
Early Bloomers

Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. “So, did you girls hear that Vinyl ended up catching slackjaw?” Sweetie Belle asked.
  3. “Yeah, I saw her wearing a scarf so her mouth doesn't hang open,” Scootaloo snickered.
  5. “Well...I don't wanna be that pony but when you open your jaws for anypony that wants to be eaten, ya’ll are gonna get somethin sooner or later,” Applebloom said.
  7. The three fillies gossiped while they worked, Sweetie Belle mixing up paper mache, Applebloom tying together a wire frame and Scootaloo piling on the paper mache in a rough likeness to a topographical map of Ponyville.
  9. “Well, at least she didn't end up with something incurable,” Sweetie Belle said.
  11. “Yeah, I hope she gets well soon,” Scootaloo said.
  13. “How about we make her a card to wish her well?” Applebloom suggested.
  15. “That's a great idea!” Scootaloo exclaimed, her little wings buzzing.
  17. “Well...I don't know...she might take it the wrong way and we might end up in her belly next,” Sweetie Belle warned.
  19. “Oh...that's when Diamond Tiara took class president back and thought Pipsqueaks concession speech was him conceding to be her meal,” Scootaloo said.
  21. “Poor Pip,” Applebloom said.
  23. “Poor Pip,” the condolence was echoed by the other two.
  25. “Thank goodness we don't have to worry about that stuff for a while yet! I don't want either of you two to end up as flank fat,” Scootaloo chirped, piling on more paper mache to the project.
  27. There was a moment of silence and if that had not happened Scootaloo would not have glanced up to see her two friends glancing nervously to each other before turning their eyes back to their projects.
  29. “Yep. Gettin those sort of cravins is still a ways out,” Applebloom said.
  31. “Y-yeah...No fantasies about warm throats and swaying pudge here,” Sweetie Belle confirmed.
  33. “Oh horse apples you two! Are you serious? Who have you eaten?” Scootaloo exclaimed.
  35. The callout was quick with all the subtlety that could be expected from their pegasus friend. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle balked and gave worried smiles, as if they were fessing up to a broken vase.
  37. “No pony! We've eaten absolutely no one,” Sweetie said, quickly.
  39. “Yeah, all my gain is from good old fashioned home cookin,” Applebloom said, giving her modest tummy a pat “Sweetie Belle and I have,”
  41. “Tasting buddies,” Sweetie Belle finished.
  43. “Tasting buddies? What in the world is that?” Scootaloo asked.
  45. “Well...I...I let Applebloom taste test me. I just cuddle up to her and let her lick or...whatever,” Sweetie Belle said, blushing.
  47. Applebloom kept quite. Sweetie Belle was willing to talk but Applebloom wasn't raised to eat and tell. Instead Applebloom absentmindedly fiddled with the wire frame while listening to Sweetie Belle fill their friend in on their escapades.
  49. “Have you two...gone all the way, yet?” Scootaloo asked, her excitement clear from her stiff wings.
  51. Applebloom stopped what she was doing and shot Scootaloo a confused look.
  53. “No...we haven't” Sweetie Belle said gently, her face just as confused.
  55. The room fell into awkward silence. Scootaloo flexed her wings, trying to get them to unlock while Sweetie Belle and Applebloom spoke to each other through expressions. Sweetie Belle nodded to Scootaloo and wiggled her eyebrows, Applebloom raised her eyebrows in surprise and Sweetie Belle nodded. Applebloom mouth fell open and then gave Sweetie Belle an incredulous stare. Sweetie Belle licked her lips and winked playfully at Applebloom before walking up to Scootaloo.
  57. “You know Scoots, the best part about experimentation is the discovery,” Sweetie Belle said, hugging her flustered friend from behind. “We could use one more…”
  59. Scootaloo felt Sweetie Belle give a long, gentle lick up the back of her neck and she couldn't help but shout “Yes!”
  61. Applebloom converged on her friends, flanking Scootaloo and sandwiching her between Sweetie Belle’s soft, plump figure and Applebloom’s solid, meaty frame. Applebloom lifted Scootaloo's chin and licked from her neck up her cheek while Sweetie Belle licked her filly friend from her shoulder, all the way up to her the edge of her ear, making it twitch on reflex. Scootaloo let out little needy moans, her hooves rubbing Applebloom’s side while the feeling of each lick, each grope and the elation of being the center of these ministrations all mingled together in her mind. The pleasurable warmth of being prey, it was a feeling she accepted and loved unconditionally. Sweetie Belle’s belly growled. Licking her lips she leaned into Scootaloo's ear and whispered.
  63. “Somepony is looking comfy...wanna get a lot more comfortable, Scoots?”
  65. “Sweetie Belle!” Applebloom scolded
  67. “What? You said you wanted your first pony to be special. Is Scoots not special?” Sweetie Belle cajoled.
  69. “She's our friend,” Applebloom shot back.
  71. “She's also delicious,” Sweetie Belle said, licking Scootaloo's cheek.
  73. “You really think so?” Scootaloo asked
  75. “I know so,” Sweetie Belle said, giving her friend a love bite “ you wanna get gobbled up?”
  77. Scootaloo couldn't nod fast enough. Applebloom stayed silent as a green glow enveloped Scootaloo and was brought face to face with Sweetie Belle, their muzzles touching in a lazy kiss.
  79. “I'll make sure Rainbow Dash knows where you went,” Sweetie Belle teased, patting her soft belly “If I'm lucky, maybe I can get her to join you,”
  81. Scootaloo whimpered, she tried to stay still but she couldn't help but grind her back legs together. Sweetie Belle opened her mouth and cupped Scootaloo's chin with her tongue before slowly, gently, lovingly guiding her into the warm, humid mouth. Applebloom smirked, watching Sweetie Belle enjoying her meal in a dainty fashion gave her a mischievous idea. Placing her hooves on Scootaloo's flanks Applebloom pushed the little pegasus down Sweetie Belle’s throat. The sloppy sound of wet throat muscles spreading as Scootaloo's lithe figure was forced down Sweetie Belle’s gullet was accentuated by the muffled moans of Scootaloo the sudden motion cocooned her in the gripping flesh of Sweetie Belle’s body.
  83. Sweetie Belle fell onto her back from the shove, her throat distended and the twitching legs of Scootaloo hanging free from her jaws. Sweetie Belle glared at Applebloom, using a bit of magic force to chastise her giggling friend. The gentle hum of a wanting pegasi inside Sweetie Belle was everything she thought it would be, even the ticklish feeling of Scootaloo's wings trying to flap was nice. Sweetie Belle opened her jaws a little wider and with a series of pushes from outside and eager tugs inside Scootaloo's cutie mark disappeared beyond a set of young, glistening lips that sealed her meal away in only a few gulps.
  85. Applebloom watched the fluid motion of swallowing turn Sweetie Belle’s bulging throat into a bulging tummy, lumpy and conforming to Scootaloo's outline. Scootaloo shifted about a little.
  87. “Well. Hope your happy,” Applebloom said.
  89. Sweetie Belle nodded, though the tone of disappointment in Applebloom’s voice was hardly unnoticed.
  91. “Scoots was a perfect meal. I can only hope I'm just as good for you…” Sweetie Belle said, giving her friend a sultry Rarity-like look.
  93. “Don't tease me like that,” Applebloom said.
  95. “Tease? Me?” Sweetie Belle said, mocking offense “Okay...sometimes. This time I mean it though. After Scoots is done making me fatter, I want you to eat me Applebloom,”
  97. “Wait, what’ll I yell Rarity and Rainbow Dash?” Applebloom asked, a blush coming to her cheeks.
  99. “Tell them they should join us on that Apple shaped bottom of yours,” Sweetie Belle answered.
  101. Applebloom was convinced and set herself to the task of rubbing her friends swollen belly.
  103. “Somehow, I doubt they'd go down willingly,” Applebloom muttered.
  105. Pull and push, back and forth, Applebloom kneaded Sweetie Belle’s belly, listening quietly as Scootaloo's moans and the gurgling sounds of a hungry belly slowly became one. Applebloom’s hooves stroked the firm surface but with time her hooves sank deeper into the belly, until a audible sloshing sound could be heard with each loving rub. Sweetie Belle certainly looked plumper, a noticeable glisten came to her coat, a farewell gifts of sorts from her meal. Applebloom admired her friends plump figure, lavished the silky smooth feeling of her coat and the way her pegasus chub cradled her hooves underneath. The thought of adding herself to the squishy unicorn was certainly an idea she would love.
  107. “Ya’'ll sure you don't want go eat an Apple?” Applebloom asked, leaning down and giving Sweetie Belle’s midriff a kiss.
  109. Sweetie Belle rubbed AppleBloom's head, rolling the thought around in her mind while Applebloom rolled her tongue across the unicorns sloshing belly. Sweetie Belle licked her lips, Applebloom was solid, a lean meal that would certainly be filling. The idea of Applebloom gurgling away for days to come almost made her giddy but Sweetie Belle knew that if anypony deserved a filling meal, it was the pony currently getting frisky with her thick little thighs.
  111. “Yeah, I'm sure Applebloom,” Sweetie Belle murmured.
  113. Applebloom nodded and without another word she opened her mouth and filled it with Sweetie Belle’s hind hooves. Sweetie Belle watched with growing amazement as Applebloom engulfed her legs in smooth, careful motion; her throat stretching,and swelling and finally swallowing when she got to Sweetie Belle’s thighs. The continual, strong pulls of Applebloom’s swallowing dragged inches of Sweetie Belle’s plush body into her friends hungry, warm gullet without pause. Sweetie Belle watched as it took only moments for Applebloom to scoop her rear onto her lower jaws and swallow it down, her recently acquired chubby figure did nothing to slow her descent into Applebloom’s belly, her fat smooshing and forming to fill Applebloom’s cheeks.
  115. Drool dripped from Applebloom’s chin, her friend was unimaginably soft and delicious, each mouthful of Sweetie Belle slid down her throat smoothly. Applebloom held her swelling belly her lips sliding over Sweetie Belle’s neck, right under her chin.
  117. “Applebloom. I love you,” Sweetie Belle said, the corners of sight becoming dominated by Applebloom’s mouth.
  119. Applebloom swallowed a few more times allowing herself to close her mouth and plunge Sweetie Belle into the humid warmth of her mouth. Within a few more swallows Applebloom’s throat returned to normal and the bulge Sweetie Belle made slide gently into her stomach, the filly’s belly sagging to the ground, leaving her perched and immobile by her filly filled belly. Applebloom licked her lips and wiped her chin, restraining a belch.
  121. “Oh, gosh...that was great!” Applebloom groaned.
  123. A muffled hum of agreement came from Applebloom’s depths. Applebloom relaxed, the complete fullness in her belly dulling her senses. While Applebloom idly rubbed her belly, dozing and drifting to sleep while Sweetie Belle digested, her, and ultimately Scootaloo, churned away, Applebloom’s body filling out and her firm muscles were concealed underneath a layer of filly fat. When Applebloom snapped out of her stupor, she was laying on her side, her belly a sizeable, rounded pot belly that sloshed and gurgled softly.
  125. “Shoot...for a first time that was pretty satisfyin,” Applebloom said, stretching.
  127. A wet belch erupted from Applebloom before she could stop it and she giggled a little, her body jiggling along with her.
  129. “Wait’ll I tell Applejack…” Applebloom said, before giving her belly a playful shake; after all her first time was a three way “Well...maybe I'll brag instead,”
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