

May 7th, 2010
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  1. 15:43:50 < menjato> now I am on chroot
  2. 15:44:02 < menjato> and i wznt to install packages
  3. 15:44:28 < menjato> I run yum install * and it gives me error
  4. 15:46:27 < menjato> I sent these errors on hht://
  5. 15:48:09 -!- zodbot [~supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot] has quit [Disconnected by services]
  6. 15:49:20 < NetRipper> you're missing some file systems
  7. 15:49:41 < NetRipper> before you chroot, you should mount a few file systems within the new root
  8. 15:49:48 < NetRipper> i.e. your chroot is in /chroot
  9. 15:50:26 < NetRipper> mkdir /chroot/dev ; mount --bind /dev /chroot/dev
  10. 15:50:34 < NetRipper> mkdir /chroot/proc ; mount -t proc none /chroot/proc
  11. 15:50:49 < menjato> but I just use fedora-n32-rootfs.tar.gz
  12. 15:50:49 < NetRipper> chroot /chroot
  13. 15:51:04 < menjato> I untared it and I chroot
  14. 15:51:20 < NetRipper> yes but /dev in the tar.gz does not reflect your actual machine
  15. 15:51:22 -!- zodbot [~supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot] has joined #fedora-mips
  16. 15:51:44 < NetRipper> it may be missing nodes etc... you should use the one from outside the chroot environment
  17. 15:52:04 < NetRipper> hence mounting the /dev and the /proc
  18. 15:56:45 < NetRipper> menjato, see this link on chrooting.. it's usual that you hav eto mount some file systems (sorry for pasting ubuntu stuff in a fedora channel :P)
  20. 15:57:12 -!- gbraad_web [~d9a9e599@fedora/gbraad] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
  21. 15:57:46 < menjato> but normally can I install packages on chroot?
  22. 15:57:58 < NetRipper> yes it should be possible
  23. 15:58:09 < NetRipper> the error you pasted says it's missing /dev/urandom
  24. 15:58:16 < NetRipper> which probably does exist outside your chroot
  25. 15:58:17 < menjato> u said to install some file system before chrooting
  26. 15:58:20 < NetRipper> just not inside the chroot
  27. 15:58:29 < NetRipper> no, not install, mount
  28. 15:58:36 < NetRipper> read the link i just pasted, first post
  29. 15:58:51 < NetRipper> just the 1/2/3/4 steps
  30. 15:59:00 < menjato> so how to resolve this /dev/urandom?
  31. 15:59:13 < NetRipper> exactly the way i said...
  32. 16:00:36 <@gbraad> when you chroot device nodes only exist in the real filesystem
  33. 16:02:15 <@gbraad> NetRipper just explained you how to use mount to associate your chroot environment BEFORE you do the chroot
  34. 16:04:26 < NetRipper> menjato, exit your chroot, then tell me in which directory your chroot is
  35. 16:04:43 -!- menjato [~menjato@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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