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Oct 14th, 2019
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  1. 1. How would you describe HEMA?
  2. 2. How long have you been learning and teaching HEMA?
  3. 3. What would you say are your greatest accomplishments in HEMA?
  4. 4. Could you talk about your experiences with the European longsword?
  5. 5. Why do you think it is shaped the way it is?
  6. 6. Why is it so long compared to other swords in the world?
  7. 7. What techniques do you think would be used by knights to circumvent armor when using the longsword?
  8. 8. What are some common myths you've heard about the longsword from the general public that you'd like to debunk?
  9. 9. How much do you know about Japanese swords?
  10. 10. How would you say that they compare to the European sword, based off of your experience or at a guess?
  11. 11. I discussed the European longsword with some kenjutsu students; they said that it was good for defense but slower than their sword. What do you think of that sentiment?
  12. 12.
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