

Feb 21st, 2016
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  4. <div class="swap"><span class="top">name</span><span class="bottom">Dallas Virgin</span></div>
  5. <div class="swap"><span class="top">species</span><span class="bottom">Human</span></div>
  6. <div class="swap"><span class="top">age</span><span class="bottom">24</span></div>
  7. <div class="swap"><span class="top">occupation</span><span class="bottom">Prostitute</span></div>
  8. <div class="swap"><span class="top">height / weight</span><span class="bottom">5'11 - 155lbs</span></div>
  9. <div class="swap"><span class="top">orientation</span><span class="bottom">Bisexual</span></div>
  10. <div class="swap"><span class="top">status</span><span class="bottom">Taken</span></div>
  11. <div class="swap"><span class="top"><a href="" target="_blank">theme</a></span><span class="bottom"><a href="" target="_blank">The A Team</a></span></div>
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  13. <div class="four"><span style="font-family: georgia, palatino; font-size: 8pt;">Loud noises, street lights, and people, there are some things you just grow into. And some things you just don't. On the streets, everyone has a set of skills, some that help and somes that get you killed. But you must have certain traits to survive. What are those traists? Well, this man, Dallas, is a great example. Even if he can't manage his money, but still. He survived for this long. Cunning and sly like a fox, this man knows how to get around like a bandit from some type of movie. He's smart, maybe a little too smart sometimes. But with his intelligence in stealing and sneaking around, even his plans -that he think are well thought out- even get him in trouble. Some serious troubel. Serious enough that it could cost his life. If he stayed around this long then he has to be doing something right. There are times plan A won't work and he just has to go to plan B, which is something he hates doing but he has to if he wants to keep breathing. With his brain he has a mouth to go along with it. He manages to talk himself out of any situation or distract whoever by just talking and charming his way around them. Men or women, no big deal. Sometimes he's not smooth with his words and just like his failed plans, he can get hiself into trouble. Not everyone takes his words the right way, but most of the time people fall for that silver tongue of his. He even manages to persuade the worst of them all or get their knees woobling. Just depends. Depends on his mood and hiw he's feeling. Everyone in his position ain't in the best of moods, but he's able to pull it off with a smile and a shrug of his shoulders. He's able to attract anyone with his carefree attitude. Dallas is usually relaxed, even when he is doing his 'job'. It isn't something he enjoys but he does it anyway. Like an addict, he is determined to get the money to continue his habit. A habit he wished he could stop, but who wouldn't?</span><br /><br /></div>
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