
The House Where You Live 11

Aug 7th, 2017
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  1. a bit rushed. not very accurate since it was made with google app tl.
  3. MC remembering when Kang called him to tell him about the accident and he asks for more details but Kang tells him he doesn't know cause he's in Busan and can't go there immediately. Kang then asks him nicely to ho to the hospital for him and check things out, how Hae-young is all alone now and he doesn't have anybody else to ask this from. MC tells driver he's in a hurry and if he can put the pedal to the metal and guy goes 'yeah, i got it'.
  5. MC reaches the hospital is told that the patient is stable in a hospital room. Reaches her room and thinks how he fell asleep, how she looks very pretty. MC wakes u and goes how he fell a sleep and Hae-young tells him that he did and she couldn't wake him up since he was too sleepy. He goes how he was shocked to hear the news and asks her how does she feel/her arms are and she tells him that it's okay and she was surprised the injury isn't that big(not sure). She goes how her parents don't live here and no friends close by and that's why he/she would have called MC here(i think here it implies that she asked for MC to come..) and he goes a surprised 'oh , you did ..'. She thanks him then for coming here and he replies for her not to mind it. She asks if he's okay with his work and leaving so out of nowhere and he tells her he said smth about his dad getting injured(or died..) or smth and laugh(not sure here, but a bs excuse to leave out from work fast) ad that's how he did it. She goes how that what it was and laughs and he goes how she started to smile so bright.
  7. Blonde wife asks her 'oppa' if he wants to start and he asks if they are ready. Marie comes in and goes 'hello oppa' and he goes 'hah, Marie, hello'.
  9. Nurse comes going how she brought supper for the patient. She tells MC that he ca go now but he goes how he will stay with her while she eats. How he will eat later and since her right hand is injured offers her his help. Gives her the side dish. He tells her how he will go return the plates and she thanks him and how he will lie down since her back is bad. He offers to help her move down and she goes how she can do it herself and they get that face2face moment. Kang comes rushing in going all 'Honey, are you okay?' and MC and Hae-young go '?!' all surprised. Tbc...
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