
Nov 24th, 2019
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  1. # Pouches
  3. Pouches:
  4. MoneyPouch:
  5. Item: ENDER_CHEST
  6. PouchStand: ENDER_CHEST
  7. Enchanted: true
  8. Name: "&e&lTier I Money Pouch &r&7(Right Click)"
  9. ConvertBigNumbers: true #makes it so prizes from thousands to quintillions are changed to letters such as K, Mil, Bil, etc.
  10. EndHologram:
  11. - "&e&lMONEY POUCH"
  12. - "&7You have won ${random_number} from this pouch!"
  13. TitleMessage: "&a&l+{random_number}"
  14. Lores:
  15. - ''
  16. - '&7Place the Money Pouch to receive a'
  17. - '&7Mystery reward of money!'
  18. - ''
  19. - '&6&l* &eTier &f1'
  20. - ''
  21. - '&6&l* &eReward'
  22. - '&8- &f$10,000 - $50,000'
  23. - ''
  24. - '&7&o(( Place down to open! ))'
  25. RandomNumberMin: 10000
  26. RandomNumberMax: 50000
  27. Rewards:
  28. - "eco give {player_name} {random_number}"
  29. DiamondPouch:
  31. PouchStand: DIAMOND_BLOCK
  32. Enchanted: true
  33. Name: "&b&lTier I Diamond Pouch &r&7(Right Click)"
  34. EndHologram:
  35. - "&e&lDIAMOND POUCH"
  36. - "&7You have found {random_number} Diamond Blocks from this pouch!"
  37. Lores:
  38. - ''
  39. - '&7Place the Diamond Pouch to receive a'
  40. - '&7Mystery reward of Diamond Blocks!'
  41. - ''
  42. - '&6&l* &bTier &f1'
  43. - ''
  44. - '&6&l* &bReward'
  45. - '&8- &f1 - 128 Diamond Blocks'
  46. - ''
  47. - '&7&o(( Place down to open! ))'
  48. RandomNumberMin: 1
  49. RandomNumberMax: 128
  50. Rewards:
  51. - "give {player_name} DIAMOND_BLOCK {random_number}"
  52. ExpPouch:
  53. Item: CHEST
  54. PouchStand: CHEST
  55. Enchanted: true
  56. Name: "&a&lTier I EXP Pouch &r&7(Right Click)"
  57. EndHologram:
  58. - "&e&lEXP POUCH"
  59. - "&7You have found {random_number} EXP from this pouch!"
  60. Lores:
  61. - ''
  62. - '&7Place the EXP Pouch to receive a'
  63. - '&7Mystery reward of Experience!'
  64. - ''
  65. - '&6&l* &aTier &f1'
  66. - ''
  67. - '&6&l* &aReward'
  68. - '&8- &f100 - 1000 EXP'
  69. - ''
  70. - '&7&o(( Place down to open! ))'
  71. RandomNumberMin: 100
  72. RandomNumberMax: 1000
  73. Rewards:
  74. - "minecraft:xp {random_number} {player_name}"
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