Guest User


a guest
Aug 22nd, 2019
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  1. 「1」 What is your name: Jai
  2. 「2」 How old are you?: 11
  3. 「3」 Where are you from? (Country is enough) And Timezone: Australia, UTC+10:00
  4. 「4」 Tell us a little about yourself. (Min 20 words): I am one of the top in my class, I'm about to reach highschool. When i was born i had a condition known as sagittal suture chraniosstenosis, which is where a baby's skull is already fused like it is when the baby becomes a child, so i had to have a surgery when i was 10 months old and i got the first successful surgery without any problems, well at least thats the story as i know it.
  5. 「5」 For how long have you been skripting?: 1-2 Years
  6. 「6」 Are you familiar with skript? Which plugins do you know?: Skript, skquery, Tuske (learning), skjson, a little in skutilities
  7. 「7」 For how long have you used these plugins if you have used them?: Skript 1-2 years, Skquery 1-2 years, Tuske 1-3 months, skjson 6-12 months, skutilities 15-30 days
  8. 「9」 Give yourself your skript skill a rating from 0 - 10: 5/10
  9. 「10」 Give yourself a rating from 0 - 10, tell us some pros and cons about yourself as well: 7/10, i have adhd so i get told im annoying at school, and im seriously bullied, but I'm nice, carring, smart, good at music, well thats what my mum tells me
  10. 「11」 Post some of your previous skripts:
  12. Follow Skript Took 5 minutes:
  14. command /register [<text>]:
  15. trigger:
  16. if {registration::completed::%uuid of player%} is true:
  17. send "You can't register again!"
  18. else:
  19. set arg-1 to {Password::%uuid of player%}
  20. send "I have set your password to %arg-1%!"
  22. command /login [<text>]:
  23. trigger:
  24. if {Password::%uuid of player%} is true:
  25. send "You can't login again!"
  26. else:
  27. if arg-1 = {Password::%uuid of player%}:
  28. set {Password::%uuid of player%} to true
  29. send "You're now logged in!"
  31. on join:
  32. if {Password::%uuid of player%} is false:
  33. send "You need to login!"
  35. on any movement:
  36. if {Password::%uuid of player%} is false:
  37. cancel event
  38. send "You need to login first!
  40. on chat:
  41. if {Password::%uuid of player%} is false:
  42. cancel event
  43. send "You can't chat till you login!
  45. Following Skript 4-5 days took:
  47. options:
  50. Almos: Almosium Core×
  51. every 15 minutes:
  52. loop all players:
  53. set {LAST_POS::%loop-player%} to loop-player's position
  54. wait a minute
  55. set {CURRENT_POS::%loop-player%} to loop-player's position
  56. if {LAST_POS::%loop-player%} = {CURRENT_POS::%loop-player%}:
  57. open chest with 3 rows named "%{@Almos}% Afk Check" to loop-player
  58. wait a tick
  59. format slot 12 of loop-player with green wool named "&a&lYes" to close
  60. format slot 14 of loop-player with red wool named "&c&lNo" with lore "||&7By clicking here, you||&7 will be &ckicked&7!||" to close
  61. wait 2 minutes
  62. KICK_PLAYER( loop-player )
  64. function LOG( s: text ):
  65. log "%now% -> %{_s}%" to file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/core.log"
  66. stop
  68. function KICK_PLAYER( p: player ):
  69. kick {_p} due to "%{@Almos}% %nl%%nl%&cWe do not allow people to be AFK!%nl%%nl%&7Want to have a talk with other players or with us? Come have a talk on our discord through /discord!"
  70. stop
  72. function SPAWN_ITEMS( p: player ):
  73. set slot 1 of {_p} to compass named "&8× &eServers &7(Right-Click)"
  74. stop
  76. function SEND_WELCOME_MESSAGE( p: player ):
  77. send "----------" to {_p}
  78. send "%{@Almos}% Welcome to &cAlmosium Network!" to {_p}
  79. send "You can use &f/help &eto list all the available commands." to {_p}
  80. send "If you need support, you can use &f/ticket &eand follow the steps!" to {_p}
  81. send "----------" to {_p}
  82. stop
  84. function CHECK_REGISTER_CLIENT( p: player ) :: boolean:
  85. if file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%uuid of {_p}%.yml" does not exist:
  86. return false
  87. set {REGISTER::%{_p}%} to false
  88. stop
  89. else:
  90. if yml value "password" of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/%uuid of {_p}%.yml" is not empty:
  91. return true
  92. set {REGISTER::%{_p}%} to true
  93. stop
  94. else:
  95. return false
  96. stop
  97. return false
  98. stop
  100. function REGISTER_CLIENT( p: player, pw: text ):
  101. if {_pw} is not set:
  102. send " " to {_p}
  103. send "%{@Almos}% Passwords are encrypted, so you do not have to worry about security :)" to {_p}
  104. send " " to {_p}
  105. else:
  106. if length of {_pw} >= 6:
  107. set {PASSWORD::%{_p}%} to {_pw} hashed with SHA-256
  108. send " " to {_p}
  109. json( "%{_p}%", "%{@Almos}% Successfully registered! %nl%&e * Registered with password &a&lCLICK ME||ttp:%{_pw}%|| &eand encrypted to &a&lCLICK ME||ttp:%{PASSWORD::%{_p}%}%||" )
  110. send " " to {_p}
  111. set yml value "password" of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/%uuid of {_p}%.yml" to {PASSWORD::%{_p}%}
  112. set {REGISTER::%{_p}%} to true
  113. else:
  114. send "%{@Almos}% Passwords must be greater than &7%{@PASSWORD_MIN_CHARS} - 1% &echaracters!" to {_p}
  115. while {PASSWORD::%{_p}%} is not set:
  116. send action bar "%{@Almos}% &eRegister with: &7/register <password>" to {_p}
  118. function LOGIN_CLIENT( p: player, pw: text ):
  119. if {REGISTER::%{_p}%} is true:
  120. set {_password} to yml value "password" of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/uuid of %{_p}%.yml"
  121. if {_pw} hashed with SHA-256 = {_password}:
  122. if {LOGIN::%{_p}%} is false:
  123. send "%{@Almos}% Login was successfull!" to {_p}
  124. set {LOGIN::%{_p}%} to true
  125. else:
  126. send "%{@Almos}% You are already logged in!" to {_p}
  127. else:
  128. send "%{@Almos}% Password is &cincorrect&e, if you forgot your password contact us!" to {_p}
  130. function SET_PLAYER_TAGS( p: player ):
  131. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of {_p}%} to yml value "group" of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/%uuid of {_p}%.yml"
  132. set {_p} tab name to "%{RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of {_p}%}% %{_p}%"
  134. function SETUP_CLIENT_DIR( p: player ):
  135. if file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/%uuid of {_p}%.yml" does not exist:
  136. create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/%uuid of {_p}%.yml"
  137. else:
  138. stop
  140. command /register [<text>]:
  141. trigger:
  142. REGISTER_CLIENT( player, arg-1 )
  144. command /login [<text>]:
  145. trigger:
  146. LOGIN_CLIENT( player, arg-1 )
  148. command /tag [<player>] [<text>]:
  149. trigger:
  150. if arg-1 is set:
  151. if arg-2 is set:
  152. if arg-2 is "owner":
  153. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&cOwner"
  154. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&c"
  155. stop
  156. else if arg-2 is "developer":
  157. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&5Developer"
  158. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&5"
  159. stop
  160. else if arg-2 is "administrator":
  161. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&cAdmin"
  162. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&c"
  163. stop
  164. else if arg-2 is "moderator":
  165. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&aMod"
  166. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&a"
  167. stop
  168. else if arg-2 is "helper":
  169. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&9Helper"
  170. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&9"
  171. stop
  172. else if arg-2 is "mvp+":
  173. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&bMvp&6+"
  174. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&b"
  175. stop
  176. else if arg-2 is "mvp":
  177. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&bMvp"
  178. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&b"
  179. stop
  180. else if arg-2 is "vip+":
  181. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&aVip&6+"
  182. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&a"
  183. stop
  184. else if arg-2 is "vip":
  185. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&aVip"
  186. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&a"
  187. stop
  188. else if arg-2 is "member":
  189. set {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&7Default"
  190. set {RANKS::COLOR::%uuid of arg-1%} to "&7"
  191. stop
  192. else:
  193. send "%{@Almos}% You cannot execute this command! &7(Correct usage: /tag <player> <rank>)" to player
  194. stop
  195. else:
  196. send "%{@Almos}% You cannot execute this command! &7(Correct usage: /tag <player> <rank>)" to player
  197. stop
  199. command /tell [<player>] [<text>]:
  200. trigger:
  201. if arg-1 is set:
  202. if arg-2 is set:
  203. if arg-1 is not executor:
  204. send "&cFrom %{RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of player%}%%player% &7-> &f%arg-2%" to arg-1
  205. send "%{@Almos}% Message sent!" to player
  206. stop
  207. else:
  208. send "%{@Almos}% You cannot send messages to yourself!" to player
  209. stop
  210. else:
  211. send "%{@Almos}% You cannot execute this command! &7(Correct usage: /tell <player> <message>)" to player
  212. stop
  213. else:
  214. send "%{@Almos}% You cannot execute this command! &7(Correct usage: /tell <player> <message>)" to player
  215. stop
  217. command /setspawn:
  218. trigger:
  219. if player is op:
  220. set {HUB::SPAWN.LOCATION} to player's location
  221. set yml value "spawn_location" of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/config.yml" to player's location
  222. send "%{@Almos}% &7Spawn has been set. Success: &aYES" to player
  223. LOG( "Spawn set by %player%" )
  224. stop
  226. command /ping [<player>]:
  227. trigger:
  228. if arg-1 is not set:
  229. send "%{@Almos}% &eYour current ping is &a%player's ping%&ams" to player
  230. stop
  232. command /help:
  233. trigger:
  234. send " F"
  235. stop
  237. command /ticket:
  238. trigger:
  239. send " " to player
  240. send " &e* Please, select the Department you would like to get help off:" to player
  241. send " " to player
  242. json( "%player%", " &e* &fAdministration||cmd:/§admin_dep||ttp:&cCall the &7Administration &cdepartment." )
  243. json( "%player%", " &e* &fReports & Accusations||cmd:/§repacc_dep||ttp:&cCall the &7Reports & Accusations &cdepartment." )
  244. json( "%player%", " &e* &fForums Management||cmd:/§forums_dep||ttp:&cCall the &7Forums Management &cdepartment." )
  245. json( "%player%", " &e* &fClient Support||cmd:/§forums_dep||ttp:&cCall the &7Client Support &cdepartment." )
  246. send " " to player
  247. stop
  249. command /spawn:
  250. aliases: /sp
  251. trigger:
  252. teleport player to {HUB::SPAWN.LOCATION}
  253. send "%{@Almos}% Teleported to spawn!" to player
  254. stop
  256. on right click with compass:
  257. cancel event
  258. open chest with 6 rows named "%{@Almos}% &a&lServer Selector" to player
  259. wait a tick
  260. loop 54 times:
  261. if loop-value <= 9:
  262. set slot (loop-value - 1) of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&7"
  263. if loop-value >= 9:
  264. if mod( loop-value, 2 ) is 0:
  265. set slot loop-value of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&7"
  266. else:
  267. set slot loop-value of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7"
  268. if loop-value > 18:
  269. set slot loop-value of player's current inventory to air
  270. if loop-value > 25:
  271. if loop-value < 28:
  272. set slot loop-value of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&7"
  273. else if loop-value >= 35:
  274. if mod( loop-value - 1, 2 ) is 0:
  275. set slot loop-value of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&7"
  276. else:
  277. set slot loop-value of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&7"
  278. if loop-value >= 46:
  279. set slot loop-value of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&7"
  282. on command "/plugins":
  283. cancel event
  284. send "%{@Almos}% For security reasons we do not allow you to see our plugins! If you want a custom plugin you can always contact me through &7Discord (&odopamine##1337&7)"
  285. stop
  287. on load:
  288. if file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/config.yml" does not exist:
  289. create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/config.yml"
  290. create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/messages.yml"
  291. create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/core.log"
  292. create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/permissions.yml"
  293. LOG( "Main files created!" )
  294. set yml value "spawn_location" of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/config.yml" to "0, 0, 0"
  295. LOG( "Default values have been initialized!" )
  296. if size of directory "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/%uuid of player%.yml" in bytes > 1:
  297. LOG( "Loaded client registrations!" )
  298. else:
  299. LOG( "No client registrations found, therefore they have not been loaded!" )
  300. stop
  301. else:
  302. set {HUB::SPAWN.LOCATION} to yml value "spawn_location" of file "v"
  303. stop
  305. on join:
  306. set join message to ""
  307. if player is op:
  308. CHECK_UPDATES( player )
  309. if {HUB::SPAWN.LOCATION} is not "0, 0, 0":
  310. SPAWN_ITEMS( player )
  311. teleport player to {HUB::SPAWN.LOCATION}
  312. LOG( "%player% joined the server! ##FF-404SP: FALSE" )
  313. SEND_WELCOME_MESSAGE( player )
  314. SET_PLAYER_TAGS( player )
  315. SETUP_CLIENT_DIR( player )
  316. if CHECK_REGISTER_CLIENT( player ) is false:
  317. send "%{@Almos}% Register your account with &7/register <password>" to player
  318. stop
  319. else:
  320. if player is op:
  321. send "%{@Almos}% Spawn has not been set yet, therefore players cannot join your server. &7/setspawn" to player
  322. stop
  323. teleport player to location at 0, 9999, 0 # X Y Z
  324. set player's flight mode to true
  325. send "%{@Almos}% An internal error has occured, therefore you won't be able to play. &7Please notify the server &4&oAdministrator&7." to player
  326. LOG( "%player% joined the server! ##FF-404SP: TRUE" )
  327. wait 5 seconds
  328. kick player due to "%{@Almos}% %nl%%nl%&cAn internal error has occured, therefore you won't be able to play.%nl%%nl%&7Please notify the server &4&oAdministrator&7.%nl%%nl%&7Code: &f##FF-404SP"
  329. stop
  331. on quit:
  332. set quit message to ""
  333. set yml value "group" of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Server Core Things/%uuid of player%.yml" to {RANKS::GROUP::%uuid of player%}
  334. LOG( "%player% left the server!" )
  335. stop
  337. on chat:
  338. cancel event
  339. broadcast "%{RANKS::COLOR::%player%}%[%{RANKS::GROUP::%player%}%%{RANKS::COLOR::%player%}%] %player%&f: %message%"
  340. stop
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