
Heaven v5 Proboards

Nov 6th, 2016
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  1. [nospaces][googlefont=Abel|Lato]
  2. [div align="center"]
  3. [div][attr="class","jarheaven1"]
  4. [div][attr="class","jarheavenpic1"][img style="max-width:100%;" src="http://www.placehold.it/100x100"][/div]
  5. [div][attr="class","jarheaventitle"]NAME MCNAME[/div]
  6. [div][attr="class","jarheavenhead"]FRIENDS[/div]
  7. [div][attr="class","jarheavenbody"]
  9. "You still nervous about your surgery?"
  11. "Of course! They're operating on my eyes, you know?
  12. But,
  13. after I recover,
  14. I'll finally be able to see Kazuya's face again, right?"
  16. "...That's right"
  18. "Hehe,
  19. okay, I gotta go now."
  21. "Ah, take care. See you later."
  23. Right now our spaceship is chasing after a far away star with a green glow.
  24. Before our excitement cools down, let's break through the atmosphere.
  26. My eyes, tired from watching the night sky for too long, have spotted your distress light.
  27. While you blink back to me in response, may my voice properly reach its destination.
  29. In this story, we have run into each other.
  30. Just as we're coming into contact, an message suddenly arrived.
  32. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  33. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  34. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  35. Let's bid each other goodbye.
  37. Having reached the lake of my parched tears,
  38. I forcibly embraced my muddy and tattered words, and plunged into the whirlpool of tears.
  40. Look, my message has reached you
  41. before it could become a scar.
  43. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  44. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  45. In a world where we're allowed to search for the meaning of our lives,
  46. isn't it a bit too early to say goodbye?
  48. Say, would it be all right for me to want you
  49. to show to no one else but me what's in your palm?
  50. Your voice, dissolved in that message, forced me to say goodbye as well.
  51. As I read with teary eyes, one of these things has got to be a lie, right??
  52. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  53. If that's the case, just bid goodbye to that kind of world.
  55. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  56. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  57. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  58. If that's the case, just bid goodbye to that kind of world.
  60. sayonara o
  62. Bid goodbye. [/div]
  63. [div][attr="class","jarheavenhead"]ENEMIES[/div]
  64. [div][attr="class","jarheavenbody"]
  65. "You still nervous about your surgery?"
  67. "Of course! They're operating on my eyes, you know?
  68. But,
  69. after I recover,
  70. I'll finally be able to see Kazuya's face again, right?"
  72. "...That's right"
  74. "Hehe,
  75. okay, I gotta go now."
  77. "Ah, take care. See you later."
  79. Right now our spaceship is chasing after a far away star with a green glow.
  80. Before our excitement cools down, let's break through the atmosphere.
  82. My eyes, tired from watching the night sky for too long, have spotted your distress light.
  83. While you blink back to me in response, may my voice properly reach its destination.
  85. In this story, we have run into each other.
  86. Just as we're coming into contact, an message suddenly arrived.
  88. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  89. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  90. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  91. Let's bid each other goodbye.
  93. Having reached the lake of my parched tears,
  94. I forcibly embraced my muddy and tattered words, and plunged into the whirlpool of tears.
  96. Look, my message has reached you
  97. before it could become a scar.
  99. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  100. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  101. In a world where we're allowed to search for the meaning of our lives,
  102. isn't it a bit too early to say goodbye?
  104. Say, would it be all right for me to want you
  105. to show to no one else but me what's in your palm?
  106. Your voice, dissolved in that message, forced me to say goodbye as well.
  107. As I read with teary eyes, one of these things has got to be a lie, right??
  108. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  109. If that's the case, just bid goodbye to that kind of world.
  111. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  112. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  113. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  114. If that's the case, just bid goodbye to that kind of world.
  116. sayonara o
  118. Bid goodbye.[/div]
  119. [div][attr="class","jarheavenhead"]PARAMOUR[/div]
  120. [div][attr="class","jarheavenbody"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat
  121. "You still nervous about your surgery?"
  123. "Of course! They're operating on my eyes, you know?
  124. But,
  125. after I recover,
  126. I'll finally be able to see Kazuya's face again, right?"
  128. "...That's right"
  130. "Hehe,
  131. okay, I gotta go now."
  133. "Ah, take care. See you later."
  135. Right now our spaceship is chasing after a far away star with a green glow.
  136. Before our excitement cools down, let's break through the atmosphere.
  138. My eyes, tired from watching the night sky for too long, have spotted your distress light.
  139. While you blink back to me in response, may my voice properly reach its destination.
  141. In this story, we have run into each other.
  142. Just as we're coming into contact, an message suddenly arrived.
  144. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  145. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  146. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  147. Let's bid each other goodbye.
  149. Having reached the lake of my parched tears,
  150. I forcibly embraced my muddy and tattered words, and plunged into the whirlpool of tears.
  152. Look, my message has reached you
  153. before it could become a scar.
  155. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  156. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  157. In a world where we're allowed to search for the meaning of our lives,
  158. isn't it a bit too early to say goodbye?
  160. Say, would it be all right for me to want you
  161. to show to no one else but me what's in your palm?
  162. Your voice, dissolved in that message, forced me to say goodbye as well.
  163. As I read with teary eyes, one of these things has got to be a lie, right??
  164. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  165. If that's the case, just bid goodbye to that kind of world.
  167. Reading the words in your email, all I was able to understand
  168. was that you were using goodbye to bid me goodbye.
  169. In this world, if our wish comes true, someone else will suffer a loss.
  170. If that's the case, just bid goodbye to that kind of world.
  172. sayonara o
  174. Bid goodbye.[/div][div][attr="class","jarheavencredit"][a href="http://wicked-wonderland.boards.net/user/1616"]jaronart[/a][/div][/div][/div]
  177. [newclass=".jarheaven1"]width:300px;height:50px;transition:all 0.5s linear 0.1s;margin-top:20px;float:center;[/newclass]
  178. [newclass=".jarheaven2"]width:300px;height:50px;transition:all 0.5s linear 0.1s;margin-top:10px;float:center;[/newclass]
  179. [newclass=".jarheaventitle"]font-size:30px;font-family:Abel;text-align:right;transition:all 0.5s linear 0.1s;float:center;padding:10px;border-bottom:2px solid #787878;color:#787878;[/newclass]
  180. [newclass=".jarheaventitle1"]font-size:30px;font-family:Abel;text-align:left;transition:all 0.5s linear 0.1s;float:center;padding:10px;border-bottom:2px solid #787878;color:#787878;[/newclass]
  181. [newclass=".jarheavenhead"]width:280px;opacity:0;transition:all 0.5s linear 0.5s;margin-top:10px;float:right;font-family:Abel;[/newclass]
  182. [newclass=".jarheavenbody"]width:260px;height:10px;overflow:auto;font-size:10px;font-family:Lato;text-align:justify;padding:10px;opacity:0;transition:all 0.5s linear 0.5s;float:right;[/newclass]
  183. [newclass=".jarheavenpic1"]width:100px;height:100px;border:5px solid #787878;float:left;margin-left:-100px;margin-top:-25px;[/newclass]
  184. [newclass=".jarheavenpic2"]width:100px;height:100px;border:10px solid #fff;float:right;margin-right:-100px;margin-top:-25px;[/newclass]
  185. [newclass=".jarheavencredit"]font-family:Abel;color:#787878;opacity:0;transition:all 0.5s linear 0.5s;font-size:8px;text-align:center;margin-left:20px;[/newclass]
  187. [newclass=".jarheaven1:hover"]width:300px;height:390px;background:#fff;border-bottom:5px solid #787878;transition:all 1.0s linear 0.1s;[/newclass]
  188. [newclass=".jarheaven1:hover .jarheavenbody"]width:260px;height:50px;opacity:1;overflow:auto;[/newclass]
  189. [newclass=".jarheaven1:hover .jarheavenhead"]height:25px;background:#787878;color:#fff;font-size:20px;font-family:Abel;opacity:1;[/newclass]
  190. [newclass=".jarheaven1:hover .jarheavencredit"]opacity:1;[/newclass]
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