
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 13

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:12 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: After having krumped the tin can of the Xrusk Mekton and following Adkins' directions, you're lead towards the local camp with your packages safely secured. On approach of the various spotlights in the ash-covered camp of concrete prefab buildings, you spot a couple of noteworthy things about the camp.
  2. 8:15 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: The first - and most obvious - thing you notice are the three makeshift catapults arranged in an arc around the front of the camp. A stack of blue Zythium barrels rests beside each. Second is the Mek bay, or what's left of it. Two yellow-painted construction Mektons are moving the large hunks of metal and concrete from the rubble and setting them neatly aside. You do not see any other Mektons. Finally, on some hills in the distance you notice the faint outline of a radio tower located through the ashy fog. Additionally, several trucks are making constant to-and-fro trips from a manmade cave located against a nearby cliffside, likely the Zythium mine.
  3. 8:17 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: One of the construction Meks waves to you as you approach. "Hey, glad you could make it. Welcome to - as we 'lovingly' call her - Camp Shitbox. Full of more hot gas than we want to handle."
  4. 8:18 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: That's Adkins, formally greeting you, judging by the voice. His Mekton walks over to yours.
  5. 8:18 PM - Kari: "Charming," Kari says, moving to meet him halfway. "Throw up a few signs and you'll have yourself a tourist trap."
  6. 8:19 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Well, signs or not, seems you're our first customer. Or maybe we're yours in this case. Looks like you got our packages?"
  7. 8:20 PM - Kari: "You got it~," Kari chitters happily. "In pristine condition too! Manage to avoid getting scuffed up on the way here outside of the rough landing."
  8. 8:21 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Perfect! Happy to hear it. Let's get those unloaded before a couple of Boom-Booms rain down. Damned homicidal Xrusk."
  9. 8:23 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Walking around to your Mek's back, he fiddles with your load before unleashing the two boxes, carrying them in either hand towards an open and waiting storage bay. Directed by some crew on the ground, he finds a cozy place to tuck the two boxes, prying the lid off of one before rooting around. "So, I said we might have something to help you, yeah?"
  10. 8:24 PM - Kari: "You sure did. I'm pretty curious about that too." Marching a little closer, Kari makes sure to stay clear of the civilians on the ground.
  11. 8:25 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "And having fought a Walkie - they /really/ need better names... - you've probably realized just how tough a nut they are to crack."
  12. 8:26 PM - Kari: "You could say that. After disabling the one I took on, it took three sword hits just to pierce that armour and put it down for good. They may be like kids on steroids, but it's like they welded re-entry plates on those things."
  13. 8:27 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "That's more or less what they did. Well, this is from our mining equipment. Not /really/ meant to be used in this manner, but I think a voided warranty is worth a little less than our lives." Finally finding what he was looking for, he withdraws... a large drill.
  14. 8:29 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Diamond-tipped, refined Zythium fuel for additional horsepower, and packs one /mean/ punch. Can bore through solid rock in seconds."
  15. 8:30 PM - Kari: Kari cocks a brow at the site, clearly a little taken aback. "Huh.... Can't say I was expecting that. I really should have been, but I wasn't. Is it hand held, or are you going to strap that thing to my mek?"
  16. 8:34 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Handheld, I'm afraid. There's no way to strap this to a Mek that's anything less than a heavyweight. In fact, you'll need both hands, but check out the specs on this bad boy." A few quiet blips later and you're reading over the blueprints to the Zythium-Powered Diamond Bore Drill: 10 damage, Quick, AP. 10 Spaces. Total cost in Credits... 2500000. This drill alone costs a quarter of your Mekton.
  17. 8:36 PM - Kari: Kari chitters in her race's equivilent of a whistle. "That's really something. Looks like I'm going to be rushing them down, huh? You sure it's okay for me to take this? This is pretty damn expensive. I'd hate for you to survive this just to get chewed out or worse."
  18. 8:40 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "We'll take care of it. Just try not to lose the thing. Best case scenario the drill runs out of fuel and we replace that no problem."
  19. 8:43 PM - Kari: "Got it. Well I really appreciate it. I'll try to take good care of it. As best I can while under fire anyway." Kari chuckles a little, holstering her mek's autocannon. "Guess I better get moving before my boss starts to worry. How many more targets are out there that you know of?"
  20. 8:48 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "We've been harassed constantly by Walkies, though we've taken a few out by lobbing Zythium at 'em. By my guess there's gonna be a handful of Walkies, maybe a Rollie or two. Watch out for those last ones, they're tougher than the Walkies. It's a Xrusk tank, so that should tell you all you need to know. I just hope they don't have any Flyees with them."
  21. 8:49 PM - Kari: "Rollies? Flyees? ... I'm almost wondering if I should just call them and give them a time out... Well whatever. What can you tell about their flyers? I know next to nothing about the Xrusk."
  22. 8:51 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Well, usually stocking five times as many missiles as a Walkie, for starters, along with an incendiary burstfire MG. Flies using cobbled-together Gravitics, and its armor is nothing to scoff at too. Probably on par with a Rollie."
  23. 8:52 PM - Kari: ".... Please tell me you're ordering some defenses or guards when I get that antenna back."
  24. 8:53 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "...with any luck, we'll have an automated turret or two set up."
  25. 8:55 PM - Kari: "Good. Right, well, like I said, I better get moving. Hand me the drill, and I'll be on my way. Hopefully I'll have it back sooner rather than later."
  26. 8:58 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Sounds good. We
  27. 8:58 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: fug
  28. 8:59 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Sounds good. We'll keep on our toes here, get the turrets set up and be ready at the catapults. If you find a Flyee, bolt back here for some cover, seeing as that drill's no good against something you can't hit face-to-face."
  29. 9:01 PM - Kari: "Yeah... hopefully you'll have those defense guns up by then. Thanks, Adkins. I'll be back soon." Extending her mekton's arms, she waits to take the drill from the man in charge. "Will comms reach out that far?"
  30. 9:01 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "They will once you get the broadcast tower up and running again."
  31. 9:02 PM - Kari: "Right. And how do I do that?"
  32. 9:05 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Assuming they didn't just flatten it - which by the sounds of it they didn't. Remember, they're broadcasting metal music with it - just dial it back to this frequency and pull the indicated levers." Your HUD updates and displays a series of numbers, presumably the frequency. "Made mostly foolproof, which explains how the Xrusk got hold of it."
  33. 9:06 PM - Kari: "Got it. Thanks, Adkins. See you soon." Taking the drill from Adkins, Kari steps clear of the warehouse and sets out for the antenna in question.
  34. 9:08 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You march through the barren, rocky wastes towards the antenna in the distance, dreading every step closer as you hope and pray to any and all higher powers for there to /not/ be a swarm of Walkies with those murderkillington missiles that you narrowly avoided last time.
  35. 9:15 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You eventually make your way towards a slight incline heading towards the tower. To the left and right streams of lava flow and bubble down the incline, as the two streams merge in the middle, connected underground. A rocky pass heads over the middle stream like a bridge. Jagged, rocky formations dot the area in conveniently Mek-high cover.
  36. 9:19 PM - Kari is now Away.
  37. 9:19 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Your radar picks up a few blips, reading Mekton-sized machines standing and wandering mostly aimlessly around.
  38. 9:20 PM - Kari is now Online.
  39. 9:29 PM - Kari: Breathing a deep sigh, Kari decides to try and lower her profile, moving towards some of the outcroppings to stay hidden and get closer. "Alright, Kari... let's do this. For great justice~," she says with a cocky smile.
  40. 9:34 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You creep along the rocky outcroppings, staying low and slow as you take careful steps to avoid making as much sound as possible. Roll Piloting~
  41. 9:36 PM - Kari: (10)
  42. 9:38 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You're not so quiet as you'd like, stumbling and making a series of loud crunches against brittle rocks. You mind your progress on the overhead map and radar tracking. Move your token up to your MA away.
  43. 9:40 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You pause, taking a moment to investigate your surrounding. When no tin cans immediately jump on a rock, proclaim you as a "dead zoggin git" and fire huge fuckoff missiles at you, you assume nobody heard you. Go again~
  44. 9:41 PM - Kari: (11)
  45. 9:48 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You walk along the cliffs some more, following the line and attempting to keep out of sight. Unfortunately, as you keep walking, your comms are suddenly hijacked by deafening metal music. Over the roar of the sick guitar riffs and loud drum solos you hear, "Oi, wot da zog is dis? Ey boss, dere's someting out dere!"
  46. 9:49 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Wotcha mean dere's someting out dere?"
  47. "Look boss. Da raydar gots a red blippy."
  49. 9:49 PM - Kari: "No there's not. You're just colour blind." Kari blurts out.
  50. 9:50 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "DA RED BLIPPY JUS TALKED, BOSS!"
  51. 9:50 PM - Kari: "No it didn't."
  52. 9:50 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: ...
  53. 9:50 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Roll Persuasion.
  54. 9:51 PM - Kari: (20)
  55. 9:51 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Oh. N'vrmind, boss. Da blippy was jus' foolin'."
  56. "Den quit wastin' my time ya git."
  57. A loud clank is heard. "OW!"
  58. 9:53 PM - Kari: (10)
  59. 9:55 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You juke from one set of cliffs to the next, making use of the rocks and keeping low. "Boss. Booooosssss. Da red blippy is back."
  60. 9:56 PM - Kari: "Nah. You're just seeing things."
  61. 9:56 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "BOSS! DA BLIPPY TALKED AGAIN!"
  62. 9:56 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Persuasion.
  63. 9:57 PM - Kari: (11)
  64. 9:57 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: MMm. Luck roll then
  65. 9:58 PM - Kari: (14)
  66. 9:59 PM - Kari: (1 luck for 24)
  67. 10:00 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "No it iznt ya git. Woznt las' time, wontnt be now." Another loud clank and shout of pain is heard.
  68. 10:00 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Your go.
  69. 10:01 PM - Kari: Pressing her luck a little, Kari steps out to prep for a jump across the lava, snickering to herself a little.
  70. 10:03 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: As you stealthily close the distance, your radar blips once more, updating and superimposing its new information atop your HUD and display map.
  71. 10:04 PM - Kari: As the new information flashes across the screen, Kari takes a quick survey before focussing and leaping across the gap with a single thruster leap into cover.
  72. 10:06 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Now safely across the lava gap, you stand firmly and undetected behind the rocks that cover one Mek. Seems like you've got the jump on them!
  73. 10:08 PM - Kari: Crouching down and gripping her controls tight, Kari leaps up and over the cover shielding her from the mek on the far side. With drill in hand, she comes crashing down on it, hoping to skewer the poor sod before he can react.
  74. 10:09 PM - Kari: (15)
  75. 10:10 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 17
  76. 10:11 PM - Kari: (29)
  77. 10:13 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Grabbing hold of the rock tops, you pull yourself clean over the ledge, coming down hard on the Walkie as the drill roars to life. Shoving the tip to the back of the oversized tin can, you initially meet some astounding resistence before the drill tips bite through the armor and puncture clear through. Sparks and flecks of metal fly as the drill proceeds to cleanly gut the Mek entirely. Stalling on its feet for a moment, it eventually tumbled forwards face-first.
  78. 10:14 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "BOSS! I TOLD YA! I TOLD YA DA BLIPPY WAS BACK!"
  80. 10:15 PM - Kari: (-3 for initiative)
  81. 10:20 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Unit B, another Walkie, turns towards and begins stomping its way to you. It quickly closes the distance despite its anatomically and mechanically absurd leg structure. "Boss, wot do I do?"
  82. "Fire yer Boom-Booms ya git!"
  83. "Oh yeh. Da Boom-Booms. YEH! DA BOOM-BOOMS! FIRE DA BOOM-BOOMS!"
  84. 10:21 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: The Walkie bends over, both Zythium-tipped barrels prominently shining in the light of the magma as the two giant FUCKYOU missiles zip in corkscrews towards you.
  85. 10:21 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Roll 2 dodge.
  86. 10:22 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: So. 2.
  87. 10:22 PM - Kari: (16)
  88. 10:25 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: The Boom-Booms fly off on either side of you. You don't even have to move as you watch the white-streaked rockets fly past your rocky cover spire in either direction and explode in the distance.
  89. 10:26 PM - Kari: "Smooth."
  90. 10:30 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: A second Walkie treks out from behind cover, turning its Boom-Booms towards you. "BOOM-BOOMS!"
  91. 10:30 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Dodge again.
  92. 10:30 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Two more Boom-Booms corkscrew off the back of the tincan, veering wildly towards you in a highly inaccurate manner.
  93. 10:30 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 12
  94. 10:31 PM - Kari: (17)
  95. 10:31 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: The rockets don't even get anywhere near you. You're not sure why they even bothered to shoot when they're at such a far range with already wildly inaccurate missiles.
  96. 10:32 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: They explode a ways behind you, sending rock chunks hurtling down towards the earth in twin explosions.
  97. 10:33 PM - Kari: "Round 3?" Kari quips, still smug as ever.
  98. 10:35 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Behind the first Walkie you spot an amalagation of scrap and treads. Layered in plates upon plates of metal, with a number of missiles strapped to the sides in an ungainly fashion, the tank turns its massive cannon towards you as it rolls forwards a ways.
  99. 10:35 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "YOU TINK DIS IS FUNNIE?"
  100. 10:35 PM - Kari: "Very."
  101. 10:35 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "BOOM!"
  102. 10:35 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: It fires its cannon.
  103. 10:35 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 9
  104. 10:36 PM - Kari: (14)
  105. 10:39 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Being a little impatient, the Rollie fired a little sooner than it should have. The mid-turn motion sends the horrendously large projectile veering off to your left, where it impacts the rocks... and nearly blinds you with the firey explosion as heat, shrapnel and flames roll off in waves.
  106. 10:41 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You raise your Mek's arms instinctively to protect yourself from the tremendous blast to little avail. You struggle to stay on your feet as you're punched by the impacts.
  107. 10:42 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Right leg, right arm, right leg, torso. 5 damage a piece.
  108. 10:47 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: The concussive force blows your right leg clean off, severely damaging your right arm and eating into your torso for a fair amount as the Walkie caught in the blast loses its head entirely in a series of smaller followup explosions. The flames roll over the Rollie without leaving a scratch.
  109. 10:49 PM - Kari: Kari screams as the blast rocks her mek, being thrown against the sides of her cockpit a couple times from the enormous blast. She grips her controls tight, pulling back hard to keep herself steady and keep herself standing despite the damage.
  110. 10:53 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 14
  111. 10:55 PM - Kari: Punching her thrusters on full burn, sure that she'll get chewed out later, she goes in for a dropkick. She lands dead on against the horrifying monster of a tank, but simply kicks off of the plating without leaving a dent. Almost losing her balance, she lands down on her remaining leg and shoves the controls forwad with a chittering warcry. The drill dives straight toward the front armour of the tank.
  112. 10:56 PM - Kari: (13) (14)
  113. 10:56 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 10
  114. 10:57 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 9
  115. 11:01 PM - Kari: The drill hits a tiny, little chink in the welding of the tank's armour. With that lead, it shoves clear through into the innards of the tank as the Xrusk taunts "YOU TINK 'DAT LITTLE DING'S GONNA-." Before he can finish, however, it sinks clean into the interior with a satisfying thunk, and a horrible scream emits before the inner workings go up with the rest of the purée. With plenty of left over adrenaline and frustration, Kari yanks the drill from the tanks interior, panting a bit and trying to collect herself.
  116. 11:04 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: The tank's new window smokes and sparks, spewing fluids all around. The tank's cannon goes limp, clanging against the front of its armor as you pull the drill free.
  117. 11:05 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Walkie B somewhere behind you trots in circles, lacking in both a head and weapons due to the lack of head. "Oh eh, ey boss? Boss, wuz happenin'? I kan't see a ting."
  118. 11:06 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Unit A watches the carnage. "Dat is some choppa."
  119. 11:08 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "GIMME DAT CHOPPA!" Unit A's legs light up with thrust, and it skids forwards, boosting above the ground and firing a slew of missiles at you before landing with a massive thud.
  120. 11:08 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 15
  121. 11:09 PM - Kari: (11, 4 luck for 15)
  122. 11:13 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You just barely react in time after yanking the drill out, using your thrusters in short bursts to assist in the dodge as the missiles explode little pockets in the rocks around you. You skid to a stop on your still-standing leg as the Xrursk murmurs. "Aww. I'z outta Missys."
  123. 11:14 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: NOW it's your go
  124. 11:17 PM - Kari: "I got your missy right here, 'ya git'." Turning on the one leg, Kari makes an awkward little hop towards Unit A and does her best to hop up and stomp the maggot with a dropkick. (10)
  125. 11:17 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 16
  126. 11:19 PM - Kari: Pinging off harmlessly again, Kari screams out, "OHMYGOD JUST GO DOWN ALREADY!" and crams the drill right into Unit A's chest cavity. (17) (13)
  127. 11:20 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 21 and 16
  128. 11:23 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Rearing back your drillin' arm, you lunge forward. In a fit of either moronic stupidity, brilliant piloting, or some combination of the two, the Walkie's pilot opens the cockpit and quickly jams the doors shut again on your drill. Having nothing to bite into but the open air of the cockpit, the drill can dig no further as the cockpit doors get caught in the drill's grooves, preventing it from spinning as you try futilely to jimmy and shove it around to no avail. As you attempt to free yourself, the Walkie's cockpit opens and shuts again, leaving your drill free and unharmed, though the same can be said for the Walkie and its pilot.
  129. 11:23 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "You wuz sayin'?"
  130. 11:25 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes go wide as the drill gets caught, clenching her teeth, eyes wide with fury. As the drill pulls free, Kari lets out a howl of rage.
  131. 11:26 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Walkie B, still blinded, stumbles around. "Duhh. Boss? Booooss. Wot da zog is 'appenin?"
  132. 11:27 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: It walks forwards blindly...
  133. 11:27 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: stepping right off the ledge and into the lava.
  134. 11:29 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: As Walkie B turns into a steaming pile of molten metal, Walkie A stomps forwards, moving to kick your other leg out from under you.
  135. 11:29 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "You'z gonna get stomped, ya git!"
  136. 11:29 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 10
  137. 11:30 PM - Kari: (12)
  138. 11:31 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You leap upwards, backflipping and landing as the leg fails to sweep you off your feet. "Stay still!" He follows your movements, kicking upwards at your leg again.
  139. 11:31 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: another 10, gg
  140. 11:32 PM - Kari: (15)
  141. 11:33 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You skid to the side, ducking low and under the kick as it swings overhead. The Walkie spins comically in circles, leg extended, before it regains its footing and stands firmly once more.
  142. 11:33 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You're on.
  143. 11:34 PM - Kari: Ducking under the kick, Kari guns it forward once more, hoping to catch the Walkie off-guard with her drill. (13) (14)
  144. 11:34 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: 12, 14
  145. 11:38 PM - Kari: As the drill tip lances upwards, it catches the Walkie in the back right as it steadies itself. Hoisting the drill up high, the Xrusk mek lifts clear off the ground as Kari roars in triumph. Letting the bit whirl around inside for a little too long, she pulls down hard, ripping the drill from the limp hunk of junk as it hits the ground. Kari does a quick scan for targets before succumbing to a bit of labored panting and a touch of nausea as she sees the blood on the drill.
  146. 11:41 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: With all targets destroyed, the metal music hisses to a quiet stop, leaving you in an almost awkward silence as you stare at the battlefield littered with explosions and mecha wrecks. Your attention turns to the radio tower just ahead of you.
  147. 11:42 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: All that's left to finish the job is to input the frequency and pull the switches.
  148. 11:44 PM - Kari: Still panting from the tense fight, Kari mutters under her breath. "Mr Silk's gonna kill me for this..." With a reluctant sigh, she hobbles toward the antenna, and lets the drill fall to hang on its strap. She sets to working the interface and pulling the switches as it makes sense to. "Mr Adkins? Do you read me?"
  149. 11:45 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "..ri, you read me Kari? I'm getting you loud and clear over here. You did great."
  150. 11:47 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Since you started we've had a few hitsquads, most on foot, swing by and try to nab a few barrels. Thanks to those defenses and weapons you dropped us we're holding our own though. How'd you do on your end?"
  151. 11:49 PM - Kari: Kari breathes a tired, though relieved sigh, leaning back in her chair as much as she really can. Sitting upright after a few seconds, she just shakes her head a little. "Well, I cleaned up three walkers and a tank, so that's good at least. That drill you lent me really came in handy, and it's still in one piece. Wish I could say the same for my right leg though."
  152. 11:50 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Ouch. Lost a leg, huh? At least you're still intact otherwise, right? Anyway, I suggest that you head... back, to..." he trails off, not finishing the sentence. "Aw, shit. That's bullshit. This is bullshit."
  153. 11:51 PM - Kari: ".... what...?" Kari asks, voice practically oozing with frustration.
  154. 11:51 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Well... look up."
  155. 11:52 PM - Kari: Kari does as bid, just about out of fucks to give for the day.
  156. 11:55 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: You turn your gaze skyward, staring at the thundering Zythium clouds above, to spot a massive, hulking shadow chugging through the air at high speeds. It's floating through the use of massive balloons, and propelled by the faint blue glow you recognize as gravitics. The guns and cannons on its belly twist back and forth, scanning the area.
  157. 11:55 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "...looks like they've brought a Flyee after all."
  158. 11:58 PM - Kari: "I.... hate... everything...." Kari has become thoroughly unamused, hands fidgeting on her controls. "You told me to run, right? Send my ship my ship a message while I focus on getting out of here."
  159. 11:59 PM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Does your ship have guns? Guns would be nice. Really /big/ guns."
  160. Wednesday, November 25, 2015
  161. 12:00 AM - Kari: "Truth be told, I have no idea, but it's worth a shot. If nothing else, they might be able to call one that does."
  162. 12:00 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Well... we'll give it a shot. Make your way back here, see if you can lead it. Worst case, we can lob Zythium and hope to nail a balloon."
  163. 12:02 AM - Kari: "Got it, sir. On my way back now." Kari takes her cue to get the fuck out of there, trying to hobble and hop her way along.
  164. 12:04 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: The Flyee's guns turn to focus on you, and the ship slows, pulling alongside above you.
  165. 12:04 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "You da git dat krumped my Kommander?"
  166. 12:06 AM - Kari: "Of course not. He 'krumped' himself enough for him and all his friends," Kari mutters out, trying not to think too much about the weapons bearing down on her.
  167. 12:08 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "'E wuldn't do dat. Dats why 'e was Kommander. You'z pretty dumb for a 'umie."
  168. 12:08 AM - Kari: "And you're pretty dumb if you think I'm a human, but just cause you make him a commander doesn't mean he's any less of an idiot."
  169. 12:10 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Well I izn't seein' yer git face, 'ows I s'pposed to know if yer a 'umie? You's 'elpin 'em, so you's a 'umie."
  170. 12:10 AM - Kari: Kari chitters in a mix of frustration and disbelief. "And you're in the sky. Does that mean you're a bird?"
  171. 12:10 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: " it?"
  172. 12:11 AM - Kari: "It wouldn't be fair for me to say now would it? You could always ask your boys and see what they think. I can wait."
  173. 12:12 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "AY BOYZ! JUS' COS' WE IN DA AIR, DOES DAT MAKE US A BIRDY?"
  174. 12:13 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Uhhh," "'unno boss," "maybe," "I tink soz," "birdies fly, dodn't they?" "yeh, they do!" "and, and we'z flyin." "uhuh, uhuh." "soz, if we flyin' and birdies flyin', then..."
  175. 12:13 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: A chorus of voices chant in unison. "THEN WE'S A BIRDY!"
  176. 12:15 AM - Kari: "Hey guys, that's pretty neat. Do you have any friends somewhere else? I bet they'd think it's so cool that you found that out! You should totally go tell them before you forget."
  177. 12:16 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: They ignore you as they continue to fly alongside. "BUT WAIT! Wez aint no burdy. We da Xrusk."
  178. "YEAH!" the chorus chants.
  179. "Soz... soz, if we a birdy, and we Xrusk, then... dat makes us..."
  180. "Uhh, Brusk?" "Xirdy?" "Xruds?" "Birky?"
  181. 12:17 AM - Kari: "But how can you be Xrusk 'and' a bird at the same time? Are you sure you're still Xrusk now that you're a bird?"
  182. 12:18 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "A Xrusk is always a Xrusk coz a Xrusk be a Xrusk! Krumpin's wot makes da Xrusk Xrusk!"
  183. 12:18 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "YEAH!"
  184. 12:18 AM - Kari: "But what if you're a 'krumpin' bird?"
  185. 12:19 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "A... a krumpin' birdy. A... a Kird. Yeh! WEZ DA KIRDS! WE'Z GONNA KRUMP YA!"
  186. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" the collective Xrusk - now apparently Kirds - let out a deafening warcry. The guns refocus on you.
  187. 12:21 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Luckily, your time-buying has gotten you all the way back to the facility. You find the guns opening fire on some small-time, on-foot Xrusk and the occasional Walkie. The catapults are loaded and wound back, waiting to be fired.
  188. 12:23 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: Adkins calls in over the warcries of the Xrusk. "So, problem. Your ship has no guns. They don't want to risk the ship coming down defenseless."
  189. 12:24 AM - Kari: "Great..." Kari mutters, still laughing from the mix of stress and mind-bending levels of stupidity.
  190. 12:26 AM - Kari: "So what's the plan then, sir? Looks like I'm not going anywhere until that thing's down and out."
  191. 12:29 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Pray to whatever god you prefer and throw everything we have at it. To be more specific, I'll be maintaining and loading the catapults, you tell Ricardo there," still in his Mek, he points to the other one on-site. It looks up and nods as you continue your running approach, tailed by the Xrusk. "Will be handling aiming and firing. The catapults are hard to maneuver, so we'll be counting on you to tell us where to shoot. Got all that?"
  192. 12:33 AM - Kari: Kari breathes a weary sigh before breaking into hysteric cackles and slapping her palm to her visor. After a little bit of laughing she wears a wry grin and pushes aside her depressing thoughts. "My kind don't pray, sir. We just smile and accept the challenge. My siblings are gonna be real proud of me when I come back after this."
  193. 12:33 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "Sounds like a good deal. And you can drop the 'sir' stuff. I'm not military, you know. Just a miner."
  194. 12:34 AM - Kari: "Heh, right. Alright, David. Let's get this done."
  195. 12:37 AM - Maktan Geym Masturbator: "You got it. We're counting on your skills, Kari." The Flyee bears down overhead, bringing its guns to aim at your little makeshift barricade.
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