
Adalet and the Adventurer's Guild

Jul 28th, 2018
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  1. [21:03] <SwaDM> So when are you going to look for Rockman, for reference?
  2. 01[21:04] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Presumably right after the ledger's been explored. Likely the evening we've arrived in the Vault and are supposed to be resting up.
  3. [21:04] <SwaDM> Hm - noted.
  4. [21:05] <SwaDM> Well, as previously stated, there are plenty of nigh-identical rooms for the party to sleep and/or rest at. Presumably, each of you would've gotten your own. The doors to these are the sliding kind - instead of push and pull, with a square "knob" at the left side to allow the motion itself. Adalet's one is currently shut.
  5. 06[21:06] * Artisan_Kiran approaches it and - awkwardly positioning himself to support the large book against his torso with one arm - knocks on the door with his free hand gently, to not disturb anyone else.
  6. [21:07] <SwaDM> After waiting for a few seconds, there doesn't appear to actually be any response from within the room itself.
  7. 06[21:08] * Artisan_Kiran frowns at it. This is the first time he's been faced with the issue of people not being in their room when he's knocked.
  8. [21:08] <SwaDM> Or being asleep. Or being deaf.
  9. [21:08] <SwaDM> Or god knows what.
  10. 06[21:09] * Artisan_Kiran spends a few more moments looking at it, before repositioning the ledger and wandering around the large open floor of this area, to see if he's still awake elsewhere.
  11. 04[21:09] <SwaDM> Kiran can certainly have a gander around - but he wouldn't really spot Adalet anywhere. If he is somewhere, it apears he is in his room.
  12. 01[21:10] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Well, he's monstrously injured.
  13. 01[21:10] <Artisan_Kiran> 5If he's asleep, Kiran won't wake him up.
  14. [21:10] <SwaDM> Incorrect.
  15. [21:10] <SwaDM> He did actually heal himself afterwards, if you would remember, to a relatively good state.
  16. 01[21:10] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Fair.
  17. 01[21:11] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Still probably tired as all hell, though.
  18. [21:11] <SwaDM> ...Plus, do rock people even sleep? [A MYSTERY].
  19. 01[21:11] <Artisan_Kiran> 5itsamystery.avi
  20. [21:11] <SwaDM> All memeing aside, is he not going to knock at least one more time?
  21. 06[21:11] * Artisan_Kiran looks down at the ledger again, then back at the door. He then checks the time.
  22. 04[21:12] <SwaDM> ...One would presume Kiran has a way to measure it. He could even ask GEM! It is currently 9:30 PM.
  23. 01[21:12] <Artisan_Kiran> 5>Asking GEM
  24. [21:12] <SwaDM> [LOUD INSULTING]
  25. 06[21:12] * Artisan_Kiran concludes that 9.30pm is an appropriate time to visit a friend, and returns to Adalet's door, knocking again.
  26. 04[21:13] <SwaDM> There's anoher pause, mayhaps making Kiran suspect that Adalet really is passed out - albeit this time, there IS an answer.
  27. [21:13] <SwaDM> "...Ah? Yes?"
  28. 01[21:13] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's Kiran. I found something interesting."
  29. [21:14] <SwaDM> "Hmmn...? Sure. Sure. Come in, I suppose."
  30. 06[21:14] * Artisan_Kiran slides the door open.
  31. 01[21:14] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting. It's interesting, but not time-sensitive."
  32. [21:15] <SwaDM> Adalet is indeed inside, currently sat upon a small, square metal chair close towards what would pass as a table, resting his hands evently cross it. "No, no - you, you are not interrupting anything, never you worry, lad."
  33. 01[21:16] <Artisan_Kiran> 5He wasn't in bed at all!
  34. [21:16] <SwaDM> [SHOCK]!
  35. 01[21:17] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Good. Okay. So I- when we were running through Snowtown, I picked up a ledger in the... house? The one with the dragon's head."
  36. 04[21:18] <SwaDM> Adalet seems to take a moment to actually properly focus on Kiran, afore letting out a short chuckle. "A house. With a dragon's head. Not quite a normal house now, is it...? But. What about it?"
  37. 01[21:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I thought maybe a tavern. But anyway-"
  38. 06[21:19] * Artisan_Kiran hefts the ledger.
  39. 01[21:20] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's got about 50 years of what I think might be adventuring parties, and the work they've done. Or mercenaries. Possibly both."
  40. 01[21:20] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I thought that you might like to take a look. In case... it helps you remember anything."
  41. [21:21] <SwaDM> "Mnn. You know, Faceless are supposed to leave the pasts behind, not dwell on them."
  42. 01[21:21] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I know."
  43. 06[21:21] * Artisan_Kiran doesn't put the ledger away.
  44. [21:22] <SwaDM> He gives a brief shake of his head, afore holding his hand out in a slow, calculated motion. He does seem a little more sluggish then usual, to be frank.
  45. 06[21:22] * Artisan_Kiran holds the ledger out with both hands and places it in his.
  46. 01[21:22] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Are you okay?"
  47. [21:23] <SwaDM> "I..."
  48. [21:23] <SwaDM> "I believe I will be fine, yes."
  49. [21:23] <SwaDM> He slowly brings the hefty ledger back down on the table.
  50. 06[21:23] * Artisan_Kiran starts to nod, before pausing, scrutinising Adalet.
  51. 01[21:24] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"That doesn't actually answer my question. But if- if you'd rather we didn't talk about it, then I understand."
  52. [21:24] <SwaDM> There's another pause for several seconds, afore he adds in. "Forcing the seal the way I did may have had some side effects. My body needs to recover."
  53. 01[21:25] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Oh. Is there anything that can help? Or do things... build up inside your armour if it's sealed and that makes things worse?"
  54. [21:25] <SwaDM> "No, no, it's-..."
  55. [21:26] <SwaDM> "I am trying to figure out a way to explain it that you could understand..."
  56. 01[21:27] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"If the Hellstone seals divine magic, does it reduce your link to your sword to the point that it does you harm?"
  57. [21:27] <SwaDM> "I had to, in essence, shut down the feed of energy that allows me function as I can. Much like how one would try to...start up a motor again, it takes a while for it to catch up to full capacity. Does that make any sense? I am not quite good with comparing it to those technological things."
  58. [21:27] <SwaDM> "*Loosely*. Let us say it is a mix of those two explanations."
  59. 01[21:28] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I almost understand. I don't think there's anything I know of that would help. But I can get Lous, unless you're sure that time is the best thing for it."
  60. [21:29] <SwaDM> "No, boy - relax. It really is just a case of time."
  61. [21:29] <SwaDM> "Hopefully i will be better tomorrow."
  62. 01[21:30] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Okay."
  63. [21:30] <SwaDM> He leans back just a little on his seat, tapping one finger lightly upon the ledger itself. "Now...why did you bring me this?"
  64. 01[21:32] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"You've expressed frustration with not being able to remember things in the past. I know that the future is the most important thing - we've discussed that - but I thought you might want to read it. Just in case."
  65. [21:34] <SwaDM> "Mm. Well. Of course not knowing parts of your past can be frustrating, but we knew that from the start. Still - I understand your intention, at the very least."
  66. [21:35] <SwaDM> Adalet turns his head back towards it, slowly starting to leaf through the ledger itself.
  67. 06[21:35] * Artisan_Kiran feels slightly awkward, and looks around the rest of the room.
  68. [21:36] <SwaDM> The room itself is quite bland - it looks like it was essentailly mass produced. As always, the only real spark of creativity across the whole area is the hammock, which displays relatively colorful, angular designs across it.
  69. 01[21:37] <Artisan_Kiran> 5Damned nesting behaviour.
  70. [21:38] <SwaDM> "However."
  71. [21:38] <SwaDM> "I believe you have lied."
  72. [21:38] <SwaDM> "At least, in part."
  73. 06[21:38] * Artisan_Kiran glances around.
  74. 01[21:38] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I- what?"
  75. [21:39] <SwaDM> He manages out a weak chuckle, shaking his head. "You're just curious, aren't you?"
  76. 01[21:39] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'm always curious. But for once it wasn't my main motivation."
  77. 04[21:40] <SwaDM> "I am teasing you, Kiran."
  78. 01[21:40] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I think I might be- projecting how I would feel. I'd want to know about my past, but may- oh."
  79. 06[21:40] * Artisan_Kiran rubs his arm.
  80. 01[21:40] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Okay."
  81. [21:40] <SwaDM> "But again. I understand. Do not worry so much."
  82. [21:40] <SwaDM> "That place did look familiar though, yes."
  83. 01[21:41] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Sorry. I didn't want to have screwed up."
  84. 06[21:41] * Artisan_Kiran takes a step closer.
  85. 01[21:41] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"You mean the building with a dragon's head on the wall was distinctive?"
  86. 06[21:41] * Artisan_Kiran smiles faintly.
  87. [21:41] <SwaDM> "Yes."
  88. [21:41] <SwaDM> "If I am not mistaken, that was the old adventurer's guild..."
  89. 01[21:42] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I was beginning to suspect it was something like that."
  90. [21:43] <SwaDM> "Mm. It was a fine place. Have you ever heard ofit?"
  91. 01[21:43] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Lous has mentioned the existence of an adventurer's guild. I wasn't really aware we had one."
  92. [21:44] <SwaDM> "Of course you did. But then again,, you lived in Valveria, didn't you? That *is* quite a ways away..."
  93. 01[21:45] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It does seem like a pretty remote place for it."
  94. [21:46] <SwaDM> "Oh, it *was*. I'll never know why they chose to place it there, but...they did. They certainly got plenty of business regardless, though."
  95. 01[21:47] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I imagine that the journey to it was part of the adventure."
  96. [21:48] <SwaDM> "Hah! Maybe, maybe. As I said, I cannot rightly remember why they chose to put it there..."
  97. [21:50] <SwaDM> He shakes his head once more, as the ledger continues to slowly be leafed through. "None of these names are familiar to me, though..."
  98. [21:50] <SwaDM> "Then again, given my age, I doubt I would've been working for them at *that* time."
  99. 01[21:51] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't know the names either. For the opposite reason."
  100. [21:51] <SwaDM> "Yes, if we had founds a Hart here, we'd truly have the solution for everything! Do tend to get everywhere, those..."
  101. 06[21:52] * Artisan_Kiran frowns at Adalet slightly.
  102. [21:52] <SwaDM> "Hm...?"
  103. 01[21:52] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"In the war, presumably."
  104. 01[21:52] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Not... here."
  105. 04[21:52] <SwaDM> "Pardon me, Kiran, I not understand what you are saying."
  106. 01[21:53] <Artisan_Kiran> 5This might be my OOC knowledge being tripped up
  107. 01[21:53] <Artisan_Kiran> 5There is no Fagia here, so presumably would be no Harts, so there's presumably no way that they'd be in the ledger.
  108. [21:53] <SwaDM> Aye.
  109. [21:53] <SwaDM> This is correct.
  110. 01[21:54] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Nothing. Just suddenly worried I'd misunderstood the course of history. Nothing important."
  111. [21:54] <SwaDM> "Pfth. Happens all the time, my boy..."
  112. 01[21:55] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It's happened a few times for me."
  113. [21:55] <SwaDM> "Well, we are hardly at a calm moment in our lives. So mistakes are bound to happen."
  114. 06[21:55] * Artisan_Kiran shrugs.
  115. [21:56] <SwaDM> "But - yes. I am surprised they continued to operate with so many members for so long..."
  116. 01[21:56] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Why?"
  117. [21:57] <SwaDM> "Well - it is just rather admirable to have a group operate for so long in the middle of nowhere, no? Specially at these rates. Dutiful people, they were."
  118. 01[21:58] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"People love adventure. And I think that we were due for another dragon attack when the world ended, so that might have drawn in applicants."
  119. [21:58] <SwaDM> "Well, they did slay the previous one..."
  120. 01[21:58] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"The guild specifically?"
  121. [21:59] <SwaDM> "Do you think that head was just for show?"
  122. 01[22:00] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I wanted to confirm it was the same dragon."
  123. [22:00] <SwaDM> "If my memory is not failing me - yes. It was."
  124. 01[22:01] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Wow. That's a Hell of a claim to fame. No wonder people made the journey."
  125. [22:01] <SwaDM> "I do not think I was with them at the time - more's the pity..."
  126. 01[22:02] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I wonder who did it."
  127. [22:02] <SwaDM> "But yes. I suppose I just answered my own surprise over the guild still operating after so many ears, hm?"
  128. 01[22:02] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I suppose so."
  129. [22:04] <SwaDM> There's a draw-out pause from Adalet, afore he slowly brings the ledger to a shut.
  130. [22:04] <SwaDM> "...Hrm."
  131. 06[22:04] * Artisan_Kiran raises his gaze from the ledger to Adalet's face, brows raised slightly.
  132. [22:04] <SwaDM> "Odd."
  133. 01[22:05] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What's odd?"
  134. [22:05] <SwaDM> "This. The Faceless."
  135. [22:05] <SwaDM> "For someone who wants us to put aside our pasts in their entirety, Neviltis has been guiding us to places with much too many memories."
  136. [22:06] <SwaDM> "I wonder if it is a test. Or something else entirely."
  137. 01[22:08] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What's the difference between someone walking into a fight with something to fight for, and someone who wants to fight and finds the reasons they chose to fight again?"
  138. 01[22:08] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Over time."
  139. [22:08] <SwaDM> "Specify."
  140. 06[22:08] * Artisan_Kiran rubs his chin.
  141. 01[22:09] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't know. I'm trying to figure out what the difference between Spera and Neviltis' approaches are."
  142. [22:09] <SwaDM> "Ah. Isee."
  143. 01[22:10] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Being asked to give up your memories to fight, and then being gradually exposed again. Slowly regaining perspective, only to find that you're not that person any more. Or maybe you are."
  144. [22:10] <SwaDM> "I suppose I simply hope the end result is worth it."
  145. [22:10] <SwaDM> "A re-examination of oneself, you think?"
  146. 01[22:11] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Maybe to show you that you're only a piece of a greater war. To help you prepare yourself for it, or prepare yourself to let go of the old you if you see it again."
  147. 06[22:12] * Artisan_Kiran wrinkles his nose slightly, staring into the aether.
  148. 01[22:12] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't know. I can think about how these things would affect me, but I don't know how they'd affect people in general."
  149. [22:13] <SwaDM> "Each is different, yes. I suppose that is what makes us, us."
  150. 01[22:13] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"If you found out that you weren't the same person any more, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"
  151. [22:13] <SwaDM> "I'd imagine so, yes."
  152. 01[22:15] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What would you do, to prepare soldiers for the greatest war in history?"
  153. 06[22:15] * Artisan_Kiran turns back to Adalet.
  154. 01[22:15] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What /can/ you do?"
  155. [22:15] <SwaDM> "Sadly, I do not think he would answer me if I asked..."
  156. [22:16] <SwaDM> "If you were to ask me, the main intent would be to make them as efficient as possible."
  157. [22:17] <SwaDM> "Which I suppose his intent. We are far more..."
  158. [22:17] <SwaDM> "...Organized then you. No offense meant."
  159. 01[22:17] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Regimented, I think is the word."
  160. [22:17] <SwaDM> "Ah -yes."
  161. [22:17] <SwaDM> "That is a good word."
  162. 01[22:18] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"And no offense taken. I see the strength in Neviltis' approach, but I don't think it's necessarily the right one."
  163. [22:19] <SwaDM> "Of course. That is why we are where we are."
  164. 01[22:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"What do you think? Is the lack of-"
  165. 06[22:19] * Artisan_Kiran air-quotes
  166. 01[22:20] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"organisation- something that you don't see any benefit of at all?"
  167. [22:20] <SwaDM> "No. I see the point in it, aswell."
  168. [22:21] <SwaDM> "I do not *agree* with it, much like you don't agree with us, but."
  169. [22:21] <SwaDM> "A more..."
  170. [22:21] <SwaDM> "An open and more volatile structure, as it is, can allow more unexpected feats. And to achieve the unexpected is certainly to create a beacon of hope, I would imagine."
  171. 06[22:22] * Artisan_Kiran nods.
  172. 01[22:22] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"We're learning and adapting. We're a little more structured than we were, but the major theme is still the freedom and flexibility that we've always had."
  173. [22:24] <SwaDM> "Mm. You've all grown. I can attest to that much. This may seem somewhat hollow to you, but you must remember ours and your group have..."
  174. [22:24] <SwaDM> "Known one another for quite a while now. Before you were even here."
  175. 01[22:25] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I've wondered how long Neviltis and Spera have been around."
  176. [22:25] <SwaDM> "I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that..."
  177. 01[22:26] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I hadn't expected you to. I'll have to ask Spera next time we speak."
  178. [22:27] <SwaDM> "...I wonder if *she* knows..."
  179. 01[22:27] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't believe Limbo experiences time like dimensions do. It might not even be a meaningful question for her."
  180. [22:28] <SwaDM> "It doesn't, no."
  181. [22:28] <SwaDM> "It flows...oddly in there. I know that much."
  182. 01[22:29] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Maybe there's a meaningful proxy. Like how many years she's observed pass in the dimension she began observing earliest."
  183. 06[22:29] * Artisan_Kiran shrugs.
  184. [22:29] <SwaDM> "Maybe."
  185. 01[22:29] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'll figure something out."
  186. [22:29] <SwaDM> "Transdimensional comprehension can be quite boggling, hm?"
  187. 01[22:30] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Only a little."
  188. 01[22:30] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'm imagining it structurally more, now. It helps conceptualise the passage of time."
  189. [22:31] <SwaDM> "Well, I suppose you will put that on your to-do list, won't you?!
  190. [22:31] <SwaDM> *"
  191. [22:31] <SwaDM> Not an exclamation mark.
  192. 01[22:31] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Limbo as a cylinder, or a doughnut, and the dimensions as bands running around it, all turning at different rates. Except one day, those bands will wear thin and break. And they should fall off and into the waiting Void."
  193. 01[22:32] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'll have to consult Spera, and some of our more studious members. But I'd certainly like to model it somehow."
  194. [22:32] <SwaDM> (Fun fact.)
  195. [22:33] <SwaDM> (I've previously done a similar explanation, but using a ball of yarn instead.)
  196. 01[22:33] <Artisan_Kiran> 5(I recall! But this seemed to be more in-line with how Kiran would visualise it)
  197. [22:33] <SwaDM> (I getcha.)
  198. [22:33] <SwaDM> "Still, my boy...was there anything else?"
  199. 01[22:34] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"There isn't, no. I'd been intending to leave you to read the ledger at your own rate - I didn't want to pry. But I've enjoyed talking, nonetheless."
  200. [22:34] <SwaDM> "It is always nice, yes."
  201. [22:34] <SwaDM> "Leave it here, I will go over it across the night, I do suppose."
  202. 06[22:35] * Artisan_Kiran nods.
  203. 01[22:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I hadn't meant-"
  204. 06[22:35] * Artisan_Kiran grimaces.
  205. 01[22:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I hadn't meant to overstep. It's okay that I brought you it, right?"
  206. 04[22:35] <SwaDM> Adalet cocks his head towards Kiran, remaining silent for a few seconds, afore speaking once omre.
  207. [22:35] <SwaDM> "It was under good intentions."
  208. [22:35] <SwaDM> "I do not mind it."
  209. 01[22:36] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Okay."
  210. 06[22:36] * Artisan_Kiran glances behind him, straightening up slightly.
  211. 01[22:36] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I'll leave you to it. I need to get some rest myself."
  212. [22:37] <SwaDM> "Good - you do that, my boy. Thank you for the visit."
  213. 01[22:37] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Good night, Adalet."
  214. 06[22:37] * Artisan_Kiran moves to the door.
  215. 04[22:38] <SwaDM> Kiran is able to exit the room without being vaporized. Everything is okay, folks! Adalet remains where he is, seemingly still rather slow. He does give him a brief wave, at least.
  216. 06[22:38] * Artisan_Kiran returns it, closing the door gently behind him.
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