
Altair for Coffeeshop

Sep 12th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]A song in the wilderness[/i][/font][/size][/center]
  11. -----
  12. [right][i]Love comes for us all[/i][/right]
  14. You've no doubt heard of the Eleven -- they sort of run things around here, after all -- but, unless you've spoken to Canephora's young priest recently, you probably haven't heard about the One. If you admit as much in Altair's presence, his rosy eyes will alight with interest at once and his ears will perk right up. It's so simple, you see.
  16. The One is a being of many faces, of many shapes and sizes -- not many colours, though, being primarily the colour of the dark places between the stars. (Occasionally, in his notes, Altair may render the shape of the One as being curiously close to his own. If any were ever to notice this, Altair would call it pure coincidence.) There's hardly any [i]need[/i] for colours where the One is going, where the One will [i]take[/i] us if we just listen. Altair's seen those places, seen glimpses in little tears (and big) he's made by scratching magic-soaked claws across the very fabric of reality as we know it.
  18. The One is a simple entity, as simple as it is complex. It longs only to teach us the importance of the two greatest elements of all: love and respect. That, and to select the chosen ones -- ah, but don't worry about that. Trust the One and open your heart to love and respect and you'll be one of the chosen ones, too, and then there'll be no need to worry over who is worthy and who isn't.
  20. It's not the most endearing proselytising routine, and it needs polish, he knows. There are some who find it enrapturing, and flock to Altair's side like moths to his reading-lanterns at night, and whenever he notices this he's never sure how to feel about it. There's really only one heart he'd [i]want[/i] to win over anyway -- Starfall's -- and the fae is always quick to say he was conspicuously born without one, or at least not one easily won by imperial godkings-in-training.
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  24. [url=][size=1]Bio[/size][/url][/right]
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