

Jan 27th, 2015
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  1. Elegant, powerful, terrifying, beautiful, genocidal, fascist, ruthless. These are many words to describe you, but never muttered around you, because no one would dare say anything about you, you are feared in this world, and you couldn't be happier to be so. They call you Her Tyrannical Genetrix, your formal title, and only name, you have an actual name, but if someone who wasn't extremely close to you even DARED to mutter it , you would have them dead within seconds.
  3. These days aren't as exciting as your younger sweeps used to be, you used to be on the front line, murdering the horrible lowbloods in the most gruesome ways possible, you didn't enjoy it, but you did it anyway, because you were convinced you were doing what was best for the highbloods. Moving on a few sweeps, you had been promoted up the ranks of Crockercorp, slowly moving to the top, you weren't as merciful as you were when you were younger, but hey, it's all for the good of the company right? You became ruthless, mad with power and genocidal, but you never realized it, not even today are you self aware of your crime.
  5. Back to the current day, your pretty old, 50 odd sweeps, but you haven't aged a god damn day, your fins extend past your long wavy hair, permed and curled into tight curls around your hair, you look more like a 1950s human housewife then one of the most feared trolls. Standing tall at 6"9, your slim neck exposes your defined collar bones, while your black skin tight dress hugs onto your like a frightened child. You have countless amounts of jewelry on your person, from crowns with your royal symbol on them, to bangles, necklaces, hair clips, and all of the necessary items for you to be recognized as royalty. Your most known features, your sharp, shark like teeth, your piercing violet eyes and finally your long, antelope like horns would reduce any troll to a state of pure terror, knowing you could be there to get them. Thankfully, that won't be happening today, as you are currently residing in a dream bubble, paying your only known ancestor a trip, to see if she's actually worth what you've been told.
  7. How dare these.... Pathetic excuses for trolls not recognize your beauty, your power, hell you existence at this moment of time, they should feel honored to even get to see you in person! You tut twice, tapping your food twice, and coughing rather loudly, you want them to acknowledged your existence, and you will take drastic measure if you are to be ignored.
  9. You aren't going to take this, you simply, uncaptchalogue your regal trident, a double sides golden trident encrusted with violet jewels and sharper than your teeth and the tip of your horns combined, you tap it on the ground twice, enough to leave a nice indent in the ground, and making a rather loud, horrible noise. They will acknowledge your presence.
  11. Who is this troll waving at you, does he know who you are? Why isn't he bowing at your feet, kissing them in a sign of recognition to your greatness. You snarl, asserting your dominance. You hold onto your bejeweled trident tightly, glaring at the younger troll waving at you. He has done a truly disrespectful thing.
  13. You are ready to STRIKE this girl, who is she, she isn't even a troll, she is a FILTHY HUMAN, the herpes of the universe. You detest humans more than anything you can even imagine, there a only a few humans you truly admire, but they were not puny little girls, trying to face a tyrant in all her beauty. You let out a harsh growl, exposing your sharp shark teeth to the girl, as a way of saying 'Bow to me before I place this trident through your , splitting you into two'.
  15. "Who the living hell do you think you are, you puny excuse for a living being. Bow before me before I crucify you with my trident you filthy human." You pronounce each word, spitting out pure venom with them, enough to scare any lowblood troll into pure terror. You feed of the fear of them, the fear makes you powerful.
  17. "And who may you be, young troll. Bow before me, before I actually get angry. Do you even know who I am?" You are disgusted with the amount of disrespect these horrid excuses for living beings are showing to you. You came here, out of choice, you even being here is a gift in its finest form. They will bow before you!
  19. You float slightly above the ground, towering over all around you, being older you get alot more cool powers. You stare down at the younger violet blood troll, eyes glowing a faint white as the power of the Eldritch horrors flows freely through your body. [br]"How dare you, Speak to me like that you insignificant piece of living garbage!" you hiss your words, almost spitting them out in anger.
  21. "I didn't start anything you pesky fairy, I was simply residing my dominance and telling the human to respect me, if anyone was here to pick a bone and fight, it would be miss I'll just bring out my skimpy wands, what kind of respected highblood carries a pair of wands? What are you gonna do, preform "Magic"? You let out of a loud, mocking cackle, little does this young troll know you are not only fighting her, but testing her, to see if shes even worth the title of being your ancestor.
  23. "How dare I? I was a god before you were even in the plane of existence child. I've killed more people than you can even imagine, and you think you can scare me with your little tricks? Tricks are for kids, It takes power to truly be god, and you have none of it. You want to see real power?" You simple captchalogue your trident, before taking out your pure relic of the Eldritch horrors, a wand made of pure darkness, blacker than anything, emitting a strong black mist from it, twirling it slight you emit a swirl of dark energy, pure black, it's statically around the edges, but one thing is for sure, you've just opened a whole in the void. If that's not power than you don't know what power is.
  25. You smile, you can tell she's jealous of the power your possess, she's past the test though. That's what a true powerful being would do, jealousy fuels anger, hate and fear, making her stronger, she is perfect to success for you in the eventual reign, of course she'll have to kill you herself, but she is worthy. You clap your hands a few times, turning your lips into a sinister grin, [br]"Congratulations, you passed the test. I'm welcomed wherever I want to be young-ling, don't let your power get over your head child. You are worthy to be my ancestor." She should feel honored.
  27. "And do I need to be more ...... [i]clear[/i]. I will tread on any land I want, and If you are going to tell me I can't, then you will have to face my wrath head on, and I won't go easy on you just because we are distantly related, if anything it will be more painful. So .. Do not test me child, bow down before you queen." Egotistical sea stalin ahoy!
  29. "Then you simply aren't worth my time, goodbye." And like that, you float back to the ground, stepping over to a human couch in long , wide strides, and sitting down, captchaloguing your wand. You aren't going to both socializing with a horrible ancestor like her, you could rather socialize with a troll that knows respect, and isn't an egotistical piece of shit. Or one of those lovely tyrants from the human history you oh so adore, how you erge to one day meet them. They would truly respect a highblood like you.
  31. You sit on the human couch, uncomfortable because of your large body, crossing your long legs. You're on your phone currently, speaking of serious business with some clowns back on beforus, that is the one that still exists in a timeline, seeing as you are in a dream bubble, you are talking over time and space, and you took great lengths to come here, and for what? Some whiny brat to threaten you?
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