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a guest
Jan 25th, 2020
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  1. command /grant [<player>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: admin.grant
  3. permission message: &cYou cannot access the rank system.
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg-1 is not set:
  6. send "&cPlease specify a player." to player
  7. else:
  8. if arg-2 is not set:
  9. send "&cSpecify what you're granting [Ranks | Prefixes | Suffixes]." to player
  10. else if arg-2 is "rank" or "ranks":
  11. open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&8Grant a rank to %arg-1%" to player
  12. format gui slot 0 of player with black wool named "&4&lOwner" to run:
  13. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% owner"
  14. format gui slot 1 of player with red wool named "&c&lAdmin" to run:
  15. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% admin"
  16. format gui slot 2 of player with purple wool named "&5&lMod" to run:
  17. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% mod"
  18. format gui slot 3 of player with pink wool named "&d&lJr. Mod" to run:
  19. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% jrmod"
  20. format gui slot 4 of player with yellow wool named "&e&lHelper" to run:
  21. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% helper"
  22. format gui slot 5 of player with orange wool named "&6&lDev" to run:
  23. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% dev"
  24. format gui slot 6 of player with light blue wool named "&b&lBuilder" to run:
  25. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% builder"
  26. format gui slot 7 of player with red mushroom block named "&cYou&ftuber" to run:
  27. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% youtuber"
  28. format gui slot 8 of player with coal block named "&7Coal" to run:
  29. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% coal"
  30. format gui slot 9 of player with iron block named "&fIron" to run:
  31. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% iron"
  32. format gui slot 10 of player with gold block named "&6Gold" to run:
  33. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% gold"
  34. format gui slot 11 of player with lapis block named "&1Lapis" to run:
  35. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% lapis"
  36. format gui slot 12 of player with redstone block named "&4Redstone" to run:
  37. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% redstone"
  38. format gui slot 13 of player with diamond block named "&bDiamond" to run:
  39. make player execute command "setrank %arg-1% diamond"
  40. format gui slot 13 of player with white wool named "&bChat Bypass" to run:
  41. make player execute command "lp user %arg-1% permission set admin.chatmute.bypass true"
  42. format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&c&lCancel" to close
  43. else if arg-2 is "prefix" or "prefixes":
  44. open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&8Grant" to player
  45. format gui slot 0 of player with polished andesite named "&8&lGlitch" to run:
  46. make player execute command "setprefix %arg-1% '&8&l[&b&kG&7&kl&b&ki&7&kt&b&kc&7&kh '"
  48. command /setrank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  49. permission: admin.setrank
  50. permission message: &cYou cannot access our rank system.
  51. trigger:
  52. if arg-1 is not set:
  53. send "&cPlease specify a player."
  54. else:
  55. open virtual chest with size 1 named "&8Grant %arg-2% rank to %arg-1%" to player
  56. format gui slot 3 of player with green wool named "&aConfirm" to close:
  57. make console execute command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set %arg-2%"
  58. send "&cYou updated %arg-1%'s rank to &e%arg-2%"
  59. send "&cYour rank has been updated to &e%arg-2%" to arg-1
  60. format gui slot 5 of player with red wool named "&cCancel" to close
  62. command /setprefix [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  63. permission: admin.setprefix
  64. permission message: &cYou cannot access the rank system.
  65. trigger:
  66. if arg-1 is not set:
  67. send "&cPlease specify a player."
  68. else:
  69. open virtual chest with size 1 named "&8Set Prefix to %arg-2% for %arg-1%" to player
  70. format gui slot 3 of player with green wool named "&aConfirm" to close:
  71. make console execute command "/lp user %arg-1% meta prefix add %arg-2%"
  72. send "&cYou updated %arg-1%'s prefix to &e%arg-2%"
  73. send "&cYour rank has been updated to &e%arg-2%" to arg-1
  74. format gui slot 5 of player with red wool named "&cCancel" to close
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