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Jul 5th, 2015
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  1. <center><img title="Intro by KGBeast (Worst HTML ever ~Tailz)" src="" width="480" height="100"><br /><table><tbody><tr><td><center><img title="bug" src="" width="130" height="130"></center></td><td width="130" height="130" /><center><img title="bug" src="" width="130" height="130"></center><center><font color="#12D453"><b>Welcome to Eos's monotype room!</b></font><br /><a class="subtle" href=""><font size="4.5" color="#12D453"><u> EOS League Championship <u></font></a><table cellpadding="4"><tbody><tr><td><br /><button class="broadcast-green" name="send" value="/poll Monotype tier?, regular, uu, ru, nu, lc, random mono, doubles mono, 1v1 mono, stabmons, AAA, c&e, ubers">Tournament Poll</button></center></td><td><img title="bug!" src="" width="130" height="130"></td></tr></tbody></table><font color="#12D453">Our Website</font></a> | <a class="subtle" href=""><font color="#12D453">Share your teams!</font></a> | <a class="subtle" href=""><font color="#12D453">Viability Rankings</font></a><table cellpadding="4"><tbody><tr><td><button name="send" value="/transferbucks lab8moth, 1"><font color="#0F8E3A"><b>Donate 1 Buck</b></font></button> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks lab8moth, 5"><font color="#0F8E3A"><b>Donate 5 Bucks</b></font></button> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks lab8moth, 10"><font color="#0F8E3A"><b>Donate 10 Buck</b></font></button></td></tr></tbody></table></center> <audio src="" controls="" style="width: 100% ; border: 2px solid #ff9900 ; background-color: #00000a" target="_blank"></audio><center><b>Monotype's Official Theme: Pokemon Rap - PokeRAW 2</b><br/>If the music doesn't work 1. Refresh your browser 2. Switch Browsers
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