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Dec 11th, 2019
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  1. She died in February at the age of 74. In August 2001 it wasn't a decision, since the alternative was regret. It wasn't her fault that I didn't go to the drugstore... And then getting her to arrange a time with Lynn, so that I can tell her just with me and Tal there.
  3. We were walking from the restaurant to the Irish pub, and who did we run into? Then we had dinner at this really nice restaurant with a patio kind of in Old Town.
  5. Back in March I did a presentation at a research conference held at UC Irvine and presented by the Honors Transfer Council of California.
  8. My mother and I have a unique relationship. Chasing Amy - *whimpers* By all accounts i should have liked this film. Their relationship was a failure! All other IB families are trying to keep their kid in IB.. trying to encourage their kid to do good.. mine is trying to make me quit. Anyway, this one is someone she was involved with in high school who says he's been trying to find her all these years and finally tracked her down. So seeing how I am scared of pitch black darkness I got up and was trying to see what made the power go out, and my parents got up and joined me with flashlights and candles. I handed in the damn homework, which was really quite stupid for all those who do know how to use the damn computer. He turned back to me, completely sober, completely serious and replied - 'No, I don't dislike you, I'm just scared of you.' I stared at him in disbelief for a moment or two or three - scared of me?
  11. There truly are buckets of phenomenal things to be amazed by, and thankful for.
  13. Stocklos and Andrew were only there for one of the nights I was.
  15. Then there was one 4th of July when we had just moved to a big new house in the country & we were flat busted, so we had no funds to celebrate. But Jon and been watching the encounter and remained at bay purposely in order to let me say what I had to say to Andrew. I am so excited about the trip... and so excited that Jen and Nicole are going... and so excited that we are going to both Wolves games while we are there. And she attempted lying to me about going Hong Kong together. And look, it's very difficult to work both sides of the aisle.
  18. It might last. MILLER, who actually taught my HIS 102 class last semester, and he was the last class I had last time, and the first class this time.
  20. I've been so caught up in all this craziness going on and such!
  22. This can be a very uncomfortable moment if someone walks in and busts you.
  24. I haven't brought it up to Amanda, but Stephen knows how uncomfortable it is. It's all uncomfortable and awkward.
  26. And it's so easy, we're an Irish family and all that implies.
  28. So in honor of better times: heres something I wrote a year ago, a moment from a night that Brady and I spent together last winter...
  30. Sarah and I took a break after extensive arguing, where she proceeded to date my closest friend and housemate from Miami. After much haranguing from my father, my sisters, brother, nieces and I begrudgingly agreed to sing carols and whatnot, in unison and harmony, at our hüge Christmas party under the name, The Family Songsters. You know, what will people remember years from now as hip?
  33. All the card schools in every corner of the earth - and all that's in between - are they just a game of chance? This was foretold and all that goes along with it. I always had the feeling that he was going to turn on me one day and that I was being set up for the kill, but the moment never came. Sometimes I have to bribe Big Mike with a bottle of vodka to drive over in his van so I can collect an item that's too big to fit into my 13-year-old Mazda hatchback. I grunted, growled and prepared to tell the offending party that I was BUSY when I glanced up and saw the SN glaring at me from the new window... And then getting her to arrange a time with Lynn, so that I can tell her just with me and Tal there. Its quite a good show, although there are some problems with it: um, guys, could you lay off on the slow-motion-with-morbid-period-appropriate-soundtrack routine when tying up the end of the episode? Had a session with my therapist, Kim, on Monday as per usual. To spend some time with friends? At heart and core were a lot alike, we just get there at slightly different ways some times. Science has proven that people of different races are that way because of the climate.
  35. Not many people got the angle I did during the ceremony, to see the way they were smiling, the way that they looked at each other, but if anyone was dense enough to miss it before, they would have figured it out from seeing that. I feel, so, so what’s the word... ah yes annoyed with people who think that i am something that I'm not when i barely even know them. I was told I bird walk, it means like, talking about something, going off on a tangent and talking about something completely different, then going back to what i was talking about before like I haven’t been ranting about something else for the last 5 minutes. A complete 180 from last week and the week before, I think it has something to do with the fact I haven't seen/talked to Gus since last Tuesday.
  37. In a way I don't even want to write here cos she might come and read it then not write herself but at the same time I've been thinking in diary entry since about 10:30pm when the distractions stopped.
  39. I don't know what to say to him.
  41. I don't know what I'll be feeling tomorrow night at this time, all alone with no cable and no gas and no internet access, but thats okay.
  43. I still have to tell my Tom & Jerry story... probably tomorrow if I have time.
  45. Feeling certain there was a curse upon my head, I gave up, returned home, and took a shower.
  47. Do you have to be a gold member to put in background pics??
  49. A little background: When I was 14, I had eye surgery to correct a birth defect. When I called them the other day to find out when they were open, I got someone very, very stern. And they sent a snotty fool down from Buffalo to run the store. However, after a while of dealing with her crap, management decided they wanted some more room in the store to put...whatever. What’s the point.
  51. Most of the rides we wanted to take were sold out, but we got to ride on a tall ship from 3-5, which is exactly what we wanted. I found this site that is full of surveys through some people who are now obsessed with the site.
  54. Rhino pictures illegal? Makes me sick. I “hid” the photos…hehehehe. Apparently, if there are less than 10 photos, it’s no big deal.
  57. OK. Things are getting a little weird. I zapped the hard drive and then threw it into the Mississippi River. I’m gonna reformat my USB key after this entry, but try not to destroy the good stuff. I need to change the password on the gnome account that Jeremy gave me. I can probably just do that at Radio Shack.
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