what happened. I don't want to lose you."
  2142. >Fluttershy shakes he head, about to speak.
  2143. >You silently excuse yourself, leaving the two alone.
  2144. >As you walk down the stairs, you are left with your thoughts.
  2145. >They'll patch things up... or they won't.
  2146. >They'll continue their relationship, or they won't.
  2147. >They'll be happy and love each other, or they won't.
  2148. >You've accepted this. What happens next will be because of them.
  2149. >After you saw what Discord was doing, you realized you could have done the same.
  2150. >Pushed them further, forced them apart.
  2151. >You could have, but you didn't.
  2152. >You wanted that at one point, didn't you?
  2153. >Your chance with Anon, your feelings before Fluttershy's.
  2154. >Yet, when offered the chance, you didn't take it...
  2155. >This proved a couple things to you.
  2156. >Your feelings were true, that you don't like this, but you WILL support them.
  2157. >More importantly... you love Anon.
  2158. >His happiness means more to you than yours.
  2159. >There are only eight ponies you can honestly say that about, and three of them are family.
  2160. >One of them is the beautiful mare upstairs who is holding that man close.
  2161. >... You've also realized you are having conflicting feelings about their relationship now.
  2162. >More-so than before.
  2163. >More often than not now, you find yourself thinking about THEM instead of Anon.
  2164. >Together.
  2165. >Happy...
  2166. >It makes you feel... strange.
  2167. >Fluttershy, Anon, Fluttershy AND Anon...
  2168. >You shake it off.
  2169. >Those feelings will be sorted later.
  2170. >For now, you think you'll just go home, lie down, and have some ice cream.
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