

Jun 15th, 2014
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  2. In the late shadows of Autumn, there came one afternoon a’tipping through the forest of pines and furs
  3. A young lad on the cusps of teenage hood, graced from birth with long golden locks of hair, and a frame so frail, one could mistake him for a forest fairy as he bounced from one spot to the other amid the fallen leafs of different hues, from sun yellow, to a rustic orange, all along the well worn footpaths they lay.
  5. Upon his youthful face he wore, a smile so bright it could seen from above, free he was this fine afternoon from the eyes of the adults. Free for a minute the playful teasing of his sisters two, free from the chains of homework that had enslaved him since summer had melted away into the months of fall.
  7. For today, he was free to jump and play, and follow the well worn footpaths though the forest floor, his heart skipped a little, as he heard the babbling of a nearby brook, and heard with his own ears, the sweet melody of nature at work, the birds where chipping from there nest, squirrels where at work collection nuts for the coming winter.
  9. A little giggle escaped his lips as a sudden breeze lifted the boys hair, and caused the pines and furs to bed and sway as the wind twirled around causing the leafs to be lifted from the ground and twirled around. But far above the little boys head, the once clear blue sky became dark and heavy. Heavy with rain they become and soon there load was released, and rain drops as big as mans hand came falling down upon the forest floor.
  11. Before he could blink a eye, the little fair hair child was caught in the sudden storm that often springs its fangs during the height of the autumn season. The boy shuttered as he found his little frame, being assaulted by the large raindrops that fell from the darken afternoon sky.
  13. Quickly he took flight and blindly he fled into the woods, the rain was following heavy now, and the boy was blinded by the chilling rain that soaked him to the bone, the chilly wind that now blew though the bones, cut him to the bone and his clothing become soggy and weighted him down under there dead weight.
  15. Like a fellow blinded and in pain, he stumbled through the forest, till at last through the fallen rain he spotted a rocky outcrop, quickly without a second thought the young boy found himself taking shelter there, smiling a little to himself as he cuddled under the rough shelter, his arms he wrapped rightly around his arms he pulled closely around his legs that he
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