
all of ripgrepped for "shit"

Apr 11th, 2020
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  1. twiggy-ir-0.6.0/        // XXX: This is some hacky, ad-hoc parsing shit! This should
  2. nsf-imgui-0.1.3/        unsafe { igPushItemWidth(item_width) };
  3. index_datamanip-0.5.2/src/ StashItem {
  4. index_datamanip-0.5.2/src/ parse_stash(input: &[u8]) -> Result<(&[u8], Vec<StashItem>)> {
  5. index_datamanip-0.5.2/src/        stash.push(StashItem {
  6. emojicons-1.0.1/    m.entry(":shit:"                            , "\"\u{01F4A9}\"");
  7. nsf-imgui-raw-0.1.0/    pub fn igPushItemWidth(item_width: c_float);
  8. efi-0.2.1/src/ TODO: this whole shit about wrapping raw paths into DevicePath type is unsafe. Address this unsafety
  9. fastcdc-1.0.3/src/ let contents = std::fs::read("test/fixtures/SekienAkashita.jpg").unwrap();
  10. fastcdc-1.0.3/src/        let read_result = fs::read("test/fixtures/SekienAkashita.jpg");
  11. fastcdc-1.0.3/src/        let read_result = fs::read("test/fixtures/SekienAkashita.jpg");
  12. fastcdc-1.0.3/src/        let read_result = fs::read("test/fixtures/SekienAkashita.jpg");
  13. serde_eetf-0.2.0/src/ and figure out if we can use it's ideas to simplify all this lifetime shit.
  14. sn3218-0.1.0/src/        // *r is really shitty
  15. fake-static-0.1.0/src/!("Don't deploy this shit to production you madman");
  16. rusty-wam-0.8.1/src/l0/    //TODO: try to compress this function. currently it is dog shit.
  17. cap1xxx-0.1.0/src/        // *r is really shitty
  18. sled-0.31.0/src/    /// struct MyBullshitError;
  19. sled-0.31.0/src/    /// fn main() -> TransactionResult<(), MyBullshitError> {
  20. sled-0.31.0/src/    ///             abort(MyBullshitError)?;
  21. sled-0.31.0/src/    ///     assert_eq!(res, TransactionError::Abort(MyBullshitError));
  22. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span></span><span class="statsHit">Hit</span><span class="statsTotal">Total</span><span class="statsCoverage">Coverage</span></div>"# "\n"
  23. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span class="statsLine">Lines</span><span class="linesHit">"#
  24. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span class="statsFun">Functions</span><span class="funsHit">"#
  25. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span></span><span class="statsHit">Hit</span><span class="statsTotal">Total</span><span class="statsCoverage">Coverage</span></div>"# "\n"
  26. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span class="statsLine">Lines</span><span class="linesHit">"#
  27. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span class="statsFun">Functions</span><span class="funsHit">"#
  28. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span></span><span class="statsHit">Hit</span><span class="statsTotal">Total</span><span class="statsCoverage">Coverage</span></div>"# "\n"
  29. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span class="statsLine">Lines</span><span class="linesHit">"#
  30. grcov-0.5.13/src/            r#"<span class="statsFun">Functions</span><span class="funsHit">"#
  31. lindera-ipadic-builder-0.3.2/src/                        // same bullshit as above between for 12316 vs 65374
  32. aflak_imgui-sys-0.18.1/src/    pub fn igPushItemWidth(item_width: c_float);
  33. lindera-ipadic-neologd-builder-0.1.2/src/                        // same bullshit as above between for 12316 vs 65374
  34. freeswitchrs-0.1.1/src/ unsafe mod_skelr_load( raw shit ) { wrap_mod_load(...) }
  35. dankboi-0.1.2/src/        if * == BOT { //bois if its literally the bot saying some shit just ignore it
  36. dankboi-0.1.2/src/                "beat" => { //this is some complicated shit about getting file data and stuff
  37. dankboi-0.1.2/src/                    let mut mydata = data.get::<MyData>().unwrap().lock(); //get my shitty struct out and lock it too
  38. dankboi-0.1.2/src/                                        "you dipshit {} isn't a fucking positive number under 256. you still literally get banned tho kys",
  39. dankboi-0.1.2/src/                "whatgame" => { //pick a random game to play, needs work on the list because half of them are actually shit
  40. libwhisper-0.1.1/src/                                         &self.remote_session_key.expect("Shit is on fire yo"),
  41. libwhisper-0.1.1/src/                                   &self.remote_session_key.expect("Shit is on fire yo"),
  42. sentry-0.18.0/tests/        log::error!("Shit's on fire yo");
  43. sentry-0.18.0/examples/            panic!("Shit's on fire yo. 🔥 🚒");
  44. sentry-0.18.0/examples/    error!("Holy shit everything is on fire!");
  45. sentry-0.18.0/examples/        panic!("Holy shit everything is on fire!");
  46. thorium-0.4.0/src/      // shitty triangle
  47. thorium-0.4.0/src/      // shitty sine
  48. dupchecker-0.4.1/src/            // wow! So ugly, such bad, much shit_code
  50. oxygengine-integration-vn-cr-0.7.1/src/    // TODO: REFACTOR THIS SHIT
  51. imgui-0.3.0/src/        unsafe { sys::igPushItemWidth(item_width) };
  52. czmq-0.1.0/src/        zframe.reset("Holy shitsnacks!".as_bytes());
  53. czmq-0.1.0/src/        assert_eq!(, "Holy shitsnacks!");
  54. makepad-0.1.0/src/        // do shit here
  55. vasputils-0.1.0/src/        .author("KeisukeYamashita <>")
  56. censor-0.1.1/src/!("**** that ****, dude", censor.censor("fuck that shit, dude"));
  57. censor-0.1.1/src/!("**********", censor.censor("shititties"));
  58. censor-0.1.1/src/    "shit",
  59. rebar-0.0.1/src/ the line, so that you can move cursors and shit
  60. crowbook-intl-0.2.1/examples/ "Shit: \"{}\" went wrong;"
  61. jaylink-0.1.1/examples/            // Wanna see some fucked up shit?
  62. jaylink-0.1.1/examples/            // Wanna see some fucked up shit?
  63. serde-fressian-0.1.1/tests/    let sub_v2: Vec<String> = vec!["shit".to_string()];
  64. reflect-0.0.4/src/! optimizations on shitty generated code. Literally the source code authored
  65. gtmpl-0.5.7/src/        // TODO clean shit up
  66. ipc-rs-0.4.2/src/    /// the one in the `libc` crate due to `c_void` type bullshittery.
  67. tinytemplate-1.0.3/src/                Instruction::PushIterationContext(path, name) => {
  68. tinytemplate-1.0.3/src/                            .push(Instruction::PushIterationContext(path, name));
  69. tinytemplate-1.0.3/src/            &PushIterationContext(vec!["bar", "baz"], "foo"),
  70. tinytemplate-1.0.3/src/    PushIterationContext(Path<'template>, &'template str),
  71. rust-bsa-extract-0.1.0/src/                    println!("SHIT");
  72. heca-1.5.0/tests/    m.insert("Bereishis", "Parashat Bereshit");
  73. aflak_imgui-0.18.1/src/    pub fn push_item_width(&self, width: f32) { unsafe { sys::igPushItemWidth(width) } }
  74. makepad-widget-0.1.0/src/    // because rustfmt is such an insane shitpile to compile or use as a library, here is a stupid version.
  75. http_parser-0.0.2/tests/        X-SSL-Bullshit: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n\
  76. http_parser-0.0.2/tests/            name: "with bullshit after the length".to_string(),
  77. http_parser-0.0.2/tests/            raw: "POST /chunked_w_bullshit_after_length HTTP/1.1\r\n\
  78. http_parser-0.0.2/tests/            request_path: "/chunked_w_bullshit_after_length".to_string(),
  79. http_parser-0.0.2/tests/                for b in "/chunked_w_bullshit_after_length".as_bytes() {
  80. http_parser-0.0.2/tests/    const CHUNKED_W_BULLSHIT_AFTER_LENGTH : usize = 11;
  81. http_parser-0.0.2/tests/                      &requests[CHUNKED_W_BULLSHIT_AFTER_LENGTH]);
  82. http_parser-0.0.2/src/                        // just ignore this shit. TODO check for overflow
  83. ggez-goodies-0.5.0/src/ Wow the macro system is kind of shitty though, since you
  84. uhttp_uri-0.5.1/src/! let res = HttpResource::new("/shittydogs?lang=en");
  85. uhttp_uri-0.5.1/src/! assert_eq!(res.path, "/shittydogs");
  86. panoradix-0.6.8/benches/    "brushite",
  87. panoradix-0.6.8/tests/    ("bullshit"                    , 7740),
  88. panoradix-0.6.8/tests/    ("dipshit"                     , 15305),
  89. panoradix-0.6.8/tests/    ("dogshit"                     , 16063),
  90. panoradix-0.6.8/tests/    ("holyshit"                    , 24321),
  91. panoradix-0.6.8/tests/    ("shitepoke"                   , 44396),
  92. panoradix-0.6.8/tests/    ("shitface"                    , 44397),
  93. panoradix-0.6.8/tests/    ("shithead"                    , 44398),
  94. panoradix-0.6.8/tests/    ("theshit"                     , 49574),
  95. oxidant-0.1.0/src/                )), // holy shit
  96. ralloc-1.0.0/src/        // Just logging for the unlucky people debugging this shit. No problem.
  97. rmf-0.2.5/src/            // doing to_str and all this shit because Debug impl of PathBuf puts quotes around path
  98. scottqueue-0.1.0/src/            let _: Box<Node<T>> = Box::from_raw(*head); // ? make sure that shit is deleted?
  99. bve-native-0.0.1/src/ Due to the lack of Atomic Function Pointers, we must do some bullshit that is very questionable.
  100. scoped_css-0.0.1/src/ (TODO check that shit)
  101. immense-0.1.4/src/        MeshIter::new(vec![(None, root)])
  102. immense-0.1.4/src/ struct MeshIter {
  103. immense-0.1.4/src/ MeshIter {
  104. immense-0.1.4/src/ Iterator for MeshIter {
  106. arg-derive-0.2.1/src/                                _ => return syn::Error::new_spanned(&ty.ident, "Oi, mate, Option should have type argument, but got some other shite. Fix it").to_compile_error().into(),
  107. avocado-0.6.0/tests/            description: String::from("It's Shit But They Pay For It [TM]"),
  108. elrond-1.0.0/src/ Helper function to fix nom's bullshit
  109. elrond-1.0.0/src/ nom_bullshit<P>(x: Err<P,u32>) -> ErrorKind {
  110. bve-derive-0.0.1/src/        let name = field.ident.clone().expect("Shits gotta have a name.");
  111. rmp-serde-0.14.3/tests/    let val = vec!["le", "shit"];
  112. rmp-serde-0.14.3/tests/    val.insert(1u8, "shit");
  113. rmp-serde-0.14.3/tests/        0xa4, 0x73, 0x68, 0x69, 0x74, // "shit"
  114. rmp-serde-0.14.3/tests/        shit: u8,
  115. rmp-serde-0.14.3/tests/        0xa4, 0x73, 0x68, 0x69, 0x74, // "shit"
  116. rmp-serde-0.14.3/tests/    let expected = Struct { et: "voila".into(), le: 0, shit: 1 };
  117. imgui-rs-1.47.0/src/    pub fn igPushItemWidth(item_width: c_float) -> ();
  118. passwors-0.1.1/src/!     # let some_password_source = "asdf1234 is a really shitty password!".to_owned();
  119. passwors-0.1.1/src/    fn short_passwords_are_shitty() {
  120. passwors-0.1.1/examples/    // shitty login credentials.
  121. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/    FunctionsHit(u32),                // FNH:<number of function hit>
  122. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/    LinesHit(u32),                    // LH:<number of lines with an execution count> greater than 0
  123. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/    BranchesHit(u32),                 // BRH:<number of branches hit>
  124. iso639_2-0.1.13/src/    /// Cushitic languages
  125. tweetter-2.3.1/src/        "poo" | "shit-take" => { tweet = format!("💩{}💩", space_regex.replace_all(&tweet, "💩")); }
  126. jargon-0.2.1/src/        definition: r##"[from the American scatologism `crock of shit'] 1. An awkward feature or programming technique that ought to be made cleaner. For example, using small integers to represent error codes without the program interpreting them to the user (as in, for example, Unix make(1), which returns code 139 for a process that dies due to segfault). 2. A technique that works acceptably, but which is quite prone to failure if disturbed in the least. For example, a too-clever programmer might write an assembler which mapped instruction mnemonics to numeric opcodes algorithmically, a trick which depends far too intimately on the particular bit patterns of the opcodes. (For another example of programming with a dependence on actual opcode values, see The Story of Mel in Appendix A.) Many crocks have a tightly woven, almost completely unmodifiable structure. See kluge, brittle. The adjectives `crockish' and `crocky', and the nouns `crockishness' and `crockitude', are also used."##,
  127. jargon-0.2.1/src/        definition: r##"1. [acronym] Knowledge In, Bullshit Out. A summary of what happens whenever valid data is passed through an organization (or person) that deliberately or accidentally disregards or ignores its significance. Consider, for example, what an advertising campaign can do with a product's actual specifications. Compare GIGO; see also SNAFU principle. 2. James Parry <>, a Usenetter infamous for various surrealist net.pranks and an uncanny, machine-assisted knack for joining any thread in which his nom de guerre is mentioned. He has a website at"##,
  128. jargon-0.2.1/src/        definition: r##"1. A protocol packet or item of email (the latter is also called a letterbomb) that takes advantage of misfeatures or security holes on the target system to do untoward things. 2. Disapproving mail, esp. from a net.god, pursuant to a violation of netiquette or a complaint about failure to correct some mail- or news-transmission problem. Compare shitogram, mailbomb. 3. A status report from an unhappy, and probably picky, customer. "What'd Corporate say in today's nastygram?" 4. [deprecated] An error reply by mail from a daemon; in particular, a bounce message."##,
  129. jargon-0.2.1/src/        definition: r##"[WPI] 1. To persist in discussing a specific subject. 2. To speak authoritatively on a subject about which one knows very little. 3. To complain to a person who is not in a position to correct the difficulty. 4. To purposely annoy another person verbally. 5. To evangelize. See flame. 6. Also used to describe a less negative form of blather, such as friendly bullshitting. `Rave' differs slightly from flame in that `rave' implies that it is the persistence or obliviousness of the person speaking that is annoying, while flame implies somewhat more strongly that the tone or content is offensive as well."##,
  130. jargon-0.2.1/src/        term: r##"shitogram /shit'oh-gram/ n."##,
  131. might-be-minified-0.3.0/src/    // shitty tokenization.  This is known to be broken but it's "good enough"
  132. descartes-0.1.20/src/    pub fn dash(&self, dash_length: N, gap_length: N) -> DashIterator {
  133. descartes-0.1.20/src/        DashIterator {
  134. descartes-0.1.20/src/ struct DashIterator<'a> {
  135. descartes-0.1.20/src/<'a> Iterator for DashIterator<'a> {
  136. slimweb-0.3.0/src/ MaxRedirectsHit,
  137. slimweb-0.3.0/src/         Error::MaxRedirectsHit => write!(f, "Your request hit maximum number of redirects. You can increase this limit by using .set_max_redirects(usize)"),
  138. thrustin-1.0.1/src/                    pl.borrow().send_message("That shit's out of bound bro");
  139. thrustin-1.0.1/src/                        // If THRUSTEE, then set him up to be choosing next shit
  140. thrustin-1.0.1/src/                    pl.borrow().send_message("That shit's out of bound bro");
  141. thrustin-1.0.1/src/                    pl.send_message("That shit's out of bound bro");
  142. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "shitting in a girl's vagina and fucking it",
  143. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "smearing shit all over my face",
  144. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "shoving my fresh shit up someone's asshole",
  145. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "holy shit it’s 2019 i’m gay as fk",
  146. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "getting stuck in a vat of shit and having to breathe poop through your nose",
  147. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "hardening shit into the form of a penis—it’s like clay—then penetrating myself with it",
  148. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "don’t say that shit man",
  149. thrustin-1.0.1/src/           "you are literally a piece of shit",
  150. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "ah shit, here we go again",
  151. thrustin-1.0.1/src/           "man you are full of shit don't ever talk to me again",
  152. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "shit my brains out",
  153. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "If _____ happens, you know shit’s about to _____.",
  154. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "This is yet another Kenny DLC THRUSTEE to combat the rampant hate unfairly targeted against him. You’re a good kid, man, keep on chillin’. Haters gonna hate, but you’re above that shit. _____.",
  155. thrustin-1.0.1/src/           "Is it just me or does anyone get _____ and _____, mix it in with their fresh shit and mould it into a shit-ball that they cure, bake & harden, and keep on their desk for good luck?",
  156. thrustin-1.0.1/src/           "<br/>All that fucking hard work for nothing. The overall experience is absolute trash but I thought, maybe, the reputation<br/> would save it but just look at that shit. 1 in 3. What the fuck. That's middle america tier. Just let anyone in! Worked<br/> hard? Come on in! Did you work just a bit more than usual? Come on in!<br/><br/><br/>I got fucking regents, they bought me the fuck out, but fuck this I should have gone to USC or UCLA and just take the<br/> L on the debt. All the sacrifices I made for prestige and money: working extremely hard for 1530 SAT, giving up social<br/> life, giving up a dream school atmosphere and experience all for fucking nothing, all absolutely out the fucking<br/> window. When anyone can get in like this what's the point in working so hard to pull yourself out of the herd? Any<br/> fucking dumbass can make it in here. I am fucking done with this place.<br/><br/>I'm going to be obsessed just to get post-graduate work so I can erase this embarrassment from my life.<br/><br/>If this was your \"target\" school and you made it in, congrats, but just to let you know as you have realized: you're not<br/> very ambitious and you settled for very little. _____.",
  157. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "That one guy that you know that’s on your team: _____. He works really hard. He tries really hard, and you know it. He really does it give it his all to try and do some good in the world. But damn he not only fails, he fails and creates a gigantic cancer mess in its place. Like what the fuck, and you don’t know what you can do about it but just take over and do his work for him. I mean, how is this possible? This situation is worse than if he just didn’t do anything at all. Now you have to do everything over for him and get all passive aggressive about what a shit job he’s done. And he doesn’t do anything back. He just kind of sits there and nods and haha’s and just waits for things to boil over. Fuck off mate. Take some responsibility and try not being a waste of space for once.",
  158. thrustin-1.0.1/src/            "You can either die or _____. wait wtf? just fucking kill me right this moment holy shit I’m never gonna do that",
  159. thrustin-1.0.1/tests/    assert_eq!(client.last(1), "That shit's out of bound bro");
  160. thrustin-1.0.1/tests/    assert_eq!(client.last(1), "That shit's out of bound bro");
  161. thrustin-1.0.1/tests/    assert_eq!(client.last(1), "That shit's out of bound bro");
  162. thrustin-1.0.1/tests/    assert_eq!(client.last(1), "That shit's out of bound bro");
  163. thrustin-1.0.1/tests/    assert_eq!(client.last(1), "That shit's out of bound bro");
  164. korq-0.4.0/src/    // Make this shitty shallow clone...
  165. korq-0.4.0/src/    // Shit code, use something feasible...
  166. qt_core-0.5.0/src/        /// Since Qt 5.5 (C++ enum variant: <span style='color: green;'>```VarangKshitiScript = 127```</span>)
  167. qt_core-0.5.0/src/        pub const VarangKshitiScript: crate::q_locale::Script = crate::q_locale::Script(127);
  168. emoji_utils-0.2.0/src/    tags:  &["pile of poo","crap","hankey","poop","shit"],
  169. nobs-vk-0.2.0/src/! no bullshit vulkan bindings.
  170. nobs-vk-0.2.0/src/! Instance and device creation are a large portion of the boiler plate code that comes with implementing a vulkan application, so it makes sence to have a convenient way of doing this in the library (which is why you could argue that it barely does not contradicts the "no bullshit" paradigm)
  171. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        let mut shit = [0u8; 16];
  172. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/ shit);
  173. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[0..4]));
  174. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[4..8]));
  175. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[8..12]));
  176. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[12..16]));
  177. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        let mut shit = [0u8; 16];
  178. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/ shit);
  179. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[0..4]));
  180. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[4..8]));
  181. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[8..12]));
  182. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[12..16]));
  183. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        let mut shit = [0u8; 8];
  184. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/ shit);
  185. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[0..4]));
  186. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[4..8]));
  187. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        let mut shit = [0u8; 8];
  188. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/ shit);
  189. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[0..4]));
  190. slow_nn-0.1.21/src/        // println!("{}", byte2int(&shit[4..8]));
  191. hadean-std-0.2.0/src/   // TODO: this is shitty code.
  192. spirv-reflect-0.2.3/gen/ const SpvStorageClass__SpvStorageClassHitAttributeNV: SpvStorageClass_ = 5339;
  193. minigrep_shits_always_happen-0.1.0/src/ minigrep_shits_always_happen;
  194. minigrep_shits_always_happen-0.1.0/src/ minigrep_shits_always_happen::Config;
  195. minigrep_shits_always_happen-0.1.0/src/    if let Err(e) = minigrep_shits_always_happen::run(config) {
  196. wireguard-uapi-1.0.2/tests/            "HIgo9xNzJMWLKASShiTqIybxZ0U3wGLiUeJ1PKf8ykw=",
  197. shapefile-0.2.0/src/    //TODO This method should move as calling it twice would produce a shitty file
  198. gig-0.2.4/src/    // Command Line shit
  199. elementtree-0.5.0/src/        // same shit as with remove_attr below for the explanation.
  200. crowbook-localize-0.1.0/examples/ "Shit: \"{}\" went wrong;"
  201. xcur-0.1.3/src/        // TODO: Optimize this shitty and slow way of getting pixels
  202. wavefront_obj-7.0.0/src/ of the file format which falls under the "shit I see exported from blender"
  203. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ PushIterator {
  204. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ AggressiveSimplifyRatingPushIterator<I: PushIterator<Item = RatingFullSegment>> {
  205. alass-core-2.0.0/src/<I: PushIterator<Item = RatingFullSegment>> AggressiveSimplifyRatingPushIterator<I> {
  206. alass-core-2.0.0/src/<I: PushIterator<Item = RatingFullSegment>> PushIterator for AggressiveSimplifyRatingPushIterator<I> {
  207. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ -> impl PushIterator<Item = RatingSegment, Output = I::Output>
  208. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = RatingFullSegment>,
  209. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    AggressiveSimplifyRatingPushIterator {
  210. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ SimplifyOffsetPushIterator<I: PushIterator<Item = OffsetFullSegment>> {
  211. alass-core-2.0.0/src/<I: PushIterator<Item = OffsetFullSegment>> PushIterator for SimplifyOffsetPushIterator<I> {
  212. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ simplifiy_offsets_push_iter<I>(start: Point, iter: I) -> impl PushIterator<Item = OffsetSegment, Output = I::Output>
  213. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = OffsetFullSegment>,
  214. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    SimplifyOffsetPushIterator {
  215. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ SimplifyRatingPushIterator<I: PushIterator<Item = RatingFullSegment>> {
  216. alass-core-2.0.0/src/<I: PushIterator<Item = RatingFullSegment>> PushIterator for SimplifyRatingPushIterator<I> {
  217. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ simplifiy_ratings_push_iter<I>(start: Point, iter: I) -> impl PushIterator<Item = RatingSegment, Output = I::Output>
  218. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = RatingFullSegment>,
  219. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    SimplifyRatingPushIterator {
  220. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ CollectToVecPushIterator<T> {
  221. alass-core-2.0.0/src/<T> PushIterator for CollectToVecPushIterator<T> {
  222. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ DualPushIterator<T, I1, I2>
  223. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I1: PushIterator<Item = T>,
  224. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I2: PushIterator<Item = T>,
  225. alass-core-2.0.0/src/<T, I1, I2> PushIterator for DualPushIterator<T, I1, I2>
  226. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I1: PushIterator<Item = T>,
  227. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I2: PushIterator<Item = T>,
  228. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ dual_push_iter<T, I1, I2>(i1: I1, i2: I2) -> DualPushIterator<T, I1, I2>
  229. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I1: PushIterator<Item = T>,
  230. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I2: PushIterator<Item = T>,
  231. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    DualPushIterator { iter1: i1, iter2: i2 }
  232. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ MapPushIterator<I, F, A, B>
  233. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = B>,
  234. alass-core-2.0.0/src/<I, F, A, B> PushIterator for MapPushIterator<I, F, A, B>
  235. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = B>,
  236. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    O: PushIterator<Item = T>,
  237. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ map_push_iterator<I, A, B>(iter: I, f: impl Fn(A) -> B) -> impl PushIterator<Item = A, Output = I::Output>
  238. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = B>,
  239. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    MapPushIterator {
  240. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ only_ratings_push_iter<I>(iter: I) -> impl PushIterator<Item = DualSegment, Output = I::Output>
  241. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = RatingSegment>,
  242. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ only_offsets_push_iter<I>(iter: I) -> impl PushIterator<Item = DualSegment, Output = I::Output>
  243. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = OffsetSegment>,
  244. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ collect_to_vec_push_iter<T>() -> impl PushIterator<Item = T, Output = Vec<T>> {
  245. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    CollectToVecPushIterator { v: Vec::new() }
  246. alass-core-2.0.0/src/ discard_start_times_push_iter<I, D>(iter: I) -> impl PushIterator<Item = FullSegment<D>, Output = I::Output>
  247. alass-core-2.0.0/src/    I: PushIterator<Item = Segment<D>>,
  248. typist-rust-0.2.0/src/    "shit",
  249. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("dealershits"), "dealerships"),
  250. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("skillshits"), "skillshots"),
  251. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("shittoon"), "shitton"),
  252. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("shtiless"), "shitless"),
  253. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("screenshit"), "screenshot"),
  254. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("sweatshits"), "sweatshirt"),
  255. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("shitlasses"), "shitless"),
  256. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("shitfer"), "shifter"),
  257. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("shitstom"), "shitstorm"),
  258. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("shittown"), "shitton"),
  259. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("relationshits"), "relationships"),
  260. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("sweatshit"), "sweatshirt"),
  261. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("strangeshit"), "strangest"),
  262. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("shitstrom"), "shitstorm"),
  263. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("blackshit"), "blacksmith"),
  264. typos-dict-0.2.1/src/        (UniCase::ascii("blackshits"), "blacksmith"),
  265. spectra-0.13.0/src/        // not a control character or some shit; we can rasterize it!
  266. rust_bucket-0.1.0/src/    key: Option<String>, // key to update/delete paste with // todo: use PasteId here for validation if you can figure out lifetime shit
  267. redis-0.15.1/src/        // TODO: reconnect and shit
  268. dyscord-0.0.1/src/                            time::Duration::from_secs(5) // some bullshit
  269. dyscord-0.0.1/src/                            // uh oh, shit's made up...
  270. credstash-0.6.0/src/ render_csv_credstash_item(val: Vec<credstash::CredstashItem>) {
  271. credstash-0.6.0/src/ render_dotenv_credstash_item(val: Vec<credstash::CredstashItem>) {
  272. credstash-0.6.0/src/ render_yaml_credstash_item(val: Vec<credstash::CredstashItem>) {
  273. credstash-0.6.0/src/ render_json_credstash_item(val: Vec<credstash::CredstashItem>) {
  274. credstash-0.6.0/src/ struct CredstashItem {
  275. credstash-0.6.0/src/    /// The version of the `CredstashItem`
  276. credstash-0.6.0/src/    /// Optional comment for the `CredstashItem`
  277. credstash-0.6.0/src/    ) -> Result<Vec<CredstashItem>, CredStashClientError> {
  278. credstash-0.6.0/src/        let result: Vec<Result<CredstashItem, CredStashClientError>> = items.await;
  279. credstash-0.6.0/src/        let credstash_items: Result<Vec<CredstashItem>, CredStashClientError> =
  280. credstash-0.6.0/src/    ) -> Result<CredstashItem, CredStashClientError> {
  281. credstash-0.6.0/src/        Ok(CredstashItem {
  282. credstash-0.6.0/src/    ) -> Result<CredstashItem, CredStashClientError> {
  283. credstash-0.6.0/tests/ credstash::{CredStashClient, CredStashCredential, CredstashItem};
  284. credstash-0.6.0/tests/    let result: CredstashItem = rt
  285. sipmsg-0.1.6/src/ TODO remove this shit
  286. git-anger-management-0.6.0/src/!     "shit": 7,
  287. git-anger-management-0.6.0/src/!     "shit": 7,
  288. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewChangeHighlightOnFocus: crate::q_style::StyleHint =
  289. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewEllipsisLocation: crate::q_style::StyleHint =
  290. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewShowDecorationSelected: crate::q_style::StyleHint =
  291. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewActivateItemOnSingleClick: crate::q_style::StyleHint =
  292. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewMovementWithoutUpdatingSelection: crate::q_style::StyleHint =
  293. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewArrowKeysNavigateIntoChildren: crate::q_style::StyleHint =
  294. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewPaintAlternatingRowColorsForEmptyArea: crate::q_style::StyleHint =
  295. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewDrawDelegateFrame: crate::q_style::StyleHint =
  296. qt_widgets-0.5.0/src/        pub const SHItemViewScrollMode: crate::q_style::StyleHint = crate::q_style::StyleHint(112);
  297. sassers-0.13.5-h28/src/                   && !self.hyphen_starting_shit(curr_char)
  298. sassers-0.13.5-h28/src/    fn hyphen_starting_shit(&mut self, curr_char: char) -> bool {
  299. memorable-wordlist-0.1.6/src/   "shitload",
  300. wundergraph_derive-0.1.0/src/ derive itself was generated from within a macro. This is a shitty workaround
  301. config-parser-0.1.2/tests/    assert_eq!(i.get(0), "shit");
  302. config-parser-0.1.2/src/            unwrap_tokens(run(Box::new("/* shit */
  303. config-parser-0.1.2/src/                                       # shit".chars()))),
  304. osascript-0.3.0/src/!         title: "Shit is on fire!".into(),
  305. osascript-0.3.0/examples/        title: "Shit is on fire!".into(),
  306. radix_trie-0.1.6/src/        assert_eq!(subtrie.insert("somerandomshit", 666), Err(()));
  307. ffmpeg4-ffi-0.3.8/src/ const SwrDitherType_SWR_DITHER_NS_LIPSHITZ: SwrDitherType = 65;
  308. pixelflut-0.1.0/src/!     Err(err) => println!("client send shit: {}", err),
  309. dwrote-0.11.0/src/    // TODO: I'm following crate conventions for unsafe, but it's bullshit
  310. elfkit-0.0.7/src/        ///TODO this is shitty, because we need to replicate all the alignment code
  311. rpn-0.1.0/src/ it_allows_multiple_shitespaces() {
  312. spc-0.1.1/src/        // TODO: This code is probably shit
  313. synapse-rpc-0.1.20/src/ TODO: Proc macros to remove this shit
  314. cargo-pants-0.1.1/src/            Err(p) => panic!(format!("Someshit {}", p))
  315. gh-emoji-1.0.3/src/        ("shit", "💩"),
  316. ucd-raw-0.5.0/src/        name: "CUNEIFORM SIGN AK TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH",
  317. ucd-raw-0.5.0/src/        name: "CUNEIFORM SIGN LAGAB TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH PLUS ERIN2",
  318. ucd-raw-0.5.0/src/        name: "CUNEIFORM SIGN LAGAB TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH TENU",
  319. ucd-raw-0.5.0/src/        name: "CUNEIFORM SIGN SHITA",
  320. mysql_binlog-0.2.0/src/ This module contains miscellaneous shitty functions for reading various
  321. bioyino-metric-0.2.0/src/        data.extend_from_slice(b"trash\ngorets1:+1000|g\nTRASH\n\n\ngorets2;tag3=shit;t2=fuck:-1000|g|@0.5\nMORE;tra=sh;|TrasH\nFUUU");
  322. bioyino-metric-0.2.0/src/        assert_eq!(&[..], &b"gorets2;t2=fuck;tag3=shit"[..]);
  323. bioyino-metric-0.2.0/src/        assert_eq!(&[name.tag_pos.unwrap()..], &b";t2=fuck;tag3=shit"[..]);
  324. bioyino-metric-0.2.0/src/        // for value aggregate ignore replacements and other shit
  325. bioyino-metric-0.2.0/src/        let mut name = BytesMut::from(&b"gorets2;tag3=shit;t2=fuck"[..]);
  326. physx-sys-0.3.0/src/ fn PxUserControllerHitReport_onControllerHit_mut(self_: *mut PxUserControllerHitReport, hit: *const PxControllersHit, ) -> ();
  327. turtle-1.0.0-rc.3/src/        "baby shit brown", BABY_SHIT_BROWN, (173.0, 144.0, 13.0, 1.0);
  328. turtle-1.0.0-rc.3/src/        "shit green", SHIT_GREEN, (117.0, 128.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  329. turtle-1.0.0-rc.3/src/        "baby shit green", BABY_SHIT_GREEN, (136.0, 151.0, 23.0, 1.0);
  330. turtle-1.0.0-rc.3/src/        "shit brown", SHIT_BROWN, (123.0, 88.0, 4.0, 1.0);
  331. turtle-1.0.0-rc.3/src/        "shit", SHIT, (127.0, 95.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  332. rmp-serialize-0.8.1/tests/    let val = vec!["le", "shit"];
  333. rmp-serialize-0.8.1/tests/    val.insert(1u8, "shit");
  334. rmp-serialize-0.8.1/tests/        0xa4, 0x73, 0x68, 0x69, 0x74, // "shit"
  335. unbox-0.2.0/src/             unbox is a no bullshit unpack command.  It can unpack a growing \
  336. naughty-strings-0.2.3/src/    "shitake mushrooms",
  337. naughty-strings-0.2.3/src/    "Dr. Herman I. Libshitz",
  338. gluster-1.0.8/src/    // yeah... that could be it.  I'm writing the raw shit to the wire when I
  339. oxygengine-script-web-0.7.1/src/    // TODO: refactor this shit, please.
  340. oxygengine-script-web-0.7.1/src/    // TODO: refactor this shit, please.
  341. oxygengine-script-web-0.7.1/src/    // TODO: refactor this shit, please.
  342. aml-0.8.0/src/     *                DefVarPackage | DefRefOf | DefShiftLeft | DefShitRight | DefSizeOf | DefStore |
  343. spirv_cross-0.18.0/src/        pub const StorageClass_StorageClassHitAttributeNV: root::spv::StorageClass = 5339;
  344. spirv_cross-0.18.0/src/        pub const StorageClass_StorageClassHitAttributeNV: root::spv::StorageClass = 5339;
  345. imgui-sys-0.3.0/src/    pub fn igPushItemWidth(item_width: f32);
  346. efi-0.2.1/src/net/ blindly returning that EfiError shit
  347. efi-0.2.1/src/net/    // TODO: all this shit may be unsafe. Audit it
  348. efi-0.2.1/src/net/    // TODO: all this shit may be unsafe. Audit it
  349. efi-0.2.1/src/net/    // TODO: all this shit may be unsafe. Audit it
  350. efi-0.2.1/src/net/    // TODO: Fix this bullshit around how we're creating a new socket on every connect
  351. efi-0.2.1/src/net/        //     // TODO: this shit doesn't work at all. Fix it.
  352. efi-0.2.1/src/net/        pxebc::PxeBaseCodeProtocol::get_any()? // TODO: this is bullshit. We should use the PXE BC on the exact interface corresponding to supplied IP
  353. ruut-0.6.0/src/lisplike/            tokenize("))  ((,(,(shit"),
  354. ruut-0.6.0/src/lisplike/                Token::Name("shit".to_string()),
  355. packet-0.1.2/src/tcp/        // XXX: This is needed for shit to work. The builder uses setters on the
  356. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignAkTimesShitaPlusGish,
  357. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignLagabTimesHiTimesNun,
  358. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignLagabTimesShitaPlusGishPlusErin2,
  359. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignLagabTimesShitaPlusGishTenu,
  360. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignLu2TimesHiTimesBad,
  361. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignShita,
  362. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignKaTimesHiTimesAsh2,
  363. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            Cuneiform::SignAkTimesShitaPlusGish => '𒀟',
  364. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            Cuneiform::SignLagabTimesHiTimesNun => '𒇊',
  365. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            Cuneiform::SignLagabTimesShitaPlusGishPlusErin2 => '𒇝',
  366. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            Cuneiform::SignLagabTimesShitaPlusGishTenu => '𒇞',
  367. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            Cuneiform::SignLu2TimesHiTimesBad => '𒈃',
  368. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            Cuneiform::SignShita => '𒋖',
  369. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            Cuneiform::SignKaTimesHiTimesAsh2 => '𒎂',
  370. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𒀟' => Ok(Cuneiform::SignAkTimesShitaPlusGish),
  371. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𒇊' => Ok(Cuneiform::SignLagabTimesHiTimesNun),
  372. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𒇝' => Ok(Cuneiform::SignLagabTimesShitaPlusGishPlusErin2),
  373. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𒇞' => Ok(Cuneiform::SignLagabTimesShitaPlusGishTenu),
  374. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𒈃' => Ok(Cuneiform::SignLu2TimesHiTimesBad),
  375. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𒋖' => Ok(Cuneiform::SignShita),
  376. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𒎂' => Ok(Cuneiform::SignKaTimesHiTimesAsh2),
  377. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignwritingMovementDashFloorplaneFingerCirclesHittingWallSingle,
  378. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/    SignwritingMovementDashFloorplaneFingerCirclesHittingWallDouble,
  379. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            SuttonSignWriting::SignwritingMovementDashFloorplaneFingerCirclesHittingWallSingle => '𝧳',
  380. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            SuttonSignWriting::SignwritingMovementDashFloorplaneFingerCirclesHittingWallDouble => '𝧴',
  381. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𝧳' => Ok(SuttonSignWriting::SignwritingMovementDashFloorplaneFingerCirclesHittingWallSingle),
  382. unicode_types-0.2.0/src/generated/            '𝧴' => Ok(SuttonSignWriting::SignwritingMovementDashFloorplaneFingerCirclesHittingWallDouble),
  383. abi_stable-0.8.3/src/sabi_types/    move_rbox_to_box(RBox::new(String::from("SHIT"))),
  384. abi_stable-0.8.3/src/sabi_types/    Box::new(String::from("SHIT"))
  385. connectr-1.1.0/src/webapi/    /// So instead there's this unreadable, overly complicated bullshit.
  386. pelite-0.8.0/examples/apex/ // Ugh this is kinda shitty
  387. https-1.9.1/src/ops/        // We redirect here because if we don't and serve the index right away funky shit happens.
  388. dpdk-ethernet-0.1.10/src/receive_side_scaling/    /// Microsoft key, found at <>.
  389. dpdk-ethernet-0.1.10/src/receive_side_scaling/    /// Symmetric with good queue distribution, found at <> and <>.
  390. emulator_6502-1.0.0/src/opcodes/        $0F+$0B=$10 (now, this is plain bullshit!)
  391. cluLamansh-0.1.4/src/lamansh/ struct cluLamanshIter<'a: 'b, 'b, NC: LamanshSized + 'static, N: LamanshSized + 'static> {
  392. cluLamansh-0.1.4/src/lamansh/<'a: 'b, 'b, NC: LamanshSized + 'static, N: LamanshSized + 'static> cluLamanshIter<'a, 'b, NC, N> {
  393. cluLamansh-0.1.4/src/lamansh/<'a: 'b, 'b, NC: LamanshSized + 'static, N: LamanshSized + 'static> Iterator for cluLamanshIter<'a, 'b, NC, N> {
  394. cluLamansh-0.1.4/src/lamansh/ lamansh::iter::cluLamanshIter;
  395. cluLamansh-0.1.4/src/lamansh/    pub fn iter<'b>(&'a self) -> cluLamanshIter<'a, 'b, NC, N> {
  396. cluLamansh-0.1.4/src/lamansh/        cluLamanshIter::new(self)
  397. searchspot-0.16.0/src/resources/ super::rs_es::operations::search::SearchHitsHitsResult;
  398. searchspot-0.16.0/src/resources/ From<SearchHitsHitsResult<Score>> for Score {
  399. searchspot-0.16.0/src/resources/  fn from(hit: SearchHitsHitsResult<Score>) -> Score {
  400. searchspot-0.16.0/src/resources/ super::rs_es::operations::search::{Sort, SortField, Order, SearchHitsHitsResult};
  401. searchspot-0.16.0/src/resources/ From<SearchHitsHitsResult<Talent>> for SearchResult {
  402. searchspot-0.16.0/src/resources/  fn from(result: SearchHitsHitsResult<Talent>) -> SearchResult {
  403. tldextract-0.5.1/src/cache/  "",
  404. tldextract-0.5.1/src/cache/  "",
  405. tldextract-0.5.1/src/cache/  "",
  406. rusty-krab-manager-0.1.0/src/ui/    let mut new_shit = vec![];
  407. rusty-krab-manager-0.1.0/src/ui/        "DO THIS SHIT\n\n",
  408. rusty-krab-manager-0.1.0/src/ui/    new_shit.push(x);
  409. rusty-krab-manager-0.1.0/src/ui/        new_shit.push(Text::raw(&app.current_task[i]));
  410. rusty-krab-manager-0.1.0/src/ui/    Paragraph::new(new_shit.iter())
  411. rxrs-0.2.0-beta3/src/scheduler/        let sub = sch.schedule_periodic(Duration::from_millis(33), |_:&Unsub<'static, YES>| println!("shit"));
  412. ripgrep_all-0.9.5/src/adapters/            // kind of shitty (lossy) output. maybe output real csv or something?
  413. ocl-0.19.3/src/tests/        // This is just for shits:
  414. picoquic-0.1.1/src/ffi/        // TODO: really shitty :( I hope there is no valid state where the packet contains no data!
  415. winapi-0.3.8/src/um/!{#[repr(packed)] struct SHITEMID {
  416. winapi-0.3.8/src/um/ type LPSHITEMID = *mut SHITEMID;
  417. winapi-0.3.8/src/um/ type LPCSHITEMID = *const SHITEMID;
  418. winapi-0.3.8/src/um/    mkid: SHITEMID,
  419. not-stakkr-1.0.0/src/ops/! Okay, so here's how this shit works.
  420. libbindgen-0.1.7/src/codegen/        // all the tests to shit when parsing things like max_align_t.
  421. stutter-rs-0.1.1/src/ast/        false // TODO: not this shit
  422. rsmtp-0.1.2/src/common/    assert!(domain != MailboxForeignPart::Domain(domain_text.to_owned() + "bullshit"));
  423. elrond-1.0.0/src/magic/ super::super::{Fault, nom_bullshit};
  424. elrond-1.0.0/src/magic/            match nom_bullshit(e) {
  425. iso15924-0.1.0/src/code/ Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti) (262) - (2014-11-15)
  426. iso15924-0.1.0/src/code/    name: Cow::Borrowed("Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti)"),
  427. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/combinator/        .map( | lines_hit | LCOVRecord::LinesHit(lines_hit) );
  428. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/combinator/        .map( | branches_hit | LCOVRecord::BranchesHit(branches_hit) );
  429. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/combinator/        .map( | functions_hit | LCOVRecord::FunctionsHit(functions_hit) );
  430. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/combinator/        assert_eq!(result, LCOVRecord::FunctionsHit(10));
  431. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/combinator/        assert_eq!(result, LCOVRecord::LinesHit(5));
  432. lcov-parser-3.2.2/src/combinator/        assert_eq!(result, LCOVRecord::BranchesHit(10));
  433. regex-syntax-0.6.17/src/hir/        // The following is basically my Shitty First Draft. Therefore, in
  434. lightning-0.0.10/src/ln/      // plus the minimum per-HTLC fee to get from it to another node (aka "shitty A*").
  435. lightning-0.0.10/src/ln/ /// TODO Some magic rust shit to compile-time check this?
  436. bindgen-0.53.2/src/codegen/        // all the tests to shit when parsing things like max_align_t.
  437. slimweb-0.3.0/src/client/                Err(Error::MaxRedirectsHit)
  438. fil-ocl-0.19.4/src/tests/        // This is just for shits:
  439. assimp-0.3.1/src/scene/    struct MeshIter
  440. assimp-0.3.1/src/scene/    pub fn mesh_iter(&self) -> MeshIter {
  441. assimp-0.3.1/src/scene/        MeshIter::new(self.meshes as *const *const AiMesh,
  442. vk_generator-0.3.2/src/registry/                                // is going to be a <proto>. In the case that it isn't some shit has gone down and it should        |
  443. vk_generator-0.3.2/src/registry/                                } else {panic!("Some shit went down in a function tag, and you should probably go and report it.")}
  444. vk_generator-0.3.2/src/generator/                // generator with a fairly shitty, although functional, implementation.                             |
  445. wireguard-uapi-1.0.2/src/socket/                    "HIgo9xNzJMWLKASShiTqIybxZ0U3wGLiUeJ1PKf8ykw="
  446. wireguard-uapi-1.0.2/src/socket/                    "HIgo9xNzJMWLKASShiTqIybxZ0U3wGLiUeJ1PKf8ykw="
  447. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/        check_parse_ok(&format!("FNH:{}", n), &FunctionsHit { hit: n });
  448. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/        check_parse_ok(&format!("BRH:{}", n), &BranchesHit { hit: n });
  449. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/        check_parse_ok(&format!("LH:{}", n), &LinesHit { hit: n });
  450. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            FunctionsHit { hit } | BranchesHit { hit } | LinesHit { hit } => {
  451. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            "FNH" => FunctionsHit,
  452. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            "BRH" => BranchesHit,
  453. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            "LH" => LinesHit,
  454. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            Kind::FunctionsHit => parse_record!(body => FunctionsHit { hit }),
  455. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            Kind::BranchesHit => parse_record!(body => BranchesHit { hit }),
  456. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            Kind::LinesHit => parse_record!(body => LinesHit { hit }),
  457. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    /// assert_eq!("FNH:7".parse(), Ok(Record::FunctionsHit { hit: 7 }));
  458. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    FunctionsHit {
  459. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    /// assert_eq!("BRH:20".parse(), Ok(Record::BranchesHit { hit: 20 }));
  460. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    BranchesHit {
  461. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    /// assert_eq!("LH:45".parse(), Ok(Record::LinesHit { hit: 45 }));
  462. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    LinesHit {
  463. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    FunctionsHit,
  464. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    BranchesHit,
  465. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    LinesHit,
  466. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    /// let rec = Record::LinesHit { hit: 32 };
  467. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/    /// assert_eq!(rec.kind(), RecordKind::LinesHit);
  468. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            FunctionName, FunctionData, FunctionsFound, FunctionsHit,
  469. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            BranchData, BranchesFound, BranchesHit,
  470. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            LineData, LinesFound, LinesHit,
  471. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            FunctionsHit => "FNH",
  472. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            BranchesHit => "BRH",
  473. lcov-0.5.0/src/record/            LinesHit => "LH",
  474. orca-0.7.0/src/app/     // TODO add sorting and shit
  475. romp-0.5.2/src/session/    // TODO This is shitty code fix it so it does no allocations and is not so fugly
  476. dpdk-0.0.1/src/ethernetPorts/  // Original Microsoft key, source was
  477. dpdk-0.0.1/src/ethernetPorts/  //
  478. winapi_forked_icmpapi-0.3.7/src/um/!{#[repr(packed)] struct SHITEMID {
  479. winapi_forked_icmpapi-0.3.7/src/um/ type LPSHITEMID = *mut SHITEMID;
  480. winapi_forked_icmpapi-0.3.7/src/um/ type LPCSHITEMID = *const SHITEMID;
  481. winapi_forked_icmpapi-0.3.7/src/um/    mkid: SHITEMID,
  482. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewChangeHighlightOnFocus = 0x16;
  483. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewEllipsisLocation = 0x3b;
  484. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewShowDecorationSelected = 0x3c;
  485. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewActivateItemOnSingleClick = 0x3d;
  486. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewMovementWithoutUpdatingSelection = 0x4b;
  487. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewArrowKeysNavigateIntoChildren = 0x50;
  488. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewPaintAlternatingRowColorsForEmptyArea = 0x55;
  489. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewDrawDelegateFrame = 0x5c;
  490. rute-0.0.6/src/auto/        const ShItemViewScrollMode = 0x70;
  491. kontex-0.2.0/src/index/            // Save some shit :)
  492. isilon-5.0.1/src/apis/    ) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = crate::models::CreateAuthRefreshItemResponse, Error = Error>>;
  493. isilon-5.0.1/src/apis/    ) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = crate::models::CreateAuthRefreshItemResponse, Error = Error>> {
  494. isilon-5.0.1/src/apis/    ) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = crate::models::CreateAuthRefreshItemResponse, Error = Error>>;
  495. isilon-5.0.1/src/apis/    ) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = crate::models::CreateAuthRefreshItemResponse, Error = Error>> {
  496. isilon-5.0.1/src/models/ struct CreateAuthRefreshItemResponse {
  497. isilon-5.0.1/src/models/ use self::create_auth_refresh_item_response::CreateAuthRefreshItemResponse;
  498. rga-0.5.9/src/adapters/            // kind of shitty (lossy) output. maybe output real csv or something?
  499. kelp-0.3.0/src/bin/        .author("Taro Yamashita <>")
  500. tweetr-0.2.1/src/ops/! Okay, so here's how this shit works.
  501. rmqfwd-0.3.2/src/es/ struct EsHits<A> {
  502. rmqfwd-0.3.2/src/es/    pub hits: EsHits<A>,
  503. rmqfwd-0.3.2/src/es/        let hits = EsHits {
  504. seinbot-rs-1.0.3/src/text_generation/  "(mutters under her breath) I mean, it's complete bullshit.",
  505. seinbot-rs-1.0.3/src/text_generation/  "You little piece of *beep*(shit)!",
  506. seinbot-rs-1.0.3/src/text_generation/  "(Begins unlocking the door, mutters under his breath) Maybe because it's a crock of shit.",
  507. seiri-2.0.3/src/bangs/                // There is a valid bang here, or some other weird shit. Just continue with regular parsing.
  508. efi-0.2.1/src/net/dns/ TODO: Swallowing/transmorgifying all errors. Fix this large scale shit wherever present
  509. efi-0.2.1/src/net/dns/    let dns_servers = pxebc::PxeBaseCodeProtocol::get_any()? // TODO: this is bullshit. We should use the PXE BC on a specific interface
  510. asciii-3.10.0/src/bin/cli/                        .aliases(&[ "shit", "fuck", "git" ])
  511. packet-0.1.2/src/ip/v4/      // XXX: This is needed for shit to work. The builder uses setters on the
  512. fix-rs-0.2.1/src/dictionary/field_types/        BangladeshiTaka => b"BDT",
  513. ucd-generate-0.2.8/benches/tables/slice/  ("CUNEIFORM SIGN AK TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH", 73759),
  514. ucd-generate-0.2.8/benches/tables/slice/  ("CUNEIFORM SIGN LAGAB TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH PLUS ERIN2", 74205),
  515. ucd-generate-0.2.8/benches/tables/slice/  ("CUNEIFORM SIGN LAGAB TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH TENU", 74206),
  516. ucd-generate-0.2.8/benches/tables/slice/  ("CUNEIFORM SIGN SHIR TENU", 74452), ("CUNEIFORM SIGN SHITA", 74454),
  517. buttplug-0.1.0/src/device/protocol/        // we ain't got shit to do.
  518. buttplug-0.1.0/src/device/protocol/                    // that's the case we ain't got shit to do.
  519. ffmpeg-0.2.0-alpha.1/src/software/resampling/ NoiseShapingLipshitz,
  520. ffmpeg-0.2.0-alpha.1/src/software/resampling/     SWR_DITHER_NS_LIPSHITZ            => Dither::NoiseShapingLipshitz,
  521. ffmpeg-0.2.0-alpha.1/src/software/resampling/     Dither::NoiseShapingLipshitz          => SWR_DITHER_NS_LIPSHITZ,
  522. ffmpeg4-0.4.0/src/software/resampling/    NoiseShapingLipshitz,
  523. ffmpeg4-0.4.0/src/software/resampling/            SWR_DITHER_NS_LIPSHITZ => Dither::NoiseShapingLipshitz,
  524. ffmpeg4-0.4.0/src/software/resampling/            Dither::NoiseShapingLipshitz => SWR_DITHER_NS_LIPSHITZ,
  525. ledcat-0.1.5/src/device/fluxled/            // are pieces of shit that only support IPv4.
  526. coaster-nn-0.4.1/src/frameworks/native/                    output[index] = dx[0]; // FIXME we need a second index for this shit
  527. rs-es-0.12.3/src/operations/search/ struct SearchHitsHitsResult<T> {
  528. rs-es-0.12.3/src/operations/search/    pub hits: Vec<SearchHitsHitsResult<T>>,
  529. rs-es-0.12.3/src/operations/search/    page: Vec<SearchHitsHitsResult<T>>,
  530. rs-es-0.12.3/src/operations/search/    fn next_page(&mut self) -> Option<Result<SearchHitsHitsResult<T>, EsError>> {
  531. rs-es-0.12.3/src/operations/search/    type Item = Result<SearchHitsHitsResult<T>, EsError>;
  532. rs-es-0.12.3/src/operations/search/    use super::SearchHitsHitsResult;
  533. rs-es-0.12.3/src/operations/search/        let hits: Vec<SearchHitsHitsResult<TestDocument>> = scan_result
  534. google_maps-0.7.1/src/directions/response/    BangladeshiTaka,
  535. google_maps-0.7.1/src/directions/response/            TransitCurrency::BangladeshiTaka => String::from("BDT"),
  536. google_maps-0.7.1/src/directions/response/            "BDT" => Ok(TransitCurrency::BangladeshiTaka),
  537. google_maps-0.7.1/src/directions/response/            TransitCurrency::BangladeshiTaka => write!(f, "Bangladeshi taka"),
  538. lcov-0.5.0/src/report/section/    let _ = eat_if_matches!(parser, Record::LinesHit { .. });
  539. lcov-0.5.0/src/report/section/            Line::Hit(hit) => Record::LinesHit { hit },
  540. lcov-0.5.0/src/report/section/    let _ = eat_if_matches!(parser, Record::BranchesHit { .. });
  541. lcov-0.5.0/src/report/section/            Branch::Hit(hit) => Record::BranchesHit { hit },
  542. lcov-0.5.0/src/report/section/    let _ = eat_if_matches!(parser, Record::FunctionsHit { .. });
  543. lcov-0.5.0/src/report/section/            Func::Hit(hit) => Record::FunctionsHit { hit },
  544. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/! Provides the parser for ShitSplit splits files.
  545. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/    /// The Error type for splits files that couldn't be parsed by the ShitSplit
  546. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/ The Result type for the ShitSplit Parser.
  547. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/ Attempts to parse a ShitSplit splits file.
  548. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/    /// ShitSplit
  549. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/    ShitSplit,
  550. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/            TimerKind::ShitSplit => write!(f, "ShitSplit"),
  551. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/ mod shit_split;
  552. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/    shit_split, source_live_timer, splits_io, splitterz, splitty, time_split_tracker, urn,
  553. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/    if let Ok(run) = shit_split::parse(&mut source) {
  554. livesplit-core-0.11.0/src/run/parser/        return Ok(parsed(run, TimerKind::ShitSplit));
  555. lava-0.4.7/src/vulkan/nv/    TrianglesHitGroup = 1,
  556. rual-core-0.0.4/src/vm/compilation/ string handling is shit
  557. kanidm-0.1.1/src/lib/idm/                /* Some weird lifetime shit happens here ... */
  558. ffmpeg-next-0.2.0/src/software/resampling/    NoiseShapingLipshitz,
  559. ffmpeg-next-0.2.0/src/software/resampling/            SWR_DITHER_NS_LIPSHITZ => Dither::NoiseShapingLipshitz,
  560. ffmpeg-next-0.2.0/src/software/resampling/            Dither::NoiseShapingLipshitz => SWR_DITHER_NS_LIPSHITZ,
  561. yeslogic-ucd-generate-0.3.0/benches/tables/slice/  ("CUNEIFORM SIGN AK TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH", 73759),
  562. yeslogic-ucd-generate-0.3.0/benches/tables/slice/  ("CUNEIFORM SIGN LAGAB TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH PLUS ERIN2", 74205),
  563. yeslogic-ucd-generate-0.3.0/benches/tables/slice/  ("CUNEIFORM SIGN LAGAB TIMES SHITA PLUS GISH TENU", 74206),
  564. yeslogic-ucd-generate-0.3.0/benches/tables/slice/  ("CUNEIFORM SIGN SHIR TENU", 74452), ("CUNEIFORM SIGN SHITA", 74454),
  565. rusty-hermit-0.3.23/src/arch/x86_64/kernel/  Vendor { id: 0x150B, name: "YAMASHITA Systems Corp", devices: &[
  566. bve-0.0.1/src/parse/mesh/instructions/    // Triangulate the faces to make modern game engines not shit themselves
  567. dishub-0.1.1/tests/ops/event/event_payload/                   content: "> maybe on your shit thing\r\n".to_string(),
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