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a guest
Jul 30th, 2015
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  1. /htmlbox <div _blank"="div style="background-image:url(; no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover;><table border="1" width="600" height="600" target="_blank"><tbody target="_blank"><tr target="_blank"> <div style=cursor:url(,auto;> <center><h1>Welcome to The Breakfast League!</center></h1> <br><center><font color=blue>Welcome to The Breakfast League! (TBL) Join this league of foods, If you don't you'll regret it! Once food is found, it is wanted to be eaten deliciously and tasted well. Join this league and become the best breakfast food ever.</font></br></center> <br><center><button class="astext" name="parseCommand" value="/user Champion Fluu"><img src= height=80 width=80> </button> <button class="astext" name="parseCommand" value="/user Champion Maddie"> <img src= height=80 width=80> </button> </center> <br><center><button class="astext" name="parseCommand" value="/user TBL Gaming"><img src= height=80 width=80> </button><button class="astext" name="parseCommand" value="/user TBL Frost"><img src= height=80 width=80></button><button class="astext" name="parseCommand" value="/user TBL Mako"><img src= height=80 width=80> </button> <button class="astext" name="parseCommand" value="/user EMPTY"><img src= height=80 width=80></button> </center></br> <marquee><center><font color=green>The Breakfast League is looking for members! Join us now please! We'll like it alot if you join us! >:D</marquee> </font> </center></br> <center><button name="send" value="/transferbucks TBL's Bank,1"target="_blank">Donate 1</button> <button name="send" value="/transferbucks TBL's Bank,3"target="_blank">Donate 3</button></center> <br><center><button name="send" value="/transferbucks TBL's Bank,5"target="_blank">Donate 5</button> </center> </div> </div>
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