Guest User


a guest
Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. data:
  2. maxPlayers: 0
  3. settings:
  4. motd: "&7 &6&l��&e&l��&f&l�� &6&l&o&nFactions&e&l&o&nZone&7 &f&l��&e&l��&6&l�� &F&L[SOON] \n&7&o** Huge things coming soon... &f&l+ & ** "
  5. report:
  6. delay: 60
  7. server-task:
  8. interval: 5
  9. random-hub:
  10. hubs:
  11. - Hub-1
  12. - Hub-2
  13. - Hub-3
  14. queue:
  15. min-players: 50
  16. delay-per-wave: 5
  17. amount-in-wave: 10
  18. servers:
  19. - Factions
  20. - Skyblock
  21. - Kingdom
  22. messages:
  23. list:
  24. console: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &eThere are currently %players% players online!'
  25. player:
  26. - '&8&l&m------------------------------------'
  27. - ''
  28. - '&8&l�� &7&o(Hover and click the user to join the server!)'
  29. - '%printstaff%'
  30. - ''
  31. - '&8&l�� &7&oThere''''s currently &a%players%&7&o players online!'
  32. - '&8&l&m------------------------------------'
  33. print-staff:
  34. chat-format: '&8&l�� &a%staff%&7 is logged onto &a%server%'
  35. hover-format: '&7Click to connect to &a%server%'
  36. no-staff: '&8&l�� &6&oThere''s currently no staff online!'
  37. chat-format-vanished: '&8&l�� &a%staff%&7 is logged onto &a%server% &8(&c&lVANISHED&8)'
  38. report:
  39. delay: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You can report a player again in &a%delay%&7
  40. seconds!'
  41. error: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You cannot report &a%target%&7.'
  42. reported: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7Your report has been successfully &asubmitted&7.'
  43. staff-notify:
  44. - '&8&l&m-------------------------------'
  45. - ''
  46. - '&8�� &7Report made by: &a%player%'
  47. - '&8�� &7Offender: &a%target%'
  48. - '&8�� &7Reason: &a%reason%'
  49. - ''
  50. - '%printinvestigate%'
  51. - '&8&l&m-------------------------------'
  52. usage: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &cUSAGE: &7/report <player> <reason>'
  53. investigate:
  54. chat: '&a&l[CLICK TO INVESTIGATE]'
  55. hover: '&7Click to connect to &a%server%'
  56. staff-chat:
  57. usage: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &cUSAGE: &7/sc <message>'
  58. format:
  59. chat: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &8(&a%player%&8) &8(&a%server%&8) �� &c%message%'
  60. hover: '&7Click to connect to &a%server%'
  61. vanish:
  62. vanished: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You have now been &c&lVANISHED&7 from the
  63. &aStaff List&7!'
  64. un-vanished: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You have now been &a&lUN-VANISHED&7 from
  65. the &aStaff List&7!'
  66. status:
  67. message:
  68. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  69. - ''
  70. - '%printservers%'
  71. - ''
  72. - '&8&l�� &7&oThis list updates every 5 seconds!'
  73. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  74. print-server:
  75. chat: ' &8&l�� &a%server%&f: &7%status%'
  76. hover: '&7Click to connect to &a%server%'
  77. server-notifier:
  78. online:
  79. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  80. - ' &7&o(( Server Connection Alert ))'
  81. - ''
  82. - ' &6&l* &eServer &6�� &f%server%'
  83. - ' &6&l* &eStatus &6�� &a&lONLINE'
  84. - ''
  85. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  86. offline:
  87. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  88. - ' &7&o(( Server Connection Alert ))'
  89. - ''
  90. - ' &6&l* &eServer &6�� &f%server%'
  91. - ' &6&l* &eStatus &6�� &c&lOFFLINE'
  92. - ''
  93. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  94. anti-ad:
  95. you-advertised: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You are not allowed to post IPs or
  96. Domains / Websites! Staff have been alerted!'
  97. staff-notify:
  98. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  99. - ''
  100. - '&a%player% seems to be advertising! &7- &a&o%message%'
  101. - ''
  102. - '%printaction%'
  103. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  104. action:
  105. chat: '&c&l[CLICK TO BAN]'
  106. hover: '&7Click to ban &a%player%'
  107. click: '/ban %player% Advertising: %message%'
  108. tps:
  109. notify:
  110. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  111. - '&7�� &2&l&nServer Information:&8 (&a&l&n%server%&8)'
  112. - ''
  113. - ' &2&l* &aTPS &7�� &f%tpsinfo% %tpsrange%'
  114. - ' &2&l* &aPlayers Online &7�� &f%players%'
  115. - ''
  116. - '%printjoin%'
  117. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  118. printjoin:
  119. chat: '&a&l[CLICK TO JOIN]'
  120. hover: '&7Click to connect to &a%server%'
  121. player-record:
  122. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  123. - ''
  124. - ' &7We have hit a new player record of &a%record% &7players!'
  125. - ''
  126. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  127. queue:
  128. wait: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7Please wait for your turn!'
  129. added: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You have been added to the queue! &8(&a%spot%&7/&a%size%&8)'
  130. already-connected: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You are already on that server!'
  131. connected: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You have been connected to the requested
  132. server!'
  133. primalbungee:
  134. help: '&cUSAGE: &7/primalbungee reload!'
  135. reloaded: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You have successfully re-loaded the config
  136. &8(&2%ms%&ams&8)'
  137. slash-server:
  138. connecting: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7Please wait while we connect you to &a%server%&7!'
  139. announcement:
  140. usage: '&cUSAGE: &7/announcement <message>'
  141. random-hub:
  142. already-on-hub: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7You are already on a &aHub&7!'
  143. finding-hub: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7Please wait until we find an available
  144. &aHub&7!'
  145. connected: '&6&lFactions&e&lZone &8* &7We have connected you to &a%server%&7!'
  146. player-only: '&cOnly players can execute that command!'
  147. no-permission: '&cYou do not have permission to execute that command!'
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