
The Mare in Red. [Ch1]

Nov 8th, 2013
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  1. >You sit back on your chair in the smokey lounge.
  2. >A pony waiter levitates a tray with your drink and sets it on the table.
  3. >You slip him the brown envelope under the tray and grab your drink.
  4. >It's been a good few years now.
  5. >Dealing illegal salt-mixes to ponies who have arrived on Earth through the portal.
  6. >Who knew something as mundane as salt would be classified as a drug once they arrived.
  7. >The waiter left after you gave him the drop-off points of your deliveries.
  9. >A pony in a tailored suit gives you a nod from the other side of the room and you raise your drink in a reply.
  10. >The deal is done, you'll have your money deposited to your account in the morning.
  11. >You take a sip and look onto the stage since your business is done and you can enjoy yourself.
  12. >You'd picked this spot for a reason.
  13. >It's because you have a thing for one of the ladies who sing here.
  14. >You smirk. If you had told yourself a few years ago that you'd be attracted to a technicolor equine, you would have slugged yourself in the face.
  15. >The stage is occupied by some asshole playing bongo drums, moaning out self-fellating nonsense in a monotone drone.
  16. >Then he stops and you thank God or Celestia, whoever cares more.
  18. >Then SHE comes onto the stage.
  19. >Along with her, a small band enters.
  20. >She's wearing a red silk dress with a slit that shows off her rear leg.
  21. >Odd how it has the same effect on humans and ponies, you think.
  22. >The band sets up while you order another drink and the white pony in the red dress talks to someone off-stage before letting out a muffled giggle under her hoof.
  23. >She throws her purple styled mane around and her eyes land on you.
  24. >Her lips form a smirk and she winks.
  25. >Then the band slowly begins to build up.
  26. >The sound of waves and seagulls slips in through the window beside you but it seems to strangely fit the mood.
  27. >She begins to sing.
  28. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiTa_t92E-k
  30. >The music swings on and her voice lulls you into a sweet relaxed state.
  31. >Your risky business kept you on edge and recently you'd find solace in her act.
  32. >You didn't know what she did during the days, you didn't care.
  33. >All you knew her as was the mare in red who sang your troubles away.
  34. >The music finally, sadly, comes to an end and you give her a round of applause.
  35. >She and her band bows gracefully before they start up again.
  36. >It's a cheerful tune this time.
  37. >Sadly, it's interrupted as the main entrance door is slammed open and police swarms the room.
  38. >Pony and human officers shout something about this being a bust.
  39. >You knew it would happen sooner or later.
  40. >This place was a common place for your kind of business.
  42. >Deciding it's time to bounce, you quickly down the last of your drink and burst from your seat.
  43. >You slip past a gang of rowdy mobsters protecting their boss from the police and enter the kitchen.
  44. >Somepony bumps into you and you expect magic cuffs to fly onto you but nothing happens.
  45. >You look down, seeing not a pony officer but the lady in red.
  46. >She's hyperventilating, looking at you with horrified eyes.
  47. >You don't know why you do it, but before you know it, you have her under your arm and you've reached your apartment.
  48. >She's on her haunches and you're on your ass on the couch.
  50. >"W-what is going on?!"
  51. >You hear her stammer out in a shocked manner.
  52. >Oh boy. Something tells you that you just added kidnapping to your list of crimes.
  53. "Uhm.. sorry. I kinda panicked. The police raid and mobsters fighting.. it just seemed an unfit environment for a lady, so I... uh"
  54. >You hope your brain starts working soon or this ain't gonna end well.
  55. >She blinks a few times before taking a deep breath.
  56. >"I'm sorry, I just... just didn't know I was in danger. I suppose I should thank you."
  57. >She laughs nervously.
  59. >She seems to calm down and take in the surroundings.
  60. >Your apartment is quite extravagant and she seems to like it.
  61. >A large panoramic window stretches from wall to wall in the living room in a subtle arc.
  62. >The last few rays of sunlight stream in over the beach which your building overlooks.
  63. >The walls are painted a soft cream yellow and the sunlight only colors them into an intense honey orange.
  64. >Exotic miniature palm trees accent the corners of the living room and a glass table on onyx stone stands before you in the middle.
  65. >It's flamboyant but you can afford it.
  66. >You have an extensive fortune amassed on your account from your business.
  68. >She notices how expensive the place looks and she seems to drop any notion of unease.
  69. "So.. can I get you anything? I suppose you're my guest, unless you wish to leave already."
  70. >You decide to walk over to the liqueur cabinet and extend a hospitable gesture to her so to not freak her out.
  71. >"Why, how kind of you. I wouldn't mind a glass of wine. I suppose I can keep you company, with you rescuing me and all."
  72. >She giggles. She seems to have relaxed and decided not to charge you with abduction.
  73. >Good. You have enough crap going on as it is.
  75. >You return to the couch with two glasses and a bottle of wine.
  76. >Pouring her a drink, you then lean back and look at the sunset.
  77. "Once again. I'm sorry about just grabbing you like that. It must have seemed very suspicious."
  78. >She waves her hoof after taking a dainty sip.
  79. >"Oh, Anonymous, Darling. Don't worry about it. You had good intentions and that's what matters."
  80. >Oh good, looks like you're out of...
  81. >Wait..
  82. "h-how did you know my name?"
  84. >She stops mid-sip and swallows with a bit of dramatic gesture.
  85. >Setting the glass down, she turns her head to you and gives you a sheepish grin.
  86. >"Why.. everyone at the speakeasy knows your name, hehe. You're a patron there."
  87. >She's so bad at lying it would be funny if it wasn't making you nervous.
  88. "I don't buy that. I have the same waiter every time and he doesn't remember my name."
  89. >You point out the inconsistency in her statement and swirl your glass.
  91. >She looks around the room in a desperate gesture of "oh shit".
  92. >She takes another sip of her win, held by her magic this time since her hooves are crossed on the cushion of the couch.
  93. >A few drinks later, she climbs from the couch and stands up.
  94. >"W-well.. I suppose I should get going."
  95. >You stand up.
  96. "You still haven't answered my question, Miss."
  97. >"Rarity."
  98. "What?"
  99. >"My name is Rarity."
  100. >She tries to give you a smile, but she just looks even more nervous now.
  101. "Well, Miss Rarity. Would you like to tell me the truth this time?"
  103. >She bites down on her lower lip before bolting past you.
  104. >Funnily enough, wine is strong by pony standards and her legs betrays her halfway to the door.
  105. >She slams into the floor with surprising grace and something flies out from under her dress.
  106. >A small bag with a white powder glides across the polished wood floor and stops in a ray of light.
  107. >Salt.
  108. >By the type of bag and the soft pink hue of the salt in the light, you figure it's the peach strain.
  109. >She notices that the jig is up and she sits up on her haunches.
  110. >"Fine... I know your name because I'm your biggest customer. Happy?"
  112. >No, you're not.
  113. "No. Not really."
  114. >She looks over her shoulder, a mix of embarrassment and contempt.
  115. >The contempt feels justified.
  116. >You set your glass down and you walk over to her, kneel down and offer her your hand.
  117. "Listen.. I'm sorry if I pushed on a sore spot, Miss Rarity. I just don't like secrets concerning me, especially with the crowd you know I have to deal with."
  118. >She hesitates, but takes your hand with her hoof.
  119. >How do they do that anyway?
  120. >It's like her hoof has a grip on you, but you can't see it bend to justify the feeling.
  121. >Magic?
  122. >Probably. She's a unicorn after all.
  124. >You lift her to her hooves and she looks over at the bag.
  125. "Uhm... If you want to leave.. I won't stop you."
  126. >She's looking at the floor now.
  127. >You look back at the window, unsure what to say.
  128. >The sun is but a red sliver on the horizon and the room is now nearly red.
  129. >A drop falls to the floor and you hear a soft sniff.
  130. >A whimper before the tears flow and she lets out a dainty sob.
  131. >"Sweet Celestia. Why did this happen to me?"
  132. >You look back at her. She's back on her haunches again and she's crying.
  134. "Miss Rarity.. I don't.."
  135. >She cover her face with her hooves and bursts out into loud sobbing.
  136. >Her hair frizzles a bit at the horn and her dress is flowing out onto the floor like a still photo of a drop being merged with the water beneath it.
  137. >The dress merges with the red hue on the floor ans she seems to envelop the entire living room.
  138. >It would look quite majestic if she wasn't crying.
  140. >You kneel down once more and you put your hand on her shoulder.
  141. "What happened to you, Miss Rarity?"
  142. >Getting her to explain it would certainly help the situation and hopefully stop your neighbors from hearing a crying woman in your apartment.
  143. >You hope she can't cry and give exposition at the same time.
  144. >Turns out she can.
  145. >"I -sob- came to Earth in hopes of offering my dressmaking business to humans and ponies here on Earth."
  146. >She stands up, waddles onto the couch and lies down on it.
  147. >"I thought I could -sob- that I could become famous here and put some real power behind my name."
  148. >She pours herself another drink with her magic and looks at you.
  149. >"I decided to spend some time having fun and enjoying Earth high life before opening my business, but by the time I realized your "industrial revolution" made hand-crafted dresses obsolete, I was already deep in debt."
  150. >She looks down into the swirling liquid of her glass.
  151. >"I began singing to earn the money to pay them back. They wouldn't let me near the portal back home and they paid the authorities to warn them if I tried to sneak near it."
  152. >You sit down next to her and you listen intensely.
  153. >"The stress was getting to me and they told me they had a magical powder that would make it easier, enter... salt."
  155. >You feel a stab in your guts. That was the exact words you'd used to trick ponies into buying your merchandise.
  156. >Seems like your favorite entertainer was one of them.
  157. >You felt like shit.
  158. >not something you were used to. You didn't feel sorry for them. You knew Equestrian authorities made sure all who entered Earth knew of the dangers they could face.
  159. >Drugs was one of them.
  160. >but to see the results yourself, was a painful reminder that you were a criminal, scum.
  161. "I'm guessing that didn't help the debt, huh?"
  162. >She shakes her head and downs the glass in one gulp.
  163. >"N-no.. and now if the police have busted the speakeasy, I don't even have a place to perform at."
  164. >She begins crying again.
  166. >You sigh and slump your shoulders.
  167. "Im... I'm sorry."
  168. >She looks up at you, confounded.
  169. >"What do you mean?"
  170. >You look into her sapphire eyes and you feel like a boatload of shit.
  171. "You're in a horrible situation because of me, of my salt and now your only source of income is busted because of my shady business."
  172. >Wow, nice going with the criminal confession, Einstein.
  173. >Who's Einstein, Brain?
  174. >No idea, some smart dude in the papers I think.
  175. >Oh.
  177. >She looks at you with a frown and a raised eyebrow.
  178. >"While I'm glad you see the errors of your ways, you think I really blame you?"
  179. >She folds her hooves before her and lets out a "tisk".
  180. >"I'm to blame for my own mistakes, thank you very much."
  181. >She looks around the apartment.
  182. >"Buuut... if you wish to redeem yourself, you can let me stay here until things cool down."
  183. >You stop, blink and look at her.
  184. >She wanted to live here for a while?
  185. >your idol, in your house?
  186. >Holy shit.
  187. "uhm... I suppose I could do that. I kinda feel obligated to help you out."
  188. >Smooth, Fabio.
  189. >I swear you're making people up just to call me shit, aren't you, Brain?
  190. >...
  192. >You pick up the bottle and pour yourself and the mare a drink each, ending the flask's short life.
  193. >"Thank you kindly, darling. You're a true gentleman after all."
  194. >She chirps, her sorrow seems to have faded for now and you decide to not push it.
  195. "Well I can get some extra pillows and a blanket for the couch for you then."
  196. >She coughs a bit on her wine.
  197. >"Excuse me? A lady does NOT sleep on the couch, thank you very much!"
  198. >You raise an eyebrow at her.
  199. "There's only one bed here, though."
  200. >"Well I suppose you'll have to share it then."
  201. >Oh...
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