

May 16th, 2020
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  1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/huge-rep-jim-jordan-calls-pompeo-state-department-release-documents-tying-suspected-whistleblower-eric-ciaramella-hunter-biden-burisma/>>257643629
  2. >Flynn Lawyer's Discovery from Hell
  3. >1. Discovery from Hell…
  4. >https://spectator.org/michael-flynn
  5. >-graymails-the-government/
  6. >2. Read the reply from BMF, explains what they did to Flynn:
  7. >https://thegreggjarrett.com/biden-campaign-responds-to-nsa-unmasking-list-by-personally-attacking-journalist
  8. >I guess Mr. Bates forgot that the Obama/Biden administration leaked the transcript of Flynn's to the NYTs in order have a reason to begin a perjury trap investigation specifically to get Flynn fired or prosecuted, according to the notes of Senior Counsel to James Comey.
  9. >And Comey admitted on a televised interview with regard to how the FBI agents were able to interview Flynn without going through the required protocol when he responded, "I sent them" because I knew I could get away with it.
  10. >What did McCabe mean when he told a small group of FBI leadership, "First we Fk Flynn, then we Fk Trump"? Gee, I just wonder what he meant by that.
  11. >McCabe called Flynn before the FBI agents interviewed him to urge him not to have a lawyer present because it was an "informal interview" when the reality was the Strzok and Pientka goal was to catch Flynn in a lie, which they were unable to do.
  12. >The original 302 is missing and the heavily edited non-original 302 was used to indict Flynn and was created in violation of FBI procedures and rules in drafting and submitting 302's.
  13. >The Flynn 302 was supposed to be completed and entered into the system within 5 days. Why did it take Strzok and Page 3 weeks to create the non-original 302? Couldn't be because it needed to be incriminating because the original 302 would have said Flynn was not being deceptive.
  14. >Why has the FBI refused to allow Agent Pientka to testify for over three years? And why did the FBI transfer Pientka to the west coast when the Strzok Page texts were published?
  17. >>257643680
  18. >Why did the Mueller prosecutors and the FBI withhold exculpatory "Brady" evidence from Flynn's lawyers?
  19. >Why did Van Glack and Flynn's Coveting lawyers agree to a secret deal to have Flynn plea guilty and Flynn was never notified that his own lawyers stabbed him in the back?
  20. >Why did Van Glack resign as the prosecutor immediately after that became public.
  21. >Why did Coveting withhold 6,800 pages of documentation concerning their defense of Flynn?
  22. >Why didn't the Coveting lawyers demand to see the transcript of the conversation between Flynn and Kislyak? After all, it was that conversation that was at the heart of the Flynn case.
  23. >Why was Flynn under surveillance with a FISA warrant BEFORE the conversation with Kislyak? Flynn was a 3 star General with over 30 years of honorable service. What was it that the FBI felt a need to spy on Flynn immediately after the election? Could if be that once Flynn became DNI that he would soon discover the coup to remove Trump and therefore the Obama administration needed to pull out all the stops to prevent Flynn from becoming the DNI?
  24. >Why was Obama discussing the Flynn conversation on Jan 5, 2017? Didn't Obama claim that he never once involved himself in any FBI investigation. Why during that meeting with Sally Yates, Joe Biden, James Comey, and Obama did Comey suggest that Flynn could be charged with violating the Logan Act when no one had ever been successfully prosecuted under that act since 1799?
  25. >Why were Yates, Biden, Comey, and Obama discussing prosecuting Flynn 19 days BEFORE Strzok and Page illegally interviewed Flynn in the WH?
  26. >Why is Judge Sullivan violating just about every judicial norm after DOJ dropped the Flynn case? There are no prosecutors left, there is overwhelming evidence of misconduct of the prosecutors and the FBI. What good are the Amicus briefs from Lawfare going to do went there are no prosecutors?
  28. >>257643709
  29. >Why did Sullivan accept Flynn plea when no material facts/evidence had been presented by Van Glack as required before any judge can accept a guilty plea?
  30. >They never thought that she would lose, and when she did, they had to find a way to stop Flynn and Trump from finding out that Obama had been spying on the Trump team since at least early 2016 when Misfud tried to frame Papadopolous and then in April when Downer claimed that during drinks in a London bar Papadopolous mentioned the Russian's had Hillary's emails, and then again in August when the FBI tried to entrap Papadopolous using Halper and an undercover FBI/CIA agent.
  31. >When they failed to frame Papadopolous and Carter Page, their insurance plan may have been to prevent Flynn and Trump from taking office.
  32. >This entire Flynn matter smells to high heaven from A to Z as a set up to frame Flynn from the day after the 2016 election.
  33. >Apologies for the long post, but it's complicated and a lot of people are still asleep about what has been going on for more than four years.
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