
Forged Destiny [Book 1: Ch. 14]

Aug 23rd, 2018 (edited)
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  1. My eyes narrowed as I watched the twins come back together. Yet again they stood close, shoulders almost touching.
  3. "I think it's a Passive," I whispered. Yang looked at me but didn't say anything. She kept her guard up, as did I. "It has to be something," I continued, "They've been at their strongest when they're next to each other, and you did say they had more Strength than any Rogue should. I think their Passive is about them being twins, maybe some kind of Stat-sharing or buff when they're close to one another."
  5. Yang hummed and watched them. Her eyes no doubt noticed the same things mine did. The Rogues were strong and fast… but if they were that much stronger, why hadn't they split apart to take us both out? If Melanie was individually strong enough to stop Yang's attacks with ease, then why did they make life harder for themselves by making this a two on two?
  7. —Forged Destiny [Book 1: Ch. 14]
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