

Jul 23rd, 2012
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  1. [19:48:49] <&Shay> You actually read ebooks on your DS
  2. [19:48:54] <&Shay> but it's so small!
  3. [19:49:12] <&Shay> Also yay my city has a Tornado warning
  4. [19:49:13] <@Anise> and?
  5. [19:49:37] <&Shay> And it'd be awful to read books on
  6. [19:50:41] <@Anise> it works
  7. [19:50:48] <@Anise> cheaper than buying a dedicated e-book reader
  8. [19:51:38] <&Shay> E-books in general are blah
  9. [19:51:51] <&Shay> nothing beats the feel of paper and binding in ones hands.
  10. [19:52:02] <@Anise> such a luddite
  11. [19:52:14] <&Shay> I prefer "traditionalist".
  12. [19:52:15] <Rock> Darn it, I napped on the keyboard. Sorry guys.
  13. [19:52:26] <@Kit> Rock the keyboard faced
  14. [19:52:40] <@Anise> how's smashing those looms working out for you
  15. [19:52:52] <@OmegaX|Desktorp> hahaha Aeros
  16. [19:53:10] <&Shay> Did you just google luddite to find out what it means?
  17. [19:53:14] <&Shay> You did, didn't you.
  18. [19:53:20] <@Anise> I'm insulted
  19. [19:53:20] <@Anise> :I
  20. [19:53:23] <@OmegaX|Desktorp> D: He melted it
  21. [19:53:28] <@Anise> I know what a goddamn luddite is
  22. [19:54:40] <&Shay> There's no shame in admitting ones own intellectual shortcomings, Anise.
  23. [19:54:56] <@Anise> and there's no shame in apologizing to someone you've just been rude to
  24. [19:55:03] <Beardo> cattymans
  25. [19:55:34] <Celia> i dunno, i concur with Shay
  26. [19:55:40] <Celia> ...the book part that is
  27. [19:55:58] <Celia> reading pdfs on the computer gives me a headache, i prefer normal books tbh
  28. [19:56:01] <&Shay> I agree, Anise. I'll be eagerly awaiting your apology for calling me a luddite.
  29. [19:56:08] <Celia> of course both have their owns shortcomings
  30. [19:56:25] <@Anise> but you are a luddite V:
  31. [19:56:38] <Alexei> I like my Kindle. :>
  32. [19:56:39] <Celia> She's not?
  33. [19:56:54] <Celia> How can you bloody use a computer if you are a Luddite
  34. [19:57:34] <@Kit> wow Shay, what a snobby way to call someone stupid
  35. [19:57:58] * Michael (chatzilla@15807A30.1F9D9ADB.508CA455.IP) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  36. [19:58:02] <Addy> Seriously
  37. [19:58:05] <Addy> There is no wrong answer
  38. [19:58:06] * Michael_ (chatzilla@15807A30.1F9D9ADB.508CA455.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  39. [19:58:08] * Michael_ (chatzilla@15807A30.1F9D9ADB.508CA455.IP) Quit (Quit: Michael_)
  40. [19:58:15] <Addy> I don't understand why you guys are taking personal shots at each other
  41. [19:58:35] <Celia> people getting mad at opinions
  42. [19:58:43] <Addy> I have a kindle. I enjoy using it, and the cost isn't too bad given that you buy books in discount using it and you can get plenty of books for free.
  43. [19:58:52] <&Shay> Technological progress in general is not something I despise or even disagree with, however being able to hold a book heavy with paper and ink in my opinion is much more preferable than a piece of metal or plastic.
  44. [19:58:55] * Kyre is now known as Enruia
  45. [19:59:08] <&Shay> Also she started it
  46. [19:59:14] <Addy> You can go buy books. There's a nice feeling to having a book in your hand with the new -book smell to it.
  47. [19:59:19] * Kit is now known as Lulu
  48. [19:59:36] <Addy> To save costs, there's the library. Whatever, using books or ebooks, neither way is wrong.
  49. [19:59:36] <@OmegaX|Desktorp> Im gonna have to agree with Shay with the book opinion.
  50. [19:59:39] <@Anise> I already use my DS for a lot of things, so I find it convenient to load up books I'm going to be reading in a place where I don't have access to my library onto it
  51. [19:59:40] <@OmegaX|Desktorp> I like real books.
  52. [19:59:44] <@Anise> books are fine! so is my DS
  53. [20:00:00] <@Anise> that doesn't mean Shay can call me stupid for knowing what a Luddite is
  54. [20:00:53] <&Shay> Calling me a luddite for preferring books is just as insulting
  55. [20:01:11] <@Anise> not really?
  56. [20:01:22] <@Anise> I did not directly insult your intelligence for no goddamn reason
  57. [20:01:33] <Addy> Luddite's a big exaggeration and probably shouldn't have been the word of choice, but Shay
  58. [20:01:42] <Addy> Three words, "such a luddite"
  59. [20:01:43] <Celia> grab a mud pit and fight you two
  60. [20:01:44] <Addy> and you overreacted
  61. [20:02:07] <Addy> and started throwing around insults and acting really
  62. [20:02:08] <Addy> really
  63. [20:02:08] <Addy> really
  64. [20:02:16] <Addy> condescending in an obnoxious fashion
  65. [20:02:16] <&Shay> Fine, fine. I'm sorry for saying what I said.
  66. [20:02:36] <@Anise> I'm sorry for calling you a luddite, then, I didn't know you'd be so upset about it :c
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