
Golden Brisk Goes Out

Mar 4th, 2013
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  1. Golden Brisk Goes Out, by Seriously
  3. (See: for more of his stories!)
  5. >In the photo shoot, Golden Brisk poses and pouts for his boss as she takes rapid shots with her camera.
  6. >Today's shoot was over evening wear, so a long slender black dress was his wardrobe of choice. The material hugged every curve of his body, and was surprisingly comfy, it breathed easily, and honestly felt very cozy. Which was good since he had been going at it since 6.
  7. >"Gud! Ya! Zats it! Wurk it!" Photo says encouragingly as she burns through camera after camera
  8. >Brisk does his best to keep up while keeping himself from showing any visible exhaustion.
  9. >"Now sexy!" She screams as Brisk complies and makes his best seductive face "Now sad!"
  10. >For a moment, Brisk thinks of what face to make, but dragged it for to long.
  11. >"STAHP!" Photo screams causing Brisk to curl up in fright "Vat are you doing?! You had ze magiks!"
  12. "I'm sorry." He replies meekly "I'm still getting used to changing my expression like that....and you know...we've been doing this for like 3 hours."
  13. >"Zat iz true, vhut time iz it?" She asks looking back as a stallion looks at his over-sized watch.
  14. >"Its 10pm Ms. Finish."
  15. >"Ah! So late! Fine, back it up! I'm needed at..ze pantry!" She yells before galloping off
  16. >Brisks sighs exhausted as he stretches himself out. Walking away from the crowd, Brisk retires to his room. On the way over, he spots Silver Breeze wearing this falls latest dress suit.
  17. >The dark and sleek black business suit really showed off her strong shoulders, and defined jaw. She looked very handsome, but you saw her as beautiful.
  18. "Hey Silver!" Brisk said just a tad to enthusiastic as he practically rushes over to her, "You look great!"
  19. >Silver shifts her gaze at him with that same stern and intimidating look she's famous for before realizing who it was. Relaxing herself, she smiles that cute smile
  20. >"Oh, thanks." She says before looking him over in his tight dress, "You don't look half bad yourself."
  22. >Hearing her say this brought his well tucked penis out of hiding.
  23. ("Oh my gosh!") Brisk thinks ("She thinks I'm handsome! Clam yourself Brisk, she's finally acknowledging you as a stallion, you gotta play it cool.")
  24. "Thanks, you too."
  25. >Silver Breeze cocks an eyebrow causing Brisk to realize what he just said.
  26. "I..I mean thanks." He replies embarrassed as Silver laughs
  27. >"Don't worry about it, I'll see you tomorrow." She says with a smile before nodding goodbye and walking off.
  28. >Brisk had gotten ahead of himself, and was already planning how many kids they were going to have, but had not planned on how to actually ask her out.
  29. >Now with the moment he considers "ruined" he hangs his head and walks out the studio.
  30. >The only sounds Brisk hears are the clanking of his hooves as he walks down the fine pavement.
  31. >For days he was thinking of ways to set up the perfect opportunity to ask out Silver, finally the moment of truth and he botched it.
  32. >Not only that, he WANTED to go out tonight.
  33. >Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, he inhales in deeply with new resolve.
  34. >It may not be with Silver, but he IS going out tonight.
  36. >Walking into a small grill/bar setup, Brisk makes his way to the booth. He was never one for really sitting with everyp0ny, and preferred to keep to himself when he could.
  37. >A nice mare comes walking over and hoofs him a menu,
  38. >"Here's the menu, and what'll you have to drink?"
  39. "Oh, uhhhh I guess an order of hay fries, and aaaaaa Pina Colada."
  40. >"Right away ma'am."
  41. >Brisk puffs his cheeks in anger but says nothing else,
  42. ("It's ok Brisk, the dim lighting must have made it hard for her to really see how masculine you are.")
  43. >Sitting alone, he looks over all the patrons who are all laughing and drinking with their friends. A few stallions are looking in his direction, but pays it no mind, especially when he notices that there are other ponies with their special somep0nies.
  44. >Brisk sighs sadly and wonders what Silver Breeze could be up to. Was she thinking about him? Was she sitting at home feeling alone like he was?
  45. >As he thinks these things over, the mare bring over his meal.
  46. >"Here you are ma'am."
  47. ("No tip for her.")
  48. >With his little fit out of the way, he slowly begins to take small bits of fries to his mouth.
  49. >Chewing carefully, he follows it up with sips of his drink.
  50. >It wasn't the most healthy of meals, but he was nursing his wounded pride.
  51. >"Umm, hey there." A young stallion speaks out to him, breaking Brisk of his train of thought.
  52. "Oh...hi." He replies wondering what he could want with him,
  53. >"Do you mind if I join you?" He asks, he was a pretty young stallion maybe even younger than he was, and he had pretty naive eyes. The kind that gets your taken advantage of in Canterlot.
  54. >Brisk looks side to side expecting somep0ny else to be the pony he was asking, when he sees nop0ny in sight, he looks back at him.
  55. "Me?"
  56. >"If that's all right."
  57. "I guess." He shrugs with his shoulders as the stallion carefully sits across from him
  59. >The stallion having gotten comfy, smiles nervously at Brisk. It seems he's trying desperately to think of something to say.
  60. >Brisk looks across at the young stallion and sips at his drink, waiting on him to ask of whatever business he had with him.
  61. >"So uhhh, whats you name?"
  62. "Golden Brisk."
  63. >"That's a nice name, I'm Blue Jay."
  64. >Things get silent again as Brisk becomes slightly impatient
  65. "Why are you talking to me?" He asks curiously, wanting to know just what he was getting at
  66. >"I..I just wanted to talk to you." He replies blushing, its then it hits Brisk.
  67. ("I'm still wearing the dress.") He thinks as he facehoofs,
  68. >His action isnt lost on the stallion, "S.s.sorry, I..I'll leave." He says trying to get up quickly
  69. "No its not that." Brisk replies stopping the stallion dead in his tracks "I don't want you to leave, but I don't think you're gonna wanna stay after what I have to tell you."
  70. >"What?" He asks afraid and looking around " you have a coltfriend?"
  71. "No..I'm really a stallion."
  72. >Blue laughs and smiles almost in disbelief
  73. "No I'm.I'm serious, I'm really a stallion."
  74. >His laugh and smile goes away when he realizes you're serious "There's no way."
  75. "I assure you, I'm 100% stallion, I just don't look it."
  76. >"W.what about the dress?"
  77. "I forgot I was wearing it to be honest, but, because of my looks, I work as a model for mares clothing. Its just easier that way."
  78. >"Oh Celestia." He says burying his face on his hooves
  79. "Hey don't worry about it, ponies mistake me all the time, even without the dress."
  80. >"Yeah."
  81. "So do you still feel like siting with me?" he asks with a little flirty smile
  82. >"Might as well, they're never gonna let me live this down when I get back anyway."
  83. "Who isn't?"
  84. >"My friends." He says motioning with his eyes,
  85. "Why?"
  86. >"...."
  87. "C'mon, what else have you got to lose?"
  88. >"Tsk, well, we all saw you come in, and I thought you were cute, but my friends told me that I didn't have a chance with you."
  90. "That's mean." Brisk replies looking over at them
  91. >"...yeah, but I guess they were right, just not for their reasons. No offense."
  92. "Well, you don't have to tell em I'm a stallion, we can just talk for a bit and I can pretend to be into you."
  93. >"I dont know."
  94. "Hey, if you wanna go back and get ridden by your colt-pals be my guest, but I'm only trying to help."
  95. >"Why help me though?"
  96. "Because I know a thing or two about what it feels like to be teased." Brisk says bouncing his mane
  97. >"Oh..ok."
  98. >The two talked for almost an hour, and it took Blue over 30 minutes to finally become comfortable, or rather stopped caring about his situation. Instead, he found himself fascinated by this stallion, and became more and more focused on him.
  99. >His friends became a thing of the past as he asked and talked to Brisk over any subject he could.
  100. >Drink after drink, the two really began to hit it off.
  101. "Well, its getting late." Brisk says looking up at the clock
  102. >"Wait! Umm, do you wanna play a game of pool before you go?"
  103. "I haven't played in ages."
  104. >"Me neither, we'll be on the same level." He smiles
  105. "Fine, just one game."
  107. >The two get up and walk over to a small game corner, two pool tables and an old pinball machine comprise the "game corner"
  108. >"What do you drink? I'm buying, just set the table."
  109. "Thank you~ and I don't know, you pick, anything is fine."
  110. >After the drinks are ordered, and placed on the edge of the table, Brisk lines up the balls and gets the shot ready.
  111. >"You go first." Blue says as Brisk looks at him,
  112. >Noticing his friends leaning over, Brisk smiles at Blue, "Such an gentlecolt~" He says before leaning himself over the table and lining up the shot
  113. >Intentionally swinging his hips and fully aware of how the dress emphasizes his rear, he takes the shot and the balls explode in all directions.
  114. >He sinks in a solid and a stripe immediatly, with a wink, he leans over to Blue
  115. "Guess that means I go both ways." He teases
  117. >Blue is clearly uncomfortable by the remark, but worth it as Brisk notices that his friends heard what he said.
  118. >"I..its my turn...I'll be straight..SOLID!" He stammers before walking over to the table
  119. >He inhales and takes his time to regain his composure, angling his shot, he strikes and the ball hops up and over one of Brisk's stripes.
  120. "Oh my gosh! How did you do that?" Brisk asks impressed
  121. >"Its not that hard, you just..hit it slightly harder on the bottom."
  122. >Brisk smiles at him as Blue bashfully looks away with his own smile.
  123. "I'll try that."
  124. >After a few more balls got sunk in, its down to the wire as both Blue and Brisk need to sink in the 8 ball to win.
  125. >"Man you're really good at this."
  126. "Just luck." Brisk smiles as the unimpressive background music stops and suddenly a slow love song comes on. "Oh no way, Peaceful Garden, I love these guys! I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, your every fantasy.."
  127. >"I'll be you're rock, I'll be your home, be anything you need.."
  128. "I'll love you more than the sky and the shining sea!"
  129. >"I'll love you more than the sky and the shining sea!"
  130. >They both sing in unison before breaking out in laughter
  131. >"I cant believe you know this song!"
  132. "I cant believe you admit liking this song!"
  133. >The two laugh as the song continues to play, but after a small giggle fit, they both look at one another. Blue gets really silent in particular and looks over at the table.
  134. "Its my shot now." Brisk says walking over and angling his shot, with a quick strike, the ball lunges forward and sinks it. "That's game point."
  135. >"You beat me."
  136. "Just got lucky." He admits
  137. >"Next time I'll win." He smiles as Brisk says nothing "There will be a next time right?"
  139. >Brisk sighs and looks away,
  140. "Probably not. Sorry."
  141. >"Look I'm sorry about before, I don't even care that you're a stallion anymore, I..I really like Brisk, and..and I want to see you again."
  142. "Blue you're a sweet guy, but it wouldn't work, even as friends. I really don't have much free time and this was great but...I kinda like somep0ny else."
  143. >Blue trembles slightly as Brisk walks over to him and comes close to his ear
  144. "Thank you for a wonderful night, I'll never forget it." He says before kissing him on the lips, the two hold it before Brisk breaks away slowly "Good night Blue."
  145. >With that Brisk walks away and out the restaurant, wiping away a small tear, he looks up at the sky.
  146. >As he walks forward, the door behind him opens
  147. "Blue I meant what I sai..
  148. >"Ma'am, you didn't pay the tab." A gruff stallion calls out
  149. "Oh my."
  151. End
  152. Hope that was fun for you guys, I had fun writing it
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