
Caroline Costa

Jun 7th, 2021
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  1. It boggles the mind how many god-awful child stars seem to be gaining notoriety in these times. Caroline Costa is no exception. One look at her and you're immediately confronted by a broken-down wreck of a face that looks like something that would pop up and startle you in a 1960s or 1950s era ghost train ride.
  2. Her voice is nothing special, in fact it's worse than the norm. Far worse.
  3. Some child stars may have singing voices like dead fish being smashed on concrete; moonshine-fueled Appalachian penis fencing or a hillbilly playing a steam calliope while being orally pleasured by Granny Gumjobs. Costa's flat, tuneless, tone-deaf voice pretty much ensures that she has no future as a child singer.
  4. And after you have met her, you will wonder why the French pensioned off Madame Guillotine. Costa is excruciatingly annoying to be around, according to all the videos this author has seen. She talks at a million miles an hour and does not stop for anyone, a real Little Miss Chatterbox indeed.
  5. If you really want to torture your eardrums and hear Costa at her worst, then hunt down YouTube for Caroline Costa's rendition of 'My Heart Will Go On' from Titanic (1997). Her voice is only raised a bit above flat, tuneless, and tone deaf here, and it ends up being equivalent to a drunken bar fight and a cat being bummed by someone using turpentine for lube at the same time.
  6. If you were one of the unfortunate children that befriended Costa in her child stardom days, then this author takes pity upon you at having to deal with such a hideous, talentless strumpet. Treat yourself to some booze, because you have earned it.
  7. If you are her parents, then shame be upon you for allowing this talentless no-hoper to steal the spotlight from some other deserving child. This author hopes you regret your life choices.
  8. Nathan "Ned Kelly" Sawford
  9. Leader of the Kelly Gang, Owner of the "Tassie TV" YouTube channel
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