
Resilient Session 12

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. ResilientGM Gilliam: "These are it. Erm..." he looks closely at the tag, wiping it on his lapel to remove the blood. "Laski... Private. Here you are, chief" he hands Yonova the tags recovered from the pair of troopers turned to pulp by the autocannon.
  2. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Stupid kid."
  3. Kass_Yonova "Karma's a bitch..." Kass comments as he takes the tag from Gilliam. "Nothing but giblets, Emperor rest 'em both."
  4. Willus "Do not speak so ill of ze dead. They listen to the vords of those who still breath, you know!"
  5. Kass_Yonova "The Emperor Protects, Willus." Kass makes the sign of the aquila.
  6. Willus takes his rifle, rubbing away some of the dirt and grime of recent scrap. His eyes, ringed by black, continue to scan the enviroment as he leads from the front. "Aye, He protects us all."
  7. Mathias_Ferrus "He does offer more protection to those who protect themselves, though. So we should go do that and see to reaching that convoy."
  8. ResilientGM Volgin: "Sergeant, about that convoy..."
  9. Mathias_Ferrus "Yes?"
  10. ResilientGM "With respect, sergeant, Prithian tactics advise against infantry taking on armored formations unsupported."
  11. Kass_Yonova "Do we have any support?" Kass pauses a moment before continuing. "That isn't air-strikes or valkyries?"
  12. Willus "You ain't unsupported, young 'un. Youz got me, and youz got Jowalis. We can take them, easy. Juss like shootin' grox."
  13. Mathias_Ferrus "Wait. What kind of armor would we be facing?"
  14. ResilientGM "I know only as much as you, Sergeant."
  15. Kass_Yonova "We do have Krak grenades, Sarge."
  16. Victrus_Macharius "Well we got the Heavy Bolter. It might be able to penetrate the armor."
  17. Animus "I'm fairly useless against armor."
  18. Willus "It may not be enough. Hide made of metal is tough, so we must hunt with a bigger gun." Willus frowns and looks at his lasgun, balancing it in his hand. "Scheisse...we may be in trouble."
  19. Mathias_Ferrus "Well, for now, let's head over to an ambush spot. We'll set up and when we see them we'll decide on letting them go or hitting them. Damn, I wish that autocannon hadn't been destroyed."
  20. Willus "I shall lead ze way, herr sergeant. Try to keep up."
  21. Mathias_Ferrus follows the Jaeger.
  22. Animus follows Mathias
  23. Victrus_Macharius follows
  24. Gru_Persay follows.
  25. Kass_Yonova follows along with the squad, bringing up the rear.
  26. Willus confidently leads the way, his comrade Jowalis staying close behind him. He draws his cloak closely around him as he quietly marches forward. He occasionally takes a peek through his pair of magnoculars. "Head on a swivel, you southern soft-bellies."
  27. Animus "I'm not from the south."
  28. Kass_Yonova Kass remains viligant as he follows the squad.
  29. Victrus_Macharius looks over to Koeln, "Hey, Koeln."
  30. Willus "Shut up, witch. If youz give away our position again, I vill bleed you like a Gamberschmidt and leave you for ze heretics to find."
  31. Animus "A little hostile huh?"
  32. ResilientGM [Willus]: A couple of blocks away, atop a semi-collapsed building, some 50 meters tall, you spot the silhouette of at least two armed men apparently switching watch.
  33. Willus bites his tongue and raises his clenched fist. He drops to a crouch.
  34. ResilientGM Jowalis mirrors his comrade's position.
  35. Willus "EI, two, 50m, 11 o'clock, high."
  36. Willus brings his magnoculars to his eyes and zooms in on the two distant figures.
  37. ResilientGM The men are indeed armed, but not uniformed.
  38. Mathias_Ferrus stops and leads the rest of the squad into some cover. +Hey, Willus, think you can sneak up and neutralize them quietly?+
  39. ResilientGM A small group of them joins the first two, dragging yet another behind.
  40. Animus "I could have one kill the other."
  41. Victrus_Macharius follows Ferrus
  42. Willus "I doubt it. I stick one, the other vill no doubt find me."
  43. Animus attempts to see into the mind of one of the men
  44. ResilientGM (Animus): Your senses and those of your target become one, the transition is uncomfortable, as it always has been, but soon you see the world through their eyes.
  45. ResilientGM (Animus): You can hear yourself say, "You've lost control. The liberation has arrived, and your world is finished!" He motions with his arm to the corner on the rooftop, and his comrades drag the pleading prisoner towards it.
  46. ResilientGM (Animus): Then you spot it. The prisoner has the markings of the secessionists. Though in tatters, the uniform is unmistakably that of the enemy.
  47. Willus continues watching them, silently. "They'ze got a prisoner, unt zey seem to be bringing him to ze roof. Orders, herr sergeant?"
  48. Animus "The prisoner over there is a secessionist. The other men claims they have lost control."
  49. Animus "They also claim to be their 'liberation'."
  50. ResilientGM The man is dragged to the very edge, and is pushed over. You can hear him screaming for his life all the way down, until he viciously "bounces" on the unforgiving ground below.
  51. Mathias_Ferrus "Hmm...Animus, you are coming with me. Let's see what they are up to. The rest of you, set up positions in case things get rough."
  52. Animus "If you insist."
  53. ResilientGM Koeln: "You heard him, witch. Let's go."
  54. Victrus_Macharius "Yes Sir"
  55. Willus "Jawohl, herr sergeant. If any of ye have a longer rifle, I'z could put it to good use here."
  56. Mathias_Ferrus "Actually, just him and myself, Koeln."
  57. ResilientGM Koeln: "Sergeant, my orders are to keep the witch within sight at all times."
  58. Mathias_Ferrus "Then you better be a good shoot with a lasgun."
  59. ResilientGM Koeln: "Sergeant... for your safety and that of the mission, I must insist on coming with you."
  60. Kass_Yonova "Roger that, sarge." Kass finds some rubble to take cover behind and goes prone behind it.
  61. Willus "Ze man iz right, sergeant. We cannot trust ze witch." Willus, a little agitated, rolls over to face his commander.
  62. Victrus_Macharius "Hey Willus take this Longlas I got." Victrus says as he hands Willus the Longlas and the three charge packs for it.
  63. Animus "Insubordinate."
  64. ResilientGM Koeln: "Quiet, /you!" he hisses.
  65. Animus mocks fear
  66. Gru_Persay commands the multitask servitor to assist with moving the Heavy Bolter. Gru commands combat servitor to guard the Heavy Bolter and Punchy to stay at his side.
  67. Willus takes the Long Las, checking the various power settings, the saftey, and how secure the charge pack is. "Ah, perfect! Thank ye, junger mann, Emperor be with you!"
  68. Mathias_Ferrus "Fine, but don't start anything."
  69. Victrus_Macharius "Same with you," as he returns to moves the Heavy Bolter.
  70. Willus goes about adjusting the sight, and he peers down the scope. With a wave of a hand and a tacit command, Jowalis drops besides him and begins to spot for him.
  71. Animus "Great, I thought I was going to have some fun on this trip."
  72. Mathias_Ferrus walks towards the apparent loyalists, making sure to stay near cover.
  73. Animus follows glumly
  74. Willus tracks the waking pair in his scope before scanning the windows and rooftops.
  75. ResilientGM As you approach the building, you hear a few calls from inside.
  76. ResilientGM (Willus): You spot several people approach the windows. Soon, most windows are manned by the garrisoned men.
  77. Kass_Yonova Kass tracks the sarge with his lasgun, covering him.
  78. Willus ++Sergeant, contacts all over ze windows. Rifles at ze ready too. BE. VERY. CAREFUL.++ Willus whispers over the vox, keeping his rifle pointed at a random militiaman.
  79. ResilientGM A lasbolt is fired near you, though far enough that it poses no real threat.
  80. Animus +Thanks for the heads up, I got one out of three words.+
  81. ResilientGM "HALT WHERE YOU STAND!"
  82. Animus stops
  83. Mathias_Ferrus stops and slowly raises his hands. "Parley?!"
  85. Animus raises hands
  86. ResilientGM Koeln: "Sergeant... give the order. Make the Jaeger /do/ something!" the trooper is clearly agitated.
  87. ResilientGM "COMING BACK TO YOUR FRIENDS, ARE YOU?!" the calls continue, echoing around you though the source remains hidden.
  88. Mathias_Ferrus "Just raise your hands, Koeln."
  89. ResilientGM Koeln reluctantly and slowly raises his hands.
  90. Willus ++I take ze shot, ze sergeant gets filled with holes. Let 'im parley!++
  91. Mathias_Ferrus "This is no way to have a talk. Why don't you send someone over?!"
  92. Kass_Yonova "Shit, at least when I attempted this I knew they were friendly."
  93. Victrus_Macharius watches from behind the bolter
  95. Willus motions for his comrade to take a smoke grenade out of his pack and ready it. "Lob it if things go the way of Blautzdorf, ja?"
  96. Mathias_Ferrus "We are with the Imperial Guard, can't you identfiy our uniforms!"
  97. ResilientGM "WHO IS YOUR COMMANDER?!"
  98. ResilientGM Koeln: "Sergeant... I don't like this."
  99. Animus "Just be calm for once, I'd rather not die."
  100. Mathias_Ferrus "I'm not in the liberty to say! For Thrones sake! Can we do this not at gunpoint?"
  101. ResilientGM "At ease!" a voice calls from a position much closer to you.
  102. ResilientGM A trooper in a ragged PDF uniform approaches you, the markings of a Sergeant.
  103. Mathias_Ferrus notices the uniform. "Didn't expect to see any PDF forces still standing."
  104. ResilientGM "Sergeant, I'm happy to see you, but I'm sorry to say I'm not impressed. Liberation normally consists of more than an NCO, a boy, and his pet Psyker."
  105. Animus frowns
  106. ResilientGM Koeln: "Trooper, you undisciplined rabble!"
  107. Animus facepalms
  108. Willus eases his finger off the trigger as he visibly sees tension start to dissolve. to me. Who iz dat man?++
  109. Mathias_Ferrus "Well, we are just a scouting party, Sergeant." He then offers his hand. "Matthias Ferrus, Prithian 79th."
  110. ResilientGM "Melvin Sonder, 33rd Larros PDF" he shakes your hand.
  111. Mathias_Ferrus "So, mind telling your boys to put the guns away. I'll do the same and then we can talk."
  112. Animus "And this is Keoln, our lead negotiator."
  113. Willus "Looks like zees ruffians are friendly," Willus says to Jowalis. "Keep me keyed in, juss in case, comrade."
  114. ResilientGM Sonder: "I'm surprised you're still alive with a toddler for a representative" he chuckles. "Come inside, Sergeant. Your men, too. We don't have much, but we share what we can."
  115. ResilientGM Jowalis: "Jawohl, Kamerad."
  116. Victrus_Macharius "Well this seems to be going well so far," Victrus says to Arthur
  117. ResilientGM Arthur: "I'd feel more comfortable if we had the bolter trained at the building."
  118. ResilientGM (Ferrus): You can, by intuition, sense a refreshing amount of sincerity. Surely, this war has been brutal to these men, and the sight of friendly forces comes as a visible relief to the old sergeant.
  119. Victrus_Macharius "Yea. something is still bothering me about this." he says to Arthur.
  120. ResilientGM Gilliam: "And now we get to waste resources on their wounded. Bet you a pack of lho sticks, Yonova."
  121. Mathias_Ferrus turns around and waves his men over. "These guys are okay!"
  122. Willus tries to stay hidden, but his rustling camo cloak seems to make it quite clear that he is opting to stay outside and keep marksman cover over his comrades.
  123. Animus gives a sigh of relief
  124. Kass_Yonova "Considering we now have three First-Aid kits, which I'm sure you took all the Isopropyl from the last one for your needs, we could spare some of the supplies."
  125. ResilientGM Koeln mumbles to himself, "...not a child..."
  126. Kass_Yonova "Besides, safety in numbers, no?"
  127. Gru_Persay walks toward the Sergeant with his servitors.
  128. Kass_Yonova Kass pats Gilliam on the back as he gets up from his prone position.
  129. Victrus_Macharius gets up and follows Gru with the heavy bolter in tow
  130. ResilientGM Sonder: "How ugly does it look?"
  131. Mathias_Ferrus "Pardon?"
  132. ResilientGM Sonder: "Can't say I have a way to stay well-informed out here. Has the Imperium had success in retaking the planet?"
  133. Mathias_Ferrus "The retaking is underway. Part of our mission out here is to find and report Loyalists, even."
  134. Animus mumbles something about friendly fire and civilians
  135. ResilientGM Sonder: "There's a few of us, aye. But we haven't got much to work with. We take from where we can. Understand, where I once had a squad of soldiers, I now have civilians with hardly any experience. It's been hell, sergeant."
  136. Kass_Yonova Kass approaches the Sarge and his new found friends, keeping his lasgun in a eased grip.
  137. Mathias_Ferrus "Well, hopefully command will have something to spare for your lot. Listen, we were asked to intercept an enemy convoy nearby, do you guys know anything about that?"
  138. Willus ++Lookin' clear out here, sergeant. Jowalis unt I will keep our eyes open, our ears clean, and our minds pure. Willus out++. Willus taps the commbead in his ear and goes back to overwatch.
  139. ResilientGM Sonder: "Rillegh, no doubt. He's been making his rounds less frequently. I know because our supplies have been short," he gives a quick smile.
  140. Mathias_Ferrus "Well, seems like we can work together on this. What do you guys have to work with? And what's the size of them?"
  141. ResilientGM Sonder: "We have a few bands blocking his alternate routes. We'll be funneling him..." he reaches into a pocket and reveals a map "right... along... this avenue. It ends in a tunnel entrance, you see," he points.
  142. Mathias_Ferrus leans in to look at the map, carefully studying it. "I suppose we can intercept at the entrance."
  143. ResilientGM Sonder: "It will be a rare occasion if he himself is leading the convoy, though. And I'm afraid I have no intel on the matter."
  144. Kass_Yonova "He the type to hide in a hole?"
  145. Mathias_Ferrus "Well, maybe we could spare a microbead or two and have your guys tell us what we are facing when they approach."
  146. Mathias_Ferrus "Also, we have a medic with us. In case you have any wounded."
  147. ResilientGM Sondern: "If he's in command, and I do mean /if/, we'll know it. He has standing orders to eliminate any resistance, and won't flee. Nor will he hide in that hole, mind.... he'll use it to funnel our own forces and take us out."
  148. Mathias_Ferrus "Well, maybe we could spare a microbead or two and have your guys tell us what we are facing when they approach."
  149. Mathias_Ferrus "Also, we have a medic with us. In case you have any wounded."
  150. ResilientGM Sondern: "If he's in command, and I do mean /if/, we'll know it. He has standing orders to eliminate any resistance, and won't flee. Nor will he hide in that hole, mind.... he'll use it to funnel our own forces and take us out."
  151. ResilientGM (Willus): You spot a squad running towards the garrisoned forces.
  152. ResilientGM "Sergeant! We've got runners approaching!"
  153. Willus ++Herr sergeant, we've got company. One squad.++ Growls Willus over the commbead, as he readjusts his sights. ++Might wanna grab your rifles, Sehr Geehrte Herren.++
  154. ResilientGM Sondern: "Give me a moment, Ferrus. That's a report coming in."
  155. ResilientGM The PDF sergeant walks back outside to meet the 'runners'.
  156. Mathias_Ferrus "Want us to set up in case they are hostile?"
  157. ResilientGM "That won't be necessary!" he yells back on his way out. He waits outside, and they approach. They salute the sergeant, and give their reports. Some are messages from other squads, others are just known enemy movements.
  158. ResilientGM Sondern records the information on paper, gives them a salute, and they enter the building to receive water and rest.
  159. ResilientGM Vorgen: "Sergeant, if I may..."
  160. Mathias_Ferrus "Yes, Vorgen?"
  161. ResilientGM Vorgen: "Can you confirm they are loyalists? If so... we do have orders to send a report."
  162. Mathias_Ferrus nods. "I'll send the report in a few moments, just need to check a few things."
  163. Mathias_Ferrus then takes a quick look around the building.
  164. Animus "Sergeant Sondern."
  165. ResilientGM At that, Sondern returns, with a quickened pace. "Everybody ready up! The son of a bitch is ahead of schedule. Teams, you know your positions, main force with me on the tunnel. I want all the remaining charges with me, and ready to plant on the tunnel entrance! 10 minutes!"
  166. ResilientGM "What is it, Psyker?"
  167. Animus "Have you had any encounters with enemy Psykers?"
  168. ResilientGM "Only heard reports and rumors. Nothing I've encountered on the field myself. Lucius, however... I have no doubt the bastard toys with powers of the warp."
  169. Animus "Alright, I'll be vigilant."
  170. Victrus_Macharius "Hey Koeln, you need a pair of Magnoculars?"
  171. ResilientGM Koeln: "Is this a trick?"
  172. Victrus_Macharius "What? I was just asking if you want these for now?"
  173. ResilientGM As the militiamen gather around and ready themselves, you realize most of their weapons are Dominate-patterns.
  174. ResilientGM Mostly lasguns, and a few solid-projectile weapons, they are by no means a uniform force.
  175. Mathias_Ferrus "Vorgen, report it in." He says as he readies his lasgun. "Alright, we are gonna help the good Sergeant and his men on this gig."
  176. Gru_Persay is disgusted at the sight of heretical weaponry.
  177. ResilientGM "Yes, sergeant."
  178. Kass_Yonova "Something the matter, Gru?"
  179. Victrus_Macharius tries to give Koeln the Magnoculats.
  180. Gru_Persay "Machinery tainted with heretical markings... it is revolting."
  181. ResilientGM ++Ferrus, report. Lieutenant Stannis here.++
  182. Willus approaches the squad, longlas in hand. His belly is covered in dirt and grime, and he wipes it away with wide brushes of his calloused hand. "I get ze feeling we're moving out. What is the situation, southerner soft-bellies?"
  183. Kass_Yonova simply shrugs. Cog-boys.
  184. Animus calls from over his shoulder "Not from the south."
  185. Kass_Yonova "We're going on a hunt, Willus. A hunt of the most dangerous kind."
  186. Gru_Persay lights a candle and places it in the Incense burner. Gru starts praying in binary.
  187. Mathias_Ferrus ++This is Ferrus here. We found some Loyalists. They are being led by a Sergeant Sonder from what remains of the PDF. 33rd Larros. We are going to work with them to hit an enemy convoy.++
  188. ResilientGM ++Convoy? Can you confirm it's your target?++
  189. ResilientGM ++Is it Rillegh?++
  190. Mathias_Ferrus ++Going from what we've heard, yes.++
  191. ResilientGM ++Intel must be off... several hours off. Proceed with target, and report in when you confirm the Logistics Major is dead.++
  192. Mathias_Ferrus ++Understood, Ferrus out.++
  193. Victrus_Macharius "Find then Koeln, keep being a blind child then," as he puts away the Magnoculars.
  194. ResilientGM Koeln: "Go back to overcompensating with that bolter, moron."
  195. ResilientGM Sonder: "Are your men ready, Sergeant?"
  196. Animus "Girl girls, you're both pretty."
  197. Victrus_Macharius "Yes I will, with you mom."
  198. Gru_Persay "Sergeant, making the children stop fighting."
  199. ResilientGM Sonder shoots a look at Macharius.
  200. Kass_Yonova "Children, behave yourselves or I'll knock you both out, you're Guardsmen for Emperor's sake."
  201. Mathias_Ferrus grins. "Nah, it's good so far."
  202. Willus "Settle this matter with fists, bitte! I don't want a bunch of quarrelling children spooking our prey with their scurrilous shenanigans!"
  203. Kass_Yonova Kass pulls out one of his tranq syringes.
  204. Victrus_Macharius walk away
  205. ResilientGM Sonder: "Listen to your corporal, troopers. This is unbecoming of Imperial guardsmen... my civilian militia is better-disciplined than this."
  206. Animus "And you people say I'M unruly."
  207. Victrus_Macharius "Understood Kass"
  208. ResilientGM Sonder: "I'll leave you to it, Sergeant, but we're moving out."
  209. Willus "You stay out of Prithian matters, untermensch. My comrades should never suffer ze shame of having a glorified enforcer-man acting all condescending-like!"
  210. Animus "Contender number three enters the fray."
  211. Mathias_Ferrus "Alright, that's enough!"
  212. ResilientGM Sonder: "And if need be, we have collars and restraints!" he says on his way out.
  213. Kass_Yonova "I can sort of see why you're killing your taste-buds Gilliam." Kass sighs as he puts the syringe away.
  214. ResilientGM You hear the tell-tale sound of a Valkyrie's engines flying around.
  215. Kass_Yonova "Feck me, not again!"
  216. ResilientGM Soon, it comes into view. One of its engines is engulfed in flames, the pilot maneuvering wildly, desperately trying to calm the flames.
  217. Willus looks around, confused and grumpy. "What is ze matter dis time?"
  218. Victrus_Macharius "Well this is going to end well."
  219. Mathias_Ferrus approaches Kass. "And this is supposed to be the template for future Prithian regiments, huh? Truly the best we have to off-" He's cut off by the sound of the engines. "Somebody get a closer look at that Valk!"
  220. ResilientGM Sonder: "On the double, Militia! Stay near cover, move! Move!"
  221. ResilientGM Slowly, the flames advance to consume more of the body of the Valkyrie.
  222. Willus "She's a goner. Better put zis one out of its misery, ja?"
  223. Kass_Yonova "Not everyone is perfect, as I'm sure you've seen so far, Sarge."
  224. Willus shoulders his rifle and points it at the flaming vehicle. "Pow!" He says before letting out a grating laugh that's as rough as his exterior. He pretends to fire off a shot.
  225. ResilientGM The Valkyrie begins a steep climb, then.
  226. Mathias_Ferrus "Vorgen, get me Stannis on the line." ++Sir, this is Ferrus again. Did the navy have any Valks flying around the operation area? We are looking at one going down right now. Please advise.++
  227. Willus "Still got some fight left in ya, don't youz Mr. Fire Bird?" Willus looks on, fascinated, at the flaming wreck. "If we want to rescue ze survivors, we should get moving now. That is, of course, assuming zere is survivors, haw haw!"
  228. ResilientGM ++Not that I'm aware of, Sergeant, no. They don't plan on sending anything out here until they're sure we have some holding on the damned place.++
  229. Animus "I could try and quell the flames, but it would be extremely difficult."
  230. Gru_Persay a single oily tear runs out his face at the sight of the burning vessel.
  231. Mathias_Ferrus "Cna you do that?"
  232. ResilientGM As it gains altitude, the flames begin to quell, and the Valkyrie stalls, dropping altitude quickly.
  233. Animus "Once it gets closer of course."
  234. Mathias_Ferrus "I still need some magnoculars on that bird! Need to find out if it's friendly or not."
  235. Kass_Yonova "Great sideshow and all, Sarge, but shouldn't we be going with the milita?"
  236. Victrus_Macharius put on the magnoculars
  237. ResilientGM Volgin: "Emperor be with him... it's like I'm in there, too. He's desperate..."
  238. Mathias_Ferrus ++Understood, Ferrus out.++ "Alright, let's follow the militia for now. Worst case scenario, we send a scouting party towards the crash site."
  239. Animus "Alright team lets move out!" he says with enthusiasm
  240. Victrus_Macharius "Yep, that bird got the Imperial Navy insignia on it."
  241. ResilientGM The pilot pulls out of the dive, and levels his flyer, but dangerously low.
  242. Mathias_Ferrus lights up as he walks with the militia. "Hey, Vorgen, can't you try to reach it?"
  243. ResilientGM "Scanning frequencies now, Sergeant."
  244. Willus nods as he prepares to move out.
  245. Animus "Koeln, how is your military experience turning out?"
  246. ResilientGM ++Engine 1 lost... losing power. Valkyrie lost.++ the calm with which the voice reports the demise of the flight is unnerving.
  247. ResilientGM ++Valkyrie lost... Going down along major avenue...++
  248. ResilientGM Koeln's attention is fixed on the Vaklyrie above.
  249. Kass_Yonova "Trooper Koeln! Move out!"
  250. ResilientGM Koeln: "He's burning alive..."
  251. Gru_Persay "There's nothing we can do."
  252. Willus "...Other than get out ze way."
  253. ResilientGM ++Flames in cabin... putting her down... attempting... Emperor be wi--++ the transmission cuts off as he clips one of the buildings and hurls to the ground like a brick along the avenue you're advancing on.
  254. ResilientGM Sonder: "Everybody down! Into cover!"
  255. Kass_Yonova "Hit the dirt!"
  256. Mathias_Ferrus "Everyone get to cover!"
  257. Animus hits the deck
  258. Victrus_Macharius finds the nearest cover
  259. Kass_Yonova Kass dives through a blown out wall into cover.
  260. Willus dives to the ground, arms over his head. "Scheisse! Vater, protect your humble son! Aieee!"
  261. Gru_Persay dives to the ground.
  262. Gru_Persay "By the Omnissiah, not this nonsense again."
  263. ResilientGM (Animus): The flames are... unnatural. Your recent experimentation into pyromancy tell you as much... a much more powerful Psyker, but a psyker no doubt, caused the spontaneous combustion at such a distance.
  264. Animus goes white
  265. Animus "Those flames aren't...natural."
  266. Animus "A very powerful Psyker is around."
  267. ResilientGM The Valkyrie finally rolls on its side and finally crash-lands. It drags along for about 30 meters before coming to a halt, the cabin engulfed in flames.
  268. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Master of the skies..."
  269. Mathias_Ferrus "Can't you do something about that fire!"
  270. Animus "I can try."
  271. ResilientGM Sonder: "Shit! He's still alive! Go, go!" he commands his men
  272. Kass_Yonova Kass dashes out of cover towards the wreck, "move your ass Gilliam!"
  273. Willus rises to his feet, staring at the burning hulk. "Zis...zis is sorcery? God Emperor help us... I did not think it possible, but as surely as hair grows on the Gamberschmidt I see zat now."
  274. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Fffffuck...."
  275. Animus runs within range of the burning cabin
  276. Mathias_Ferrus "Get him out of there!"
  277. Willus rushes in to aid, undoing his camo cloak.
  278. ResilientGM As you approach, you can hear his screams, he hits the glass canopy as hard as he can, his hands bleeding with every hit.
  279. ResilientGM Animus is surrounded by a ghostly gust, and the cabin's flames are quelled.
  280. Gru_Persay runs over to the downed vessel.
  281. Kass_Yonova +Get over here Gru! Haul your metal ass!+
  282. Animus takes a knee, clearly winded
  283. Kass_Yonova "Gilliam prep the kit."
  284. Animus +Nailed it.+
  285. Gru_Persay commands his servitors to follow.
  286. ResilientGM The servitors follow closely behind.
  287. Willus rushes over as well, on standby to help out in anyway he can. He is muttering guttural prayers to the God-Emperor, trying to stay focused. "Jowalis, search for a clearing. We might have to fly zis guy outta here. Move, now!"
  288. ResilientGM "Jawohl!" he darts out.
  289. Mathias_Ferrus tries to use his poor weather gear as some insulation in order to pop the hatch open.
  290. Victrus_Macharius gets up, +Animus, you said there was an enemy Psyker?+
  291. Animus +Yes, stronger than I.+ He seems very serious
  292. Victrus_Macharius +Shit+ turns turns to Arthur, "Keep your guard up we got to keep an eye out for anything now."
  293. Gru_Persay tries to open the cockpit, but fails.
  294. Mathias_Ferrus hisses as some of the heat reaches his hands just as he manages to release the hatch. The canopy quickly pops open and he quickly jumps into action in getting the pilot out. Trying to be careful not to injure the pilot further.
  295. ResilientGM The pilot climbs out, his fists bloody and ruined, third-degree burns on the back and side of his face, his uniform still alight. He eerily struggles to walk towards the psyker. He tries to speak, but a rasping noise comes out instead - the damage to his throat extensive. He gets within 4 meters of Animus, and collapses.
  296. Animus moves into a defensive stance
  297. Mathias_Ferrus then tries to put out the last few flames before looking at Kass. "Think you can do anything for him?"
  298. Kass_Yonova Kass, with Gilliam's help, puts the man onto his poor weather gear and carries the man clear of the wreckage. After setting him down he starts to give the man treatment.
  299. Willus looks at the burned man, and then at the pysker. He says nothing, but his glare growls a tacit threat to the man. "Is he dead?"
  300. Kass_Yonova shakes his head. "The man is too far gone. All I can do is ease his pain in his final moments. "
  301. Kass_Yonova "He is close to death." Kass sighs. "Nasty way to go."
  302. Mathias_Ferrus frowns but nods. "Do what you can for him, then. Sergeant Sonder, how much time do we have left?"
  303. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Damned ugly..."
  304. ResilientGM Sonder: "To tell the truth, we have no time to waste."
  305. Willus "Herr sergeant, shall I start scouting ahead then? Let ze men finish this...buisness?"
  306. Kass_Yonova deposits the pilot in one of the ruined buildings, with Gilliam's help. He makes sure the man is as comfortable as possible, giving him an extra does of painkillers, and then rejoins the squad. He makes a silent prayer to the Emperor for the pilot's soul.
  307. Victrus_Macharius "Mathias, I think we're on high alert now, no telling were the other Psyker is at."
  308. ResilientGM (Animus): All you gather is shock, pain, and the dreadful struggle to stay alive. The man was incredibly skilled, and while the flames did abate, they appeared to suddenly revive after he climbed. His mind was consumed with fear and then pain, not much useful information can be gathered beyond that. Simply the trauma of these, his last few moments.
  309. Animus grimaces with empathy and states "No useful information."
  310. Mathias_Ferrus "Alright, Fireteam Altmnann, secure this crash site. Keep me informed if anyone comes looking for it. Willus, yes, you get to scout ahead. Animus, I want you to use those sense of yours, try to pinpoint the witch that did this. Everyone else, we are moving out!"
  311. Willus "Your vill be done, herr sergeant." Willus nods, and trots off to find his comrade so he can begin his scouting.
  312. ResilientGM "The tunnel entrance isn't far now, be alert!" Sonder calls.
  313. Victrus_Macharius "Yes sir"
  314. Gru_Persay "Understood."
  315. Animus "I'll warn you, I will be exhausted from it."
  316. ResilientGM Volgin: "Sergeant, is that strictly necessary? We will need as many men as we can afford."
  317. ResilientGM Koeln: "Witches... all of this vile witchcraft..."
  318. Animus becomes agitated
  319. Mathias_Ferrus "We need to know what the Valk was doing around here, maybe it has important intelligence or materiel that can't reach enemy hands."
  320. Kass_Yonova Kass keeps to the side of the road, nearest to cover, as he follows the squad.
  321. Victrus_Macharius "Yea Koeln, you go and fight them witches, and then get yourself killed."
  322. ResilientGM +Fireteam Altmann here. Perimeter secured, Sergeant. Awaiting further orders.+
  323. ResilientGM Koeln: "You're a moron, if you don't feel afraid of /that/."
  324. Mathias_Ferrus then tries to reach Stannis once more. ++This is Ferrus. I have an update on the Valkyrie situation. Crash site has been secured by fireteam Altmann, crew on board died shortly after the crash. Rest of the squad is still on mission. Also, my psyker informs me that a powerful witch might be operating in the area.++
  325. ResilientGM ++Shit... patching you through to Regimental Command. Stand-by.++
  326. Animus "Racist." he mumbles
  327. Willus +++Ay, zis is Willus. I just got Jowalis, an' we are going to survey the terrain. Out.+++
  328. Victrus_Macharius "Well Koeln, I'm not the one that wants to go off on his own to kill a 'witch'."
  329. ResilientGM (Animus): The psyker's presence is easily located. He's like a beacon of light in the middle of the night to you. You concentrate to pinpoint him, but you realize, then, a connection. The pyromancer has 'found' you, too. You feel as though your skin is alight for a few moments, and then the link is cut. You are unable to perceive him any longer.
  330. Animus "Now he know we are here, and he is powerful."
  331. Victrus_Macharius "Well fuck."
  332. Kass_Yonova "The enemy psyker?!"
  333. Animus explains the Psyker's position
  334. Mathias_Ferrus "Shit... I'm being patched up to command. I sure hope they have some support for us..."
  335. ResilientGM (Willus): You find a maintenance tunnel, and it leads directly into the underpass where you are expecting the convoy. The short-cut could save you precious time from the usual route, navigating the various streets to get to the underpass.
  336. Gru_Persay "By the Omnissiah..."
  337. ResilientGM ++Regimental Command. We need to speak directly with the Psyker.++
  338. Victrus_Macharius "Well Koeln, I guess your going to get your wish soon."
  339. Mathias_Ferrus gulps. "Animus, Regiment Command wants a word with you."
  340. Willus ++I got a route for us, unt it will save us valuable time, herr sergeant. Get ze rest of your soft-belly friends and ze witch and get yer arse over here...sir. WIllus out.++
  341. ResilientGM ++Preceptor-Savant Lumis has a few... questions for him.++
  342. Animus nods
  343. ResilientGM ++Animus? Animus, I need you to focus.++
  344. Animus +Sir, he is more powerful than me.+
  345. Mathias_Ferrus "Sonder, my scout found a shortcut."
  346. ResilientGM ++I know, my apprentice, you will be tested in ways you never have before. Do not allow him to tire you out, my apprentice, you will need all of your strength.++
  347. ResilientGM ++What discipline has the rogue mastered?++
  348. =-= Gru_Persay has changed the topic to “"I love barbecues. " - The Fury”
  349. Animus +What should I do? Should I try to match his fire? Or trust in my Telekinesis?+
  350. Animus is visibly shaken
  351. ResilientGM ++I haven't trained you in the arts of Pyromancy, and that is my fault. Use what you know. Take control, and /he/ will become /your/ weapon.++
  352. Animus +Yes, I will try.+
  353. Kass_Yonova "This is getting all kinds of fucked up, Sarge."
  354. Kass_Yonova "And I thought we got into some deep shit back with the Vonoyans."
  355. ResilientGM ++Do not lose yourself, he will try to lure you into damnation. Remain in control. I will contact you soon.++
  356. Animus +May the Emperor be with you.+
  357. ResilientGM ++And may He guide you, Animus++
  358. Mathias_Ferrus "I totally agree with you. I wasn't expecting this during my first assignment on the field."
  359. Victrus_Macharius "So on a scale of 1 to fucked. how fucked are we?"
  360. Mathias_Ferrus "I'd say between 6 and 7."
  361. ResilientGM Sonder: "Where is the scout? We must take what routes we can to get there soon. You lead the way."
  362. Mathias_Ferrus "Could be worse, the psyker could have a tank division under him or some bullshit like that."
  363. Mathias_Ferrus "But commande would never send us against that, would they?"
  364. Gru_Persay "By my calculations and putting in other unknown factors, I'd say a 8 or 9."
  365. Animus "I need rest,this shall not be easy."
  366. Mathias_Ferrus leads the way towards the shortcut Willus found.
  367. Gru_Persay "12 if there are enemy baneblades."
  368. Victrus_Macharius looks at Mathias, "Yep, were really jinxed now."
  369. ResilientGM Gilliam: "You think that's funny, Cog-boy?"
  370. Victrus_Macharius follows with the bolter in tow.
  371. Willus waves down the approaching soldiers. "Mein Kamaraden! Over here! Zis tunnel here shall transportate us at an increased rate. Not bad, ja?"
  372. Gru_Persay "A little bit."
  373. Animus jumps onto the bolter to rest
  374. ResilientGM Jowalis: "This is actually exciting, like hunting Walderwolves back home!"
  375. Mathias_Ferrus "Yeah, not bad. Sadly, this is an island of good on a sea of bad."
  376. Victrus_Macharius looks at Animus and then focus his attention forward.
  377. Animus "Do Walderwolves control the flames of the warp?"
  378. Willus "I miss ze walderwolves, Jowalis. Zey don't have guns."
  379. Mathias_Ferrus ++Fireteam Altmann, what's your status?++
  380. ResilientGM Jowalis: "Their eyes burn like living flame, witch!"
  381. Animus "You might also burn like living flames if we are careful."
  382. ResilientGM ++Sergeant, we're on our way to you now. Orders coming from the top.++
  383. Animus Aren't*
  384. Mathias_Ferrus ++What? I didn't heard of those. From how high?++
  385. Willus "Watch your tongue, witch-!" Willus hisses. "Unless you want to take point."
  386. Animus chuckles
  387. ResilientGM ++Colonel's staff, sergeant. New orders are to act as escort to the witch. Protection duty... ++
  388. Willus walks into the tunnel, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. "Can we stop wiggling our lips and begin our hunt? OR do southern women such as yerselves prefer to take sweet time?"
  389. Mathias_Ferrus ++Understood.++
  390. ResilientGM A light source slowly becomes more apparent, and soon you find yourselves in the underpass.
  391. ResilientGM Sonder: "Excellent work, guardsmen-scouts!"
  392. ResilientGM "Now, prepare the charges, and set them up! Go!" he shouts orders to his men.
  393. Willus "Of course it was excellent! Youz should expect nothing less from the son of a Game Warden..." He unslings his rifle and watches the troops as they prepare to set their charges. "Shall I provide overwatch, herr sergeant?"
  394. Kass_Yonova "What an awful stench." Kass wrinkles his nose.
  395. ResilientGM Sonder: "Just as planned, boys! Take positions where you must, and prepare for the ambush!"
  396. Mathias_Ferrus nods. "I want you and your partner to set up overwatch, yes. Same with our heavy bolter."
  397. Animus "Am I needed for this ambush?"
  398. ResilientGM The militiamen rush to positions as if from memory, taking cover by one of the exits.
  399. Victrus_Macharius "Yes sir"
  400. Victrus_Macharius "Animus, off now."
  401. Willus takes up position, drawing his cloack around his shoulder as he sights in his rifle.
  402. Animus jumps down and sits against the nearest wall
  403. Mathias_Ferrus "Animus, considering current events, you are actually on reserve duty. Only thing I want you to do for now is keep your senses up in case your friend comes knocking."
  404. Kass_Yonova takes up position near the militia, crouching behind a partially fallen wall.
  405. Animus nods
  406. Mathias_Ferrus "Everyone else, set up. Those of you with good throwing arms, get on high floors."
  407. Victrus_Macharius sets up the Heavy Bolter into position and places the Chameleoline Cloak over it.
  408. Willus ++in Position++, Whispers Willus over the commbead. ++Emperor help those arschlochs.++
  409. Willus ++in Position++, Whispers Willus over the commbead. ++Emperor help those arschlochs.++
  410. Kass_Yonova +Ready and willing, Sarge.+
  411. ResilientGM Militiamen return from setting up the explosives.
  412. ResilientGM Sonder: "Everyone, positions! Wait for the command!"
  413. ResilientGM Some 10 minutes later, you hear a distant series of explosions.
  414. Gru_Persay readies his autogun.
  415. Victrus_Macharius readies the Heavy Bolter
  416. Mathias_Ferrus readies his lasgun
  417. ResilientGM 3 minutes after that, another skirmish. They are brief, overall.
  418. Willus adjusts his positions one last time. ++I shall open fire on your command.++
  419. Kass_Yonova Kass grips his lasgun, muttering to himself, "here we go again."
  420. ResilientGM Some time after that, a louder, closer explosion followed by the sound of autogun fire.
  421. ResilientGM Sonder: "That's three! Last route is this one, they're coming for us next!"
  422. Kass_Yonova Kass quickly changes the variable setting on his lasgun to overload.
  423. ResilientGM Soon, you can hear the roar of the convoy's engines approaching.
  424. ResilientGM Sonder: "Hold! Steady now!"
  425. Mathias_Ferrus changes the setting on his lasgun to overload.
  426. ResilientGM Willus, and those on the pedestrian overpass overlooking the avenue outside now see the approaching vehicles. 5 chimera transports, the lead vehicle equipped with an autocannon on its turret, the rest have odd modifications, in order to increase the carrying capacity, at the expense of armor and even on-board armament.
  427. ResilientGM Sonder: "Overpass, engage! Fire, fire!"
  428. Willus takes his shot, the lance of energy causing a sharp whip like crack to echo underneath the overpass.
  429. ResilientGM One of the transport-modified vehicle commanders falls forward, the corpse limp. The militiamen open fire, and even throw the few grenades they have. The convoy reacts, and dart into the underpass as quickly as they can to avoid the fire.
  430. ResilientGM The vehicles race to the end of the tunnel, while the lead vehicle turns to cover the rear of the formation.
  431. ResilientGM As soon as the formation reaches the end, Sonder takes cover, and gives the final order: "Stand clear! Engage on collapse!"
  432. ResilientGM With that, the charges on the Westward exit go off, collapsing atop the new lead vehicle and that behind it. leaving the last few inside.
  433. Willus readjusts his sights, his scope hovering a new target. He takes aim at the treads, and silently mouths a prayer: "God-Emperor, hear me for I am thy loyal servant. Lend me the strenght to enact thy will, unt deliver thy wrath to the heretics who hath denied thee. Amen." With a silent exhale, he squeezes the trigger; the shot rings out with the sound of thunder, its glorious red lance
  434. Willus chewing straight through the chimera. One can hear it richochet inside, the panicked yells of the crew members adding to the glorious metallic cacophony of the bouncing las bolt.
  435. Willus "Sieg Steuerung, arcshloch!"
  436. Mathias_Ferrus runs towards the nearest Chimera and jumps on top of it, taking a moment to get on his feet after landing.
  437. Gru_Persay commands the combat servitor to attack the auto-cannon chimera. The combat servitor inflicts damage on the side armor of the vehicle.
  438. Victrus_Macharius opens up fire on the back end of the auto-cannon chimera, hitting the auto-cannon and the back of the chimera
  439. ResilientGM Attempting and failing to fire their turret-mounted weapon, due to a horrible jam, the lead vehicle instead moves closer to the transports to better protect them.
  440. Willus takes another shot at the tank, but misses. He curses to himself.
  441. Animus rolls over
  442. Mathias_Ferrus throws a krak grenade towards the Chimera with the autocannon, remembering something from a fellow Tallarn officer. "EMPRAH AKBAR" He fails, the throw and hits nothing but floor.
  443. Gru_Persay commands the combat servitor to attack the auto-cannon chimera. However, it doesn't damage the front armor.
  444. Victrus_Macharius opens fire on the auto-cannon Chimera again hits the side armor
  445. ResilientGM Sonder rallies his men, and has them move forward to concentrate fire on the enemy.
  446. Kass_Yonova Kass unclips a krak grenade and pulls the pin. He then whips his arm back and then forward, throwing with all his might. He watches his handiwork and whoops when it gets caught in tracks on the left and blows the track off. "You're not going anywhere!"
  447. ResilientGM The enemy's lead vehicle gunner fails to unjam the weapon, despite his best efforts.
  448. Willus takes aim, putting another shot into the damaged vehicle. The bolt sears off several damaged plates, and now the rear armor of the vehicle is a charred ruin.
  449. Animus gets up
  451. Animus While still laying down, dominates a crew member and has him drop some grenades, mulching the crew
  452. Mathias_Ferrus looses a krak grenade on top of the Chimera before stepping out of it.
  453. Mathias_Ferrus The grenade goes off, ripping the top armor and making the sides of the transport dent out slightly.
  454. Gru_Persay runs towards the back of the autocannon chimera.
  455. Victrus_Macharius advances towards the Chimeras with the bolter
  456. ResilientGM Sonder: "Forward, move! Prepare to take the last transport!"
  457. Kass_Yonova "Get outta the way! Move move move!"
  458. ResilientGM The remaining transport's pilot, in a panic, rushes out, punching through the Imperial troops. Two servitors, their master, and two troopers are caught in the carnage. Gru's chest takes the brunt of the impact, and is horribly dented, his breathing is labored, and massive hemorrhaging discolors his skin. Arthur follows close by, flattened under the treads, and Victrus follows close behind. Having stood behind the bolter, he is launched several meters back, with several ugly fractures to his ribs, causing damage to his internal organs.
  459. Willus is stunned by the carnage, turning pale.
  460. Willus levels his rifle and drills the driver of the offending chimera.
  461. Kass_Yonova Kass looks on with horror as some of his comrades are hit/run over by the last chimera.
  462. Animus taking control of one of the men in the last tank, has him point blank fire into his comrade
  463. Mathias_Ferrus blinks as he finished dodging the rampaging vehicle. He then tries to get on top of the offending vehicle.
  464. ResilientGM His other comrade, and the last remaining crew member on board, charges the apparent traitor, and they begin to wrestle inside the passenger compartment.
  465. Mathias_Ferrus opens the back compartment and stuff happens.
  466. Kass_Yonova Kass jumps out of cover and hoofs it to where Victrus went down. "Gilliam, check on Gru!"
  467. ResilientGM Sonder: "Open the fucking hatch! Go, go!"
  468. Animus runs over to Kass
  469. ResilientGM His men race to open the armed transport, and drag out the driver, out of the gory insides of the vehicle.
  470. Animus "Anything I can do?"
  471. Willus stands up, watching the chaos with shock. His face trembles as he tries to figure out what he should do. "Hang in there, brothers! The EMperor is with you!"
  472. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Ugly hit there, cog-boy. Hope you don't mind about the robes..." he says, really almost to himself, as he cuts loose the red robes to expose the wounds.
  473. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Fuck, you're one ugly beast..." he says, chuckling to himself, as he examines the partly-human anatomy.
  474. ResilientGM Gilliam leans over close to the tech-priest's face, "I gotta be honest, here... I'm not much of a mechanic."
  475. Kass_Yonova Kass immediately checks over Victrus unconscious form notion the major damage to the chest area, he sets to work in fixing him up with the use of his Narthecium. Soon enough he has him stabilized.
  476. Kass_Yonova Kass calls down one of Team Altmann to watch over Victrus.
  477. Kass_Yonova He then makes his way over to Gru's prone form. "How's our cog-boy?"
  478. ResilientGM The men rush over and stand guard by the wounded sentry.
  479. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Fucked up to hell and back, I'd say."
  480. Kass_Yonova Kass looks him over. "Yeah, and half of him is tin-can now." Kass get's to work with Gilliam's help.
  481. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Problem with these cog-boys is.... there's a lot less biology to work with."
  482. Kass_Yonova "Well that's what these are for," Kass lifts his Narthecium.
  483. Kass_Yonova "Feck me, I'm not sure who's worse, him or Victrus."
  484. Kass_Yonova With delicate care Kass cuts the front of his metal chest off with his Narthecium, before poking under to stop the internal bleeding securing any and all loose..."things." After a while everything is clamped, taped, cleaned, and bandaged to the best of the ability of a trained combat medic.
  485. Kass_Yonova "Gru is way out of my league, he's going to need another cog-boy to poke around in him. Excellent work Gilliam. Shame about Volgin though..."
  486. ResilientGM "Not a damned thing could be done to put.... /that/ back together," he points to the gory mess left of the trooper.
  487. Kass_Yonova Kass simply shakes his head. "Emperor rest his soul."
  488. ResilientGM Sonder: "Gather what supplies we can, and load up on the transports. Help the guardsmen with their dead and wounded,!
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