Guest User

Cosmic Chest Config.yml

a guest
Oct 16th, 2017
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  1. chestItem:
  2. name: "&7&lStarter chest &7(Right click!)"
  3. item: "CHEST"
  4. enchanted: false
  5. lore:
  6. - "&fThis is a custom lore"
  7. - "&aIt's &bvery &cbeautiful"
  9. permissionRequired: false
  10. chestSize: 3
  11. quickOpen: false
  12. noDuplicates: false
  14. selectionMenu:
  15. name: "Starter chest: Welcome"
  16. selectCount: 4
  17. icons:
  18. notSelected:
  19. name: "&f&l???"
  20. display: "CHEST"
  21. enchanted: false
  22. lore:
  23. - "&7Choose 4 mystery chests, and"
  24. - "&7your loot will be revealed."
  25. selected:
  26. name: "&f&l???"
  27. display: "THIN_GLASS"
  28. enchanted: false
  29. lore:
  30. - "&7You have selected this mystery chest."
  31. sounds:
  32. select:
  33. sound: "ORB_PICKUP"
  34. volume: 1
  35. pitch: 1
  37. shufflingMenu:
  38. name: "Starter chest: Shuffling..."
  39. animation: "DEFAULT"
  40. settings:
  41. keepRewardsPositions: false
  42. animationSpeed: 2
  43. sounds:
  44. shuffle1:
  45. sound: "ORB_PICKUP"
  46. volume: 1
  47. pitch: 0.5
  48. shuffle2:
  49. sound: "CLICK"
  50. volume: 1
  51. pitch: 0.5
  53. rewardsMenu:
  54. name: "Starter chest: Rewards"
  55. sounds:
  56. takereward:
  57. sound: "LEVEL_UP"
  58. volume: 1
  59. pitch: 1
  60. closeCommands:
  61. - "say %p Just opened an Starter Crate !"
  63. tiers:
  64. normal:
  65. name: "&7Normal tier"
  66. display: "STAINED_GLASS_PANE 7"
  67. enchanted: false
  68. chance: 80
  69. lore:
  70. - "&7This is the normal tier"
  71. common:
  72. name: "&fCommon tier"
  73. display: "STAINED_GLASS_PANE 0"
  74. enchanted: false
  75. chance: 20
  76. lore:
  77. - "&fBetter than Normal Tier but commonly found"
  78. uncommon:
  79. name: "&fUnCommon tier"
  80. display: "STAINED_GLASS_PANE 0"
  81. enchanted: false
  82. chance: 20
  83. lore:
  84. - "&fBetter than UnCommon Tier"
  85. mythical:
  86. name: "&5Mythical tier"
  87. display: "STAINED_GLASS_PANE 0"
  88. enchanted: false
  89. chance: 10
  90. lore:
  91. - "&fRare and more op than UnCommon"
  92. legendary:
  93. name: "&6Legendary tier"
  94. display: "STAINED_GLASS_PANE 0"
  95. enchanted: false
  96. chance: 5
  97. lore:
  98. - "&fLegendary tier very rare most op"
  100. rewards:
  101. Crate:
  102. tier: "uncommon"
  103. chance: 50
  104. name: "&bCrate Key x1"
  105. display: "DIAMOND"
  106. enchanted: false
  107. lore:
  108. - "&71 crate key"
  109. rewards:
  110. consolecommands:
  111. - "crate give %p Crate 1"
  112. 25tokens:
  113. tier: "common"
  114. chance: 60
  115. name: "&725 &e&lTokens!"
  116. display: "GRAY_DYE"
  117. enchanted: false
  118. lore:
  119. - "&725 tokens"
  120. rewards:
  121. consolecommands:
  122. - "tokens add %p 25"
  123. 50tokens:
  124. tier: "uncommon"
  125. chance: 30
  126. name: "&750 &e&lTokens!"
  127. display: "GRAY_DYE"
  128. enchanted: false
  129. lore:
  130. - "&750 tokens"
  131. rewards:
  132. consolecommands:
  133. - "tokens add %p 50"
  134. 100tokens:
  135. tier: "mythical"
  136. chance: 25
  137. name: "&7100 &e&lTokens!"
  138. display: "GRAY_DYE"
  139. enchanted: false
  140. lore:
  141. - "&71000 tokens"
  142. rewards:
  143. consolecommands:
  144. - "tokens add %p 100"
  145. Legendarykey:
  146. tier: "legendary"
  147. chance: 60
  148. name: "&6Legendary Key!"
  149. display: "GOLD_INGOT"
  150. enchanted: false
  151. lore:
  152. - "&71 Legendary Key"
  153. rewards:
  154. consolecommands:
  155. - "crate give %p Legendary 1"
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