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Sep 25th, 2019
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  1. As many of the movie going audience know, Disney’s Frozen was a box office success generating 1.3$ Billion dollars at the worldwide box office. This has prompted merchandise, brand deals, and a brand new sequel to be slated for November 22, 2019. This is to be expected however, as Walt Disney Animation Studios put a lot of heart and soul into creating a vivid and wonderful world that was not only enjoyable visually and musically, but also taught a lot of great lessons that all ages of the family could take value from. However, there is one glaring flaw in Frozen, that if fixed, could propel it’s sequel past its predecessor and into the limelight as a masterclass of not only cinema, but Shakespearean level storytelling. Olaf must be eliminated. Not only does he ruin the story as being a ‘comedic relief’ element, but as a character is much too powerful should he fall under temptations. As such, the dramatic irony of a Snowman who has become immune to heat, must be slain.
  3. Olaf serves no purpose as a character, as he isn’t even funny in the first place. His biggest character trait is that he “loves summer” and he can’t even imagine how much fun he would have in Summer. Well, let me be the first (apparently) to say that this is extremely stupid of him. He would melt and die and turn to mush. Another example of Olaf trying to be the funny man of the group is when Anna is apprehensive to see her sister who is living in isolation after a long amount of time. Anna walks up to the large door and is about to knock when she pulls away from it, clearly in deep thought and emotional distress. Olaf decides to but in and say “knock… just knock… why isn’t she knocking? Do you think she knows how to knock?” This is extremely dismissive and fucking rude, and is but only one example of him attempting to get cheap laughs from the rest of the crew, which is retarded because Kristoff is the only one who could even laugh the other one is a reindeer who can’t laugh.
  5. I wish my first paragraph had a stronger argument however, because if his only purpose was to be funny and failing at it, that would be forgivable. In actuality, his jokester routine is a guise to hide his true purpose, attaining power. When Anna is freezing to death in the locked room towards the latter half of the film, Olaf breaks in to save her. One would automatically assume he is doing this out of the well being of his “friend” but in reality it is because he realizes that if he saves Anna, he in return gains favor from Elsa, who mistakenly at the very end of the film gives Olaf his own Personal Flurry. She believes this will be used to protect him from the harsh summer sun’s rays, when in reality he is using this as an offensive platform. Now not even heat, flame, or global warming can stop Olaf. While he hasn’t proven himself to be a villain yet… he has also not proven himself a true friend. Now he has strength to brandish, and it isn’t even his own.
  7. Finally, if Olaf’s true intentions were to come to light, it would make for the most intense storytelling of this era of cinema since Avengers Age of Ultron. Imagine Olaf sending hordes of snow beasts to conquer Arendelle. Elsa, being the only person with the ability to take away Olaf’s newly granted power, has long since been slain by the creature. Kristoff is held hostage in the hands of Anna’s former ‘ally’. Anna realizes that the only way to get to Olaf is through the monstrosities attacking the town. She forges her way through with her rapier, freezing, but determined. Many are killed, but the beasts are on the run. Olaf is finally on the back foot. She breaks into his castle where she finds him holding Kristoff, half ice, but alive. He has his Personal Flurry aimed squarely at Kristoff and DEMANDS anna drop her weapon. To which she complies. “Foolish, absolutely FOOLISH.” he belts out, half laughing and half utterly amazed at how long his scheme had gone undetected. He then aims his Flurry at Anna, blasting the already wounded Anna out onto the top floor of the castle, and against the railing overlooking the battlefield. Anna, looking at sky of swirling clouds gasps for air. Olaf drops Kristoff, too weak and virgin to fight back, and heads outside to Anna. “I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!” Anna yells over the howling winds and snow. “I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND, OUR FRIEND!” Olaf laughs and replies “Who needs friends, when I have the power of God.” Anna, taking one last look at the sky, notices something, but makes no revelation of it. “THEN DO IT. FINISH ME. FINISH YOUR BETRAYAL!” her arms outstretched. Olaf says only one word. “Gladly.” As he aims his Personal Flurry at Anna. This was what Anna had hoped for. Suddenly, amongst the swirling clouds, as if fate itself had intervened, shined Olaf’s glaring weakness, the one his hubris had ignored since attaining his ability. The sun shone down on Olaf like a mighty flame, melting him and leaving his flurry unstable, and Anna did not miss her opportunity to eliminate the only thing saving Olaf from his melty puddley fate. Anna, with the power of her bloodline, steals Olaf’s power back while he is unable to protect had been protected him. Olaf was utterly defeated in a few moments. Realizing his fate, Olaf walked to the edge of the castle and looked up at the shining sun and sky. Looking at the battlefield and the wreckage he caused, and the realization that summer meant his death, mutters “Summer sure is nice.” as he melts away.
  9. As you can see, Olaf fucking dying in Frozen 2 would be a great benefit to not only the series and Disney, but to mankind itself. Olaf’s tale is one of revenge, pride, death, and most of all, betrayal. As long as Disney follows my steps, Frozen 2 will be a box office masterpiece and quite possibly the greatest cinematic tale of all time.
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