
Håk. Lindström at CCPS Party Conference

Nov 9th, 2013
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  1. Good morning, hur mår du?
  2. First of all I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands of which our nations are located and their elders past and present.
  4. I would like to say on behalf of Zealandian Alternative, party of Labour and Independence, the ZApLI thank you for allowing me to speak on behalf of the ZApLI as its co chair and technical secretary.
  6. Zealandia has had a long history with the progressive left starting with Prime Minister Kennedy and his Progressive party which is the ultimate forebarer of the modern ZApLI, we then had Dr Frederic Linden’s extremely progressive democratic socialist government, followed by openly communist Dr Joe papa puggy Puglisi and finally to the modern ZApLI.
  8. Socialism has taken many forms in Zealandia, sometimes under the banner of social democracy, sometimes Markssenism or the Nordic Theodorism and finally under the ZApLI’s Jåfæðaärstefnå.
  10. The concept of Jåfæðaärstefnå, which is a Zealandian word for togetherness is apt as although Zealandia is not a theodorist state or communistic in the traditional sense we are still very much a democratic socialist country and have taken the nordic model and ramped it up for lack of a better term.
  11. The Zealandian Government and the ZApLI have long supported the Zeelandienskt Folkhemmet project which is our program to make sure no Zealandian gets left behind, and that Zealandia is the peoples' home, in this we have been supported by Unions Zealandia (ZLO) the peak body of trade unions in Zealandia.
  12. Although Socialism is not entrenched in the Zealandian constitution there are clauses that protect the right to unionise, the right to have work and the right to live with dignity.
  14. Socialism, means family of the community and family means nobody gets left behind, and in Zealandia we work towards that goal.
  16. Marshal Josip Tito of Yugoslavia once said that each country will take its own path to socialism, Zealandia is taking a different track to the eventual goal, we may not fit the stereotypical socialist nation look, but we are democratic socialist.
  18. Tack, Thank you.
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