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Feb 22nd, 2018
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  1. $ mvn -Dtest=AddressHierarchyServiceTest test
  2. [WARNING]
  3. [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective settings
  4. [WARNING] Unrecognised tag: 'proxies' (position: START_TAG seen ...</repositories>\n\t <proxies>... @34:13) @ C:\Users\Samuel34\.m2\settings.xml, line 34, column 13
  5. [WARNING]
  6. [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  7. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [INFO] Reactor Build Order:
  9. [INFO]
  10. [INFO] Address Hierarchy
  11. [INFO] Address Hierarchy API
  12. [INFO] Address Hierarchy OMOD
  13. [INFO]
  14. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [INFO] Building Address Hierarchy 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT
  16. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [INFO]
  18. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [INFO] Building Address Hierarchy API 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT
  20. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [INFO]
  22. [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ addresshierarchy-api ---
  23. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
  24. [INFO] Copying 6 resources
  25. [INFO]
  26. [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ addresshierarchy-api ---
  27. [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
  28. [INFO]
  29. [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ addresshierarchy-api ---
  30. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
  31. [INFO] Copying 11 resources
  32. [INFO] Copying 5 resources
  33. [INFO]
  34. [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ addresshierarchy-api ---
  35. [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
  36. [INFO]
  37. [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ addresshierarchy-api ---
  38. [INFO] Surefire report directory: C:\Users\Samuel34\openmrs-module-addresshierarchy\api\target\surefire-reports
  40. -------------------------------------------------------
  41. T E S T S
  42. -------------------------------------------------------
  43. Running org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest
  44. INFO - XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(315) |2018-02-22 10:01:14,733| Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [applicationContext-service.xml]
  45. INFO - XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(315) |2018-02-22 10:01:17,966| Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy/api/target/test-classes/TestingApplicationContext.xml]
  46. INFO - DefaultListableBeanFactory.registerBeanDefinition(618) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,062| Overriding bean definition for bean 'sessionFactory': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.HibernateSessionFactoryBean]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in class path resource [applicationContext-service.xml]] with [Generic bean: class [org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.HibernateSessionFactoryBean]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in URL [file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy/api/target/test-classes/TestingApplicationContext.xml]]
  47. INFO - XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(315) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,066| Loading XML bean definitions from URL [jar:file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/api/openmrs-api/1.10.6/openmrs-api-1.10.6-tests.jar!/TestingApplicationContext.xml]
  48. INFO - DefaultListableBeanFactory.registerBeanDefinition(618) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,177| Overriding bean definition for bean 'mappingJarResources': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ListFactoryBean]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in class path resource [applicationContext-service.xml]] with [Generic bean: class [org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ListFactoryBean]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in URL [jar:file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/api/openmrs-api/1.10.6/openmrs-api-1.10.6-tests.jar!/TestingApplicationContext.xml]]
  49. INFO - XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(315) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,186| Loading XML bean definitions from URL [jar:file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/module/exti18n-api/1.0.0/exti18n-api-1.0.0-tests.jar!/TestingApplicationContext.xml]
  50. INFO - DefaultListableBeanFactory.registerBeanDefinition(618) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,319| Overriding bean definition for bean 'sessionFactory': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.HibernateSessionFactoryBean]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in URL [file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy/api/target/test-classes/TestingApplicationContext.xml]] with [Generic bean: class [org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.HibernateSessionFactoryBean]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in URL [jar:file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/module/exti18n-api/1.0.0/exti18n-api-1.0.0-tests.jar!/TestingApplicationContext.xml]]
  51. INFO - XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(315) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,322| Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy/api/target/classes/moduleApplicationContext.xml]
  52. INFO - XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(315) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,372| Loading XML bean definitions from URL [jar:file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/module/exti18n-api/1.0.0/exti18n-api-1.0.0.jar!/moduleApplicationContext.xml]
  53. INFO - DefaultListableBeanFactory.registerBeanDefinition(618) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,473| Overriding bean definition for bean 'exti18n.addressValuesHibernateInterceptor': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.openmrs.module.exti18n.icpt.AddressValuesHibernateInterceptor]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=true; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in URL [file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy/api/target/test-classes/TestingApplicationContext.xml]] with [Generic bean: class [org.openmrs.module.exti18n.icpt.AddressValuesHibernateInterceptor]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=true; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in URL [jar:file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/module/exti18n-api/1.0.0/exti18n-api-1.0.0.jar!/moduleApplicationContext.xml]]
  54. INFO - DefaultListableBeanFactory.registerBeanDefinition(618) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,476| Overriding bean definition for bean 'exti18n.addressValuesAOPInterceptor': replacing [Generic bean: class [org.openmrs.module.exti18n.icpt.AddressValuesAOPInterceptor]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in URL [file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy/api/target/test-classes/TestingApplicationContext.xml]] with [Generic bean: class [org.openmrs.module.exti18n.icpt.AddressValuesAOPInterceptor]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in URL [jar:file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/module/exti18n-api/1.0.0/exti18n-api-1.0.0.jar!/moduleApplicationContext.xml]]
  55. INFO - AbstractApplicationContext.prepareRefresh(456) |2018-02-22 10:01:18,487| Refreshing startup date [Thu Feb 22 10:01:18 PST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
  56. INFO - DefaultListableBeanFactory.preInstantiateSingletons(555) |2018-02-22 10:01:19,595| Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator#0,org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor#0,transactionInterceptor,globalLocaleList,clearOpenmrsEventListeners,openmrsEventListeners,serviceContext,context,contextDAO,patientDAO,personDAO,conceptDAO,userDAO,obsDAO,encounterDAO,locationDAO,orderDAO,formDAO,adminDAO,noteDAO,programWorkflowDAO,templateDAO,patientSetDAO,cohortDAO,serializedObjectDAO,datatypeDAO,schedulerDAO,alertDAO,reportDAO,reportObjectDAO,hL7DAO,activeListDAO,visitDAO,providerDAO,patientServiceTarget,personServiceTarget,conceptServiceTarget,userServiceTarget,obsServiceTarget,encounterServiceTarget,locationServiceTarget,orderServiceTarget,formServiceTarget,adminServiceTarget,datatypeServiceTarget,programWorkflowServiceTarget,patientSetServiceTarget,activeListServiceTarget,visitServiceTarget,providerServiceTarget,cohortServiceTarget,schedulerServiceTarget,alertServiceTarget,messageServiceTarget,reportObjectServiceTarget,reportServiceTarget,serializationServiceTarget,dataSetServiceTarget,hL7ServiceTarget,ardenServiceTarget,messageSourceServiceTarget,transactionAttributeSource,mutableResourceBundleMessageSource,patientService,personService,conceptService,userService,obsService,encounterService,locationService,orderService,formService,adminService,datatypeService,programWorkflowService,messageService,patientSetService,cohortService,schedulerService,alertService,reportService,reportObjectService,serializationService,dataSetService,hL7Service,ardenService,messageSourceService,activeListService,visitService,providerService,authorizationInterceptor,loggingInterceptor,requiredDataInterceptor,serviceInterceptors,moduleTestingMappingJarLocations,mappingJarResources,auditableInterceptor,sessionFactory,dbSessionFactory,transactionManager,patientCharacteristicFilterModule,numericObsPatientFilterModule,shortDescriptionProducerModule,personValidator,patientValidator,locationValidator,personNameValidator,patientIdentifierValidator,patientIdentifierTypeValidator,personAttributeTypeValidator,userValidator,roleValidator,privilegeValidator,encounterTypeValidator,conceptClassValidator,conceptDatatypeValidator,formEditValidator,fieldTypeValidator,programValidator,stateConversionValidator,taskValidator,obsValidator,orderValidator,drugOrderValidator,requireNameValidator,conceptDrugValidator,hl7SourceValidator,personAddressValidator,visitTypeValidator,visitAttributeTypeValidator,providerAttributeTypeValidator,encounterValidator,locationAttributeTypeValidator,providerValidator,patientProgramValidator,conceptValidator,personMergeLogValidator,conceptReferenceTermValidator,conceptMapTypeValidator,implementationIdHttpClient,orderEntry.OrderNumberGenerator,openmrsComponent1_8,openmrsProfile1_10,openmrsProfileWithoutTest1Module,listener2,listener1,hl7InErrorListController,hl7InArchiveMigrationController,hl7InQueueListController,hl7InArchiveListController,webSchedulerFormValidator,longFreeTextTextareaHandler,booleanFieldGenDatatypeHandler,longFreeTextFileUploadHandler,dateFieldGenDatatypeHandler,formResourceController,locationAttributeTypeFormController,locationAttributeTypeListController,providerFormController,patientDashboardController,shortPatientFormController,patientDashboardGraphController,coreLoginController,conceptStopWordListController,conceptMapTypeFormController,conceptStopWordFormController,conceptReferenceTermFormController,visitListController,configureVisitsFormController,visitFormController,uncaughtExceptionController,personAttributeTypeListController,encounterRoleFormController,addressTemplateController,hierarchyController,locationTagController,databaseChangesInfoController,settingsController,systemInformationController,currentUsersController,localesAndThemesFormController,userFormController,userListController,changePasswordFormController,localizationController,locationQueryController,customValueController,disabledI18nCache,addressHierarchyLevelValidator,webTestHelper,handlerUtil,schedulerFormValidator,alertValidator,formValidator,orderTypeValidator,baseAttributeValidator,relationshipTypeValidator,testOrderValidator,orderFrequencyValidator,locationTagValidator,drugValidator,HL7SourceValidator,visitValidator,encounterRoleValidator,immutableOrderInterceptor,noVisitAssignmentHandler,requireVoidReasonVoidHandler,patientDataUnvoidHandler,encounterSaveHandler,conceptNameSaveHandler,voidSaveHandler,existingOrNewVisitAssignmentHandler,existingVisitAssignmentHandler,userSaveHandler,patientSaveHandler,baseVoidHandler,conceptReferenceTermSaveHandler,conceptProposalHandler,visitUnvoidHandler,visitVoidHandler,personSaveHandler,conceptSaveHandler,personUnvoidHandler,baseRetireHandler,personVoidHandler,orderSaveHandler,patientDataVoidHandler,baseUnvoidHandler,openmrsObjectSaveHandler,requireVoidReasonSaveHandler,personNameSaveHandler,retireSaveHandler,baseUnretireHandler,freeTextDatatype,longFreeTextDatatype,dateDatatype,regexValidatedTextDatatype,booleanDatatype,exti18n.ExtI18nConfig,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalPersistenceAnnotationProcessor,exti18n.addressValuesHibernateInterceptor,exti18n.addressValuesAOPInterceptor,addressHierarchyActivator,serviceContext$child#0,proj001MappingResources,exti18n.TestsMessageSource,serviceContext$child#1,AddressCacheResetSupport,initializeFullAddressCacheTask,initializeFullAddressCacheTimerTask,addressHierarchyTimerFactory,exti18n.ExtI18nService,serviceContext$child#2,exti18n.reverseI18nCache,exti18n.addressHierarchyI18nCache,exti18n.metadataHibernateInterceptor,exti18n.metadataAOPInterceptor,exti18n.metadataLocalizer,exti18n.addressValuesLocalizer,exti18n.globalPropertyListener]; root of factory hierarchy
  57. INFO - Version.<clinit>(37) |2018-02-22 10:01:21,748| Hibernate Commons Annotations 3.2.0.Final
  58. INFO - Environment.<clinit>(603) |2018-02-22 10:01:21,759| Hibernate 3.6.5.Final-mod
  59. INFO - Environment.<clinit>(636) |2018-02-22 10:01:21,765| not found
  60. INFO - Environment.buildBytecodeProvider(814) |2018-02-22 10:01:21,775| Bytecode provider name : javassist
  61. INFO - Environment.<clinit>(695) |2018-02-22 10:01:21,818| using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
  62. INFO - Configuration.configure(2192) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,162| configuring from url: jar:file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/api/openmrs-api/1.10.6/openmrs-api-1.10.6.jar!/hibernate.cfg.xml
  63. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,346| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ActiveListItem.hbm.xml
  64. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,500| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ActiveListType.hbm.xml
  65. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,548| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ActiveListAllergy.hbm.xml
  66. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,646| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ActiveListProblem.hbm.xml
  67. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,716| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Concept.hbm.xml
  68. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,847| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptAnswer.hbm.xml
  69. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,894| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptDescription.hbm.xml
  70. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:22,936| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptName.hbm.xml
  71. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,010| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptNameTag.hbm.xml
  72. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,083| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptClass.hbm.xml
  73. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,139| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptDatatype.hbm.xml
  74. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,200| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptProposal.hbm.xml
  75. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,317| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptStateConversion.hbm.xml
  76. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,338| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptSet.hbm.xml
  77. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,456| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptMap.hbm.xml
  78. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,523| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptWord.hbm.xml
  79. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,579| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptStopWord.hbm.xml
  80. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,634| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptSource.hbm.xml
  81. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,701| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptSetDerived.hbm.xml
  82. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,749| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptReferenceTerm.hbm.xml
  83. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,754| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  84. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,826| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptMapType.hbm.xml
  85. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,851| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  86. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,878| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ConceptReferenceTermMap.hbm.xml
  87. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,932| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  88. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,948| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Drug.hbm.xml
  89. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:23,982| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/DrugIngredient.hbm.xml
  90. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,086| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/DrugReferenceMap.hbm.xml
  91. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,101| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  92. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,117| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Field.hbm.xml
  93. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,201| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/FieldAnswer.hbm.xml
  94. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,252| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/FieldType.hbm.xml
  95. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,309| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Form.hbm.xml
  96. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,326| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/FormField.hbm.xml
  97. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,351| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/FormResource.hbm.xml
  98. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,387| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  99. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,455| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/GlobalProperty.hbm.xml
  100. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,516| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Obs.hbm.xml
  101. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,575| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Person.hbm.xml
  102. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,617| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PersonAttribute.hbm.xml
  103. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,688| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PersonAttributeType.hbm.xml
  104. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,711| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PersonAddress.hbm.xml
  105. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,779| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PersonMergeLog.hbm.xml
  106. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,787| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  107. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,803| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PersonName.hbm.xml
  108. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,856| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/User.hbm.xml
  109. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,909| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/LoginCredential.hbm.xml
  110. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,928| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Privilege.hbm.xml
  111. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:24,995| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Role.hbm.xml
  112. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,019| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Patient.hbm.xml
  113. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,079| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PatientIdentifier.hbm.xml
  114. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,158| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PatientIdentifierType.hbm.xml
  115. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,221| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Relationship.hbm.xml
  116. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,279| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/RelationshipType.hbm.xml
  117. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,296| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Order.hbm.xml
  118. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,336| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/CareSetting.hbm.xml
  119. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,385| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/OrderType.hbm.xml
  120. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,442| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Location.hbm.xml
  121. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,466| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/LocationTag.hbm.xml
  122. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,546| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/LocationAttributeType.hbm.xml
  123. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,561| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  124. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,594| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/LocationAttribute.hbm.xml
  125. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,613| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  126. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,644| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/EncounterType.hbm.xml
  127. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,674| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Encounter.hbm.xml
  128. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,707| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/EncounterProvider.hbm.xml
  129. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,713| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  130. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,760| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/EncounterRole.hbm.xml
  131. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,820| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  132. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,845| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Program.hbm.xml
  133. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,862| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ProgramWorkflow.hbm.xml
  134. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,930| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ProgramWorkflowState.hbm.xml
  135. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:25,954| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PatientProgram.hbm.xml
  136. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,009| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/PatientState.hbm.xml
  137. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,027| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Cohort.hbm.xml
  138. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,074| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/SerializedObject.hbm.xml
  139. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,137| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/OrderFrequency.hbm.xml
  140. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,147| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/hl7/db/hibernate/HL7Source.hbm.xml
  141. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,191| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/hl7/db/hibernate/HL7InQueue.hbm.xml
  142. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,206| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/hl7/db/hibernate/HL7InArchive.hbm.xml
  143. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,224| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/hl7/db/hibernate/HL7InError.hbm.xml
  144. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,290| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/reporting/db/hibernate/ReportObject.hbm.xml
  145. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,311| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/reporting/db/hibernate/ReportSchemaXml.hbm.xml
  146. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,358| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/notification/db/hibernate/Template.hbm.xml
  147. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,388| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/notification/db/hibernate/Alert.hbm.xml
  148. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,464| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/notification/db/hibernate/AlertRecipient.hbm.xml
  149. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,489| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/scheduler/db/hibernate/TaskDefinition.hbm.xml
  150. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,504| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/VisitType.hbm.xml
  151. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,520| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/VisitAttributeType.hbm.xml
  152. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,553| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/VisitAttribute.hbm.xml
  153. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,596| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Visit.hbm.xml
  154. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,629| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/Provider.hbm.xml
  155. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,641| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  156. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,675| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ProviderAttribute.hbm.xml
  157. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,680| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  158. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,705| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ProviderAttributeType.hbm.xml
  159. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,747| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  160. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,755| Reading mappings from resource : org/openmrs/api/db/hibernate/ClobDatatypeStorage.hbm.xml
  161. INFO - Configuration.doConfigure(2297) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,795| Configured SessionFactory: null
  162. INFO - Configuration.configure(2192) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,804| configuring from url: file:/C:/Users/Samuel34/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy/api/target/test-classes/test-hibernate.cfg.xml
  163. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,810| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  164. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,813| Reading mappings from resource : AddressHierarchyEntry.hbm.xml
  165. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,827| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  166. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,850| Reading mappings from resource : AddressHierarchyLevel.hbm.xml
  167. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,858| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  168. INFO - Configuration.addResource(789) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,899| Reading mappings from resource : AddressToEntryMap.hbm.xml
  169. WARN - DTDEntityResolver.resolveEntity(73) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,907| recognized obsolete hibernate namespace Use namespace instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!
  170. INFO - Configuration.doConfigure(2297) |2018-02-22 10:01:26,914| Configured SessionFactory: null
  171. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,046| Mapping class: org.openmrs.activelist.ActiveListItem -> active_list
  172. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,106| Mapping class: org.openmrs.activelist.ActiveListType -> active_list_type
  173. INFO - HbmBinder.bindJoinedSubclass(945) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,155| Mapping joined-subclass: org.openmrs.activelist.Allergy -> active_list_allergy
  174. INFO - HbmBinder.bindJoinedSubclass(945) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,159| Mapping joined-subclass: org.openmrs.activelist.Problem -> active_list_problem
  175. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,161| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Concept -> concept
  176. INFO - HbmBinder.bindJoinedSubclass(945) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,176| Mapping joined-subclass: org.openmrs.ConceptNumeric -> concept_numeric
  177. INFO - HbmBinder.bindJoinedSubclass(945) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,182| Mapping joined-subclass: org.openmrs.ConceptComplex -> concept_complex
  178. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,184| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptAnswer -> concept_answer
  179. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,211| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptDescription -> concept_description
  180. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,220| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptName -> concept_name
  181. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,224| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.ConceptName.tags -> concept_name_tag_map
  182. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,225| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptNameTag -> concept_name_tag
  183. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,230| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptClass -> concept_class
  184. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,277| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptDatatype -> concept_datatype
  185. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,288| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptProposal -> concept_proposal
  186. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,328| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptStateConversion -> concept_state_conversion
  187. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,330| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptSet -> concept_set
  188. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,334| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptMap -> concept_reference_map
  189. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,337| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptWord -> concept_word
  190. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,339| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptStopWord -> concept_stop_word
  191. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,341| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptSource -> concept_reference_source
  192. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,380| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptSetDerived -> concept_set_derived
  193. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,386| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptReferenceTerm -> concept_reference_term
  194. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,388| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptMapType -> concept_map_type
  195. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,390| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ConceptReferenceTermMap -> concept_reference_term_map
  196. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,392| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Drug -> drug
  197. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,428| Mapping class: org.openmrs.DrugIngredient -> drug_ingredient
  198. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,476| Mapping class: org.openmrs.DrugReferenceMap -> drug_reference_map
  199. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,488| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Field -> field
  200. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,518| Mapping class: org.openmrs.FieldAnswer -> field_answer
  201. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,522| Mapping class: org.openmrs.FieldType -> field_type
  202. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,527| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Form -> form
  203. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,529| Mapping class: org.openmrs.FormField -> form_field
  204. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,534| Mapping class: org.openmrs.FormResource -> form_resource
  205. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,539| Mapping class: org.openmrs.GlobalProperty -> global_property
  206. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,541| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Obs -> obs
  207. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,544| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Person -> person
  208. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,547| Mapping class: org.openmrs.PersonAttribute -> person_attribute
  209. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,548| Mapping class: org.openmrs.PersonAttributeType -> person_attribute_type
  210. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,550| Mapping class: org.openmrs.PersonAddress -> person_address
  211. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,556| Mapping class: org.openmrs.person.PersonMergeLog -> person_merge_log
  212. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,558| Mapping class: org.openmrs.PersonName -> person_name
  213. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,605| Mapping class: org.openmrs.User -> users
  214. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,609| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.User.roles -> user_role
  215. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,612| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.User.userProperties -> user_property
  216. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,615| Mapping class: org.openmrs.api.db.LoginCredential -> users
  217. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,618| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Privilege -> privilege
  218. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,623| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Role -> role
  219. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,624| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Role.inheritedRoles -> role_role
  220. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,627| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Role.childRoles -> role_role
  221. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,628| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Role.privileges -> role_privilege
  222. INFO - HbmBinder.bindJoinedSubclass(945) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,633| Mapping joined-subclass: org.openmrs.Patient -> patient
  223. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,637| Mapping class: org.openmrs.PatientIdentifier -> patient_identifier
  224. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,675| Mapping class: org.openmrs.PatientIdentifierType -> patient_identifier_type
  225. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,678| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Relationship -> relationship
  226. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,680| Mapping class: org.openmrs.RelationshipType -> relationship_type
  227. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,682| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Order -> orders
  228. INFO - HbmBinder.bindJoinedSubclass(945) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,684| Mapping joined-subclass: org.openmrs.DrugOrder -> drug_order
  229. INFO - HbmBinder.bindJoinedSubclass(945) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,688| Mapping joined-subclass: org.openmrs.TestOrder -> test_order
  230. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,713| Mapping class: org.openmrs.CareSetting -> care_setting
  231. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,723| Mapping class: org.openmrs.OrderType -> order_type
  232. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,727| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.OrderType.conceptClasses -> order_type_class_map
  233. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,728| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Location -> location
  234. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,733| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Location.tags -> location_tag_map
  235. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,744| Mapping class: org.openmrs.LocationTag -> location_tag
  236. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,747| Mapping class: org.openmrs.LocationAttributeType -> location_attribute_type
  237. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,763| Mapping class: org.openmrs.LocationAttribute -> location_attribute
  238. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,795| Mapping class: org.openmrs.EncounterType -> encounter_type
  239. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,799| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Encounter -> encounter
  240. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,811| Mapping class: org.openmrs.EncounterProvider -> encounter_provider
  241. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,813| Mapping class: org.openmrs.EncounterRole -> encounter_role
  242. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,814| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Program -> program
  243. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,816| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ProgramWorkflow -> program_workflow
  244. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,827| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ProgramWorkflowState -> program_workflow_state
  245. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,849| Mapping class: org.openmrs.PatientProgram -> patient_program
  246. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,852| Mapping class: org.openmrs.PatientState -> patient_state
  247. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,857| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Cohort -> cohort
  248. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,859| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Cohort.memberIds -> cohort_member
  249. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,863| Mapping class: org.openmrs.api.db.SerializedObject -> serialized_object
  250. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,870| Mapping class: org.openmrs.OrderFrequency -> order_frequency
  251. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,896| Mapping class: org.openmrs.hl7.HL7Source -> hl7_source
  252. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,902| Mapping class: org.openmrs.hl7.HL7InQueue -> hl7_in_queue
  253. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,904| Mapping class: org.openmrs.hl7.HL7InArchive -> hl7_in_archive
  254. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,907| Mapping class: org.openmrs.hl7.HL7InError -> hl7_in_error
  255. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,963| Mapping class: org.openmrs.reporting.ReportObjectWrapper -> report_object
  256. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,988| Mapping class: -> report_schema_xml
  257. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,991| Mapping class: org.openmrs.notification.Template -> notification_template
  258. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,994| Mapping class: org.openmrs.notification.Alert -> notification_alert
  259. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:27,996| Mapping class: org.openmrs.notification.AlertRecipient -> notification_alert_recipient
  260. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,003| Mapping class: org.openmrs.scheduler.TaskDefinition -> scheduler_task_config
  261. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollection(1522) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,007| Mapping collection: -> scheduler_task_config_property
  262. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,010| Mapping class: org.openmrs.VisitType -> visit_type
  263. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,012| Mapping class: org.openmrs.VisitAttributeType -> visit_attribute_type
  264. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,015| Mapping class: org.openmrs.VisitAttribute -> visit_attribute
  265. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,045| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Visit -> visit
  266. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,048| Mapping class: org.openmrs.Provider -> provider
  267. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,050| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ProviderAttribute -> provider_attribute
  268. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,054| Mapping class: org.openmrs.ProviderAttributeType -> provider_attribute_type
  269. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,057| Mapping class: org.openmrs.api.db.ClobDatatypeStorage -> clob_datatype_storage
  270. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,058| Mapping class: org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyEntry -> address_hierarchy_entry
  271. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,059| Mapping class: org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyLevel -> address_hierarchy_level
  272. INFO - HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(353) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,061| Mapping class: org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap -> address_hierarchy_address_to_entry_map
  273. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,098| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Concept.names -> concept_name
  274. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,100| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Concept.descriptions -> concept_description
  275. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,102| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Concept.answers -> concept_answer
  276. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,105| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Concept.conceptSets -> concept_set
  277. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,106| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Concept.conceptMappings -> concept_reference_map
  278. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,109| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.ConceptReferenceTerm.conceptReferenceTermMaps -> concept_reference_term_map
  279. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,113| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Drug.drugReferenceMaps -> drug_reference_map
  280. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,129| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Form.formFields -> form_field
  281. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,135| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Obs.groupMembers -> obs
  282. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,136| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Person.addresses -> person_address
  283. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,145| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Person.names -> person_name
  284. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,146| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Person.attributes -> person_attribute
  285. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,147| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Patient.identifiers -> patient_identifier
  286. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,148| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Location.childLocations -> location
  287. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,149| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Location.attributes -> location_attribute
  288. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,150| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Encounter.orders -> orders
  289. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,151| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Encounter.obs -> obs
  290. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,152| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Encounter.encounterProviders -> encounter_provider
  291. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,153| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Program.allWorkflows -> program_workflow
  292. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,191| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.ProgramWorkflow.states -> program_workflow_state
  293. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,194| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.PatientProgram.states -> patient_state
  294. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,195| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.notification.Alert.recipients -> notification_alert_recipient
  295. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,196| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Visit.attributes -> visit_attribute
  296. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,203| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Visit.encounters -> encounter
  297. INFO - HbmBinder.bindCollectionSecondPass(2508) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,207| Mapping collection: org.openmrs.Provider.attributes -> provider_attribute
  298. INFO - Configuration.applyHibernateValidatorLegacyConstraintsOnDDL(1676) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,225| Hibernate Validator not found: ignoring
  299. INFO - LocalSessionFactoryBean.buildSessionFactory(777) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,242| Building new Hibernate SessionFactory
  300. INFO - HibernateSearchEventListenerRegister.enableHibernateSearch(75) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,293| Unable to find on the classpath. Hibernate Search is not enabled.
  301. INFO - ConnectionProviderFactory.initializeConnectionProviderFromConfig(173) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,449| Initializing connection provider: org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider
  302. INFO - C3P0ConnectionProvider.configure(103) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,454| C3P0 using driver: org.h2.Driver at URL: jdbc:h2:mem:openmrs;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=30
  303. INFO - C3P0ConnectionProvider.configure(104) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,455| Connection properties: {user=sa, password=****, release_mode=after_transaction}
  304. INFO - C3P0ConnectionProvider.configure(107) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,456| autocommit mode: false
  305. INFO - MLog.<clinit>(80) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,571| MLog clients using log4j logging.
  306. INFO - C3P0Registry.banner(204) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,799| Initializing c3p0-0.9.1 [built 16-January-2007 14:46:42; debug? true; trace: 10]
  307. INFO - AbstractPoolBackedDataSource.getPoolManager(462) |2018-02-22 10:01:28,965| Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource@238d3c29 [ connectionPoolDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource@f29c5f7 [ acquireIncrement -> 1, acquireRetryAttempts -> 5, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 1hge9g59t1gwmds714pejen|30bbcf91, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3000, initialPoolSize -> 0, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 100, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 50, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 0, nestedDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource@c8ac166f [ description -> null, driverClass -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 1hge9g59t1gwmds714pejen|57f8951a, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:h2:mem:openmrs;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=30, properties -> {user=******, password=******, release_mode=after_transaction} ], preferredTestQuery -> null, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false; userOverrides: {} ], dataSourceName -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 1hge9g59t1gwmds714pejen|5aa62ee7, numHelperThreads -> 3 ]
  308. INFO - Dialect.<init>(135) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,474| Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
  309. INFO - JdbcSupportLoader.useContextualLobCreation(108) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,494| Disabling contextual LOB creation as createClob() method threw error : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  310. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(126) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,494| Database ->
  311. name : H2
  312. version : 1.4.187 (2015-04-10)
  313. major : 1
  314. minor : 4
  315. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(132) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,494| Driver ->
  316. name : H2 JDBC Driver
  317. version : 1.4.187 (2015-04-10)
  318. major : 1
  319. minor : 4
  320. INFO - TransactionFactoryFactory.buildTransactionFactory(65) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,504| Transaction strategy: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SpringTransactionFactory
  321. INFO - TransactionManagerLookupFactory.getTransactionManagerLookup(83) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,504| No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
  322. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(179) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,504| Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
  323. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(183) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,504| Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
  324. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(190) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,504| JDBC batch size: 15
  325. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(193) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,504| JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
  326. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(198) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,504| Scrollable result sets: enabled
  327. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(206) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,504| JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): enabled
  328. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(214) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,510| Connection release mode: after_transaction
  329. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(241) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,511| Default batch fetch size: 1
  330. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(245) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,511| Generate SQL with comments: disabled
  331. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(249) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,512| Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
  332. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(253) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,512| Order SQL inserts for batching: disabled
  333. INFO - SettingsFactory.createQueryTranslatorFactory(431) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,512| Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
  334. INFO - ASTQueryTranslatorFactory.<init>(47) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,514| Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
  335. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(261) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,514| Query language substitutions: {}
  336. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(266) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,514| JPA-QL strict compliance: disabled
  337. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(271) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,514| Second-level cache: enabled
  338. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(275) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,514| Query cache: disabled
  339. INFO - SettingsFactory.createRegionFactory(406) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,514| Cache region factory : org.hibernate.cache.impl.bridge.RegionFactoryCacheProviderBridge
  340. INFO - RegionFactoryCacheProviderBridge.<init>(61) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,521| Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
  341. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(285) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,524| Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
  342. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(294) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,524| Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
  343. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(323) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,541| Statistics: enabled
  344. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(327) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,542| Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
  345. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(343) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,543| Default entity-mode: pojo
  346. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(347) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,544| Named query checking : enabled
  347. INFO - SettingsFactory.buildSettings(351) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,544| Check Nullability in Core (should be disabled when Bean Validation is on): disabled
  348. INFO - SessionFactoryImpl.<init>(202) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,600| building session factory
  349. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,612| Type registration [materialized_clob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.MaterializedClobType@5df6163a
  350. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,613| Type registration [materialized_blob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.MaterializedBlobType@2df65a56
  351. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,614| Type registration [wrapper_characters_clob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.CharacterArrayClobType@7c1503a3
  352. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,615| Type registration [blob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.BlobType@47df5041
  353. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,616| Type registration [java.sql.Blob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.BlobType@47df5041
  354. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,616| Type registration [wrapper_materialized_blob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.WrappedMaterializedBlobType@2e56b4d
  355. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,616| Type registration [characters_clob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.PrimitiveCharacterArrayClobType@6070775e
  356. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,616| Type registration [clob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.ClobType@224c7de4
  357. INFO - BasicTypeRegistry.register(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:29,616| Type registration [java.sql.Clob] overrides previous : org.hibernate.type.ClobType@224c7de4
  358. WARN - EhCacheProvider.buildCache(93) |2018-02-22 10:01:30,178| Could not find configuration [org.openmrs.ConceptStopWord]; using defaults.
  359. WARN - EhCacheProvider.buildCache(93) |2018-02-22 10:01:30,469| Could not find configuration [org.openmrs.Person]; using defaults.
  360. WARN - EhCacheProvider.buildCache(93) |2018-02-22 10:01:30,529| Could not find configuration [org.openmrs.FormResource]; using defaults.
  361. WARN - EhCacheProvider.buildCache(93) |2018-02-22 10:01:31,082| Could not find configuration [org.openmrs.Role.childRoles]; using defaults.
  362. WARN - EhCacheProvider.buildCache(93) |2018-02-22 10:01:31,119| Could not find configuration [org.openmrs.Role.inheritedRoles]; using defaults.
  363. WARN - EhCacheProvider.buildCache(93) |2018-02-22 10:01:31,135| Could not find configuration [org.openmrs.Role.privileges]; using defaults.
  364. INFO - SessionFactoryObjectFactory.addInstance(105) |2018-02-22 10:01:31,772| Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
  365. INFO - SchemaExport.execute(234) |2018-02-22 10:01:31,855| Running hbm2ddl schema export
  366. INFO - SchemaExport.execute(262) |2018-02-22 10:01:31,857| exporting generated schema to database
  367. INFO - SchemaExport.execute(281) |2018-02-22 10:01:33,361| schema export complete
  368. INFO - |2018-02-22 10:01:34,747| org.openmrs.hl7.handler.ORUR01Handler registered to handle ORU^R01 messages
  369. INFO - |2018-02-22 10:01:34,748| org.openmrs.hl7.handler.ADTA28Handler registered to handle ADT^A28 messages
  370. INFO - ExecutorConfigurationSupport.initialize(115) |2018-02-22 10:01:37,069| Initializing ExecutorService 'addressHierarchyTimerFactory'
  371. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:37,352| Began transaction (1): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  372. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:39,812| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 170ms, rows: 1
  373. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:39,913| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  374. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:39,918| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  375. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:40,166| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 4
  376. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:40,479| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@192f5f39, testMethod = getAddressToEntryMapByPersonAddress_shouldGetAddressToEntryMapByPersonAddress@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  377. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:40,512| Began transaction (2): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  378. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,219| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 10ms, rows: 1
  379. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,231| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  380. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,241| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  381. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,374| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  382. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,377| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  383. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,379| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  384. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,382| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  385. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,383| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  386. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,386| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  387. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,388| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  388. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,443| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  389. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,445| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  390. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,447| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  391. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,449| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  392. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,454| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  393. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,457| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  394. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,459| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  395. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,747| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@549d14fe, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrder@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  396. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:41,751| Began transaction (3): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  397. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,288| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 12ms, rows: 1
  398. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,294| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  399. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,307| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  400. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,406| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  401. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,409| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  402. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,445| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  403. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,448| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  404. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,450| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  405. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,490| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  406. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,494| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  407. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,499| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  408. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,502| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  409. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,506| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  410. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,509| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  411. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,514| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  412. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,516| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  413. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,518| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  414. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,823| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressHierarchyLevel. Arguments: AddressHierarchyLevel=null,
  415. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,847| Exiting method saveAddressHierarchyLevel
  416. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,849| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  417. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,875| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 1
  418. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,883| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  419. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,885| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  420. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,887| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  421. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,889| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  422. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,892| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  423. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,894| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  424. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,896| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  425. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,902| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  426. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,903| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  427. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,905| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  428. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,909| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  429. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,917| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  430. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,919| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  431. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:42,922| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  432. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:43,202| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@6604f246, testMethod = addAddressHierarchyLevel_shouldAddAddressHierarchyLevel@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  433. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:43,213| Began transaction (4): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  434. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:43,904| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 15ms, rows: 1
  435. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:43,915| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  436. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:43,920| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  437. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,040| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  438. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,047| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  439. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,050| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  440. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,053| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  441. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,055| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  442. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,070| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  443. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,073| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  444. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,079| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  445. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,082| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  446. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,085| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  447. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,107| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  448. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,116| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  449. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,118| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  450. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,120| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  451. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,123| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  452. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,126| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  453. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,129| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  454. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,132| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  455. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,216| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  456. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,222| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  457. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,254| HQL: null, time: 9ms, rows: 1
  458. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,262| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 1
  459. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,268| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  460. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,272| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  461. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,274| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  462. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,278| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  463. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,281| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  464. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,284| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  465. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,286| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  466. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,321| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  467. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,329| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 2
  468. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,338| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 2
  469. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,346| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  470. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,351| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  471. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,359| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  472. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,425| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  473. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,437| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  474. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,440| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  475. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,443| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  476. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,447| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  477. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,450| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  478. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,453| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  479. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,456| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  480. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,461| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  481. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,464| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  482. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,546| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  483. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,551| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  484. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,554| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  485. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,557| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  486. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,565| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  487. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,569| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  488. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,585| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  489. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,589| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  490. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,591| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  491. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,601| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  492. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,652| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  493. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,655| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  494. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,658| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  495. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,662| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  496. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,665| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  497. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,669| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  498. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,671| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  499. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,678| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 1
  500. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,681| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  501. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,687| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  502. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,691| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  503. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,696| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  504. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,896| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@64b8eb96, testMethod = getPossibleAddressValuesMap_shouldFindPossibleAddressValues@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  505. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:44,918| Began transaction (5): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  506. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:45,753| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 13ms, rows: 1
  507. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:45,757| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  508. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:45,761| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  509. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:45,928| HQL: from AddressHierarchyEntry where uuid = :uuid, time: 2ms, rows: 0
  510. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,156| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@15a2fddd, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntryByUuid_shouldReturnNullWhenUuidNotPresentInDatabase@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  511. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,168| Began transaction (6): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  512. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,651| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  513. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,653| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  514. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,655| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  515. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,710| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  516. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,719| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  517. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,885| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@15c3585, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntryByLevelAndNameAndParent_shouldFindAddressHierarchyEntryByLevelAndNameAndParent@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  518. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:46,889| Began transaction (7): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  519. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,357| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 10ms, rows: 1
  520. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,364| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  521. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,366| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  522. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,416| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  523. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,421| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  524. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,423| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  525. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,428| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  526. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,430| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  527. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,444| HQL: null, time: 12ms, rows: 1
  528. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,446| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  529. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,448| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  530. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,481| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  531. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,520| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  532. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,537| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  533. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,539| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  534. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,574| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  535. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,577| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  536. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,727| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@28941a68, testMethod = getBottomAddressHierarchyLevel_shouldGetBottomAddressHierarchyLevel@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  537. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:47,736| Began transaction (8): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  538. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,263| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 14ms, rows: 1
  539. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,277| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  540. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,282| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  541. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,421| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 1
  542. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,425| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  543. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,429| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  544. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,439| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  545. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,441| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  546. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,445| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  547. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,449| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  548. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,677| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@3a720ae3, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntryCountByLevel_shouldGetCountOfAddressHierarchyEntries@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  549. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:48,681| Began transaction (9): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  550. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,184| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 10ms, rows: 1
  551. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,186| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  552. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,188| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  553. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,391| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@3b171fbd, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntry_shouldFindAddressHierarchyEntryById@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  554. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,396| Began transaction (10): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  555. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,835| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 12ms, rows: 1
  556. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,837| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  557. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,842| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  558. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,928| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 2
  559. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:49,941| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 5
  560. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,077| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@29682244, testMethod = getChildAddressHierarchyEntries_shouldGetChildAddressHierarchyEntriesById@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  561. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,082| Began transaction (11): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  562. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,463| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 18ms, rows: 1
  563. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,466| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  564. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,471| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  565. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,543| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  566. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,546| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  567. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,713| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@314407dd, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntriesAtTopLevel_shouldGetAddressHierarchyEntriesAtTopLevel@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  568. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:50,717| Began transaction (12): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  569. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,109| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 17ms, rows: 1
  570. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,116| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  571. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,118| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  572. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,218| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressHierarchyEntry. Arguments: AddressHierarchyEntry=null,
  573. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,221| Exiting method saveAddressHierarchyEntry
  574. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,223| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  575. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,380| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@60a4595e, testMethod = saveAddressHierarchyEntryWithoutName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  576. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,385| Began transaction (13): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  577. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,830| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 45ms, rows: 1
  578. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,835| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  579. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,837| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  580. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,891| HQL: null, time: 8ms, rows: 1
  581. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,902| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  582. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,906| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  583. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,908| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  584. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,915| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 2
  585. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,926| HQL: null, time: 10ms, rows: 2
  586. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,935| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 2
  587. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,974| HQL: null, time: 30ms, rows: 2
  588. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,977| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 5
  589. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:51,992| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  590. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,014| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  591. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,018| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  592. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,022| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  593. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,032| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  594. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,117| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 2
  595. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,135| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  596. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,139| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  597. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,142| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  598. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,149| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  599. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,157| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  600. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,166| HQL: null, time: 6ms, rows: 1
  601. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,171| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  602. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,173| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  603. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,175| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  604. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,179| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 0
  605. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,182| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  606. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,184| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  607. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,187| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  608. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,189| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  609. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,192| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  610. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,195| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  611. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,202| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  612. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,205| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  613. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,207| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  614. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,210| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  615. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,223| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  616. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,225| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  617. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,227| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  618. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,230| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  619. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,240| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  620. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,259| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  621. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,263| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  622. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,269| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  623. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,272| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  624. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,275| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  625. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,276| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  626. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,279| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  627. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,283| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  628. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,285| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  629. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,287| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  630. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,289| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  631. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,291| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  632. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,292| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  633. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,297| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  634. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,304| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  635. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,306| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  636. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,314| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  637. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,317| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  638. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,319| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  639. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,321| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  640. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,322| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  641. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,324| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  642. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,326| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  643. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,332| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  644. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,337| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  645. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,339| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  646. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,341| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  647. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,343| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  648. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,344| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  649. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,350| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  650. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,380| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  651. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,383| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  652. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,384| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  653. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,386| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  654. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,388| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  655. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,391| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  656. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,393| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  657. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,397| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  658. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,411| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  659. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,415| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  660. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,417| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  661. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,419| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  662. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,425| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  663. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,429| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  664. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,619| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@b61aa50, testMethod = searchAddresses_shouldRestrictSearchToSpecifiedLevel@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  665. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:52,624| Began transaction (14): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  666. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,067| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 15ms, rows: 1
  667. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,082| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  668. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,125| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  669. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,243| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress. Arguments: PersonAddress=a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:, long:,
  670. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,244| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:, long:
  671. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,249| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 4
  672. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,258| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  673. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,262| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  674. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,275| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  675. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,289| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  676. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,305| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  677. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,308| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  678. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,310| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  679. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,313| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  680. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,318| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  681. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,320| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  682. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,323| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  683. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,325| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  684. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,328| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  685. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,371| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  686. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,378| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  687. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,380| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  688. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,385| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  689. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,427| HQL: null, time: 39ms, rows: 1
  690. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,430| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  691. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,439| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  692. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,451| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  693. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,483| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 0
  694. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,487| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  695. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,492| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  696. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,493| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress
  697. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,509| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  698. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,670| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@1e95fc31, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress_shouldCreateEmptySetIfNoMatches@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  699. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:53,678| Began transaction (15): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  700. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,078| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 18ms, rows: 1
  701. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,080| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  702. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,084| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  703. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,163| HQL: null, time: 6ms, rows: 2
  704. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,294| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@16716cc0, testMethod = searchAddressHierarchyEntryByLevelAndNameLikeBlank@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  705. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,305| Began transaction (16): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  706. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,755| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 28ms, rows: 1
  707. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,757| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  708. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,759| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  709. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,824| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  710. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,948| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@2c2f4769, testMethod = getTopAddressHierarchyLevel_shouldGetTopAddressHierarchyLevel@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  711. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:54,957| Began transaction (17): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  712. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,341| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 21ms, rows: 1
  713. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,343| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  714. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,345| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  715. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,443| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  716. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,446| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  717. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,448| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  718. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,456| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  719. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,458| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  720. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,462| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  721. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,467| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  722. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,471| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  723. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,472| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  724. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,474| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  725. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,476| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  726. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,477| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  727. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,479| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  728. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,480| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  729. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,482| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  730. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,484| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  731. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,485| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  732. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,488| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  733. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,506| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  734. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,509| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  735. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,511| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  736. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,512| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  737. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,514| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  738. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,515| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  739. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,517| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  740. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,518| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  741. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,524| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  742. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,526| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  743. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,529| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  744. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,531| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  745. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,536| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 2
  746. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,538| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  747. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,540| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  748. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,542| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  749. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,543| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  750. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,545| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  751. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,546| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  752. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,547| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  753. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,549| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  754. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,550| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  755. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,552| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  756. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,555| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  757. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,566| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  758. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,571| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  759. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,573| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  760. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,575| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  761. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,577| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  762. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,581| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  763. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,583| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  764. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,584| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  765. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,588| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  766. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,591| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  767. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,610| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  768. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,616| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  769. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,618| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  770. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,623| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  771. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,642| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  772. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,644| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  773. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,645| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  774. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,647| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  775. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,649| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  776. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,656| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  777. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,658| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  778. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,663| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 2
  779. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,668| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  780. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,671| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  781. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,673| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  782. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,675| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  783. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,676| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  784. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,677| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  785. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,679| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  786. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,680| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  787. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,682| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  788. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,683| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  789. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,689| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  790. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,692| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  791. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,696| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  792. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,697| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  793. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,700| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  794. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,708| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  795. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,709| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  796. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,711| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  797. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,713| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  798. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,714| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  799. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,715| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  800. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,717| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  801. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,718| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  802. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,720| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  803. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,722| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  804. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,724| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  805. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,725| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  806. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,727| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  807. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,729| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  808. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,730| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  809. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,735| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  810. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,742| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 2
  811. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,745| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  812. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,746| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  813. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,748| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  814. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,749| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  815. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,751| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  816. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,756| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  817. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,757| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  818. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,759| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  819. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,761| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  820. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,763| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  821. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,783| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  822. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,785| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  823. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,791| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  824. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,792| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  825. ERROR - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.getPossibleAddressValues(94) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,795| Address field ADDRESS_1 is not mapped to address hierarchy level.
  826. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,797| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  827. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,801| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  828. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,802| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  829. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,804| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  830. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,806| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  831. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,807| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  832. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,809| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  833. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,811| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  834. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,816| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  835. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,818| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  836. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,819| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  837. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,821| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  838. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,823| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  839. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,824| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  840. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,826| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  841. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,828| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  842. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,829| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  843. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,830| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  844. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,834| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  845. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,835| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  846. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,837| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  847. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,840| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  848. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,848| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  849. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,850| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  850. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,851| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  851. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,853| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  852. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,855| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  853. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,857| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  854. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,860| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  855. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,868| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  856. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,873| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  857. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,875| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  858. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,877| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  859. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,878| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  860. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,880| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  861. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,882| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  862. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,884| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  863. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,886| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  864. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,895| HQL: null, time: 8ms, rows: 1
  865. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,898| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  866. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,900| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  867. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,902| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  868. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,908| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  869. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,911| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  870. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,913| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  871. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,914| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  872. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,915| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  873. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,917| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  874. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,918| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  875. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,920| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  876. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,923| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  877. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,924| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  878. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,928| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  879. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,929| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  880. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,931| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  881. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,935| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  882. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,939| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  883. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,956| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  884. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,957| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  885. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,960| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  886. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,962| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  887. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,966| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 0
  888. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,969| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  889. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,975| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  890. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,976| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  891. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,978| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  892. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,979| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  893. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,981| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  894. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,983| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  895. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,985| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  896. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,987| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  897. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,988| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  898. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,991| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  899. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,994| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  900. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:55,996| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  901. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,013| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  902. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,015| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  903. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,017| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  904. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,035| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  905. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,037| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  906. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,041| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  907. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,045| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  908. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,047| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  909. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,048| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  910. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,050| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  911. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,051| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  912. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,052| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  913. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,054| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  914. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,056| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  915. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,058| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  916. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,069| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  917. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,072| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  918. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,074| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  919. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,075| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  920. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,077| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  921. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,078| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  922. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,079| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  923. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,081| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  924. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,082| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  925. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,084| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  926. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,085| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  927. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,087| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  928. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,096| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  929. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,103| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  930. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,107| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 2
  931. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,119| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  932. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,123| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  933. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,125| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  934. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,128| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  935. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,130| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  936. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,138| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  937. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,140| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  938. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,142| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  939. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,144| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  940. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,147| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  941. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,148| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  942. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,149| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  943. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,151| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  944. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,152| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  945. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,153| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  946. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,157| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  947. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,174| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  948. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,176| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  949. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,177| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  950. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,179| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  951. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,180| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  952. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,183| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  953. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,184| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  954. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,186| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  955. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,188| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  956. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,189| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  957. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,191| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  958. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,193| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  959. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,195| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  960. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,196| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  961. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,199| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  962. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,209| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  963. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,211| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  964. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,213| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  965. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,214| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  966. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,216| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  967. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,218| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  968. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,219| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  969. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,221| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  970. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,224| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  971. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,225| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  972. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,227| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  973. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,228| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  974. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,248| HQL: null, time: 14ms, rows: 1
  975. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,262| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  976. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,273| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  977. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,279| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  978. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,281| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  979. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,283| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  980. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,284| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  981. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,292| HQL: null, time: 7ms, rows: 1
  982. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,295| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  983. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,296| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  984. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,303| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  985. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,306| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  986. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,308| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  987. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,310| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  988. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,311| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  989. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,313| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  990. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,314| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  991. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,315| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  992. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,317| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  993. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,318| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  994. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,319| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  995. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,320| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  996. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,326| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  997. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,369| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  998. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,371| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  999. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,375| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1000. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,377| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1001. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,379| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1002. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,383| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1003. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,385| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  1004. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,387| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1005. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,393| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1006. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,395| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1007. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,409| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1008. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,410| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1009. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,412| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1010. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,425| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1011. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,428| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1012. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,432| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1013. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,436| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1014. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,438| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1015. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,442| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1016. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,443| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1017. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,444| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1018. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,446| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1019. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,447| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1020. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,448| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1021. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,450| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1022. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,451| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1023. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,452| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1024. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,458| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1025. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,462| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1026. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,464| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1027. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,476| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1028. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,477| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1029. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,478| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1030. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,479| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1031. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,480| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1032. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,482| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1033. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,492| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1034. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,494| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  1035. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,496| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1036. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,502| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1037. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,504| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  1038. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,518| HQL: null, time: 8ms, rows: 5
  1039. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,520| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  1040. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,635| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@5c26ab0a, testMethod = getPossibleAddressValues_shouldFindPossibleAddressValues@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = junit.framework.AssertionFailedError]]
  1041. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,649| Began transaction (18): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1042. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,957| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  1043. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,961| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1044. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:56,963| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1045. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,137| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  1046. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,143| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1047. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,288| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1048. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,338| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1049. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,354| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1050. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,358| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1051. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,361| Exiting method savePatient
  1052. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,362| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  1053. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,363| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  1054. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,367| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  1055. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,377| HQL: null, time: 7ms, rows: 4
  1056. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,455| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1057. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,465| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1058. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,483| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1059. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,489| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1060. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,495| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1061. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,503| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1062. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,507| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1063. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,512| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1064. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,557| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1065. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,565| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1066. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,572| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1067. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,606| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1068. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,610| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1069. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,613| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1070. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,615| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1071. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,618| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1072. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,620| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1073. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,638| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1074. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,662| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1075. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,671| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1076. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,673| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1077. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,678| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 0
  1078. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,680| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1079. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,682| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1080. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,683| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:null, sp:massachusetts, c:united states, cd:suffolk county, nc:jamaica plain, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  1081. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,687| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1082. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,689| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1083. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,703| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1084. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,705| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1085. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,707| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1086. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,712| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1087. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,714| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1088. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,718| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1089. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,721| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1090. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,723| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1091. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,728| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1092. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,732| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1093. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,735| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1094. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,739| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1095. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,742| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1096. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,745| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1097. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,747| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1098. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,752| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1099. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,756| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1100. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,761| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1101. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,766| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1102. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,771| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1103. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,775| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1104. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,778| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1105. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,781| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1106. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,803| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[1ceb5ec2-042f-4124-ae72-c93d1f078f0e],
  1107. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,806| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1108. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,807| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[60bdbe62-02ab-4be7-a0bb-081043fc3eff],
  1109. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,811| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1110. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,814| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[0a15bdd0-9216-48e7-a096-469569448395],
  1111. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,815| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1112. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,817| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[eba73609-9149-4dcf-add5-678d5a091074],
  1113. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,818| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1114. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,819| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson
  1115. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,823| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1116. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,827| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1117. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,863| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1118. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,869| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1119. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,873| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1120. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,880| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1121. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,881| Exiting method savePatient
  1122. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,883| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  1123. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,883| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  1124. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,884| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  1125. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,886| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1126. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,888| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1127. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,891| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1128. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,904| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1129. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,912| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1130. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,921| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1131. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,923| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1132. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,929| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1133. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,936| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1134. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,939| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1135. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1136. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,946| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1137. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,949| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1138. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,962| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1139. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,973| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1140. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,976| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1141. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,979| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1142. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,981| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1143. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,983| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1144. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,985| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1145. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,988| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1146. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,990| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1147. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:57,995| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1148. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,013| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 0
  1149. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,015| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1150. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,016| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:scituate, sp:rhode island, c:united states, cd:providence county, nc:null, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  1151. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,022| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 4
  1152. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,029| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1153. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,031| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1154. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,035| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1155. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,037| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1156. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,039| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1157. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,041| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1158. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,045| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1159. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,048| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1160. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,051| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1161. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,053| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1162. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,056| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1163. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,062| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  1164. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,075| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1165. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,078| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1166. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,081| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1167. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,083| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1168. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,085| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1169. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,087| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1170. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,089| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1171. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,092| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1172. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,096| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1173. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,101| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1174. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,105| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 2
  1175. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,108| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1176. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,110| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[acfc5e12-f95e-4fef-ab15-546b3542c8d9],
  1177. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,112| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1178. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,114| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[eb7dea71-034a-4771-92d0-cedf906172c9],
  1179. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,115| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1180. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,116| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[31edc686-698e-47dd-8701-dd370676a74f],
  1181. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,118| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1182. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,119| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[c5a21ef4-6378-4393-9b76-3e1f15dec65b],
  1183. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,121| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1184. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,121| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson
  1185. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,125| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 4
  1186. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,265| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@6ae37b3, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson_shouldUpdateAddressToEntryMaps@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1187. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,271| Began transaction (19): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1188. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,557| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  1189. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,559| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1190. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,561| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1191. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,619| HQL: null, time: 28ms, rows: 8
  1192. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,715| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@2142754a, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevel_shouldFindAllAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevel@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1193. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,719| Began transaction (20): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1194. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,953| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1195. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,955| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1196. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,956| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1197. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:58,987| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1198. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,001| HQL: null, time: 12ms, rows: 1
  1199. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,004| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1200. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,005| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1201. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,007| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1202. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,008| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1203. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,010| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1204. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,011| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1205. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,012| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1206. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,014| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1207. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,016| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1208. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,019| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1209. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,020| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1210. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,022| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1211. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,023| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1212. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,035| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1213. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,040| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1214. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,041| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1215. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,042| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1216. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,043| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1217. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,045| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1218. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,047| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1219. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,049| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1220. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,050| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1221. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,051| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1222. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,052| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1223. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,053| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1224. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,054| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1225. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,055| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1226. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,056| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1227. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,057| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1228. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,058| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1229. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,059| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1230. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,059| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1231. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,061| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1232. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,062| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1233. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,063| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1234. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,064| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1235. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,066| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1236. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,073| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1237. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,075| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1238. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,076| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1239. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,080| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1240. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,082| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1241. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,083| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1242. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,091| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1243. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,092| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1244. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,097| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1245. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,100| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1246. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,102| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1247. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,104| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1248. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,106| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1249. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,108| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1250. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,109| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1251. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,111| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1252. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,114| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1253. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,115| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1254. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,117| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1255. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,321| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1256. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,384| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@409e0e69, testMethod = searchAddresses_shouldFindPossibleFullAddressesThatMatchSearchString@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<1> but was:<0>]]
  1257. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,389| Began transaction (21): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1258. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,572| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1259. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,574| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1260. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,575| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1261. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1262. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,608| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1263. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,610| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1264. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,611| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1265. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,614| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1266. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,616| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1267. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,618| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1268. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,620| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1269. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,621| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1270. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,622| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1271. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,623| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1272. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,625| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1273. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,627| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1274. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,628| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1275. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,633| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1276. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,635| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1277. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,639| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1278. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,643| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1279. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,644| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1280. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,647| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1281. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,650| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1282. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,738| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@297727ab, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringEmptyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1283. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,741| Began transaction (22): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1284. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  1285. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1286. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1287. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,986| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 6ms, rows: 1
  1288. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,989| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1289. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,018| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1290. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,040| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1291. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,055| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1292. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,061| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1293. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,063| Exiting method savePatient
  1294. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,064| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  1295. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,067| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  1296. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,068| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  1297. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,084| HQL: null, time: 12ms, rows: 4
  1298. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,087| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1299. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,090| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1300. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,092| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1301. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,111| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1302. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,122| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1303. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,124| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1304. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,128| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1305. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,145| HQL: null, time: 11ms, rows: 1
  1306. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,149| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1307. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,152| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1308. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,161| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1309. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,164| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1310. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,205| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1311. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,207| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1312. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,209| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1313. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,211| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1314. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,216| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1315. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,219| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1316. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,246| HQL: null, time: 8ms, rows: 0
  1317. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,254| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1318. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,256| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1319. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,258| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1320. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,261| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1321. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,262| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1322. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,263| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:scituate, sp:null, c:null, cd:null, nc:null, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  1323. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,271| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1324. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,273| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1325. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,275| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1326. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,276| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1327. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,278| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1328. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,280| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1329. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,282| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1330. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,285| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1331. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,287| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1332. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,288| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1333. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,290| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1334. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,294| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1335. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,299| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1336. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,303| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1337. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,305| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1338. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,307| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1339. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,310| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1340. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,311| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1341. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,336| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1342. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,338| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1343. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,341| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1344. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,343| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1345. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,345| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1346. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,348| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  1347. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,350| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1348. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,351| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson
  1349. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,353| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1350. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,422| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@6aaa7944, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson_shouldNotCreateAddressToEntryMapIfEntryNotUnique@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1351. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,425| Began transaction (23): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1352. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,595| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  1353. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,597| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1354. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,598| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1355. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,640| HQL: from AddressHierarchyEntry where uuid = :uuid, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1356. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,724| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@456d03cd, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntryByUuid_shouldRetrieveAddressHierarchyEntryByUuid@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1357. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,727| Began transaction (24): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1358. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,928| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  1359. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,929| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1360. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,930| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1361. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,977| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1362. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,978| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1363. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,979| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1364. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,980| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1365. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,981| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1366. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,983| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1367. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,985| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1368. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,987| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1369. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,988| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1370. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,995| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1371. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,003| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1372. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,008| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1373. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,009| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1374. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,010| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1375. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,107| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@79d7ae7d, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringUnmappedLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1376. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,111| Began transaction (25): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1377. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 11ms, rows: 1
  1378. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1379. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1380. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,362| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1381. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,372| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1382. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,482| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@754f951a, testMethod = getChildAddressHierarchyEntryByName_shouldGetChildAddressHierarchyEntryByName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1383. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,485| Began transaction (26): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1384. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 10ms, rows: 1
  1385. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1386. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1387. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,714| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1388. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,805| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@187f6ac7, testMethod = searchAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndParentAndBlankName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1389. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,809| Began transaction (27): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1390. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,012| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1391. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,012| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1392. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,018| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1393. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,041| HQL: from AddressHierarchyEntry where uuid = :uuid, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1394. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,042| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1395. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,176| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@1ed5cb12, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndLikeNameAndParent_shouldSearchAnywhereWithinTheAddressName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1396. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,180| Began transaction (28): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1397. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,399| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  1398. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,407| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1399. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,409| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1400. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,440| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1401. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,442| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1402. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,443| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1403. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,444| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1404. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,445| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1405. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,447| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1406. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,448| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1407. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,449| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1408. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,460| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1409. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,462| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1410. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,472| HQL: null, time: 9ms, rows: 1
  1411. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,488| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1412. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,491| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1413. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,495| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1414. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,497| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1415. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,500| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1416. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,503| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1417. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,504| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1418. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,506| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1419. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,584| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@e06bc9f, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringUnmappedLevelsAndEmptyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1420. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,589| Began transaction (29): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1421. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,773| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1422. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,780| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1423. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,781| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1424. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,814| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1425. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,815| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1426. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,849| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1427. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,862| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1428. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,885| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1429. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,892| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1430. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,893| Exiting method savePatient
  1431. INFO - AddressHierarchyUtil.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter(129) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,905| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for all patients with date changed after Thu Feb 22 10:02:02 PST 2018
  1432. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,909| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1433. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,911| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1434. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,983| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@53a517e9, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter_shouldNotUpdatePatient@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1435. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,987| Began transaction (30): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1436. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,245| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1437. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,246| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1438. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,247| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1439. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,265| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1440. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,351| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@2ff19dab, testMethod = searchAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndBlankName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1441. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,361| Began transaction (31): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1442. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,571| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1443. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,573| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1444. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,574| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1445. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,586| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1446. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,602| HQL: null, time: 7ms, rows: 5
  1447. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,605| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1448. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1449. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1450. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,611| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1451. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,616| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1452. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,707| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@583b844, testMethod = generatePossibleFullAddresses_shouldGeneratePossibleFullAddressesForAddressHierarchyEntry@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = junit.framework.AssertionFailedError]]
  1453. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,708| Began transaction (32): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1454. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,936| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 11ms, rows: 1
  1455. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,942| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1456. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,944| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1457. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,009| In method AddressHierarchyService.deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress. Arguments: PersonAddress=a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:, long:,
  1458. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,012| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 4
  1459. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,013| Exiting method deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress
  1460. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,016| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1461. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,095| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@198f3677, testMethod = deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress_shouldDeleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1462. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,101| Began transaction (33): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1463. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,298| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1464. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,298| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1465. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,303| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1466. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,324| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 7
  1467. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,416| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@23532a0e, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1468. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,419| Began transaction (34): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1469. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,608| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1470. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,612| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1471. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,613| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1472. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,632| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[c1e7e7fc-8ba8-43c3-a0d0-8c6683d26c3a],
  1473. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,633| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1474. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,633| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 5
  1475. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,722| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@74db835a, testMethod = saveAddressToEntryMap_shouldSaveAddressToEntryyMap@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1476. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,765| Began transaction (35): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1477. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,974| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 4ms, rows: 1
  1478. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,975| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1479. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,976| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1480. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,005| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1481. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,007| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1482. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,023| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1483. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,033| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1484. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,050| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1485. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,067| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 9ms, rows: 1
  1486. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,070| Exiting method savePatient
  1487. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,071| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  1488. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,071| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  1489. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,078| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  1490. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,085| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 4
  1491. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,089| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1492. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,091| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1493. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,100| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  1494. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,104| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1495. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,106| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1496. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,108| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1497. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,110| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1498. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,113| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1499. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,115| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1500. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,117| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1501. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,121| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1502. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,135| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1503. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,138| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1504. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,140| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1505. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,143| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1506. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,146| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1507. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,148| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1508. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,150| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1509. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,152| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1510. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,154| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1511. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,155| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1512. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,157| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1513. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,159| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1514. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,163| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1515. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,164| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:null, sp:massachusetts, c:united states, cd:suffolk county, nc:jamaica plain, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  1516. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,170| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1517. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,174| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1518. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,178| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1519. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,181| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1520. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,183| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1521. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,186| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1522. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,190| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1523. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,205| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1524. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,209| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1525. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,211| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1526. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,213| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1527. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,222| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1528. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,224| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1529. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,234| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1530. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,246| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  1531. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,248| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1532. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,250| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1533. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,252| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1534. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,258| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1535. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,264| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1536. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,271| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1537. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,304| HQL: null, time: 31ms, rows: 1
  1538. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,307| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1539. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,309| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1540. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,313| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1541. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,321| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[ba8f1bf6-fca9-4fb8-8a70-fc3e2a6e22ea],
  1542. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,322| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1543. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,323| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[b42ed3e1-8bf5-4067-8e2e-abc9d29c5d0f],
  1544. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,324| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1545. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,325| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[36df63bf-d5e4-4966-ab24-fc31dd29332c],
  1546. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,326| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1547. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,327| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[abdd0e97-da26-44db-97d6-41e01b37fa1d],
  1548. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,328| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1549. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,329| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson
  1550. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,331| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 4
  1551. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,392| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@529461d3, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson_shouldCreateAddressToEntryMaps@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1552. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,397| Began transaction (36): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1553. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,549| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1554. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,550| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1555. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,551| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1556. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,625| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@53bdc355, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyLevel_shouldGetAddressHierarchyLevelById@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1557. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,628| Began transaction (37): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1558. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,803| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  1559. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,804| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1560. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,805| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1561. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,851| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1562. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,851| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1563. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,861| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1564. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,871| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1565. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,872| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1566. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,878| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1567. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,879| Exiting method savePatient
  1568. INFO - AddressHierarchyUtil.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter(129) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,880| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for all patients with date changed after Thu Feb 22 10:02:05 PST 2018
  1569. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1570. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  1571. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  1572. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  1573. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 4
  1574. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,887| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1575. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,890| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1576. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,893| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1577. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,895| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1578. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,901| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1579. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,903| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1580. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,905| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1581. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,907| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1582. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,909| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1583. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,924| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1584. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,927| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1585. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,930| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1586. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,934| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1587. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,936| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1588. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,938| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1589. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,939| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1590. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,941| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1591. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1592. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1593. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1594. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,949| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1595. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,950| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1596. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,952| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1597. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1598. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:null, sp:massachusetts, c:null, cd:suffolk county, nc:jamaica plain, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  1599. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1600. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1601. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,971| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1602. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1603. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1604. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1605. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,979| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1606. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,983| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1607. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1608. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1609. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1610. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,989| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1611. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,990| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1612. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,991| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1613. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,993| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1614. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,996| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1615. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,998| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1616. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,321| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1617. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,384| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@409e0e69, testMethod = searchAddresses_shouldFindPossibleFullAddressesThatMatchSearchString@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<1> but was:<0>]]
  1618. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,389| Began transaction (21): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1619. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,572| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1620. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,574| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1621. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,575| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1622. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1623. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,608| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1624. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,610| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1625. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,611| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1626. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,614| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1627. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,616| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1628. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,618| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1629. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,620| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1630. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,621| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1631. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,622| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1632. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,623| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1633. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,625| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1634. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,627| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1635. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,628| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1636. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,633| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1637. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,635| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1638. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,639| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1639. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,643| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1640. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,644| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1641. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,647| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1642. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,650| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1643. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,738| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@297727ab, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringEmptyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1644. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,741| Began transaction (22): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1645. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  1646. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1647. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1648. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,986| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 6ms, rows: 1
  1649. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,989| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1650. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,018| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1651. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,040| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1652. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,055| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1653. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,061| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1654. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,063| Exiting method savePatient
  1655. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,064| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  1656. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,067| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  1657. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,068| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  1658. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,084| HQL: null, time: 12ms, rows: 4
  1659. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,087| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1660. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,090| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1661. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,092| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1662. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,111| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1663. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,122| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1664. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,124| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1665. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,128| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1666. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,145| HQL: null, time: 11ms, rows: 1
  1667. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,149| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1668. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,152| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1669. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,161| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1670. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,164| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1671. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,205| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1672. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,207| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1673. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,209| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1674. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,211| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1675. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,216| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1676. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,219| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1677. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,246| HQL: null, time: 8ms, rows: 0
  1678. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,254| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1679. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,256| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1680. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,258| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1681. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,261| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1682. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,262| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1683. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,263| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:scituate, sp:null, c:null, cd:null, nc:null, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  1684. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,271| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1685. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,273| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1686. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,275| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1687. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,276| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1688. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,278| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1689. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,280| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1690. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,282| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1691. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,285| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1692. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,287| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1693. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,288| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1694. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,290| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1695. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,294| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1696. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,299| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1697. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,303| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1698. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,305| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1699. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,307| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1700. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,310| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1701. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,311| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1702. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,336| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1703. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,338| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1704. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,341| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1705. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,343| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1706. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,345| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1707. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,348| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  1708. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,350| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1709. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,351| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson
  1710. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,353| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1711. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,422| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@6aaa7944, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson_shouldNotCreateAddressToEntryMapIfEntryNotUnique@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1712. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,425| Began transaction (23): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1713. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,595| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  1714. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,597| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1715. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,598| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1716. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,640| HQL: from AddressHierarchyEntry where uuid = :uuid, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1717. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,724| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@456d03cd, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntryByUuid_shouldRetrieveAddressHierarchyEntryByUuid@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1718. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,727| Began transaction (24): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1719. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,928| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  1720. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,929| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1721. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,930| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1722. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,977| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1723. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,978| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1724. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,979| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1725. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,980| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1726. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,981| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1727. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,983| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1728. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,985| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1729. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,987| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1730. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,988| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1731. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,995| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1732. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,003| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1733. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,008| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1734. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,009| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1735. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,010| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1736. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,107| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@79d7ae7d, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringUnmappedLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1737. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,111| Began transaction (25): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1738. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 11ms, rows: 1
  1739. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1740. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1741. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,362| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1742. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,372| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1743. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,482| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@754f951a, testMethod = getChildAddressHierarchyEntryByName_shouldGetChildAddressHierarchyEntryByName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1744. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,485| Began transaction (26): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1745. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 10ms, rows: 1
  1746. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1747. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1748. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,714| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1749. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,805| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@187f6ac7, testMethod = searchAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndParentAndBlankName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1750. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,809| Began transaction (27): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1751. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,012| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1752. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,012| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1753. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,018| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1754. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,041| HQL: from AddressHierarchyEntry where uuid = :uuid, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1755. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,042| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1756. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,176| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@1ed5cb12, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndLikeNameAndParent_shouldSearchAnywhereWithinTheAddressName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1757. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,180| Began transaction (28): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1758. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,399| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  1759. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,407| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1760. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,409| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1761. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,440| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1762. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,442| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1763. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,443| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1764. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,444| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1765. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,445| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1766. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,447| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1767. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,448| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1768. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,449| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1769. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,460| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1770. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,462| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1771. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,472| HQL: null, time: 9ms, rows: 1
  1772. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,488| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1773. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,491| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1774. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,495| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1775. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,497| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1776. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,500| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1777. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,503| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1778. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,504| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1779. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,506| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1780. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,584| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@e06bc9f, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringUnmappedLevelsAndEmptyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1781. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,589| Began transaction (29): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1782. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,773| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1783. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,780| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1784. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,781| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1785. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,814| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1786. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,815| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1787. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,849| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1788. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,862| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1789. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,885| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1790. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,892| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1791. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,893| Exiting method savePatient
  1792. INFO - AddressHierarchyUtil.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter(129) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,905| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for all patients with date changed after Thu Feb 22 10:02:02 PST 2018
  1793. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,909| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1794. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,911| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1795. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,983| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@53a517e9, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter_shouldNotUpdatePatient@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1796. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,987| Began transaction (30): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1797. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,245| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1798. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,246| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1799. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,247| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1800. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,265| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1801. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,351| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@2ff19dab, testMethod = searchAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndBlankName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1802. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,361| Began transaction (31): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1803. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,571| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1804. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,573| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1805. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,574| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1806. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,586| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1807. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,602| HQL: null, time: 7ms, rows: 5
  1808. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,605| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1809. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1810. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1811. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,611| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1812. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,616| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1813. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,707| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@583b844, testMethod = generatePossibleFullAddresses_shouldGeneratePossibleFullAddressesForAddressHierarchyEntry@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = junit.framework.AssertionFailedError]]
  1814. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,708| Began transaction (32): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1815. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,936| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 11ms, rows: 1
  1816. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,942| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1817. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,944| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1818. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,009| In method AddressHierarchyService.deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress. Arguments: PersonAddress=a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:, long:,
  1819. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,012| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 4
  1820. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,013| Exiting method deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress
  1821. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,016| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1822. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,095| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@198f3677, testMethod = deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress_shouldDeleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1823. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,101| Began transaction (33): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1824. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,298| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1825. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,298| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1826. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,303| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1827. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,324| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 7
  1828. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,416| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@23532a0e, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1829. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,419| Began transaction (34): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1830. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,608| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1831. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,612| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1832. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,613| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1833. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,632| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[c1e7e7fc-8ba8-43c3-a0d0-8c6683d26c3a],
  1834. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,633| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1835. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,633| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 5
  1836. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,722| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@74db835a, testMethod = saveAddressToEntryMap_shouldSaveAddressToEntryyMap@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1837. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,765| Began transaction (35): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1838. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,974| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 4ms, rows: 1
  1839. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,975| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1840. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,976| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1841. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,005| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1842. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,007| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1843. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,023| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1844. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,033| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1845. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,050| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1846. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,067| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 9ms, rows: 1
  1847. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,070| Exiting method savePatient
  1848. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,071| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  1849. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,071| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  1850. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,078| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  1851. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,085| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 4
  1852. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,089| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1853. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,091| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1854. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,100| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  1855. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,104| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1856. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,106| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1857. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,108| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1858. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,110| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1859. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,113| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1860. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,115| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1861. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,117| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1862. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,121| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1863. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,135| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1864. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,138| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1865. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,140| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1866. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,143| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1867. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,146| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1868. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,148| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1869. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,150| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1870. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,152| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1871. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,154| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1872. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,155| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1873. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,157| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1874. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,159| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1875. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,163| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1876. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,164| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:null, sp:massachusetts, c:united states, cd:suffolk county, nc:jamaica plain, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  1877. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,170| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1878. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,174| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1879. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,178| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1880. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,181| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1881. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,183| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1882. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,186| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1883. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,190| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1884. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,205| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1885. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,209| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1886. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,211| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1887. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,213| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1888. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,222| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1889. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,224| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1890. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,234| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  1891. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,246| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  1892. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,248| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1893. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,250| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1894. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,252| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1895. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,258| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1896. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,264| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1897. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,271| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1898. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,304| HQL: null, time: 31ms, rows: 1
  1899. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,307| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1900. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,309| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1901. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,313| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1902. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,321| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[ba8f1bf6-fca9-4fb8-8a70-fc3e2a6e22ea],
  1903. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,322| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1904. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,323| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[b42ed3e1-8bf5-4067-8e2e-abc9d29c5d0f],
  1905. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,324| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1906. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,325| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[36df63bf-d5e4-4966-ab24-fc31dd29332c],
  1907. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,326| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1908. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,327| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[abdd0e97-da26-44db-97d6-41e01b37fa1d],
  1909. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,328| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  1910. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,329| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson
  1911. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,331| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 4
  1912. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,392| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@529461d3, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson_shouldCreateAddressToEntryMaps@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1913. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,397| Began transaction (36): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1914. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,549| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1915. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,550| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1916. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,551| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1917. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,625| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@53bdc355, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyLevel_shouldGetAddressHierarchyLevelById@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  1918. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,628| Began transaction (37): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1919. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,803| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  1920. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,804| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1921. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,805| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1922. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,851| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1923. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,851| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1924. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,861| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  1925. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,871| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  1926. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,872| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1927. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,878| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1928. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,879| Exiting method savePatient
  1929. INFO - AddressHierarchyUtil.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter(129) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,880| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for all patients with date changed after Thu Feb 22 10:02:05 PST 2018
  1930. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1931. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  1932. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  1933. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  1934. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 4
  1935. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,887| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1936. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,890| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1937. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,893| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1938. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,895| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1939. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,901| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1940. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,903| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1941. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,905| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1942. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,907| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1943. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,909| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1944. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,924| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  1945. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,927| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1946. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,930| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1947. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,934| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1948. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,936| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1949. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,938| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1950. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,939| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1951. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,941| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1952. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1953. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1954. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1955. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,949| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1956. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,950| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1957. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,952| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1958. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1959. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:null, sp:massachusetts, c:null, cd:suffolk county, nc:jamaica plain, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  1960. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1961. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1962. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,971| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1963. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1964. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1965. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1966. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,979| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1967. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,983| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1968. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1969. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1970. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1971. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,989| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1972. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,990| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1973. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,991| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1974. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,993| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1975. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,996| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1976. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,998| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1977. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,321| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  1978. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,384| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@409e0e69, testMethod = searchAddresses_shouldFindPossibleFullAddressesThatMatchSearchString@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<1> but was:<0>]]
  1979. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,389| Began transaction (21): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  1980. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,572| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  1981. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,574| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1982. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,575| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1983. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1984. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,608| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1985. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,610| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1986. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,611| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1987. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,614| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1988. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,616| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1989. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,618| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1990. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,620| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  1991. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,621| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1992. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,622| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1993. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,623| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1994. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,625| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1995. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,627| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1996. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,628| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1997. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,633| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1998. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,635| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  1999. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,639| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2000. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,643| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2001. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,644| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2002. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,647| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  2003. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,650| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2004. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,738| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@297727ab, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringEmptyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2005. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,741| Began transaction (22): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2006. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  2007. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2008. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,920| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2009. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,986| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 6ms, rows: 1
  2010. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:01:59,989| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2011. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,018| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  2012. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,040| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2013. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,055| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2014. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,061| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2015. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,063| Exiting method savePatient
  2016. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,064| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  2017. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,067| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  2018. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,068| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  2019. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,084| HQL: null, time: 12ms, rows: 4
  2020. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,087| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2021. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,090| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2022. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,092| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2023. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,111| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2024. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,122| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2025. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,124| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2026. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,128| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2027. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,145| HQL: null, time: 11ms, rows: 1
  2028. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,149| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2029. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,152| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2030. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,161| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2031. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,164| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2032. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,205| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  2033. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,207| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2034. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,209| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2035. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,211| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2036. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,216| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2037. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,219| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2038. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,246| HQL: null, time: 8ms, rows: 0
  2039. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,254| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2040. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,256| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2041. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,258| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2042. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,261| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2043. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,262| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2044. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,263| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:scituate, sp:null, c:null, cd:null, nc:null, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  2045. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,271| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2046. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,273| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2047. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,275| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2048. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,276| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2049. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,278| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2050. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,280| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2051. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,282| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2052. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,285| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2053. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,287| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2054. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,288| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2055. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,290| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2056. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,294| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2057. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,299| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2058. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,303| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2059. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,305| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2060. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,307| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2061. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,310| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2062. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,311| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2063. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,336| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2064. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,338| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2065. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,341| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2066. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,343| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2067. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,345| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2068. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,348| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  2069. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,350| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2070. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,351| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson
  2071. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,353| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2072. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,422| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@6aaa7944, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson_shouldNotCreateAddressToEntryMapIfEntryNotUnique@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2073. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,425| Began transaction (23): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2074. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,595| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  2075. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,597| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2076. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,598| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2077. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,640| HQL: from AddressHierarchyEntry where uuid = :uuid, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  2078. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,724| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@456d03cd, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntryByUuid_shouldRetrieveAddressHierarchyEntryByUuid@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2079. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,727| Began transaction (24): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2080. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,928| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 6ms, rows: 1
  2081. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,929| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2082. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,930| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2083. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,977| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2084. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,978| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2085. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,979| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2086. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,980| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2087. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,981| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2088. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,983| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2089. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,985| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2090. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,987| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2091. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,988| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2092. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:00,995| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2093. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,003| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2094. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,008| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2095. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,009| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2096. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,010| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2097. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,107| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@79d7ae7d, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringUnmappedLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2098. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,111| Began transaction (25): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2099. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 11ms, rows: 1
  2100. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2101. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,321| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2102. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,362| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  2103. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,372| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2104. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,482| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@754f951a, testMethod = getChildAddressHierarchyEntryByName_shouldGetChildAddressHierarchyEntryByName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2105. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,485| Began transaction (26): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2106. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 10ms, rows: 1
  2107. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2108. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,687| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2109. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,714| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2110. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,805| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@187f6ac7, testMethod = searchAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndParentAndBlankName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2111. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:01,809| Began transaction (27): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2112. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,012| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 3ms, rows: 1
  2113. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,012| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2114. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,018| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2115. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,041| HQL: from AddressHierarchyEntry where uuid = :uuid, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2116. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,042| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2117. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,176| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@1ed5cb12, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndLikeNameAndParent_shouldSearchAnywhereWithinTheAddressName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2118. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,180| Began transaction (28): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2119. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,399| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  2120. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,407| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2121. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,409| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2122. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,440| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2123. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,442| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2124. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,443| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2125. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,444| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2126. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,445| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2127. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,447| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2128. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,448| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2129. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,449| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2130. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,460| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2131. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,462| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2132. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,472| HQL: null, time: 9ms, rows: 1
  2133. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,488| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2134. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,491| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2135. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,495| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2136. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,497| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2137. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,500| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2138. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,503| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2139. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,504| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2140. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,506| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2141. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,584| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@e06bc9f, testMethod = getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevelsInOrderIgnoringUnmappedLevelsAndEmptyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2142. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,589| Began transaction (29): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2143. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,773| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2144. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,780| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2145. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,781| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2146. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,814| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  2147. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,815| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2148. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,849| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  2149. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,862| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2150. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,885| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2151. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,892| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2152. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,893| Exiting method savePatient
  2153. INFO - AddressHierarchyUtil.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter(129) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,905| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for all patients with date changed after Thu Feb 22 10:02:02 PST 2018
  2154. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,909| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2155. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,911| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2156. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,983| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@53a517e9, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter_shouldNotUpdatePatient@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2157. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:02,987| Began transaction (30): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2158. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,245| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  2159. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,246| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2160. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,247| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2161. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,265| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2162. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,351| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@2ff19dab, testMethod = searchAddressHierarchyEntriesByLevelAndBlankName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2163. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,361| Began transaction (31): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2164. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,571| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  2165. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,573| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2166. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,574| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2167. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,586| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2168. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,602| HQL: null, time: 7ms, rows: 5
  2169. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,605| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2170. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2171. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,606| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2172. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,611| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2173. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,616| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2174. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,707| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@583b844, testMethod = generatePossibleFullAddresses_shouldGeneratePossibleFullAddressesForAddressHierarchyEntry@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = junit.framework.AssertionFailedError]]
  2175. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,708| Began transaction (32): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2176. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,936| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 11ms, rows: 1
  2177. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,942| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2178. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:03,944| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2179. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,009| In method AddressHierarchyService.deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress. Arguments: PersonAddress=a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:, long:,
  2180. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,012| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 4
  2181. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,013| Exiting method deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress
  2182. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,016| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2183. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,095| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@198f3677, testMethod = deleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress_shouldDeleteAddressToEntryMapsByPersonAddress@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2184. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,101| Began transaction (33): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2185. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,298| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 2ms, rows: 1
  2186. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,298| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2187. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,303| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2188. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,324| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 7
  2189. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,416| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@23532a0e, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyLevels_shouldGetAllAddressHierarchyLevels@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2190. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,419| Began transaction (34): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2191. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,608| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  2192. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,612| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2193. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,613| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2194. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,632| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[c1e7e7fc-8ba8-43c3-a0d0-8c6683d26c3a],
  2195. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,633| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  2196. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,633| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 5
  2197. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,722| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@74db835a, testMethod = saveAddressToEntryMap_shouldSaveAddressToEntryyMap@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2198. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,765| Began transaction (35): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2199. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,974| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 4ms, rows: 1
  2200. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,975| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2201. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:04,976| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2202. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,005| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  2203. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,007| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2204. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,023| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  2205. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,033| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2206. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,050| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2207. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,067| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 9ms, rows: 1
  2208. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,070| Exiting method savePatient
  2209. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,071| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  2210. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,071| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  2211. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,078| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  2212. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,085| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 4
  2213. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,089| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2214. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,091| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2215. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,100| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  2216. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,104| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2217. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,106| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2218. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,108| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2219. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,110| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2220. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,113| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2221. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,115| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2222. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,117| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2223. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,121| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2224. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,135| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2225. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,138| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2226. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,140| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2227. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,143| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2228. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,146| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2229. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,148| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2230. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,150| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2231. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,152| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2232. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,154| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2233. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,155| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2234. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,157| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2235. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,159| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2236. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,163| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2237. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,164| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:null, sp:massachusetts, c:united states, cd:suffolk county, nc:jamaica plain, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  2238. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,170| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2239. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,174| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2240. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,178| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2241. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,181| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2242. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,183| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2243. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,186| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2244. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,190| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2245. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,205| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2246. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,209| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2247. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,211| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2248. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,213| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2249. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,222| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2250. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,224| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2251. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,234| HQL: null, time: 2ms, rows: 1
  2252. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,246| HQL: null, time: 4ms, rows: 1
  2253. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,248| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2254. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,250| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2255. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,252| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2256. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,258| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2257. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,264| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2258. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,271| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2259. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,304| HQL: null, time: 31ms, rows: 1
  2260. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,307| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2261. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,309| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2262. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,313| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2263. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,321| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[ba8f1bf6-fca9-4fb8-8a70-fc3e2a6e22ea],
  2264. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,322| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  2265. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,323| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[b42ed3e1-8bf5-4067-8e2e-abc9d29c5d0f],
  2266. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,324| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  2267. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,325| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[36df63bf-d5e4-4966-ab24-fc31dd29332c],
  2268. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,326| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  2269. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,327| In method AddressHierarchyService.saveAddressToEntryMap. Arguments: AddressToEntryMap=org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressToEntryMap[abdd0e97-da26-44db-97d6-41e01b37fa1d],
  2270. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,328| Exiting method saveAddressToEntryMap
  2271. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,329| Exiting method updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson
  2272. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,331| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 4
  2273. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,392| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@529461d3, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson_shouldCreateAddressToEntryMaps@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2274. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,397| Began transaction (36): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2275. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,549| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 3ms, rows: 1
  2276. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,550| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2277. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,551| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2278. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,625| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@53bdc355, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyLevel_shouldGetAddressHierarchyLevelById@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2279. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,628| Began transaction (37): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2280. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,803| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 7ms, rows: 1
  2281. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,804| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2282. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,805| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2283. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,851| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2284. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,851| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2285. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,861| In method PatientService.savePatient. Arguments: Patient=Patient#2,
  2286. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,871| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 0
  2287. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,872| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2288. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,878| HQL: select count(*) from PatientIdentifier pi, Patient p where pi.patient.patientId = p.patient.patientId and p.voided = false and pi.voided = false and pi.identifier = :identifier and pi.identifierType = :idType and p.patientId != :ptId, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2289. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,879| Exiting method savePatient
  2290. INFO - AddressHierarchyUtil.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPatientsWithDateChangedAfter(129) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,880| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for all patients with date changed after Thu Feb 22 10:02:05 PST 2018
  2291. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2292. INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(113) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| In method AddressHierarchyService.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson. Arguments: Person=Patient#2,
  2293. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson(861) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for person Patient#2
  2294. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:1050 Wishard Blvd., a2:RG5, cv:Indianapolis, sp:IN, c:USA, cd:null, nc:null, pc:46202, lat:null, long:null
  2295. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,882| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 4
  2296. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,887| HQL: null, time: 5ms, rows: 1
  2297. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,890| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2298. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,893| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2299. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,895| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2300. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,901| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2301. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,903| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2302. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,905| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2303. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,907| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2304. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,909| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2305. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,924| HQL: null, time: 3ms, rows: 1
  2306. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,927| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2307. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,930| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2308. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,934| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2309. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,936| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2310. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,938| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2311. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,939| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2312. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,941| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2313. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2314. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2315. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,943| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2316. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,949| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2317. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,950| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2318. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,952| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2319. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2320. INFO - AddressHierarchyServiceImpl.updateAddressToEntryMapsForPersonAddress(833) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| Updating AddressToEntryMaps for PersonAddress a1:null, a2:null, cv:null, sp:massachusetts, c:null, cd:suffolk county, nc:jamaica plain, pc:null, lat:null, long:null
  2321. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2322. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,953| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2323. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,971| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 1
  2324. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2325. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2326. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,974| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2327. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,979| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2328. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,983| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2329. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2330. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2331. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,984| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2332. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,989| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2333. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,990| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2334. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,991| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2335. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,993| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2336. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,996| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2337. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:05,998| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2338. HierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@6e0d9d4a, testMethod = updateAddressToEntryMapsForPerson_shouldCreateAddressToEntryMapsEvenIfTopLevelEmpty@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2339. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,203| Began transaction (42): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2340. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,324| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 3ms, rows: 1
  2341. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,325| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2342. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,325| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2343. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,342| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2344. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,343| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2345. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,344| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 2
  2346. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,345| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 0
  2347. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,457| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@2ff2b7a2, testMethod = getAddressHierarchyEntryByLevelAndName_shouldFindAddressHierarchyEntryByLevelAndName@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2348. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.startNewTransaction(272) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,464| Began transaction (43): transaction manager [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager@5a39e554]; rollback [true]
  2349. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,663| HQL: from User u where (u.username = ? or u.systemId = ? or u.systemId = ?) and u.retired = '0', time: 5ms, rows: 1
  2350. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,664| HQL: select password from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2351. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,667| HQL: select salt from users where user_id = ?, time: 0ms, rows: 1
  2352. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,684| HQL: null, time: 1ms, rows: 2
  2353. INFO - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl.queryExecuted(319) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,686| HQL: null, time: 0ms, rows: 5
  2354. INFO - TransactionalTestExecutionListener.endTransaction(292) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,731| Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context [[TestContext@38e46765 testClass = AddressHierarchyServiceTest, locations = array<String>['classpath:applicationContext-service.xml', 'classpath*:TestingApplicationContext.xml', 'classpath*:moduleApplicationContext.xml'], testInstance = org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest@1d3bca62, testMethod = getChildAddressHierarchyEntries_shouldGetChildAddressHierarchyEntries@AddressHierarchyServiceTest, testException = [null]]]
  2355. INFO - AbstractApplicationContext.doClose(1002) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,737| Closing startup date [Thu Feb 22 10:01:18 PST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
  2356. INFO - DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.destroySingletons(422) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,740| Destroying singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator#0,org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor#0,transactionInterceptor,globalLocaleList,clearOpenmrsEventListeners,openmrsEventListeners,serviceContext,context,contextDAO,patientDAO,personDAO,conceptDAO,userDAO,obsDAO,encounterDAO,locationDAO,orderDAO,formDAO,adminDAO,noteDAO,programWorkflowDAO,templateDAO,patientSetDAO,cohortDAO,serializedObjectDAO,datatypeDAO,schedulerDAO,alertDAO,reportDAO,reportObjectDAO,hL7DAO,activeListDAO,visitDAO,providerDAO,patientServiceTarget,personServiceTarget,conceptServiceTarget,userServiceTarget,obsServiceTarget,encounterServiceTarget,locationServiceTarget,orderServiceTarget,formServiceTarget,adminServiceTarget,datatypeServiceTarget,programWorkflowServiceTarget,patientSetServiceTarget,activeListServiceTarget,visitServiceTarget,providerServiceTarget,cohortServiceTarget,schedulerServiceTarget,alertServiceTarget,messageServiceTarget,reportObjectServiceTarget,reportServiceTarget,serializationServiceTarget,dataSetServiceTarget,hL7ServiceTarget,ardenServiceTarget,messageSourceServiceTarget,transactionAttributeSource,mutableResourceBundleMessageSource,patientService,personService,conceptService,userService,obsService,encounterService,locationService,orderService,formService,adminService,datatypeService,programWorkflowService,messageService,patientSetService,cohortService,schedulerService,alertService,reportService,reportObjectService,serializationService,dataSetService,hL7Service,ardenService,messageSourceService,activeListService,visitService,providerService,authorizationInterceptor,loggingInterceptor,requiredDataInterceptor,serviceInterceptors,moduleTestingMappingJarLocations,mappingJarResources,auditableInterceptor,sessionFactory,dbSessionFactory,transactionManager,patientCharacteristicFilterModule,numericObsPatientFilterModule,shortDescriptionProducerModule,personValidator,patientValidator,locationValidator,personNameValidator,patientIdentifierValidator,patientIdentifierTypeValidator,personAttributeTypeValidator,userValidator,roleValidator,privilegeValidator,encounterTypeValidator,conceptClassValidator,conceptDatatypeValidator,formEditValidator,fieldTypeValidator,programValidator,stateConversionValidator,taskValidator,obsValidator,orderValidator,drugOrderValidator,requireNameValidator,conceptDrugValidator,hl7SourceValidator,personAddressValidator,visitTypeValidator,visitAttributeTypeValidator,providerAttributeTypeValidator,encounterValidator,locationAttributeTypeValidator,providerValidator,patientProgramValidator,conceptValidator,personMergeLogValidator,conceptReferenceTermValidator,conceptMapTypeValidator,implementationIdHttpClient,orderEntry.OrderNumberGenerator,openmrsComponent1_8,openmrsProfile1_10,openmrsProfileWithoutTest1Module,listener2,listener1,hl7InErrorListController,hl7InArchiveMigrationController,hl7InQueueListController,hl7InArchiveListController,webSchedulerFormValidator,longFreeTextTextareaHandler,booleanFieldGenDatatypeHandler,longFreeTextFileUploadHandler,dateFieldGenDatatypeHandler,formResourceController,locationAttributeTypeFormController,locationAttributeTypeListController,providerFormController,patientDashboardController,shortPatientFormController,patientDashboardGraphController,coreLoginController,conceptStopWordListController,conceptMapTypeFormController,conceptStopWordFormController,conceptReferenceTermFormController,visitListController,configureVisitsFormController,visitFormController,uncaughtExceptionController,personAttributeTypeListController,encounterRoleFormController,addressTemplateController,hierarchyController,locationTagController,databaseChangesInfoController,settingsController,systemInformationController,currentUsersController,localesAndThemesFormController,userFormController,userListController,changePasswordFormController,localizationController,locationQueryController,customValueController,disabledI18nCache,addressHierarchyLevelValidator,webTestHelper,handlerUtil,schedulerFormValidator,alertValidator,formValidator,orderTypeValidator,baseAttributeValidator,relationshipTypeValidator,testOrderValidator,orderFrequencyValidator,locationTagValidator,drugValidator,HL7SourceValidator,visitValidator,encounterRoleValidator,immutableOrderInterceptor,noVisitAssignmentHandler,requireVoidReasonVoidHandler,patientDataUnvoidHandler,encounterSaveHandler,conceptNameSaveHandler,voidSaveHandler,existingOrNewVisitAssignmentHandler,existingVisitAssignmentHandler,userSaveHandler,patientSaveHandler,baseVoidHandler,conceptReferenceTermSaveHandler,conceptProposalHandler,visitUnvoidHandler,visitVoidHandler,personSaveHandler,conceptSaveHandler,personUnvoidHandler,baseRetireHandler,personVoidHandler,orderSaveHandler,patientDataVoidHandler,baseUnvoidHandler,openmrsObjectSaveHandler,requireVoidReasonSaveHandler,personNameSaveHandler,retireSaveHandler,baseUnretireHandler,freeTextDatatype,longFreeTextDatatype,dateDatatype,regexValidatedTextDatatype,booleanDatatype,exti18n.ExtI18nConfig,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalConfigurationAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalAutowiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalCommonAnnotationProcessor,org.springframework.context.annotation.internalPersistenceAnnotationProcessor,exti18n.addressValuesHibernateInterceptor,exti18n.addressValuesAOPInterceptor,addressHierarchyActivator,serviceContext$child#0,proj001MappingResources,exti18n.TestsMessageSource,serviceContext$child#1,AddressCacheResetSupport,initializeFullAddressCacheTask,initializeFullAddressCacheTimerTask,addressHierarchyTimerFactory,exti18n.ExtI18nService,serviceContext$child#2,exti18n.reverseI18nCache,exti18n.addressHierarchyI18nCache,exti18n.metadataHibernateInterceptor,exti18n.metadataAOPInterceptor,exti18n.metadataLocalizer,exti18n.addressValuesLocalizer,exti18n.globalPropertyListener]; root of factory hierarchy
  2357. INFO - ExecutorConfigurationSupport.shutdown(150) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,741| Shutting down ExecutorService 'addressHierarchyTimerFactory'
  2358. INFO - AbstractSessionFactoryBean.destroy(246) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,752| Closing Hibernate SessionFactory
  2359. INFO - SessionFactoryImpl.close(927) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,752| closing
  2360. INFO - SchemaExport.execute(234) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,752| Running hbm2ddl schema export
  2361. INFO - SchemaExport.execute(262) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,752| exporting generated schema to database
  2362. INFO - SchemaExport.execute(281) |2018-02-22 10:02:07,904| schema export complete
  2363. Tests run: 44, Failures: 3, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 54.215 sec <<< FAILURE!
  2364. getPossibleAddressValues_shouldFindPossibleAddressValues(org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest) Time elapsed: 1.694 sec <<< FAILURE!
  2365. junit.framework.AssertionFailedError
  2366. at
  2367. at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(
  2368. at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(
  2369. at org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest.getPossibleAddressValues_shouldFindPossibleAddressValues(
  2370. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  2371. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2372. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2373. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  2374. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  2375. at
  2376. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  2377. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  2378. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
  2379. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunBeforeTestMethodCallbacks.evaluate(
  2380. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  2381. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks.evaluate(
  2382. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.SpringRepeat.evaluate(
  2383. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  2384. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  2385. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  2386. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  2387. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  2388. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  2389. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  2390. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunBeforeTestClassCallbacks.evaluate(
  2391. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  2392. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunAfterTestClassCallbacks.evaluate(
  2393. at
  2394. at
  2395. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(
  2396. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(
  2397. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(
  2398. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  2399. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2400. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2401. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  2402. at org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray(
  2403. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory$ProviderProxy.invoke(
  2404. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory.invokeProvider(
  2405. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess(
  2406. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main(
  2408. searchAddresses_shouldFindPossibleFullAddressesThatMatchSearchString(org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest) Time elapsed: 0.668 sec <<< FAILURE!
  2409. junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<1> but was:<0>
  2410. at
  2411. at junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(
  2412. at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
  2413. at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
  2414. at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
  2415. at org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest.searchAddresses_shouldFindPossibleFullAddressesThatMatchSearchString(
  2416. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  2417. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2418. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2419. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  2420. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  2421. at
  2422. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  2423. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  2424. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
  2425. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunBeforeTestMethodCallbacks.evaluate(
  2426. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  2427. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks.evaluate(
  2428. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.SpringRepeat.evaluate(
  2429. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  2430. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  2431. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  2432. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  2433. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  2434. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  2435. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  2436. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunBeforeTestClassCallbacks.evaluate(
  2437. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  2438. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunAfterTestClassCallbacks.evaluate(
  2439. at
  2440. at
  2441. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(
  2442. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(
  2443. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(
  2444. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  2445. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2446. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2447. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  2448. at org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray(
  2449. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory$ProviderProxy.invoke(
  2450. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory.invokeProvider(
  2451. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess(
  2452. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main(
  2454. generatePossibleFullAddresses_shouldGeneratePossibleFullAddressesForAddressHierarchyEntry(org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest) Time elapsed: 0.353 sec <<< FAILURE!
  2455. junit.framework.AssertionFailedError
  2456. at
  2457. at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(
  2458. at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(
  2459. at org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest.generatePossibleFullAddresses_shouldGeneratePossibleFullAddressesForAddressHierarchyEntry(
  2460. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  2461. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2462. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2463. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  2464. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  2465. at
  2466. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  2467. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  2468. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
  2469. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunBeforeTestMethodCallbacks.evaluate(
  2470. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  2471. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks.evaluate(
  2472. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.SpringRepeat.evaluate(
  2473. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  2474. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  2475. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  2476. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  2477. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  2478. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  2479. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  2480. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunBeforeTestClassCallbacks.evaluate(
  2481. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  2482. at org.springframework.test.context.junit4.statements.RunAfterTestClassCallbacks.evaluate(
  2483. at
  2484. at
  2485. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(
  2486. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(
  2487. at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(
  2488. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  2489. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2490. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  2491. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  2492. at org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray(
  2493. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory$ProviderProxy.invoke(
  2494. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory.invokeProvider(
  2495. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess(
  2496. at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main(
  2499. Results :
  2501. Failed tests: getPossibleAddressValues_shouldFindPossibleAddressValues(org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest)
  2502. searchAddresses_shouldFindPossibleFullAddressesThatMatchSearchString(org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest): expected:<1> but was:<0>
  2503. generatePossibleFullAddresses_shouldGeneratePossibleFullAddressesForAddressHierarchyEntry(org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy.AddressHierarchyServiceTest)
  2505. Tests run: 44, Failures: 3, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1
  2507. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2508. [INFO] Reactor Summary:
  2509. [INFO]
  2510. [INFO] Address Hierarchy .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.094 s]
  2511. [INFO] Address Hierarchy API .............................. FAILURE [ 59.464 s]
  2512. [INFO] Address Hierarchy OMOD ............................. SKIPPED
  2513. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2515. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2516. [INFO] Total time: 01:00 min
  2517. [INFO] Finished at: 2018-02-22T10:02:08-08:00
  2518. [INFO] Final Memory: 13M/172M
  2519. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2520. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) on project addresshierarchy-api: There are test failures.
  2521. [ERROR]
  2522. [ERROR] Please refer to C:\Users\Samuel34\openmrs-module-addresshierarchy\api\target\surefire-reports for the individual test results.
  2523. [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
  2524. [ERROR]
  2525. [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
  2526. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
  2527. [ERROR]
  2528. [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
  2529. [ERROR] [Help 1]
  2530. [ERROR]
  2531. [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
  2532. [ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :addresshierarchy-api
  2534. Samuel34@DESKTOP-3LEMKTV MINGW64 ~/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy (master)
  2535. $
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