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- #############################################
- # Acentos desde teclado #
- # Compatible : Essentials 16.2 #
- # Autor : Bezier #
- #############################################
- # Jódete, Maruno, que tengo acentos #
- #############################################
- class Window_TextEntry_Keyboard < Window_TextEntry
- # Acentos básicos [ ´ , ` , ¨ , ^ ]
- @@Acentos = [180, 96, 168, 94]
- @@AcentosConversion=[
- ['A','E','I','O','U','a','e','i','o','u'],
- ['Á','É','Í','Ó','Ú','á','é','í','ó','ú'],
- ['À','È','Ì','Ò','Ù','à','è','ì','ò','ù'],
- ['Ä','Ë','Ï','Ö','Ü','ä','ë','ï','ö','ü'],
- ['Â','Ê','Î','Ô','Û','â','ê','î','ô','û']
- ]
- def update
- @frame+=1
- @frame%=20
- self.refresh if ((@frame%10)==0)
- return if !
- # Moving cursor
- if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT)
- if @helper.cursor > 0
- @helper.cursor-=1
- @frame=0
- self.refresh
- end
- return
- end
- if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT)
- if @helper.cursor < self.text.scan(/./m).length
- @helper.cursor+=1
- @frame=0
- self.refresh
- end
- return
- end
- # Backspace
- if Input.repeatex?(8) || Input.repeatex?(0x2E)
- self.delete if @helper.cursor > 0
- return
- end
- if !@toUnicode
-"user32.dll","ToUnicode","iippii","i") rescue nil
-"user32.dll","MapVirtualKey","ii","i") rescue nil
-"user32.dll","GetKeyboardState","p","i") rescue nil
- end
- @alt_gr = false
- if @getKeyboardState
- @acento = 0 if !@acento
- kbs="\0"*256
- kbcount=0
- for i in 3...256
- if Input.triggerex?(i)
- if i==17 # Alt Gr Key
- @alt_gr=true
- end
- buf="\0"*8
- if ret>0
- b=buf.unpack("v*")
- if @@Acentos.include?(b[0])
- @acento = @@Acentos.index(b[0]) + 1
- return
- elsif @@AcentosConversion[0].include?(buf[0].chr) && @acento > 0
- idx = @@AcentosConversion[0].index(buf[0].chr)
- insert(@@AcentosConversion[@acento][idx])
- @acento = 0
- return
- else
- @acento=0
- end
- for j in 0...ret
- if buf[j]<=0x7F
- insert(buf[j].chr)
- elsif buf[j]<=0x7FF
- insert((0xC0|((buf[j]>>6)&0x1F)).chr+(0x80|(buf[j]&0x3F)).chr)
- else
- str=(0xE0|((buf[j]>>12)&0x0F)).chr
- str+=(0x80|((buf[j]>>6)&0x3F)).chr
- str+=(0x80|(buf[j]&0x3F)).chr
- insert(str)
- end
- kbcount+=1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return if kbcount>0
- end
- # Letter keys
- for i in 65..90
- if Input.repeatex?(i)
- shift=( ? 0x41 : 0x61
- insert((shift+(i-65)).chr)
- return
- end
- end
- # Number keys
- shifted="=!\"·$%&/()"
- unshifted="0123456789"
- for i in 48..57
- if Input.repeatex?(i)
- insert(( ? shifted[i-48].chr : unshifted[i-48].chr)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
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