

Mar 29th, 2015
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  1. ---------------------------------- Professor Paradox
  2. --------Farscape Jump--------
  3. ----------------------------------
  5. My name is John Crichton, an astronaut. A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole! Now I'm lost in some distant part of the universe on a ship, a LIVING ship, full of strange alien life forms! Help me, help me! Listen, please. Is there anybody out there who can hear me? I'm being hunted... by an insane military commander. I'm doing everything I can. I'm just looking for a way home.
  7. Welcome to Farscape, Jumper! For the next 10 years you're going to be exploring the stars, or not. Depending on what Background you choose, you'll either start on board Moya, Captain Crais' command carrier, or as John Crichton's copilot. While your starting point is set, what direction your life goes is up to you.
  9. You begin with 1000cp to help you survive the dangers of space.
  11. ---Backgrounds---
  13. Roll 22+1d8 for age (or species equivalent) or spend 50cp to choose your age and gender.
  15. -
  17. Drop-In: You wake up in a cargo bay on board Moya moments before John Crichton's ship is pulled aboard by the ship's docking web.
  19. +No new memories to cloud your judgment.
  20. +/-No history
  21. -You just woke up on board a prisoner transport vessel that's been commandeered by a group of dangerous fugitives.
  23. -
  25. IASA: You work as an astronaut for the International Aeronautics and Space Administration and were chosen to join John Crichton on the Farscape mission. You have a day to prepare before you go on that fateful journey through the wormhole.
  27. +While not friends with Crichton at the start of the Jump you're on good professional terms with him.
  28. + If you don't want to go on an amazing adventure through time and space you could always flake out.
  29. +If you go on the mission and ever make it back to Earth you will be hailed as a hero.
  30. -You have friends and family in this universe who you may never see again.
  31. -You're right below John Crichton on Crais' shit list.
  33. -
  35. Peacekeeper: You wake up on board a command carrier commanded by Captain Crais the day John Crichton comes through a wormhole and accidental kills his brother. The Peacekeepers hire themselves out to many different planets as a security force.
  37. +You are familiar with Peacekeeper procedures and technology.
  38. +Commander Crais knows your name and has a high opinion of you.
  39. -You are a low-ranking officer.
  40. -You're apart of an extremely xenophobic society
  41. -Like seriously, at your current rank you could be executed if you're deemed to have had too much contact with other species.
  42. -Your job is your life. You were raised to be a soldier and nothing else.
  44. -
  46. Fugitive: You're an escaped Peacekeeper prisoner. You start on Moya's bridge just after John Crichton comes aboard.
  48. +You have memories of being in the Farscape universe so you're generally aware about how things work in the universe.
  49. -As an escaped prisoner, the Peacekeepers have put a bounty on your head.
  50. -You murdered a guy.
  52. ---Species---
  54. You can spend cp to be another species. If you chose IASAA you start as a Human. Any species purchased here will be locked until the end of the Jump. If you chose Peacekeeper you're half Sebacean and one of the few non-pure blooded Sebaceans to be allowed into the Peacekeepers. Luckily, your non-Sebacean parent's genes came through particularly strong giving you the full benefits of your chosen species without having to worry about the Living Death. Every species but Human starts out with an injection of translator microbes. Don't worry, even if you start out as human you'll probably get injected with them soon after the jump starts.
  56. -
  58. Delvian: A long lived species of blue skinned humanoid plants. Delvians are known for the Delvian Seek, a religion that teaches kindness and asceticism as a path to enlightenment. By practicing the tenets of their religion Pa'us (priests) hone their species' natural psionic talents. While Delvian society is very religious it is also extremely relaxed and permissive.
  60. +Gain the Psychic ability for free.
  61. +Can become invisible for short periods of time.
  62. +Sunlight feels really good.
  63. +/-Higher levels of solar radiation can cause something called a photogasm.
  64. -If you go too long without nutrients you will turn into an insane, violent, bio-hazardous, carnivore. until you consume large quantities of meat or die.
  66. 600cp
  68. -
  70. Eidelon: A species that is believed to have gone extinct thousands of years ago. Eidelons are extremely good diplomats do to their ability to induce feelings of peace in others. 300cp
  72. +You can suppress other people's negative impulses.
  73. +/- To use your power you have to open your face up. It looks freaky but it doesn't put you or others in any danger.
  74. -Some people may fear your power and want you dead.
  75. -Good luck finding any other Eidelons. They're out there, but they aren't easy to find.
  77. 200cp
  79. -
  81. Human: A backwater species that bears a striking resemblance to Sebaceans. Human eyesight and hearing is generally inferior to that of other specifies.
  83. +/-Can pass as Sebacean.
  84. -Short lifespan.
  85. -Poor senses.
  87. (Free)
  89. -
  91. Hynerian: Short and frog-like, Hynaerians are awkward on land but surprisingly graceful swimmers. Hynerians are famous for their incredible appetite, which is most likely caused by their incredibly fast metabolism and three stomachs.
  93. +Incredibly long lifespan.
  94. +Amphibious.
  95. +Good swimmer
  96. +/-Helium farts.
  97. -Always hungry.
  98. -You move incredibly slowly on land.
  100. (Free)
  102. -
  104. Interion: A species that is very closely related to humans. Interion hair becomes darker when they feel strong negative emotions. Interestingly enough, the scream of an Interion is both very painful and capable of melting metal.
  106. 300cp
  108. +Your scream can melt most kinds of metal, although it would take a lot of screaming to melt a significant quantity of it.
  109. -You have mood hair.
  111. -
  113. Luxan: Looking like the offspring of a Twi'lek and a Klingon, Luxans are a proud species of warriors. Luxans are moderately stronger than humans, posses a sense of smell strong enough to track by, and an extremely long tongue they can strike others with to inject a potent paralytic. Young Luxans are prone to a long-lasting state of aggression known as hyper-rage, but you've learned to control yourself.
  115. +Strong and tough.
  116. +Incredible sense of smell.
  117. +Somehow your tongue knows how to inject the perfect dose of venom to knock someone out without killing them.
  118. -Despite being in control of your temper you are easier to anger.
  119. -Although you are very durable, if you suffer a bad enough injury your blood will poison you unless someone gets all the dark blood out of your wounds.
  121. 300cp
  123. -
  125. Nebari: Nebari possess gray skin and blue blood, but otherwise possess no special capabilities. Their society is highly advanced, but is hostile towards non-conformity to the point of using powerful brainwashing techniques to stamp it out.
  127. -If Establishment aligned Nebari run into you they are likely to try and take you captive so you can be reformed.
  129. 50cp
  131. -
  133. Scarran: Scarrans are a powerful species of lizard-like aliens. They possess skin tough enough to tank a hit from a pulse rifle, can shoot heat rays, and tend to be taller and much stronger than most species. Scarrans are also highly intelligent as long as they continue to consume bird of paradise flower (Crystherium utilia), but without it their intelligence will eventually drop. Scarrans require very little bird of paradise flower and you start with a supply big enough to last you for a decade.
  135. +Incredibly strong and durable
  136. +Heat rays
  137. -You can't use your energy attack in extreme cold.
  138. -More vulnerable to extreme cold than most species.400cp
  139. -Require bird of paradise flower to maintain a level of intelligence equal to that of other sapient species.
  141. 400cp (Forbidden: Peacekeepers)
  143. -
  145. Scarran Hybrid: The extremely rare hybrid of a Scarran and a Sebacean. Scarran/Sebacean hybrids are much stronger and tougher than Sebacean, but not to the same extent as a Scarran. hybrids also lack the ability to shoot heat rays, but they do posses the unique ability to ability to see the energy of living beings. Unfortunately Scarran and Sebacean physiology don't mix well meaning temperatures that are comfortable to most species are unbearably hot to Hybrids. Luckily your body has undergone surgery that allows you to insert cooling rods directly into your brain. You start with a set of six cooling rods, a machine that can cool them off for you, and a recipe to make more.
  147. +Even stronger and tougher than a Luxan.
  148. +Can see the energy signatures of other living beings. Each species has a unique energy signature that changes with their emotions.
  149. +Can tell when someone is lying by watching their energy signature.
  150. +/-Up until now Scorpius was the only known Scarran/Sebacean in the universe. His attitude towards you depends on your origin.
  151. -Some entities can control themselves well enough that their energy signature is unreadable.
  152. -Your cooling system looks like a gimp suit and you can't take it off.
  154. 300cp
  156. -
  158. Sebacean: While most Sebaceans are Peacekeepers, many of them have abandoned their ancestral duties and colonized other worlds. (Free)
  160. -Non-Sebaceans tend to view Sebaceans negatively.
  161. -If you are not a Peacekeeper you will be viewed as a traitor.
  162. -If you spend too much time exposed to high temperatures you will suffer heat delirium. Continued exposure can lead to the permanent loss of higher brain functions, a state known as the Living Death
  164. (Free)
  166. -
  168. Vorcarian: This patriarchal species of dog-like humanoids possess a powerful sense of smell. Although females posses a much, much better nose than males, your sense of smell is at the very peak of your species regardless of your sex. If you are male you are a mutant or something.
  170. +You are an excellent tracker do to instinct and your powerful sense of smell that exceeds even that of a Luxan.
  171. -You feel submissive towards those who you perceive are more dominant than you, nothing forces you to act on these feelings though.
  173. 100cp
  175. ---Skills and Abilities---
  177. Empath: You posses the ability to sense pain and strong emotions. This power works on a spiritual level allowing you to sense these things in places long after the event that caused them has passed. In addition, you can help others pass on peacefully, ending their pain and preventing the creation of ghosts and other nastiness. People won't pass on if they're tightly bound to this plane of existence do to a strong force keeping them here. 100cp (Free: Drop In)
  179. -
  181. Astronaut: Not only do you have the training of a professional astronaut, but the courage too. You know how to move around in a zero g environments, work a 20th century space shuttle, and can keep your cool no matter what kind of pressure your put under. 100cp (Free: IASA)
  183. -
  185. Officer: You have the training required to fulfill your duties as a Peacekeeper, and you are very good at it. Your an excellent shot and hand-to-hand fighter, have the knowledge required to maintain your gear, and know Peacekeeper protocol inside and out. 100cp (Free: Peacekeeper)
  187. -
  189. Shyster: You're extremely good at lying and can usually come up with a good explanation on the spot. This also helps you when haggling. People are no more likely to believe you than normal if they have proof you're lying. 100cp (Free: Fugitive)
  191. -
  193. Precognition: You have visions that show you what will happen in the future. These visions usually take place in a couple of hours and always show you something important. You can use your knowledge of future events to change what will happen. 300cp (Discount: Drop-In)
  195. -
  197. Theoretical Scientist: You have a doctorate in theoretical sciences. This education has made you an expert in mathematics, physics, astronomy, engineering, and anything related to these fields (by late 20th century/early 21st century standards anyway). On top of all this, you can keep up and contribute to advances in these fields. Despite how ridiculous this degree sounds, any future jump will accept your credentials. 300cp (Discount: IASA).
  199. -
  201. Dog Fighter: You're one of the best starfighter pilots this side of the Uncharted Territories. While you initially start out trained to only fly Prowlers, it won't take long for you to become an expert in operating any flying or spaceborn vehicle. 300cp (Discount: Peacekeeper)
  203. -
  205. That's a...: Somehow you seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of every alien in the galaxy. Whenever you run into an example of a species or culture you automatically know basic information and interesting facts about it. This also applies to items produced by other species or cultures. While it isn't a lot of information, you'll be able to do things like identify weapons, ships, and the alien version of the Mona Lisa on sight. 300cp (Discount: Fugitive)
  206. -
  208. Psychic: You have access to psychic powers. At first you can only take pain away from others and onto yourself, but with practice you'll soon find yourself able to share unity (essentially the Vulcan mind meld) with others or even kill people with your brain. These powers are mostly limited to affecting things with some form of psychic or spiritual energy, so don't expect it to work on robots or to ever perform telekinesis. You can also use these powers on energy beings, ghosts, or similar psionic or spiritual entities. 600cp (Discount Drop-In)
  210. -
  212. Humans! Are! SUPERIOR!: Even if you aren't human, your willpower, luck, and ability to think outside the box are spectacular. You can power through most situations when others would give up and your ability to come up with unique solutions allows you to get out of a crises when others would die. 600cp (Discount: IASA)
  214. -
  216. Wide Discretion: When you're a part of an organization, your superiors find themselves inclined to giving you free reign over your projects and your subordinates develop a fierce loyalty towards you. The people you work with tend to overlook your failures as long as they don't occur too often or are truly spectacular. 600cp (Discount: Peacekeeper)
  218. -
  220. Alchemist: Your knowledge of plants, animals, and chemicals allows you to mix up all sorts of different compounds. Finding cures to rare diseases, synthesizing fuel, and creating powerful hallucinogens, among other things, is a breeze for you. 600cp (Discount: Fugitive)
  222. -
  224. Wormholes: Someone has planted the key to wormhole technology in your brain. While it could take you years or even decades to fully uncover the knowledge locked away inside of you (or even days if your intelligence is far beyond that of a mere mortal), the benefits are both wonderful and surprisingly limited. You begin with the knowledge to find and navigate wormholes, which can allow you to travel arbitrary distances in a matter of minutes. Eventually you'll figure out how to manufacture devices that allow you to create wormhole, putting the entire universe within reach.
  226. Wormholes do have certain limitations. First of all, you have to know where you are going, either through coordinates or having been there before. Wormholes can also only exist and be created in space, so unless you have a spaceship this isn't going to do you much good. Even if you do have a spaceship, most crafts will not protect you from the terrible energies found inside a wormhole which will liquefy most forms of life. Luckily you will in time understand how to make a ship that can travel through wormholes if you are unable to figure it out beforehand. Larger ships also tend to be more heavily armored so you could possibly make it through with a large enough ship even without proper shielding. Finally, if you don't pay close enough attention while traversing a wormhole you could lose your way and end up in the wrong place, or even worse, an unrealized reality.
  228. An unrealized reality is an alternate dimension that is created through improper use of wormholes. These universes are generally the same, although the people inside of them tend to be a little off compared to their real counterparts, or even a mixture of two or more different people. Unrealized realities are inherently unstable and if you are not extremely careful they will eventually merge with reality and destroy the universe. To avoid this grim fate, you cannot stay for too long, because as long as you exist so does that unrealized reality, which increases the chances of it merging. You must also not take anything with you from that unrealized reality as doing so will force the two timelines to merge. Unrealized realities are ultimately a mistake and should be avoided, although you may be able to obtain some vital information while there if you need to know something from a dead person.
  230. Once you ignite your spark you will no longer be protected from the other potential danger of wormhole travel: time travel. If you change the past too much you could do something silly like rewrite history so you never existed, so be careful with that one. More importantly you unlock the ability to build the most powerful and dangerous form of wormhole technology: wormhole weapons. With this knowledge you could create a weapon that generates wormholes that will grow and destroy anything that falls into the event horizon. Using this technology you could potentially destroy entire universes. 600cp
  232. ---Items---
  234. Space Clothes: A stylish outfit that matches your species and or your occupation. The first purchase is free, but further purchases cost 50cp
  236. -
  238. Spacesuit: A suit that lets you survive in space for a time. The first purchase is free, but further purchases cost 50cp
  240. -
  242. Pulse Pistol: Just a standard space weapon in pistol form. 50cp
  244. -
  246. Translator Microbes: A box with 8 syringes full of translator microbes. Empty syringes refill over night. 100Cp
  248. -
  250. Thronesled: An antigravity throne used by Hynerian royalty. thronesleds can move fairly quickly and fly dozens of stories up, but pushing them like this makes them very difficult to control. The thronesled you receive is large enough to carry you. 100cp (Free: Drop-In)
  252. -
  254. Diagnostic Repair Drone: One of many DRDs that are usually found aboard Leviathans. DRDs are small, roomba-like robots that can perform ship repairs with their plasma wielders and shoot intruders with lasers. Fairly smart for a repair robot, this DRD exclusively follows your commands. Can whistle a song and comes with a paint job of your choice. 100cp (Free: IASA)
  256. -
  258. Pulse Rifle: A standard issue Peacekeeper pulse rifle. Its reliable, accurate, and easy to keep in peak condition. 100cp (Free: Peacekeeper)
  260. -
  262. Qualta Blade: A broadsword that can turn into a pulse rifle. Its weight makes it difficult for the small and weak to use it well as a sword and the lack of a scope can make it difficult to shoot distant targets. 100cp (Free: Fugitive)
  264. -
  266. Tavlek Gauntlet: This powerful weapon can shoot energy blasts of varying strength, create an energy shield, and pumps you full of chemicals that make you stronger, faster, and heal quicker. Unfortunately these chemicals increase aggression, are highly addictive, and fuel the weapon so you probably shouldn't use it too often. This gauntlet refills itself once a day. 300cp (Discount: Drop-In)
  268. -
  270. Module: A perfect replica of the Farscape module. It isn't very fast or particularly durable, but for some reason it can protect its pilot from the liquefying affects of wormholes and similar phenomena. 300cp (Discount: IASA)
  272. -
  274. Prowler: This ship is a standard Peacekeeper starfighter. Prowlers are highly maneuverable and capable of interstellar travel, but are poorly armored and ineffective against more heavily armored targets. 300cp (Discount:Peacekeeper)
  276. -
  278. Pulse Burster: An unwieldy but powerful weapon, a pulse burster is capable of taking down multiple targets at once. While it isn't ideal when someone is up in your face, it's perfect for when you need to take out a wave of mooks. 300Cp (Discount: Fugitive)
  280. -
  282. Neuro Biotacer Chip: Once set with an objective and injected, this chip will allow you to track whoever has this chip over the vast distances of space. With time, the chip will grow throughout the victims brain, copying their mind and implanting a neural clone of you that can communicate with them, manipulate their memories and senses, and slowly take over their body. If this chip is somehow removed without killing the victim your neural clone will remain in their head and do their best to continue the mission you set, they won't have any more control over their host however. The chip itself will have a neural clone of the person it was implanted in it that you can interrogate with the right equipment. Convincing the victims clone to give you the information you want might be difficult. Be careful, the chip is delicate and pushing it to far to try and extract information from it could cause it to burn itself out. Once permanently lost or destroyed a new chip will appear in your warehouse. 600cp (Drop In)
  283. -
  285. La Bomba: A nuclear bomb with a dead man's switch you can strap to your waist. Impress your friends! Intimidate your enemies! Show everyone you're the craziest S.O.B. In the galaxy! IF you set this bomb off a replacement will reappear in your warehouse a year later. 600cp (Discount: IASA)
  287. -
  289. Aurora Chair: The aurora chair is a large interrogation device that can sift through a person's mind to find any information you might be looking for; you can even find thoughts and memories that have been locked away if you're patient and know what your doing. You can also use the chair to remove or implant memories if you want. No matter what you do with the chair the process is painful, especially when resisted. 600cp (Discount: Peacekeeper)
  291. -
  293. Eradicator: An ancient ship of the same class as D'Argo's Lo'La, the Eradicator is more than a match for most modern ships of similar size. This ship comes equipped with a powerful force field and a deception shield that makes it almost completely undetectable. At full power its main weapon is powerful enough to vaporize a fully grown Leviathan. Usually an Eradicator will only respond to Luxans through a system of DNA and voice locks, but this particular ship only responds to you. 600cp (Discount: Fugitive)
  295. ---Companions---
  297. You may spend 100cp per Companion to give them a Background and 600cp to spend. If you spend 300cp you can import eight Companions instead of one. Any Companion you import gets 100cp for free that can only be spent on what species they are.
  299. -
  301. Drawbacks: take up to three for points, beyond that you get nothing but trouble.
  303. -
  305. Neural Clone: Someone Scorpius managed to implant a neural clone in your head. This drawback can be purchased up to three times.
  307. Harvey: With this first purchase the neural clone is just the remnant left behind from a neuro biotacer chip. All it can do is communicate with you and you can pretty much do whatever you want to it in your mindscape. +0cp
  309. Implanted: You start the jump with a fully functional neuro biotracer chip installed in your brain. Scorpius will use it to find you and extract the secrets from your mind. The neural clone's influence will slowly grow until it seizes complete control of you. It will take it about one year to gain full control if you don't find a way to remove it. +300cp
  311. I've Got You Under My Skin: Why would you do this to yourself? You start with the neural clone completely in control of your mind. I don't know how your planning to get out of this one, but I hope it works. +600
  313. -
  315. Hunted: Someone with a lot of resources at their disposal wants you dead or worse. Space is a pretty big place so you should be able to stay one step ahead easily enough, but you won't be able to rest for the next decade. If you somehow get them to stop hunting you in any way someone more dangerous will take their place. +100cp
  317. -
  320. Your Me!: When you enter the jump you will discover that there is another you that has come along for the ride. Both of you are essentially the original you in the fact that neither is a copy of the other. It would be more accurate to say you are both a fork of the original. By the end of the jump one of you will be dead. +100cp
  323. Tormented: Everything just seems to be too much for you, doesn't it? Stressful situations turn you into a gibbering wreck and you're more likely than not to make a bad situation worse. +100cp
  325. -
  327. Hyper-rage: You suffer bouts of extreme anger similar to that of a young Luxan. This state can last for several minutes to several days depending on what triggered your rage and if it's still around. Lucky for you, your hyper-rage never seems to get you killed and you seem satisfied with hurting rather than killing your companions, but others may not be so lucky. Needless to say, this could get you into some very bad situations +200cp
  329. -
  331. Life of Crichton: Much like John Crichton, people keep on getting in your head, and drugging you, and torturing you, and sometimes all three at once. Unlike John Crichton, you aren't all that great at rolling with the punches. If you aren't extremely careful and lucky you'll probably end up completely catatonic in less than a decade. I wouldn't recommend combining this with Hyper-Rage or Tormented. +200cp
  333. -
  335. Amnesia: You lose all of your memories that are not provided by a Background, forget how to use any activated abilities, and can no longer remember how to access your Warehouse. Your companions won't be much help on that front because they don't remember anything either. +200cp
  337. -
  339. Pilot: Much like other Leviathans, Moya has a Pilot directly integrated with her to amongst other things, manage her systems and communicate with others. Unfortunately for you, you are now that Pilot. For the next ten years you're going to be wired to a pacifistic ship that occasionally tries to kill you. F.Y.I. You were artificially connected to Moya so your going to be in constant pain if you don't disconnect from her and spend a couple of months doing it the natural way. Don't bother trying to separate yourself from Moya, you won't live long if you're separated from her. +300cp
  341. -
  343. Maldis: Somehow you have attracted the attention of the malevolent being known as Maldis. Maldis is made of pure spiritual energy and feeds off of the negative emotions, pain, and death of others. His powers are vast and allow him to twist the minds of others and even manipulate reality on a limited scale. Worst of all, as an energy being he is nearly impossible to hurt and even if killed he will eventually pull himself back together. It would take something truly remarkable to permanently and utterly destroy him. +300cp
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