
Bushwick is rough

Dec 18th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was sitting on the couch in the back of the studio, looking over her laptop, just going over some upcoming events and things, and getting her security stuffs in order for her trip as well.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad had been finishing up his last review of the edit for Anna's new video on his laptop, sitting on the couch with an earbud in because the music was most of the point.-
  3. Covet: Kelsey looked over at Brad, then rubbed her eyes a little. "I think we might have stayed up too late last night. My eyes are on fire right now, and I keep fighting the urge to yawn."
  4. Alexithymiaa: "You can take a nap if you need to. I'll wake you up and take you come before I leave." He said without lifting his eyes from the laptop.-
  5. Covet: "No it's fine, I might as well just wait until we go home and to bed at this point." She told him, then scrolled through a couple of things she was looking at. "Hmm, maybe I'll go to a couple of those too." She said more to herself than to him.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -He pulled his attention away from the video when it ended, looking over in the general direction of her computer even if he couldn't actually see what she was looking at. "What?"-
  7. Covet: "There's a couple of music classes that are going on, just like workshop classes in New York." Kelsey told him , looking over to him.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Oh yeah, that kind of thing is all over. Most of the CUNY schools host some sort of workshops for non students to sign up for. They make bank on it too." He said with a nod.-
  9. Covet: "I bet, at a hundred bucks a head, and the sad part is people will pay for it... I say as I sign myself up." Kelsey said.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Hundred bucks ahead? That's not even that bad. I've seen them be a few hundred ahead, depending on the workshop. Friend of mine paid eight hundred for a writing workshop that was only like three classes."-
  11. Covet: "Jeez." Kelsey said shaking her head. "But when in New York I guess." She said with a laugh. "Did the classes at least pay for themselves in the long run?"
  12. Alexithymiaa: "I guess it depends who you ask." He said with a laugh, shaking his head and adjusting his beanie. "He thinks they did, but as far as I know he hasn't sold any scripts so...."-
  13. Covet: "But isn't New York a rather competitive and oversaturated market for those things too?" Kelsey said. "Not to say that the music industry isn't the same way."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but because the city is so huge it kind of evens itself out. Plus they're hosted by major schools. The CUNY school system stands for City University of New York and it's like... this network of schools in the city and they're all pretty big time. Baruch business school, Brooklyn college, Hunter which is where I transferred from, John Jay, NYIT.... these are like major metropolitan schools. So they're kind of more reputable."-
  15. Covet: "Ah, I might be calling you quite a bit to ask about things, because clearly you know quite a lot about all of that. And here I thought you were pretty tunnel minded about only a couple of things in life." She told him with a grin.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "It's like you forgot I had a whole life in New York before I transferred here and became a big successful director. I lived in Brooklyn for about two years, but I've lived in New York my whole life. We were always in the city."-
  17. Covet: "I typically think that of most people around here. I grew up on the west coast, so it's what's familiar to me." Kelsey said to him with a shrug. "We don't really talk much about when you used to live in New York, outside of the times we've visted."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Because it's not really my life anymore and I don't intend on moving back." He shrugged his shoulders, adjusting the laptop in his lap. "Why, what do you want to know?"-
  19. Covet: "I don't know, I just hadn't really thought about it is all." She said looking at him. I mean, if something were to come up from your past, I know you'd tell me about it, so It's not like I'm out of the loop or anything."
  20. Covet: him. "I mean
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I seriously doubt anything would come up. I don't owe any of my old roommates money for anything and I haven't spoken to much of anyone I went to school with there. I had friends, but they weren't good friends so it was kind of just fleeting."-
  22. Covet: Kelsey gave a bit of a frown, "Yeah, I guess I'm kind of the same way, since moving during Highschool. The only person I've stayed friends with is someone I met when I got to Deadwood."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Who's that?" He asked, half expecting it to be some guy that he should be defensive over. He really is the worst.-
  24. Covet: "Ana" Kelsey told him, then looked at him like he should have known that. "That's kind of how I got my in here."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. OH right. I forgot. Sorry." He shook his head like he hadnt just been chastising her about not knowing his life. -
  26. Covet: "It's fine." She said with a laugh, then gave him a look, that was slightly concerned, she quickly looked away and down at her computer to scroll through some of the other classes that were listed.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Do you know where any of them are, at least?" He asked, leaning back on the couch to make himself a bit more comfortable.-
  28. Covet: "No, but the security guy I got hired, is someone Nancy knows, who lives in New York. So He's familiar with the area. Plus I'll have Bryan too." She told him.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Please don't let me turn on the news and find out that you got murdered because you ended up in Bushwick by yourself at night or something." He said with a deep sigh, but completely serious.-
  30. Covet: "No, I promise. I don't know where or what that is, but Nancy said that Misha is very trustworthy and recomended." Kelsey said reaching over to take his hand. "I'll be okay, I promise."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "It's a very not good part of Brooklyn that you shouldn't be wandering around by yourself. Especially not at night." He paused for dramatic effect. "I lived there."-
  32. Covet: "Okay, well at night I should be at my apartment doing indoor things. I don't want to be out doors in NYC during the winter any more than I have to." Kelsey said.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "That's a fair point." He said with a laugh, reaching his hand out to stroke through her hair. "Although it's not really that much colder there than it is here."-
  34. Covet: "Here it's like a wet cold, there, it's a bitter cold. I just pray it doesn't do something crazy like one of those iconic winter storms." she said looking over at him.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "You and me both. Although snow in the city isn't like snow out here. All of it's cleared and out of the way pretty quickly. No one there lets some snow stop them fromdoing what they need to do."-
  36. Covet: "This is true. But that's the laid back west coast vibe, compared to that east coast hustle and bustle." Kelsey said with a laugh.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Places to go and people to see." He smirked, rolling his eyes because he did sort of miss that urgency of living when he was there. "Everyones in a rush all the time."-
  38. Covet: "Yeah I know. Hopefully I can keep up with that while I'm there. It will probably make the time go by fast though." She said.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "It tends to, yeah. Also the food is really expensive, just so you know. Not that it's a big deal, but just so you're prepared." He closed his computer and leaned forward to set it down ont he chair next to him. "Have you talked to your parents?"-
  40. Covet: "I'm not too worried about it. I have a food budget set up and I intend to do a good bunch of cooking. Probably with Bryan and CJ too." She said to him then bit the inside of her cheek. "Mom knows, but I haven't said anything to my Dad."
  41. Alexithymiaa: "I doubt you're going to be doing any cooking with Bryan. If anything he'll just be excited that you're going to be there cooking for him." He paused, nodding his head. "You need to tell him..."-
  42. Covet: "Yeah, I kind of expect that too." Kelsey said, then sighed. " I know, but I know he's going to ask why, and... I know I can't lie to my Dad."
  43. Alexithymiaa: "Well..." he paused, taking a deep breath. "Then maybe you should tell him. He might think you handled it responsibly."-
  44. Covet: "I can't tell my Dad about the reason I need to go to New York. " She said shaking her head. "You thought he was mad about me getting pregnant... if he so much as hears a rumor about the drugs, He'll never forgive me."
  45. Alexithymiaa: "You're going to have to tell him something, Kels." He said in a stern voice. "Whether that be a lie or not, he's going to know you're in New York for a little while."-
  46. Covet: "I know..." Kelsey said then looked over at him. "Don't you start using your dad voice with me. That's my trick."
  47. Alexithymiaa: "You like my dad voice." He started to laugh, swinging his arm around her shoulders. "But you need to consider what you're going to say. At least be prepared."-
  48. Covet: "Not as much as you love my mom voice." She said sticking out her tongue. " I will. I'll try to get it together by this weekend when we go to see them." Kelsey started to get her things gathered up.
  49. Alexithymiaa: "Good because at least if you know what you're goiing to say, it won't blindside you so hard when he asks and you need to think of something to tell him on the spot." He reached for his laptop, sliding it into his bag that was at his feet.-
  50. Covet: "Right. But... can we table it for tonight? Cause I'm way to tired to think about what to say." She said, unable to hold back the yawn this time.
  51. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but you're not getting out of it that easily." He pushed up from his seat and swung his bag onto his back, reaching for her hand. "Come on, let's get you home and into bed. It's a busy week."-
  52. Covet: "I know." Kelsey said as she nodded her head. "Tomorrow I promise. It will be on the front of my mind." She told him taking his hand and heading out with him.
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