

Mar 2nd, 2017
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  1. #♠ Sovereign Filter by StupidFatHobbit updated 4/27/17 ♠ Legacy League ♠ - GENERAL VERSION
  2. #Update Notes: Mid-League Update III.1 - 1h Melee Levelling Support Added
  3. #defaultcolors:
  4. #uniqueitem rgb(175,96,37)
  5. #rareitem rgb(255,255,119)
  6. #magicitem rgb(136,136,255)
  7. #whiteitem rgb(200,200,200)
  8. #gemitem rgb(27,162,155)
  9. #currencyitem rgb(170,158,130)
  10. #questitem rgb(74,230,58)
  11. #defaultfontsize: 32? (17-60?)
  13. #Guide to Colors (These are the consistent general colors, some minor and edge case variations aren't listed.)
  14. #Borders - Levelling/Racing
  15. #Red: Life Flask
  16. #Maroon: Melee Weapons
  17. #Orange: Phys Jewellery
  18. #Yellow: Rare 2x2's
  19. #Lime: Ranger Weapons
  20. #Green: 3CL
  21. #Teal: Links
  22. #Skyblue: Caster Weapons
  23. #Blue: Rare Jewellery ilvl 1-59, Mana Flasks
  24. #Violet: Resist flasks
  25. #Lavender: Resist rings
  26. #Purple: Stat jewellery
  27. #Tan: All class, Magic/Rare boots (for movespeed)
  28. #Brown: Best armour basetypes
  30. #Borders - General/Endgame
  31. #Red: Priority Highlight
  32. #Maroon: Best Rare Melee Weapons
  33. #Orange: Chance Bases
  34. #Yellow: all other 2x2 rares
  35. #Lime: Best Rare Ranged Weapons
  36. #Green: 3CL
  37. #Teal: Links, misc. highlights
  38. #Skyblue: Best Rare Caster Weapons
  39. #Blue: 2nd tier rares
  40. #Violet: Top tier rares
  41. #Lavender: 75+ jewellery bases
  42. #Purple: Atlas Basetypes
  43. #Tan: Quality gems, misc. highlights
  44. #Brown: Top armour basetypes
  46. #Double Colors (Border & Background Nested)
  47. #Teal: Best levelling links, 5L
  48. #Skyblue: Top caster levelling weapons
  49. #Blue: Rare 60+ jewellery
  50. #Violet: Rare 75+ jewellery
  51. #Purple: Rare Atlas jewellery bases
  53. #Backgrounds (solid background, black/white text) - "Must Pick Ups"
  54. #red: top currency, 6L
  55. #orange: uniques
  56. #yellow: rare jewels
  57. #lime: leaguestones
  58. #green: low currency
  59. #teal: mid currency
  60. #blue: magic jewels
  61. #skyblue: div cards
  62. #lavender: top div cards
  63. #tan: maps (tiers filtered by text/border color)
  64. #brown: best 84+ basetypes
  66. ################################ >>>>>>>> PLEASE READ THIS <<<<<<<< ###################################
  67. #This is a complete filter meant to cover all aspects of the game including racing, map preparation, and endgame in a hardcore league.
  68. #It includes dynamic highlighting while levelling and is heavily designed around racing and playing in zero-gear environments (aka start of new leagues).
  69. #There are four "phases" to the filter: racing, levelling, early maps, and endgame. The filter transitions smoothly between these phases and changes what is shown and hidden based on what's needed at the time.
  70. #This filter is much more aggressive than most. Race level filtering is more relaxed to account for worst case scenarios.
  71. #The idea behind this filter is anything you could possibly want is shown, no more, no less, especially in race environments. Minimum visual clutter.
  73. #Different classes use different weapons while levelling. This filter has options for all three levelling styles (caster, melee, bow).
  74. #By default all types are shown for all classes since I don't want people downloading this, not reading the options, and then whining that stuff is being hidden.
  75. #If you do not want to be fussed with editing then all 3 archetypes will be shown while levelling and the link filtering while racing will be broad (non-class specific).
  76. #To customize go to Section 15 and read the instructions there. Chance items located in Section 12.
  77. #If you're not already using Notepad++, stop reading now and go download it immediately. It will make your life easier and you can thank me later.
  78. #IMPORTANT NOTE ON THE PRESETS: While the filter was originally written around the ability to switch between race archetypes, the lack of race seasons combined with my own laziness has led me to stop bothering with uploading seperate filters. I now simply use the general preset for everything, including races, and just switch to strict version at endgame.
  79. #The presets all still work and will continue to work due to the robust way in which the filter was written, but I now consider them a "legacy" feature and no longer make multiple presets available for download (because I can't be fucked uploading five different filters every time I do an update).
  81. #If you have any questions or comments please post them in the forum thread located here:
  82. #You will always be able to find the most updated version of the filter on the forums or at via !filter.
  83. #Special thanks to GucciPradas, Yovu, BiggestE, RaizQT, cha_siu_bao, RichJMoney, and any others I may have forgotten for helping test the filter and provide valuable feedback.
  85. #######################################################################################################
  86. #notes for me / random info / stuff you probably shouldn't be reading
  87. #docks/lake levels: 29/34, 51/55, 64/67
  88. #Soundlist:
  89. #1 - clashgong (levelling 4L's, 5L)
  90. #2 - stone hallway drop - GOOD ONE (divine and higher currency)
  91. #3 - sourdrop (mid-tier currency, includes alchs b/c racing)
  92. #4 - rising wind (possibly good unique, okay uniques)
  93. #5 - rising metal (good unique)
  94. #6 - sharper rising metal? (very early stat amulets, non-shit div cards, atlas bases)
  95. #7 - ALIENS (unique map, unique jewel)
  96. #8 - dadadadada (red tier map)
  97. #9 - quieter #8 (levelling flasks, high tier map)
  99. ##################################################
  100. ########### --- Table of Contents --- ############
  101. ##################################################
  102. #Note: Ctrl+F a section i.e. "Section 12" to jump to that area
  103. #High Priority Blocks:
  104. #Section 1 - Priority Highlight
  105. #Section 2 - League & Zone Specific
  106. #Section 3 - Maps
  107. #Section 4 - Sockets
  108. #Section 5 - Currency
  109. #Section 6 - Divination Cards
  110. #Section 7 - Jewels
  111. #Section 8 - Uniques
  112. #Basetype Highlighting Blocks:
  113. #Section 9 - Top Tier Craft
  114. #Section 10 - Rare Highlighting
  115. #Section 11 - Second Tier Craft (Defunct)
  116. #Section 12 - Chance Items
  117. #Section 13 - Alch Bases
  118. #Section 14 - Misc Part I - Priority & Oddballs
  119. #Levelling Blocks:
  120. #Section 15 - Racing Options & Class Configuration
  121. #Section 16 - Global Levelling I - Jewellery & Basics
  122. #Section 17 - Caster Weapons
  123. #Section 18 - Melee Weapons
  124. #Section 19 - Ranged Weapons
  125. #Section 20 - Armour
  126. #Section 21 - Flasks
  127. #Section 22 - Global Levelling II - Worst Case Scenario Insurance
  128. #Other Blocks:
  129. #Section 23 - Gems
  130. #Section 24 - Miscellaneous Part II - Low Priority & Catch-Alls
  131. #Section 25 - Warbands
  132. #Section 26 - Animate Weapon
  133. #Section 27 - Global Hide
  135. ##################################################
  136. ######### Section 1 - Priority Highlight #########
  137. ##################################################
  138. #Note: Quick way to add something unusual that may not be in the filter or make something temporarily bigger
  139. #Show
  140. # BaseType "Rubber Ducky"
  141. # SetTextColor 0 0 0
  142. # SetBorderColor 255 0 0
  143. # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
  144. # PlayAlertSound 1 150
  145. # ItemLevel >= 1
  146. # PlayAlertSound 1 150
  147. #Show
  148. # BaseType "Lithe Blade"
  149. # Sockets = 6
  150. # SetTextColor 0 0 0
  151. # SetBorderColor 255 0 0
  152. # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
  153. # PlayAlertSound 1 150
  154. # SetFontSize 40
  155. #Show
  156. # BaseType "Crude Bow"
  157. # SetTextColor 0 0 0
  158. # SetBorderColor 255 0 0
  159. # SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
  160. # Rarity Normal Magic Rare
  161. # ItemLevel >= 50
  162. # PlayAlertSound 1 150
  163. #Currency Enlarger - Useful for racing and early league. Disable for lategame. (Commenting out these lines or removing any of the items will still show these currencies, they just won't be enlarged anymore).
  164. Show
  165. BaseType "Glassblower's Bauble" "Portal Scroll" "Orb of Transmutation" "Orb of Augmentation" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Chance" "Chromatic Orb" "Jeweller's Orb" "Armourer's Scrap" "Blacksmith's Whetstone"
  166. SetFontSize 40
  167. #Hide
  168. # BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
  169. # SetFontSize 40
  171. ##################################################
  172. ####### Section 2 - League & Zone Specific #######
  173. ##################################################
  174. #Note:(White Text/Border, Solid Color Backgrounds)
  175. #Talisman - Maroon
  176. Show
  177. BaseType "Talisman"
  178. Class Amulet
  179. Rarity Unique
  180. SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
  181. SetBorderColor 225 100 0
  182. SetTextColor 225 100 0
  183. SetFontSize 38
  184. PlayAlertSound 4 100
  185. Show
  186. BaseType "Talisman"
  187. Class Amulet
  188. SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
  189. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  190. #Perandus - Orange
  191. Show
  192. BaseType "Perandus Coin"
  193. Class Currency
  194. SetTextColor 200 200 200
  195. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  196. SetBackgroundColor 150 50 0
  197. SetFontSize 40
  198. #Prophecy - Purple
  199. Show
  200. BaseType "Silver Coin" "Prophecy"
  201. Class Currency
  202. SetTextColor 200 200 200
  203. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  204. SetBackgroundColor 75 0 125
  205. SetFontSize 40
  206. Show
  207. BaseType "Eber's Key" "Yriel's Key" "Inya's Key" "Volkuur's Key"
  208. SetTextColor 200 200 200
  209. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  210. SetBackgroundColor 75 0 125
  211. SetFontSize 40
  212. #Essence - Teal
  213. Show
  214. BaseType "Essence of Hysteria" "Essence of Insanity" "Essence of Horror" "Essence of Delirium" "Shrieking Essence" "Deafening Essence"
  215. Class Currency
  216. SetBackgroundColor 0 75 100
  217. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  218. SetTextColor 255 204 102
  219. SetFontSize 50
  220. Show
  221. BaseType "Screaming Essence" "Wailing Essence" "Remnant of Corruption"
  222. Class Currency
  223. SetBackgroundColor 0 100 125
  224. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  225. SetTextColor 200 200 200
  226. SetFontSize 40
  227. Show
  228. BaseType "Essence"
  229. Class Currency
  230. SetBackgroundColor 0 100 125
  231. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  232. SetTextColor 200 200 200
  233. SetFontSize 35
  234. #Breach - Blue
  235. Show
  236. BaseType "Breach Ring"
  237. SetBackgroundColor 0 100 175
  238. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  239. SetTextColor 200 200 200
  240. Show
  241. BaseType "Blessing of Xoph" "Blessing of Tul" "Blessing of Esh" "Blessing of Uul-Netol" "Blessing of Chayula" "Xoph's Breachstone" "Tul's Breachstone" "Esh's Breachstone" "Uul-Netol's Breachstone" "Chayula's Breachstone"
  242. SetBackgroundColor 0 100 175
  243. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  244. SetTextColor 255 204 102
  245. SetFontSize 50
  246. Show
  247. BaseType "Splinter of Xoph" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Chayula"
  248. SetBackgroundColor 0 100 175
  249. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  250. SetTextColor 200 200 200
  251. SetFontSize 40
  252. #Legacy - Lime
  253. Show
  254. Class Leaguestone
  255. SetBackgroundColor 150 250 50
  256. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  257. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  258. PlayAlertSound 3 50
  259. SetFontSize 40
  260. Show
  261. BaseType "Ancient Reliquary Key"
  262. SetBackgroundColor 0 75 0
  263. SetBorderColor 250 250 250
  264. SetTextColor 0 250 0
  265. SetFontSize 60
  266. PlayAlertSound 2 200
  267. #Labyrinth - Green
  268. Show
  269. Class "Labyrinth Item" "Labyrinth Map Item" "Labyrinth Trinket"
  270. SetTextColor 200 200 200
  271. SetBorderColor 200 200 200
  272. SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0
  273. SetFontSize 40
  275. ##################################################
  276. ############### Section 3 - Maps ################
  277. ##################################################
  278. #Other Endgame
  279. Show
  280. Class "Map Fragments"
  281. SetBorderColor 255 221 153
  282. SetTextColor 255 221 153
  283. SetFontSize 40
  284. Show
  285. Class Map
  286. Rarity Unique
  287. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  288. SetBorderColor 255 221 153
  289. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  290. PlayAlertSound 7 200
  291. SetFontSize 38
  292. #top tier (all red)
  293. Show
  294. Class Map
  295. DropLevel >= 78
  296. SetTextColor 255 0 0
  297. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  298. SetBorderColor 255 0 0
  299. SetFontSize 40
  300. PlayAlertSound 8 150
  301. #shaped map exceptions (teal)
  302. Show
  303. BaseType "Shaped Primordial Pool"
  304. Class Map
  305. SetTextColor 0 200 200
  306. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  307. SetBorderColor 0 200 200
  308. SetFontSize 40
  309. PlayAlertSound 8 200
  310. Show
  311. BaseType "Shaped " "Atoll Map"
  312. Class Map
  313. SetTextColor 0 200 200
  314. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  315. SetBorderColor 0 200 200
  316. SetFontSize 38
  317. PlayAlertSound 9 150
  318. #mid tier (3 blue and 2 purple)
  319. Show
  320. Class Map
  321. DropLevel >= 76
  322. SetTextColor 150 0 255
  323. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  324. SetBorderColor 150 0 255
  325. SetFontSize 38
  326. PlayAlertSound 9 150
  327. Show
  328. Class Map
  329. DropLevel >= 73
  330. ItemLevel <= 79
  331. SetTextColor 0 150 250
  332. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  333. SetBorderColor 0 150 250
  334. PlayAlertSound 9 125
  335. Show
  336. Class Map
  337. DropLevel >= 73
  338. SetTextColor 0 150 250
  339. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  340. SetBorderColor 0 150 250
  341. PlayAlertSound 9 125
  342. #bottom tier (3 black and 2 green)
  343. Show
  344. Class Map
  345. DropLevel >= 71
  346. ItemLevel <= 79
  347. SetTextColor 0 175 0
  348. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  349. SetBorderColor 0 175 0
  350. PlayAlertSound 9 100
  351. Show
  352. Class Map
  353. DropLevel >= 71
  354. SetTextColor 0 175 0
  355. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  356. SetBorderColor 0 175 0
  357. Show
  358. Class Map
  359. ItemLevel <= 74
  360. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  361. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  362. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  363. PlayAlertSound 9 100
  364. Show
  365. Class Map
  366. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  367. SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153
  368. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  370. ##################################################
  371. ############# Section 4 - Sockets ################
  372. ##################################################
  373. Show
  374. LinkedSockets = 6
  375. SetTextColor 255 255 255
  376. SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
  377. SetBorderColor 255 255 255
  378. SetFontSize 50
  379. PlayAlertSound 2 150
  380. Show
  381. LinkedSockets >= 5
  382. Rarity Unique
  383. SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150
  384. SetTextColor 225 100 0
  385. SetBorderColor 225 100 0
  386. PlayAlertSound 4 100
  387. SetFontSize 45
  388. #staff/body armour 5L exception, currently not used/set to same as weapons
  389. Show
  390. Class "Staves" "Body Armour"
  391. LinkedSockets >= 5
  392. # SetBackgroundColor 200 0 200
  393. # SetBorderColor 255 255 255
  394. # SetBorderColor 150 250 50
  395. # SetBackgroundColor 75 125 25
  396. SetBorderColor 0 250 250
  397. SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150
  398. PlayAlertSound 1 100
  399. SetFontSize 45
  400. Show
  401. LinkedSockets >= 5
  402. SetBorderColor 0 250 250
  403. SetBackgroundColor 0 150 150
  404. PlayAlertSound 1 100
  405. SetFontSize 45
  406. Show
  407. Sockets = 6
  408. Rarity Unique
  409. SetBackgroundColor 0 200 200
  410. SetBorderColor 225 100 0
  411. SetTextColor 225 100 0
  412. SetFontSize 38
  413. PlayAlertSound 4 100
  414. SetFontSize 45
  415. Show
  416. Sockets = 6
  417. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  418. SetBackgroundColor 0 200 200
  419. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  420. SetFontSize 38
  421. PlayAlertSound 3 25
  422. SetFontSize 45
  424. ##################################################
  425. ############# Section 5 - Currency ###############
  426. ##################################################
  427. Show
  428. BaseType "Chaos Orb" "Regal Orb" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Scouring" "Stacked Deck"
  429. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  430. SetBackgroundColor 0 225 225
  431. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  432. PlayAlertSound 3 65
  433. SetFontSize 50
  434. Show
  435. BaseType "Cartographer's Sextant" "Cartographer's Seal" "Unshaping Orb"
  436. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  437. SetBackgroundColor 150 0 250
  438. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  439. PlayAlertSound 3 65
  440. SetFontSize 50
  441. Show
  442. BaseType "Vaal Orb" "Blessed Orb"
  443. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  444. SetBackgroundColor 0 200 0
  445. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  446. SetFontSize 50
  447. PlayAlertSound 3 25
  448. Show
  449. BaseType "Orb of Fusing" "Orb of Alchemy"
  450. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  451. SetBackgroundColor 0 200 0
  452. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  453. SetFontSize 50
  454. PlayAlertSound 3 25
  455. Show
  456. BaseType "Eternal Orb" "Exalted Orb" "Divine Orb" "Mirror of Kalandra" "Fishing Rod" "Albino Rhoa Feather"
  457. SetTextColor 255 255 255
  458. SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0
  459. SetBorderColor 255 255 255
  460. PlayAlertSound 2 200
  461. SetFontSize 60
  462. Show
  463. BaseType "Cartographer's Chisel"
  464. SetBackgroundColor 170 158 130
  465. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  466. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  467. SetFontSize 50
  468. PlayAlertSound 3 65
  469. Show
  470. BaseType "Gavel" "Rock Breaker" "Stone Hammer"
  471. ItemLevel > 42
  472. Rarity Normal
  473. SetBorderColor 170 158 130
  475. ##################################################
  476. ######### Section 6 - Divination Cards ###########
  477. ##################################################
  478. #Note: Now using HC temp league lists to compile these tier lists
  479. #Note: All div cards make sounds by default. There are 3 categories.
  480. #Shit or Very Common Div Cards: No sounds on these, light blue color. More about removing cards that drop a lot to remove sound spam than removing low value cards. Everything here should be <1 chaos.
  481. Show
  482. BaseType "The Gambler" "The Scholar" "The Lover" "Emperor's Luck" "Flora's Gift" "Her Mask" "The Catalyst" "Destined to Crumble" "The Surgeon" "The Inoculated" "The King's Blade" "The Road to Power" "The Sigil" "The Spoiled Prince" "The Throne" "The Risk" "Rain of Chaos" "Thunderous Skies" "The Wolf's Shadow" "The Lion" "The Twins" "Light and Truth" "Prosperity" "The Encroaching Darkness" "The Mercenary" "The Warden" "The Calling" "The Gemcutter" "The Lord in Black" "Struck by Lightning" "The Wolf's Shadow" "The Metalsmith's Gift"
  483. Class "Divination Card"
  484. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  485. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  486. SetBackgroundColor 153 204 255
  487. SetFontSize 36
  488. #Top tier div cards, lavender color and sound. Value: around 3 chaos or higher per card
  489. Show
  490. BaseType "The Devastator" "The Immortal" "House of Mirrors" "The Doctor" "The Fiend" "The Offering" "The Last One Standing" "The Ethereal" "Mawr Blaidd" "The Celestial Justicar" "The Spark and the Flame" "Hunter's Reward" "Abandoned Wealth" "Wealth and Power" "Pride Before the Fall" "The Dragon's Heart" "The King's Heart" "The Polymath" "The Artist" "The Enlightened" "The Queen" "The Hunger" "The Saint's Treasure" "The Brittle Emperor" "The Thaumaturgist" "The Dapper Prodigy" "The Void" "Bowyer's Dream" "The Sephirot" "The Warlord" "The Porcupine" "The Vast"
  491. Class "Divination Card"
  492. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  493. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  494. SetBackgroundColor 200 150 255
  495. PlayAlertSound 6 100
  496. SetFontSize 60
  497. Show
  498. BaseType "The Aesthete" "The Wolf" "Last Hope" "The Valkyrie" "The Soul" "Emperor of Purity" "Heterochromia" "The Stormcaller" "The Cursed King" "The Formless Sea" "The Hoarder" "Chaotic Disposition" "The Chains that Bind" "The Harvester" "The Dark Mage" "The Soul" "Earth Drinker" "Lucky Deck" "Time-Lost Relic" "The Cartographer"
  499. Class "Divination Card"
  500. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  501. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  502. SetBackgroundColor 200 150 255
  503. PlayAlertSound 6 100
  504. SetFontSize 60
  505. #Beyond trash tier: Actually hidden, literally a waste of a click to pick up. Only the very worst get added here, used sparingly.
  506. Hide
  507. BaseType "The Carrion Crow" "Turn the Other Cheek"
  508. Class "Divination Card"
  509. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  510. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  511. SetBackgroundColor 153 204 255
  512. #All the rest: light blue color and sound, usually about 1-2c worth but varies greatly, rest should be in either high tier or low (no sound) tier
  513. Show
  514. Class "Divination Card"
  515. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  516. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  517. SetBackgroundColor 150 200 250
  518. PlayAlertSound 6 50
  519. SetFontSize 40
  521. ##################################################
  522. ############## Section 7 - Jewels ################
  523. ##################################################
  524. Show
  525. Class Jewel
  526. Rarity Unique
  527. SetTextColor 1 1 1
  528. SetBackgroundColor 200 100 0
  529. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  530. SetFontSize 38
  531. PlayAlertSound 7 150
  532. Show
  533. Class Jewel
  534. Rarity Rare
  535. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  536. SetBackgroundColor 254 254 118
  537. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  538. SetFontSize 38
  539. Show
  540. Class Jewel
  541. Rarity Magic
  542. SetBackgroundColor 135 135 254
  543. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  544. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  545. SetFontSize 38
  546. Show
  547. Class Jewel
  549. ##################################################
  550. ############## Section 8 - Uniques ###############
  551. ##################################################
  552. #BaseTypes with guaranteed valuable uniques
  553. Show
  554. BaseType "Citrine Amulet" "Glorious Plate" "Occultist's Vestment" "Full Wyrmscale" "Sorcerer Boots" "Conjurer Gloves" "Sinner Tricorne" "Hubris Circlet" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Assassin's Garb" "Deicide Mask" "Vaal Regalia" "Savant's Robe" "Wyrmscale Doublet" "Imperial Maul"
  555. Rarity Unique
  556. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  557. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  558. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  559. SetFontSize 42
  560. PlayAlertSound 5 150
  561. Show
  562. BaseType "Champion Kite Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Sapphire Flask" "Topaz Flask" "Granite Flask" "Silver Flask" "Stibnite Flask" "Fiend Dagger" "Imperial Skean" "Vaal Sceptre" "Imperial Staff" "Judgement Staff" "Prophecy Wand" "Corrugated Buckler" "Void Axe" "Abyssal Axe" "Jingling Spirit Shield" "Crystal Belt" "Jewelled Foil" "Highborn Staff"
  563. Rarity Unique
  564. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  565. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  566. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  567. SetFontSize 42
  568. PlayAlertSound 5 150
  569. #Basetypes with potentially valuable uniques aka "Don't get your hopes up but there's a chance it's good" tier. Also includes some low-value but easily sellable uniques
  570. Show
  571. BaseType "Onyx Amulet" "Gold Ring" "Paua Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Unset Ring" "Moonstone Ring" "Iron Ring" "Conjurer Boots" "Steelscale Gauntlets" "Crusader Gloves" "Leather Cap" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Exquisite Leather" "Abyssal Axe" "Amber Amulet" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Ebony Tower Shield" "Praetor Crown" "Goathide Boots" "Jade Amulet" "Gold Amulet" "Bismuth Flask" "Iron Gauntlets" "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" "Dusk Blade" "Stealth Boots" "Royal Burgonet" "Ancient Greaves"
  572. Rarity Unique
  573. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  574. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  575. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  576. SetFontSize 38
  577. PlayAlertSound 4 100
  578. Show
  579. BaseType "Archon Kite Shield" "Siege Axe" "Vaal Axe" "Imperial Bow" "Rawhide Boots" "Coiled Staff" "Crusader Boots" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Slaughter Knife" "Deerskin Gloves" "Gavel" "Vile Staff" "Opal Wand" "Karui Maul" "Spine Bow" "Sage Wand" "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" "Leather Belt" "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" "Strapped Mitts" "Imperial Claw" "Rawhide Tower Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield"
  580. Rarity Unique
  581. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  582. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  583. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  584. SetFontSize 38
  585. PlayAlertSound 4 100
  586. #League-Specific Blocks (contains basetypes whose only valuable uniques are league specific, work in progress some of the uniques are in other blocks)
  587. Show
  588. BaseType "Vaal Blade" "Rustic Sash" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Amethyst Ring" "Leather Belt" "Lapis Amulet" "Blinder" "Cutlass" "Praetor Crown" "Ezomyte Tower Shield"
  589. Rarity Unique
  590. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  591. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  592. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  593. SetFontSize 38
  594. PlayAlertSound 4 100
  595. Show
  596. BaseType "Raven Mask" "Sharkskin Tunic" "Ritual Sceptre" "Jasper Chopper" "Ironscale Gauntlets" "Clasped Mitts" "Legion Gloves" "Topaz Ring" "Cedar Tower Shield" "Regicide Mask" "Steelhead" "Trapper Boots" "Labrys" "Bone Bow"
  597. Rarity Unique
  598. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  599. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  600. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  601. SetFontSize 38
  602. PlayAlertSound 4 100
  603. #Maelstrom staves are fun (Taryn's, Duskdawn)
  604. Show
  605. BaseType Staff
  606. Rarity Unique
  607. DropLevel = 64
  608. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  609. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  610. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  611. SetFontSize 38
  612. PlayAlertSound 4 100
  613. #Levelling Uniques w/sound at lower ilvls only
  614. Show
  615. Rarity Unique
  616. ItemLevel <= 66
  617. BaseType "Driftwood Wand" "Goat's Horn" "Spiraled Wand" "Bronze Sceptre" "Crystal Sceptre" "Long Bow" "Recurve Bow" "Death Bow" "Poleaxe" "Wool Shoes" "Leather Cap" "Jade Amulet" "Rustic Sash"
  618. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  619. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  620. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  621. SetFontSize 38
  622. PlayAlertSound 4 80
  623. #All other low value, mostly shit uniques (no sound)
  624. Show
  625. Rarity Unique
  626. SetTextColor 0 0 0
  627. SetBorderColor 0 0 0
  628. SetBackgroundColor 225 100 0
  630. ##################################################
  631. ########## Section 9 - Top Tier Craft ############
  632. ##################################################
  633. #Brown backgrounds on the super valuable basetypes, always redundant with lower blocks (usually ES, some jewelery). Updated according to league demand
  634. Show
  635. BaseType "Astral Plate" "Vaal Regalia" "Hubris Circlet" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Sorcerer Boots"
  636. ItemLevel >= 84
  637. SetBackgroundColor 100 66 0
  638. SetBorderColor 255 255 255
  639. Show
  640. BaseType "Two-Stone Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring"
  641. ItemLevel >= 84
  642. SetBackgroundColor 100 66 0
  643. SetBorderColor 255 255 255
  644. #Brown borders on all other crafting basetypes
  645. Show
  646. BaseType "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Diamond Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Coral Ring" "Unset Ring" "Moonstone Ring"
  647. ItemLevel >= 84
  648. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  649. Show
  650. BaseType "Sorcerer Boots" "Hubris Circlet" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Eternal Burgonet" "Royal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Gloves" "Slink Boots"
  651. ItemLevel >= 84
  652. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  653. Show
  654. BaseType "Saintly Chainmail" "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Carnal Armour" "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather" "Vaal Regalia"
  655. ItemLevel >= 84
  656. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  657. Show
  658. BaseType "Sambar Sceptre" "Platinum Kris" "Profane Wand" "Eclipse Staff" "Imbued Wand" "Opal Wand" "Opal Sceptre" "Void Sceptre"
  659. ItemLevel >= 84
  660. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  661. Show
  662. BaseType "Vaal Axe" "Fleshripper" "Piledriver" "Coronal Maul" "Reaver Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Harbinger Bow" "Thicket Bow" "Ambusher" "Imperial Skean" "Gemini Claw" "Vaal Rapier" "Jewelled Foil" "Corsair Sword"
  663. ItemLevel >= 83
  664. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  665. Show
  666. BaseType "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Lacquered Buckler" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Archon Kite Shield"
  667. ItemLevel >= 84
  668. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  669. #odd/off bases
  670. Show
  671. BaseType "Behemoth Mace" "Eye Gouger" "Imperial Claw"
  672. ItemLevel >= 83
  673. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  674. #awkward items (maelstrom staff, sai)
  675. Show
  676. BaseType Staff
  677. DropLevel = 64
  678. ItemLevel >= 84
  679. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  680. Show
  681. BaseType "Sai"
  682. Class Dagger
  683. ItemLevel >= 84
  684. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  685. #Scarce Atlas jewellery bases in top tier despite not 84+ because they're worth a fucking shitload, also code priority issues with putting them any lower
  686. Show
  687. BaseType "Steel Ring" "Opal Ring" "Crystal Belt"
  688. SetBorderColor 200 0 200
  689. SetBackgroundColor 75 0 75
  690. SetFontSize 40
  691. SetTextColor 0 255 255
  692. PlayAlertSound 6 100
  693. Show
  694. BaseType "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Marble Amulet" "Vanguard Belt"
  695. ItemLevel >= 84
  696. SetBorderColor 200 0 200
  697. SetBackgroundColor 75 0 75
  698. SetFontSize 40
  699. PlayAlertSound 6 100
  700. Show
  701. BaseType "Bone Helmet" "Two-Toned Boots" "Spiked Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves"
  702. ItemLevel >= 84
  703. SetBorderColor 200 0 200
  704. SetBackgroundColor 75 0 75
  705. SetFontSize 40
  706. PlayAlertSound 6 100
  707. Show
  708. BaseType "Bone Helmet"
  709. ItemLevel >= 79
  710. SetBorderColor 200 0 200
  711. SetBackgroundColor 75 0 75
  712. SetFontSize 40
  713. # PlayAlertSound 6 100
  715. ##################################################
  716. ######## Section 10 - Rare Highlighting ##########
  717. ##################################################
  718. #Violet borders on best bases, blue borders on regal 2x2's, yellow borders on all other 2x2's.
  719. Show
  720. BaseType "Vaal Regalia" "Astral Plate" "Titanium Spirit Shield"
  721. Rarity Rare
  722. SetBorderColor 150 0 255
  723. SetFontSize 35
  724. Show
  725. BaseType "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather" "Archon Kite Shield"
  726. Rarity Rare
  727. SetBorderColor 150 0 255
  728. #note: removed borders from Triumphant Lamellar, Carnal Armour, Saintly Chainmail, Glorious Plate due to low demand. only the best chests retain any border
  729. Show
  730. BaseType "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Royal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Gloves" "Slink Boots"
  731. Rarity Rare
  732. SetBorderColor 150 0 255
  733. SetFontSize 35
  734. Show
  735. BaseType "Bone Helmet" "Two-Toned Boots" "Spiked Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves"
  736. Rarity Rare
  737. SetBorderColor 200 0 200
  738. SetFontSize 35
  739. #light blue borders on caster weapons
  740. #note: removed border from eclipse staff due to zero demand
  741. Show
  742. BaseType "Copper Kris" "Golden Kris" "Platinum Kris"
  743. Rarity Rare
  744. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  745. Show
  746. BaseType "Profane Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Tornado Wand" "Opal Wand" "Sambar Sceptre" "Opal Sceptre" "Void Sceptre"
  747. Rarity Rare
  748. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  749. #lime green on ranged weapons
  750. Show
  751. BaseType "Imbued Wand"
  752. Rarity Rare
  753. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  754. SetFontSize 35
  755. Show
  756. BaseType "Harbinger Bow"
  757. Rarity Rare
  758. # SetBorderColor 150 250 50
  759. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  760. #maroon on melee weapons
  761. #note: removed border from exquisite blade due to zero demand, dropped border from Colossus now that the EQ era has passed leaving only the 2 top mace bases
  762. Show
  763. BaseType "Vaal Axe" "Fleshripper" "Coronal Maul" "Piledriver"
  764. Rarity Rare
  765. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  766. #note: removed border from sai, spiked point arrow quiver, thicket bow, gemini claw due to low demand (sai mainly used for delirium)
  767. Show
  768. BaseType "Ambusher" "Imperial Skean" "Corsair Sword" "Vaal Rapier" "Jewelled Foil" "Behemoth Mace"
  769. Rarity Rare
  770. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  771. #Jewellery is blue border at low level, nested blue for chaos jewellery, nested purple for regal jewellery
  772. Show
  773. BaseType " Ring" "Amulet" "Belt" "Rustic Sash"
  774. Height = 1
  775. ItemLevel >= 75
  776. Rarity Rare
  777. SetBorderColor 175 75 255
  778. SetBackgroundColor 50 0 100
  779. SetFontSize 35
  780. Show
  781. BaseType " Ring" "Amulet" "Belt" "Rustic Sash"
  782. Height = 1
  783. ItemLevel <= 74
  784. ItemLevel >= 60
  785. Rarity Rare
  786. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  787. SetBackgroundColor 0 50 100
  788. SetFontSize 35
  789. Show
  790. BaseType " Ring" "Amulet" "Belt" "Rustic Sash"
  791. Height = 1
  792. Rarity Rare
  793. SetBorderColor 75 175 255
  794. SetFontSize 35
  795. #Second-Tier 2x2 highlighting
  796. #blue border exceptions (only applies in strict version)
  797. Show
  798. BaseType "Dragonscale" "Hydrascale" "Vaal Greaves" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Stealth Boots" "Stealth Gloves" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Nightmare Bascinet"
  799. Rarity Rare
  800. Height = 2
  801. Width = 2
  802. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  803. #blue borders on 75+ 2x2 items
  804. #experimental: abolishing itemlevel based filtering in favor of better base filtering, as ilvl distinction applies only to 73-74 maps
  805. #new: blue borders on 60+ droplevel bases / second tier rares
  806. Show
  807. Class "Gloves" "Boots"
  808. Rarity Rare
  809. # ItemLevel >= 75
  810. DropLevel >= 60
  811. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  812. Show
  813. BaseType "Mind Cage" "Sinner Tricorne" "Ezomyte Burgonet"
  814. Class "Helm"
  815. Rarity Rare
  816. # ItemLevel >= 75
  817. DropLevel >= 60
  818. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  819. #note: tan border is for levelling boots (consistent w/blue ms boots)
  820. Show
  821. Class "Boots"
  822. Rarity Rare
  823. ItemLevel < 67
  824. SetBorderColor 255 204 102
  825. SetFontSize 35
  826. #yellow borders on low level 2x2 items
  827. Show
  828. Class "Gloves" "Boots"
  829. Rarity Rare
  830. SetBorderColor 150 150 75
  831. Show
  832. Class "Helm"
  833. Rarity Rare
  834. SetBorderColor 150 150 75
  836. ##################################################
  837. ######## Section 11 - Second Tier Craft ##########
  838. ##################################################
  839. #ilvl 80 = t0 life for chests, everything else is best t1
  840. #note: currently completely disabled for the forseeable future due to zero demand for such items in the current meta, but the blocks are here if you need them
  841. #Show
  842. # BaseType "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Royal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Gloves" "Slink Boots"
  843. # ItemLevel >= 80
  844. # SetBorderColor 100 50 0
  845. #Show
  846. # BaseType "Vaal Regalia" "Saintly Chainmail" "Carnal Armour"
  847. # ItemLevel >= 80
  848. # SetBorderColor 100 50 0
  849. #Show
  850. # BaseType "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather"
  851. # ItemLevel >= 80
  852. # SetBorderColor 100 50 0
  853. #Show
  854. # BaseType "Sambar Sceptre" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Platinum Kris" "Profane Wand" "Eclipse Staff"
  855. # ItemLevel >= 79
  856. # SetBorderColor 100 50 0
  857. #Show
  858. # BaseType Staff
  859. # DropLevel = 64
  860. # ItemLevel >= 79
  861. # SetBorderColor 100 50 0
  862. #Show
  863. # BaseType "Vaal Axe" "Reaver Sword" "Fleshripper" "Coronal Maul" "Exquisite Blade" "Imbued Wand" "Harbinger Bow" "Thicket Bow" "Ambusher" "Imperial Skean" "Gemini Claw"
  864. # ItemLevel >= 77
  865. # SetBorderColor 100 50 0
  867. #############################################################################################
  868. ############################## Section 12 - Chance Items ####################################
  869. #############################################################################################
  870. Show
  871. BaseType "Sorcerer Boots" "Leather Belt"
  872. Rarity Normal
  873. # SetBorderColor 255 100 0
  874. SetBorderColor 200 80 0
  875. ItemLevel >= 67
  877. ##################################################
  878. ########### Section 13 - Alch Bases ##############
  879. ##################################################
  880. #Note: Removed border on jewellery below 75, it's too easy to get to high maps in current meta so the 72-75 border isn't needed
  881. #Note: Disabled 2x2 rare base highlighting for the forseeable future but leaving blocks in for any who may want them
  882. #Show
  883. # BaseType "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Royal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Gloves" "Slink Boots"
  884. # Rarity = Normal
  885. # ItemLevel >= 72
  886. # LinkedSockets >= 4
  887. # SetBorderColor 255 255 119
  888. #Show
  889. # BaseType "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Royal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Gloves" "Slink Boots"
  890. # Rarity Normal
  891. # ItemLevel >= 72
  892. #Show
  893. # BaseType "Titanium Spirit Shield"
  894. # Rarity Normal
  895. # ItemLevel >= 72
  896. # SetBorderColor 0 255 255
  897. # SetFontSize 45
  898. #Lavender border around 75+ jewellery
  899. Show
  900. BaseType "Coral Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Leather Belt" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Diamond Ring"
  901. ItemLevel >= 75
  902. Rarity Normal
  903. SetBorderColor 150 120 255
  904. Show
  905. BaseType "Coral Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Leather Belt" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Diamond Ring"
  906. ItemLevel >= 72
  907. Rarity Normal
  908. #Common Atlas bases (magic included due to rarity here)
  909. Show
  910. BaseType "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Marble Amulet" "Vanguard Belt"
  911. Rarity Normal Magic
  912. SetBorderColor 200 0 200
  913. Show
  914. BaseType "Bone Helmet" "Two-Toned Boots" "Spiked Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves"
  915. Rarity Normal Magic
  916. SetBorderColor 200 0 200
  918. ##################################################
  919. ########### Section 14 - Misc Part I #############
  920. ##################################################
  921. #Oddball items & items that should never normally drop
  922. Show
  923. Class "Quest Items"
  924. SetBorderColor 74 230 58
  925. SetFontSize 45
  926. Show
  927. Class "Amulet"
  928. Identified True
  929. Corrupted True
  930. SetBorderColor 175 0 0
  931. Show
  932. BaseType "Avian Slippers" "Sacrificial Garb" "Ruby Amulet"
  933. SetFontSize 42
  934. SetBackgroundColor 100 66 0
  935. SetBorderColor 0 255 255
  936. Show
  937. BaseType "Jet Amulet" "Golden Obi" "Golden Mantle" "Golden Bracers" "Golden Caligae" "Golden Hoop" "Golden Wreath" "Golden Flame"
  938. SetFontSize 42
  939. SetBackgroundColor 100 66 0
  940. SetBorderColor 0 255 255
  942. #############################################################################################
  943. ################## Section 15 - Racing Options / Class Configuration ########################
  944. #############################################################################################
  945. #By default, all three archetypes are shown and nothing is hidden.
  946. ##################################################
  947. #Link Filter Blocks - To set an archetype remove the #'s in front of the SocketGroup lines and change the colors (to GG,RR,BB, etc)
  948. Show
  949. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  950. ItemLevel <= 42
  951. LinkedSockets = 4
  952. # SocketGroup BB
  953. SetBorderColor 0 255 255
  954. SetBackgroundColor 0 60 60
  955. PlayAlertSound 1 25
  956. Show
  957. Class "Gloves" "Helm" "Boots" "Body Armour"
  958. ItemLevel <= 42
  959. LinkedSockets = 4
  960. # SocketGroup BB
  961. SetBorderColor 0 255 255
  962. SetBackgroundColor 0 60 60
  963. SetFontSize 35
  964. # PlayAlertSound 1 25
  965. Show
  966. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  967. ItemLevel <= 69
  968. LinkedSockets = 4
  969. # SocketGroup BB
  970. SetBorderColor 0 255 255
  971. SetBackgroundColor 0 60 60
  972. Show
  973. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  974. ItemLevel <= 42
  975. LinkedSockets >= 3
  976. # SocketGroup BB
  977. SetBorderColor 0 225 225
  978. Show
  979. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  980. ItemLevel <= 14
  981. LinkedSockets >= 2
  982. # SocketGroup BB
  983. SetBorderColor 0 200 200
  985. #Race Currency Block (Toggle) - Makes low level currency huge. Off by default. Reudundant with enlarger block at top.
  986. #Show
  987. # BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom" "Portal Scroll" "Orb of Transmutation" "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Augmentation" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Armourer's Scrap" "Orb of Chance" "Chromatic Orb" "Jeweller's Orb"
  988. # SetFontSize 42
  990. #Endless Ledge / Descent Starting Gem Extra Highlighting - Makes these gems slightly brighter for faster pickup. Note: will affect all gem drops of those types since there's no way to filter gems by ilvl/droplevel
  991. #Remove the #'s in front of the class gems you want to use and the quality/textcolor lines. Off by default.
  992. #Show
  993. # BaseType "Fire Trap" "Freezing Pulse" "Lightning Tendrils" "Magma Orb"
  994. # BaseType "Shrapnel Shot" "Puncture" "Burning Arrow"
  995. # BaseType "Ground Slam" "Molten Strike" "Double Strike" "Dual Strike"
  996. # Quality = 0
  997. # SetTextColor 0 255 255
  998. # SetFontSize 40
  1000. #3CL - Ridiculously specific spot b/c of code prioritization: DO NOT MOVE THESE OR THINGS WILL BREAK! Next five blocks not actually part of options but they can't be anywhere else.
  1001. Show
  1002. Sockets >= 3
  1003. SocketGroup RGB
  1004. Width = 2
  1005. Height = 2
  1006. SetBorderColor 0 200 0
  1007. Show
  1008. Sockets >= 3
  1009. SocketGroup RGB
  1010. Width = 1
  1011. Height = 3
  1012. SetBorderColor 0 200 0
  1013. Show
  1014. Sockets >= 3
  1015. ItemLevel <= 74
  1016. SocketGroup RGB
  1017. SetBorderColor 0 150 0
  1018. #Low Level Exceptions (starter weapons, hillock items, shields for brutus kill races). These only engage if Class Selection is enabled and are otherwise redundant with worst case scenario filtering at the bottom of the filter.
  1019. Show
  1020. Rarity Normal
  1021. ItemLevel = 1
  1022. Sockets = 3
  1023. Show
  1024. Class Shield
  1025. ItemLevel <= 11
  1027. #ADVANCED - OPTIONAL CLASS SELECTION - Comment out the lines of the levelling type being USED (you want to hide what you're NOT using).
  1028. #Comment out all six blocks to have all archetypes shown and nothing hidden. Default is all shown (nothing hidden).
  1029. #Hide
  1030. # Class "Wand" "Sceptre"
  1031. # ItemLevel > 5
  1032. # ItemLevel <= 70
  1033. # Rarity Normal
  1034. #Hide
  1035. # Class "Wand" "Sceptre"
  1036. # ItemLevel > 42
  1037. # ItemLevel <= 70
  1038. # Rarity Magic
  1039. #Hide
  1040. # Class "Axe" "Sword" "Mace" "Claw" "Staves" "Shields"
  1041. # ItemLevel > 5
  1042. # ItemLevel <= 70
  1043. # Rarity Normal
  1044. #Hide
  1045. # Class "Axe" "Sword" "Mace" "Claw" "Staves" "Shields"
  1046. # ItemLevel > 42
  1047. # ItemLevel <= 70
  1048. # Rarity Magic
  1049. #Hide
  1050. # Class "Bow" "Quiver"
  1051. # ItemLevel > 5
  1052. # ItemLevel <= 70
  1053. # Rarity Normal
  1054. #Hide
  1055. # Class "Bow" "Quiver"
  1056. # ItemLevel > 42
  1057. # ItemLevel <= 70
  1058. # Rarity Magic
  1059. #############################################################################################
  1060. ################################# END OF OPTIONS BLOCK ######################################
  1061. #############################################################################################
  1063. ##################################################
  1064. ######## Section 16 - Global Levelling I #########
  1065. ##################################################
  1066. Show
  1067. ItemLevel <= 42
  1068. BaseType "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Two-Stone Ring"
  1069. SetBorderColor 150 120 255
  1070. Show
  1071. ItemLevel <= 24
  1072. BaseType "Leather Belt" "Coral Ring"
  1073. SetBorderColor 255 204 102
  1074. Show
  1075. ItemLevel <= 14
  1076. BaseType "Rustic Sash"
  1077. SetBorderColor 200 80 0
  1078. Show
  1079. ItemLevel <= 24
  1080. BaseType "Iron Ring"
  1081. SetBorderColor 200 80 0
  1082. Show
  1083. ItemLevel <= 24
  1084. BaseType "Jade Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Amber Amulet"
  1085. SetBorderColor 150 0 150
  1086. Show
  1087. ItemLevel <= 24
  1088. BaseType "Heavy Belt"
  1089. SetBorderColor 150 0 150
  1090. Show
  1091. ItemLevel <= 32
  1092. BaseType "Citrine Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Agate Amulet"
  1093. SetBorderColor 200 0 200
  1094. Show
  1095. ItemLevel <= 42
  1096. BaseType "Coral Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Leather Belt" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet"
  1097. Rarity Normal Magic
  1098. Show
  1099. ItemLevel <= 69
  1100. BaseType "Coral Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Leather Belt" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Citrine Amulet"
  1101. Rarity Normal Magic
  1102. Show
  1103. ItemLevel <= 42
  1104. BaseType "Heavy Belt" "Rustic Sash"
  1105. Rarity Normal
  1106. Show
  1107. ItemLevel <= 69
  1108. BaseType "Rustic Sash"
  1109. Rarity Magic
  1110. Show
  1111. ItemLevel <= 42
  1112. BaseType "Iron Ring"
  1113. Show
  1114. ItemLevel <= 14
  1115. BaseType "Ring" "Amulet"
  1116. Show
  1117. Class "Gloves" "Helm" "Body Armour"
  1118. ItemLevel <= 53
  1119. LinkedSockets = 4
  1120. SetBorderColor 0 200 200
  1121. Show
  1122. Class "Boots"
  1123. ItemLevel < 42
  1124. Rarity Magic
  1125. SetBorderColor 255 204 102
  1126. SetFontSize 35
  1128. ##################################################
  1129. ########## Section 17 - Caster Weapons ###########
  1130. ##################################################
  1131. Show
  1132. BaseType "Quartz Sceptre" "Shadow Sceptre"
  1133. ItemLevel <= 42
  1134. LinkedSockets = 3
  1135. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  1136. SetBackgroundColor 50 60 70
  1137. Show
  1138. BaseType "Crystal Sceptre" "Abyssal Sceptre"
  1139. ItemLevel <= 61
  1140. LinkedSockets = 3
  1141. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  1142. SetBackgroundColor 50 60 70
  1143. Show
  1144. BaseType "Opal Sceptre" "Void Sceptre"
  1145. ItemLevel <= 69
  1146. LinkedSockets = 3
  1147. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  1148. SetBackgroundColor 50 60 70
  1149. Show
  1150. Class "Wand" "Sceptre"
  1151. ItemLevel <= 25
  1152. LinkedSockets = 3
  1153. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  1154. SetBackgroundColor 50 60 70
  1155. Show
  1156. Class "Wand" "Sceptre"
  1157. ItemLevel <= 42
  1158. LinkedSockets = 3
  1159. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  1160. Show
  1161. BaseType "Quartz Sceptre" "Shadow Sceptre"
  1162. ItemLevel <= 42
  1163. SetBorderColor 100 150 200
  1164. Show
  1165. BaseType "Crystal Sceptre" "Abyssal Sceptre"
  1166. ItemLevel <= 59
  1167. SetBorderColor 100 150 200
  1168. Show
  1169. BaseType "Opal Sceptre" "Void Sceptre"
  1170. ItemLevel <= 70
  1171. SetBorderColor 100 150 200
  1172. Show
  1173. Class "Wand" "Sceptre"
  1174. Rarity Rare
  1175. ItemLevel <= 42
  1176. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  1177. Show
  1178. Class "Wand" "Sceptre" "Dagger"
  1179. Rarity Magic
  1180. ItemLevel <= 25
  1181. SetBorderColor 150 200 250
  1182. Show
  1183. Class "Wand" "Sceptre"
  1184. ItemLevel <= 42
  1185. #Show
  1186. # BaseType "Copper Kris" "Golden Kris" "Platinum Kris"
  1188. ##################################################
  1189. ########### Section 18 - Melee Weapons ###########
  1190. ##################################################
  1191. #Axes are the only ones ever given borders after the start. Mace/Sword are shown as the backups. Level ranges are much tighter than the other blocks as it's better to use offtype than a lower base
  1192. #only 2h are shown after brutus as 1h builds level w/2h anyways. this may change in oriath and needs to be seen
  1193. #favors axes, shows swords, and hides maces by end of levelling phase
  1194. Show
  1195. BaseType "Corroded Blade" "Driftwood Maul"
  1196. ItemLevel < 8
  1197. Show
  1198. BaseType "Copper Sword" "Jade Hatchet" "Boarding Axe" "Sabre"
  1199. ItemLevel <= 11
  1200. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1201. Show
  1202. Class "One Hand"
  1203. ItemLevel <= 5
  1204. Show
  1205. Class "One Hand"
  1206. ItemLevel <= 11
  1207. DropLevel >= 4
  1208. #1h axes for DC
  1209. Show
  1210. BaseType "Cleaver"
  1211. ItemLevel <= 20
  1212. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1213. Show
  1214. BaseType "Cleaver" "Broad Axe"
  1215. ItemLevel <= 26
  1216. Show
  1217. BaseType "Stone Axe"
  1218. ItemLevel < 9
  1219. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1220. Show
  1221. BaseType "Longsword" "Tribal Maul"
  1222. ItemLevel < 12
  1223. Show
  1224. BaseType "Jade Chopper"
  1225. ItemLevel < 13
  1226. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1227. Show
  1228. BaseType "Bastard Sword" "Mallet"
  1229. ItemLevel < 17
  1230. Show
  1231. BaseType "Woodsplitter"
  1232. ItemLevel < 18
  1233. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1234. Show
  1235. BaseType "Two-Handed Sword" "Sledgehammer"
  1236. ItemLevel < 22
  1237. Show
  1238. BaseType "Poleaxe"
  1239. ItemLevel < 23
  1240. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1241. Show
  1242. BaseType "Etched Greatsword" "Jagged Maul"
  1243. ItemLevel < 27
  1244. Show
  1245. BaseType "Double Axe"
  1246. ItemLevel < 28
  1247. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1248. Show
  1249. BaseType "Ornate Sword" "Brass Maul"
  1250. ItemLevel < 32
  1251. Show
  1252. BaseType "Gilded Axe"
  1253. ItemLevel < 33
  1254. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1255. Show
  1256. BaseType "Spectral Sword"
  1257. ItemLevel < 36
  1258. Show
  1259. BaseType "Shadow Axe"
  1260. ItemLevel < 37
  1261. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1262. Show
  1263. BaseType "Butcher Sword"
  1264. ItemLevel < 40
  1265. Show
  1266. BaseType "Jasper Chopper"
  1267. ItemLevel < 41
  1268. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1269. Show
  1270. BaseType "Footman Sword"
  1271. ItemLevel < 44
  1272. Show
  1273. BaseType "Timber Axe"
  1274. ItemLevel < 45
  1275. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1276. Show
  1277. BaseType "Highland Blade"
  1278. ItemLevel < 48
  1279. Show
  1280. BaseType "Headsman Axe"
  1281. ItemLevel < 49
  1282. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1283. Show
  1284. BaseType "Engraved Greatsword"
  1285. ItemLevel < 51
  1286. Show
  1287. BaseType "Labrys"
  1288. ItemLevel < 53
  1289. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1290. Show
  1291. BaseType "Tiger Sword"
  1292. ItemLevel < 54
  1293. Show
  1294. BaseType "Noble Axe"
  1295. ItemLevel < 55
  1296. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1297. Show
  1298. BaseType "Wraith Sword"
  1299. ItemLevel < 57
  1300. Show
  1301. BaseType "Abyssal Axe"
  1302. ItemLevel < 58
  1303. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1304. Show
  1305. BaseType "Reaver Sword"
  1306. ItemLevel < 63
  1307. Show
  1308. BaseType "Karui Chopper" "Sundering Axe" "Ezomyte Axe"
  1309. ItemLevel < 63
  1310. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1311. Show
  1312. BaseType "Vaal Axe" "Coronal Maul"
  1313. ItemLevel <= 69
  1314. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1316. ##################################################
  1317. ######## Section 18.2 - 1H Melee Weapons #########
  1318. ##################################################
  1319. #note: highly subject to change depending on how race meta shapes up. only axes shown atm, will add maces if necessary. sunder meta means swords useless?
  1320. Show
  1321. BaseType "Jade Hatchet"
  1322. ItemLevel < 11
  1323. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1324. Show
  1325. BaseType "Boarding Axe"
  1326. ItemLevel < 16
  1327. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1328. Show
  1329. BaseType "Cleaver"
  1330. ItemLevel < 21
  1331. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1332. Show
  1333. BaseType "Broad Axe"
  1334. ItemLevel < 25
  1335. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1336. Show
  1337. BaseType "Arming Axe"
  1338. ItemLevel < 29
  1339. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1340. Show
  1341. BaseType "Decorative Axe"
  1342. ItemLevel < 33
  1343. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1344. Show
  1345. BaseType "Jasper Axe" "Etched Hatchet"
  1346. ItemLevel < 39
  1347. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1348. Show
  1349. BaseType "Tomahawk"
  1350. ItemLevel < 42
  1351. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1352. Show
  1353. BaseType "Wrist Chopper"
  1354. ItemLevel < 45
  1355. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1356. Show
  1357. BaseType "War Axe"
  1358. ItemLevel < 48
  1359. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1360. Show
  1361. BaseType "Chest Splitter"
  1362. ItemLevel < 51
  1363. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1364. Show
  1365. BaseType "Ceremonial Axe"
  1366. ItemLevel < 54
  1367. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1368. Show
  1369. BaseType "Wraith Axe"
  1370. ItemLevel < 56
  1371. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1372. Show
  1373. BaseType "Engraved Hatchet" "Karui Axe"
  1374. ItemLevel < 59
  1375. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1376. Show
  1377. BaseType "Siege Axe" "Vaal Hatchet"
  1378. ItemLevel < 69
  1379. SetBorderColor 128 0 0
  1381. ##################################################
  1382. ########## Section 19 - Ranged Weapons ###########
  1383. ##################################################
  1384. Show
  1385. BaseType "Serrated Arrow Quiver"
  1386. ItemLevel <= 14
  1387. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1388. Show
  1389. BaseType "Broadhead Arrow Quiver"
  1390. ItemLevel <= 60
  1391. Show
  1392. BaseType "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver"
  1393. ItemLevel <= 67
  1394. Show
  1395. BaseType "Quiver"
  1396. Rarity Magic
  1397. ItemLevel <= 20
  1398. Show
  1399. BaseType "Short Bow"
  1400. ItemLevel < 9
  1401. # SetBorderColor 150 250 50
  1402. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1403. Show
  1404. BaseType "Long Bow"
  1405. ItemLevel < 14
  1406. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1407. Show
  1408. BaseType "Composite Bow"
  1409. ItemLevel < 18
  1410. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1411. Show
  1412. BaseType "Recurve Bow"
  1413. ItemLevel < 23
  1414. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1415. Show
  1416. BaseType "Bone Bow"
  1417. ItemLevel < 28
  1418. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1419. Show
  1420. BaseType "Royal Bow"
  1421. ItemLevel < 32
  1422. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1423. Show
  1424. BaseType "Death Bow"
  1425. ItemLevel < 38
  1426. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1427. Show
  1428. BaseType "Grove Bow"
  1429. ItemLevel < 37
  1430. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1431. Show
  1432. BaseType "Reflex Bow"
  1433. ItemLevel < 38
  1434. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1435. Show
  1436. BaseType "Decurve Bow"
  1437. ItemLevel < 44
  1438. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1439. Show
  1440. BaseType "Compound Bow"
  1441. ItemLevel < 44
  1442. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1443. Show
  1444. BaseType "Sniper Bow"
  1445. ItemLevel < 47
  1446. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1447. Show
  1448. BaseType "Ivory Bow"
  1449. ItemLevel < 50
  1450. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1451. Show
  1452. BaseType "Highborn Bow"
  1453. ItemLevel < 53
  1454. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1455. Show
  1456. BaseType "Steelwood Bow"
  1457. ItemLevel < 60
  1458. Show
  1459. BaseType "Citadel Bow"
  1460. ItemLevel < 61
  1461. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1462. Show
  1463. BaseType "Assassin Bow"
  1464. ItemLevel < 67
  1465. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1466. Show
  1467. BaseType "Spine Bow"
  1468. ItemLevel < 67
  1469. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1470. Show
  1471. BaseType "Decimation Bow"
  1472. ItemLevel < 67
  1473. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1474. Show
  1475. BaseType "Thicket Bow"
  1476. ItemLevel <= 67
  1477. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1478. Show
  1479. BaseType "Harbinger Bow"
  1480. ItemLevel <= 69
  1481. SetBorderColor 125 200 40
  1483. ##################################################
  1484. ############## Section 20 - Armour ###############
  1485. ##################################################
  1486. #Pure ES basetypes hidden until merc lake, hybrid ES basetypes always hidden
  1487. #effectively ends at 68 maps, other sections take over.
  1488. Show
  1489. BaseType "Iron Hat" "Iron Gauntlets" "Iron Greaves"
  1490. ItemLevel <= 3
  1491. Show
  1492. BaseType "Leather Cap" "Rawhide Gloves" "Rawhide Boots"
  1493. ItemLevel <= 6
  1494. Show
  1495. BaseType "Battered Helm" "Fishscale Gauntlets" "Scale Vest" "Leatherscale Boots" "Chestplate"
  1496. ItemLevel <= 8
  1497. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1498. #note: extended to 11 over 9 for brutus worst case scenarios
  1499. Show
  1500. BaseType "Battered Helm" "Fishscale Gauntlets" "Scale Vest" "Leatherscale Boots" "Chestplate"
  1501. ItemLevel <= 11
  1502. Show
  1503. BaseType "Cone Helmet" "Steel Greaves"
  1504. ItemLevel <= 11
  1505. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1506. #note: extended to 13 over 12 to smooth things out after brutus
  1507. Show
  1508. BaseType "Cone Helmet" "Steel Greaves"
  1509. ItemLevel <= 13
  1510. Show
  1511. BaseType "Goathide Gloves" "Plated Gauntlets" "Strapped Leather" "Light Brigandine"
  1512. ItemLevel <= 13
  1513. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1514. Show
  1515. BaseType "Goathide Gloves" "Plated Gauntlets" "Strapped Leather" "Light Brigandine"
  1516. ItemLevel <= 15
  1517. Show
  1518. BaseType "Tricorne" "Sallet" "Goathide Boots"
  1519. ItemLevel <= 15
  1520. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1521. Show
  1522. BaseType "Tricorne" "Sallet" "Goathide Boots"
  1523. ItemLevel <= 18
  1524. Show
  1525. BaseType "Ironscale Gauntlets" "Buckskin Tunic" "Scale Doublet" "Ironscale Boots" "Copper Plate"
  1526. ItemLevel <= 18
  1527. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1528. Show
  1529. BaseType "Ironscale Gauntlets" "Buckskin Tunic" "Scale Doublet" "Ironscale Boots" "Copper Plate"
  1530. ItemLevel <= 21
  1531. Show
  1532. BaseType "Barbute Helmet"
  1533. ItemLevel <= 21
  1534. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1535. Show
  1536. BaseType "Barbute Helmet"
  1537. ItemLevel <= 24
  1538. Show
  1539. BaseType "Leather Hood" "Deerskin Gloves" "Infantry Brigandine" "Deerskin Boots" "War Plate"
  1540. ItemLevel <= 24
  1541. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1542. Show
  1543. BaseType "Leather Hood" "Deerskin Gloves" "Infantry Brigandine" "Deerskin Boots" "War Plate"
  1544. ItemLevel <= 27
  1545. Show
  1546. BaseType "Visored Sallet" "Bronze Gauntlets" "Wild Leather" "Plated Greaves"
  1547. ItemLevel <= 27
  1548. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1549. Show
  1550. BaseType "Visored Sallet" "Bronze Gauntlets" "Wild Leather" "Plated Greaves"
  1551. ItemLevel <= 30
  1552. #note - docks/lunaris normal 29
  1553. Show
  1554. BaseType "Close Helmet" "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Full Scale Armour" "Full Leather" "Full Plate"
  1555. ItemLevel <= 30
  1556. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1557. Show
  1558. BaseType "Close Helmet" "Bronzescale Gauntlets" "Full Scale Armour" "Full Leather" "Full Plate"
  1559. ItemLevel <= 33
  1560. Show
  1561. BaseType "Wolf Pelt" "Soldier's Brigandine" "Arena Plate" "Sun Leather" "Bronzescale Boots"
  1562. ItemLevel <= 33
  1563. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1564. Show
  1565. BaseType "Wolf Pelt" "Soldier's Brigandine" "Arena Plate" "Sun Leather" "Bronzescale Boots"
  1566. ItemLevel <= 36
  1567. Show
  1568. BaseType "Gilded Sallet" "Nubuck Gloves" "Field Lamellar" "Thief's Garb" "Lordly Plate" "Reinforced Greaves" "Nubuck Boots"
  1569. ItemLevel <= 36
  1570. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1571. Show
  1572. BaseType "Gilded Sallet" "Nubuck Gloves" "Field Lamellar" "Thief's Garb" "Lordly Plate" "Reinforced Greaves" "Nubuck Boots"
  1573. ItemLevel <= 39
  1574. Show
  1575. BaseType "Gladiator Helmet" "Secutor Helm" "Steel Gauntlets" "Steelscale Gauntlets" "Eelskin Gloves" "Bronze Plate" "Wyrmscale Doublet" "Eelskin Tunic" "Steelscale Boots" "Antique Greaves"
  1576. ItemLevel <= 39
  1577. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1578. Show
  1579. BaseType "Gladiator Helmet" "Secutor Helm" "Steel Gauntlets" "Steelscale Gauntlets" "Eelskin Gloves" "Bronze Plate" "Wyrmscale Doublet" "Eelskin Tunic" "Steelscale Boots" "Antique Greaves"
  1580. ItemLevel <= 42
  1581. Show
  1582. BaseType "Reaver Helmet" "Hunter Hood" "Antique Gauntlets" "Battle Plate" "Frontier Leather" "Eelskin Boots"
  1583. ItemLevel <= 42
  1584. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1585. Show
  1586. BaseType "Reaver Helmet" "Hunter Hood" "Antique Gauntlets" "Battle Plate" "Frontier Leather" "Eelskin Boots"
  1587. ItemLevel <= 45
  1588. Show
  1589. BaseType "Fencer Helm" "Serpentscale Gauntlets" "Hussar Brigandine" "Glorious Leather" "Serpentscale Boots"
  1590. ItemLevel <= 45
  1591. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1592. Show
  1593. BaseType "Fencer Helm" "Serpentscale Gauntlets" "Hussar Brigandine" "Glorious Leather" "Serpentscale Boots"
  1594. ItemLevel <= 48
  1595. Show
  1596. BaseType "Noble Tricorne" "Sharkskin Gloves" "Sun Plate" "Full Wyrmscale" "Ancient Greaves"
  1597. ItemLevel <= 48
  1598. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1599. Show
  1600. BaseType "Noble Tricorne" "Sharkskin Gloves" "Sun Plate" "Full Wyrmscale" "Ancient Greaves"
  1601. ItemLevel <= 51
  1602. #note - cruel docks is 51
  1603. Show
  1604. BaseType "Siege Helmet" "Ancient Gauntlets" "Coronal Leather"
  1605. ItemLevel <= 51
  1606. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1607. Show
  1608. BaseType "Siege Helmet" "Ancient Gauntlets" "Coronal Leather"
  1609. ItemLevel <= 53
  1610. Show
  1611. BaseType "Lacquered Helmet" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" "Colosseum Plate" "Commander's Brigandine" "Wyrmscale Boots"
  1612. ItemLevel <= 53
  1613. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1614. Show
  1615. BaseType "Lacquered Helmet" "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" "Colosseum Plate" "Commander's Brigandine" "Wyrmscale Boots"
  1616. ItemLevel <= 56
  1617. #note - cruel ducts is 54
  1618. Show
  1619. BaseType "Ursine Pelt" "Samite Helmet" "Goliath Gauntlets" "Shagreen Gloves" "Majestic Plate" "Battle Lamellar" "Goliath Greaves" "Cutthroat's Garb"
  1620. ItemLevel <= 56
  1621. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1622. Show
  1623. BaseType "Ursine Pelt" "Samite Helmet" "Goliath Gauntlets" "Shagreen Gloves" "Majestic Plate" "Battle Lamellar" "Goliath Greaves" "Cutthroat's Garb"
  1624. ItemLevel <= 59
  1625. Show
  1626. BaseType "Fluted Bascinet" "Golden Plate" "Dragonscale Doublet" "Hydrascale Boots" "Sharkskin Tunic"
  1627. ItemLevel <= 59
  1628. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1629. Show
  1630. BaseType "Fluted Bascinet" "Golden Plate" "Dragonscale Doublet" "Hydrascale Boots" "Sharkskin Tunic"
  1631. ItemLevel <= 62
  1632. #note - merc docks is 64 - EV/AR chests phase out entirely here (desert brigandine last one), ES is finally added in so only pure basetypes are shown
  1633. Show
  1634. BaseType "Silken Hood" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Stealth Gloves" "Crusader Plate" "Desert Brigandine" "Vaal Greaves" "Destiny Leather"
  1635. ItemLevel <= 62
  1636. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1637. Show
  1638. BaseType "Silken Hood" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Stealth Gloves" "Crusader Plate" "Desert Brigandine" "Vaal Greaves" "Destiny Leather"
  1639. ItemLevel <= 66
  1640. Show
  1641. BaseType "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Sinner Tricorne" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Gladiator Plate" "Dragonscale Boots" "Exquisite Leather"
  1642. ItemLevel <= 66
  1643. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1644. #note - merc ducts/lake are 67
  1645. Show
  1646. BaseType "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Sinner Tricorne" "Vaal Gauntlets" "Gladiator Plate" "Dragonscale Boots"
  1647. ItemLevel <= 66
  1648. #Pre-Map Basetypes
  1649. Show
  1650. BaseType "Nightmare Bascinet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Royal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Hubris Circlet" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Titan Gauntlets" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Gloves"
  1651. ItemLevel <= 70
  1652. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1653. Show
  1654. BaseType "Vaal Regalia" "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots"
  1655. ItemLevel <= 70
  1656. SetBorderColor 150 100 0
  1658. ##################################################
  1659. ############## Section 21 - Flasks ###############
  1660. ##################################################
  1661. #Levelling flasks w/sounds
  1662. Show
  1663. BaseType "Quicksilver Flask"
  1664. SetTextColor 0 255 255
  1665. ItemLevel <= 60
  1666. PlayAlertSound 9 50
  1667. Show
  1668. BaseType "Basalt Flask" "Granite Flask" "Silver Flask"
  1669. ItemLevel <= 66
  1670. SetTextColor 0 255 255
  1671. PlayAlertSound 9 50
  1672. Show
  1673. BaseType "Bismuth Flask"
  1674. ItemLevel <= 42
  1675. SetTextColor 0 255 255
  1676. PlayAlertSound 9 50
  1677. #Quality Flask Highlighting
  1678. Show
  1679. BaseType "Divine Life Flask" "Hallowed Life Flask" "Granite Flask" "Jade Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Topaz Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Quartz Flask" "Stibnite Flask" "Silver Flask" "Basalt Flask"
  1680. Quality = 20
  1681. SetTextColor 0 255 255
  1682. SetBorderColor 255 204 102
  1683. Show
  1684. BaseType "Basalt Flask"
  1685. SetTextColor 0 255 255
  1686. Show
  1687. Class Flask
  1688. ItemLevel >= 75
  1689. Quality >= 10
  1690. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1691. Show
  1692. Class Flask
  1693. ItemLevel >= 43
  1694. ItemLevel <= 74
  1695. Quality > 0
  1696. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1697. Show
  1698. ItemLevel <= 42
  1699. BaseType "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Topaz Flask"
  1700. SetBorderColor 150 25 250
  1701. Show
  1702. BaseType "Bismuth Flask" "Aquamarine Flask" "Silver Flask" "Stibnite Flask" "Sulphur Flask"
  1703. ItemLevel < 75
  1704. Show
  1705. BaseType "Granite Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Topaz Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Diamond Flask" "Quartz Flask" "Jade Flask"
  1706. ItemLevel < 75
  1707. #Level-Based Flask Highlighting
  1708. Show
  1709. Class "Life Flasks"
  1710. DropLevel >= 0
  1711. ItemLevel <= 5
  1712. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  1713. Show
  1714. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1715. DropLevel >= 0
  1716. ItemLevel <= 5
  1717. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1718. Show
  1719. Class "Life Flasks"
  1720. DropLevel >= 3
  1721. ItemLevel <= 12
  1722. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  1723. Show
  1724. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1725. DropLevel >= 3
  1726. ItemLevel <= 12
  1727. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1728. Show
  1729. Class "Life Flasks"
  1730. DropLevel >= 6
  1731. ItemLevel <= 18
  1732. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  1733. Show
  1734. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1735. DropLevel >= 6
  1736. ItemLevel <= 18
  1737. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1738. Show
  1739. Class "Life Flasks"
  1740. DropLevel >= 12
  1741. ItemLevel <= 24
  1742. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  1743. Show
  1744. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1745. DropLevel >= 12
  1746. ItemLevel <= 24
  1747. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1748. Show
  1749. Class "Life Flasks"
  1750. DropLevel >= 18
  1751. ItemLevel <= 30
  1752. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  1753. Show
  1754. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1755. DropLevel >= 18
  1756. ItemLevel <= 30
  1757. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1758. Show
  1759. Class "Life Flasks"
  1760. DropLevel >= 24
  1761. ItemLevel <= 36
  1762. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  1763. Show
  1764. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1765. DropLevel >= 24
  1766. ItemLevel <= 36
  1767. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1768. Show
  1769. Class "Life Flasks"
  1770. DropLevel >= 30
  1771. ItemLevel <= 42
  1772. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  1773. Show
  1774. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1775. DropLevel >= 30
  1776. ItemLevel <= 42
  1777. SetBorderColor 75 150 255
  1778. #note: Hallowed starts at 42 and is prioritized until cruel dried lake, others are shown but not bordered
  1779. Show
  1780. BaseType "Hallowed Life Flask"
  1781. DropLevel >= 42
  1782. ItemLevel <= 54
  1783. SetBorderColor 200 0 0
  1784. Show
  1785. Class "Life Flasks"
  1786. DropLevel >= 36
  1787. ItemLevel <= 50
  1788. Show
  1789. Class "Mana Flasks"
  1790. DropLevel >= 36
  1791. ItemLevel <= 50
  1792. Show
  1793. Class "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks"
  1794. DropLevel >= 42
  1795. ItemLevel <= 66
  1796. Show
  1797. ItemLevel < 72
  1798. BaseType "Divine Life Flask" "Hallowed Life Flask" "Quicksilver Flask"
  1799. Show
  1800. ItemLevel < 75
  1801. Rarity Magic
  1802. BaseType "Divine Life Flask" "Hallowed Life Flask" "Quicksilver Flask"
  1804. ##################################################
  1805. ######## Section 22 - Global Levelling II ########
  1806. ##################################################
  1807. #Note: Worst Case Scenario Insurance
  1808. Show
  1809. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  1810. ItemLevel <= 69
  1811. LinkedSockets = 4
  1812. #note: removed 3L gloves/helm from showing in cruel dried lake
  1813. Show
  1814. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  1815. ItemLevel <= 53
  1816. LinkedSockets >= 3
  1817. Show
  1818. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  1819. ItemLevel <= 31
  1820. LinkedSockets >= 2
  1821. Show
  1822. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  1823. ItemLevel <= 53
  1824. Sockets = 4
  1825. Show
  1826. Class "Gloves" "Helm"
  1827. ItemLevel <= 33
  1828. Sockets >= 3
  1829. #note: removed 3L chests from showing in normal dried lake
  1830. Show
  1831. Class "Body Armour"
  1832. LinkedSockets >= 3
  1833. ItemLevel <= 33
  1834. Show
  1835. Class "Body Armour" "Boots"
  1836. LinkedSockets = 4
  1837. ItemLevel <= 57
  1838. Show
  1839. Class Flask
  1840. ItemLevel <= 8
  1841. Show
  1842. ItemLevel <= 42
  1843. Rarity Magic
  1844. Show
  1845. ItemLevel > 43
  1846. ItemLevel <= 66
  1847. Rarity Magic
  1848. Height 1
  1849. Width 1
  1851. ##################################################
  1852. ############### Section 23 - Gems ################
  1853. ##################################################
  1854. Show
  1855. BaseType "Empower" "Enlighten" "Portal" "Vaal Breach" "Added Chaos" "Item Quantity"
  1856. Class Gem
  1857. SetBorderColor 255 204 102
  1858. SetFontSize 40
  1859. PlayAlertSound 3 75
  1860. Show
  1861. Class Gem
  1862. Quality >= 15
  1863. SetBorderColor 255 204 102
  1864. SetFontSize 40
  1865. PlayAlertSound 3 75
  1866. Show
  1867. Class Gem
  1868. Quality > 0
  1869. SetBorderColor 255 204 102
  1870. Show
  1871. BaseType "Enhance" "Detonate Mines"
  1872. Class Gem
  1873. Show
  1874. Class Gem
  1876. ##################################################
  1877. ######### Section 24 - Miscellaneous II ##########
  1878. ##################################################
  1879. #Note: Low priority odd items and catch-alls
  1880. #Race Whetstone Recipe Toggle - On by default.
  1881. Show
  1882. Class "One Hand" "Two Hand" "Bow"
  1883. ItemLevel <= 42
  1884. Quality > 0
  1885. Show
  1886. BaseType " Ring" "Amulet" "Belt" "Rustic Sash"
  1887. Height = 1
  1888. Rarity Magic
  1889. ItemLevel <= 66
  1890. Show
  1891. ItemLevel <= 5
  1892. Hide
  1893. BaseType "Scroll Fragment"
  1894. Show
  1895. Class Currency
  1896. Show
  1897. Rarity Rare
  1898. #Show
  1899. # Class "Hideout Doodads" "Microtransactions"
  1901. ##################################################
  1902. ############# Section 25 - Warbands ##############
  1903. ##################################################
  1904. #When you kill a warbands pack, press alt and the warbands items will have a faint blue background if any dropped.
  1905. Hide
  1906. Identified True
  1907. ItemLevel > 67
  1908. Rarity Magic
  1909. Class "Boots" "Gloves" "Helmets"
  1910. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 50
  1911. Hide
  1912. Identified True
  1913. ItemLevel > 67
  1914. Rarity Magic
  1915. Class "Axes" "Swords" "Maces" "Daggers" "Claws" "Staves" "Sceptres" "Wands" "Bows"
  1916. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 50
  1918. ##################################################
  1919. ########## Section 26 - Animate Weapon ###########
  1920. ##################################################
  1921. #Note: Always disabled by default. When enabled, press alt and your selected weapon types will have a green background.
  1922. #Recommended enabling only the middle block for 1x3 weapons as they are the most efficient to pick up.
  1923. #Hide
  1924. # Class "Wands"
  1925. # Rarity Normal
  1926. # SetFontSize 32
  1927. # SetBorderColor 100 100 100
  1928. # SetBackgroundColor 0 50 0
  1929. #Hide
  1930. # Height >= 3
  1931. # Width = 1
  1932. # Rarity Normal
  1933. # SetFontSize 30
  1934. # SetBorderColor 100 100 100
  1935. # SetBackgroundColor 0 50 0
  1936. #Hide
  1937. # Class "Axes" "Swords" "Maces" "Claws" "Staves" "Sceptres" "Bows"
  1938. # Rarity Normal
  1939. # SetFontSize 35
  1940. # SetBorderColor 100 100 100
  1941. # SetBackgroundColor 0 50 0
  1943. ##################################################
  1944. ########### Section 27 - Global Hide #############
  1945. ##################################################
  1946. #Global Hide Block - Comment out next line in order to never hide anything (unless you choose to hide an archetype in class options)
  1947. Hide
  1948. Rarity Normal Magic
  1949. SetFontSize 25
  1950. SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 200
  1951. Hide
  1952. ##################################################
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