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Jul 14th, 2017
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  1. # HCFactions by drtshock and milkywayz
  2. # Report issues
  3. # Live support
  5. # Made with love <3
  7. # Debug
  8. # Turn this on if you are having issues with something and working on resolving them.
  9. # This will spam your console with information that is useful if you know how to read the source.
  10. # It's suggested that you only turn this on at the direction of a developer.
  11. debug: false
  13. # Prevent find factions exploit
  14. # This will help limit how many times a player can be sent a map of factions.
  15. # Set this to the cooldown you want, in miliseconds, for a map to be shown to a player.
  16. # If you want to log when a player violates this (only happens on chunk enter so it shouldn't be too spammy),
  17. # set log to true and it will be logged to console as "player tried to show a faction map too soon and triggered exploit blocker."
  18. findfactionsexploit:
  19. cooldown: 2000 # in miliseconds. 2000 = 2 seconds.
  20. log: false
  22. # Default Relation allows you to change the default relation for Factions.
  23. # Example usage would be so people can't leave then make a new Faction while Raiding
  24. # in order to be able to execute commands if the default relation is neutral.
  25. # This has always been neutral.
  26. default-relation: "neutral"
  28. # Portal Creation
  29. # Do you want to limit portal creation?
  30. portals:
  31. limit: false # will disable the below check if set to false
  33. # What should the minimum relation be to create a portal in territory?
  34. # Goes in the order of: ENEMY, NEUTRAL, ALLY, MEMBER.
  35. # Minimum relation allows that and all listed to the right to create portals.
  36. # Example: put ALLY to allow ALLY and MEMBER to be able to create portals.
  37. minimum-relation: MEMBER # If typed incorrectly, defaults to NEUTRAL.
  39. # Warps
  40. # What should be the max amount of warps that a Factoin can set?
  41. max-warps: 10
  43. # This is the cost section for warps.
  44. # It will charge them each time the command would be successful. (won't charge on erroneous /f warp attempts).
  45. # You can use decimal places here.
  46. # If enabled is set to false, it will ignore the values.
  47. warp-cost:
  48. enabled: false
  49. setwarp: 5.0
  50. delwarp: 5.0
  51. warp: 5.0
  53. # Pistons
  54. # Should we disable pistons in Faction territory? This will prevent people from doing something like:
  55. #
  56. disable-pistons-in-territory: false
  58. # ToolTips in /f show
  59. tooltips:
  61. # Faction show
  62. # This shows up when someone hovers over a faction name in /f show
  63. # You can use color codes and any variable here
  64. list:
  65. - "&6Leader: &r{leader}"
  66. - "&6Claimed: &d{land} &6/ &d{max-land}"
  67. - "&6Raidable: {raidable}"
  68. - "&6DTR: &d{dtr} &6/ &d{max-dtr}"
  69. - "&6Members: &d{online-count} &6/ &d{faction-size}"
  71. # Player show
  72. # This shows up when someone hovers over a player name in /f show
  73. # You can use any player variable
  74. show:
  75. - "&6Last Seen: &f{last-seen}"
  76. - "&6Rank: &f{group}"
  77. - "&6Balance: &a${player-balance}"
  79. ############################################################
  80. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  81. # | Scoreboard settings | #
  82. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  83. ############################################################
  85. scoreboard:
  86. expiration: 7 # in seconds, how long should an info scoreboard persist?
  88. # FInfo scoreboard is displayed when a player walks into a new Faction's territory.
  89. # Scoreboard disappears after <expiration> seconds.
  90. # You can use any variable and color codes here
  91. finfo-enabled: false
  92. finfo:
  93. - "&3Members"
  94. - "{online-count}/{faction-size}"
  95. - "&4DTR"
  96. - "{dtr}/{max-dtr}&r"
  97. - "&9Raidable: {raidable}"
  98. - "&bLand"
  99. - "{land}/{max-land}&f"
  101. # Default board that will always show up if a player wants it to.
  102. # This can show any arbitrary text or you can use any of the variables as well.
  103. default-enabled: false
  104. default-title: "{name}" # Can use any of the values from above but this won't update once it's set (so don't set {balance}).
  105. default-update-interval: 5 # in seconds.
  107. # This will show faction prefixes colored based on relation on nametags and in the tab.
  108. # The scoreboard needs to be enabled for this to work.
  109. default-prefixes: true
  111. # Offload nametag / scoreboard related functions to another thread (recommended)
  112. async-wrappers: true
  114. default:
  115. - "&6Your Faction"
  116. - "{faction}"
  117. - "&4Faction DTR"
  118. - "{dtr}/{max-dtr}&r"
  119. - "&aLand"
  120. - "{land}/{max-land}&f"
  122. factionless-enabled: false
  123. factionless:
  124. - "&6Make a new faction"
  125. - "&6using /f &ccreate"
  127. # Should we also send the chat message when a player enters a new claim?
  128. # By default, if we have a scoreboard enabled, no message will be sent
  129. # This value only applies when either a default or info scoreboard is enabled
  130. # Remember, you can configure the message in lang.yml
  131. also-send-chat: false
  133. # Warpup settings
  134. warmups:
  135. # Delay for /f home , 0 for none
  136. f-home: 3
  137. # Delay for /f warp, 0 for none
  138. f-warp: 3
  140. # Max Relation Types
  141. # Limits factions to having a max number of each relation.
  142. # Setting to 0 means none allowed. -1 for disabled.
  143. # This will have no effect on default or existing relations, only when relations are changed.
  144. # It is advised that you set the default relation to -1 so they can always go back to that.
  145. # Otherwise Factions could be stuck with not being able to unenemy other Factions.
  146. max-relations:
  147. enabled: true
  148. ally: 2
  149. truce: 10
  150. neutral: -1
  151. enemy: 10
  153. # WorldBorder support
  154. # A buffer of 0 means faction claims can go right up to the border of the world.
  155. # The buffer is in chunks, so 1 as a buffer means an entire chunk of buffer between
  156. # the border of the world and what can be claimed to factions
  157. world-border:
  158. buffer: 0
  160. ############################################################
  161. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  162. # | HCF Settings | #
  163. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  164. ############################################################
  166. hcf:
  167. # DTR (death till raidable) will be in /f show if enabled.
  168. # When DTR is below 0, the faction is considered raidable
  169. dtr:
  170. # Maximum DTR a faction can have
  171. max-faction-dtr: 5.01
  172. # How much DTR should we charge a faction for kicking a player when they are frozen
  173. # Set to 0 to disable penalty, but remember a faction can kick low dtr players to remain unraidable if theres no penalty!
  174. kick-penalty: 1.0
  175. # How many seconds after a player exits combat may they leave or be kicked
  176. leave-cooldown: 0
  177. # Minimum DTR a faction can have
  178. min-faction-dtr: -6.0
  179. # How much DTR is lost on death
  180. # Set per world with worlds in all lowercase.
  181. death-dtr:
  182. default: 1.0 # If the world isn't specified.
  183. world: 1.0
  184. world_nether: .5
  185. world_the_end: 2
  186. # How much DTR is replenished per faction member per minute
  187. minute-dtr: 0.04
  188. # How much max DTR should a faction gain per player?
  189. # Max DTR = min(player-dtr * faction size, max-faction-dtr)
  190. player-dtr: 1.01
  191. # How much DTR should a solo faction get?
  192. # Used so solo factions can have more than 1 death before raidable.
  193. solo-faction: 1.01
  194. # After a player dies, how long should the faction not be able to regen dtr?
  195. # This resets on each death but does not accumulate.
  196. # Set to 0 for no freeze. Time is in seconds.
  197. dtr-freeze: 1800
  198. # Notify the faction when they begin regenerating DTR?
  199. notify-unfreeze: true
  200. # DTR Freeze background regeneration
  201. # False unless you want factions to gain back the DTR
  202. # they would have generated during their DTR freeze
  203. allow-background-regen: false
  204. # Should we let players /f leave inside their claim?
  205. # Set to false to have better "insiding" protection.
  206. allow-leave-in-claim: true
  207. # Should we let players leave a frozen faction?
  208. freeze-leave: false
  209. # Should we let players join a frozen faction?
  210. freeze-join: true
  211. # Should we let frozen factions disband?
  212. freeze-disband: false
  213. # Should we let frozen factions unclaim land?
  214. freeze-unclaim: false
  215. fstuck:
  216. # Time in seconds before teleport occurs
  217. delay: 60
  218. # Number of blocks player can move before teleport cancels
  219. # Note: This is used to check distance right before teleport, it doesnt cancel as soon as you leave the radius
  220. radius: 10
  222. # Max land a faction can have claimed
  223. faction-land-max: 54
  225. # How much additional land a faction gets per member
  226. land-per-player: 6
  228. # How much land a solo faction starts off with
  229. initial-land: 6
  231. # Allows PVP betweeen faction allies
  232. friendly-fire: false
  234. # Buffer Zone
  235. # Buffer Zone is an chunk area required between claims of different Factions.
  236. # This is default to 0 and has always been that way. Meaning Factions can have
  237. # claims that border each other.
  238. # If this is set to 3, then Factions need to have 3 chunks between their claim
  239. # and another Faction's claim.
  240. # It's recommended to keep this pretty low as the radius check could be a
  241. # heavy operation if set to a large number.
  242. # If this is set to 0, we won't even bother checking which is how Factions has
  243. # always been.
  244. buffer-zone: 0
  246. # Enable to use the old help system
  247. use-old-help: false
  249. ############################################################
  250. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  251. # | Configurable /f help | #
  252. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  253. ############################################################
  255. help:
  256. # You can change the page name to whatever you like
  257. # We use '1' to preserve default functionality of /f help 1
  258. '1':
  259. - '&e&m---------------------------------------------'
  260. - ' &c&lFactions Help '
  261. - '&e&m---------------------------------------------'
  262. - '&3/f create &e>> &7Create your own faction'
  263. - '&3/f who &e>> &7Show factions info'
  264. - '&3/f tag &e>> &7Change faction tag'
  265. - '&3/f join &e>> &7Join faction'
  266. - '&3/f list &e>> &7List all factions'
  267. - '&3/f leave &e>> &7Leave your faction'
  268. - '&3/f invite &e>> &7Invite a player to your faction'
  269. - '&3/f deinvite &e>> &7Revoke invitation to player'
  270. - '&e&m--------------&r &2/f help 2 for more &e&m--------------'
  271. '2':
  272. - '&e&m-----------------&r&c&l Page 2 &e&m-------------------'
  273. - '&3/f home &e>> &7Teleport to faction home'
  274. - '&3/f sethome &e>> &7Set your faction home'
  275. - '&3/f warp &e>> &7Teleport to faction warp'
  276. - '&3/f setwarp &e>> &7Set a faction warp'
  277. - '&3/f claim &e>> &7Claim land'
  278. - '&3/f unclaim &e>> &7Unclaim land'
  279. - '&3/f kick &e>> &7Kick player from your faction'
  280. - '&3/f mod &e>> &7Set player role in faction'
  281. - '&3/f chat &e>> &7Switch to faction chat'
  282. - '&e&m--------------&r&2 End of /f help &e&m--------------'
  283. '3':
  284. - '&e&m------------------&r&c&l Page 3 &e&m--------------------'
  285. - '&eComing Soon'
  286. - ''
  287. - ''
  288. - ''
  289. - ''
  290. - '&e&m--------------&r &2/f help 4 for more &e&m--------------'
  292. ############################################################
  293. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  294. # | Configurable /f show | #
  295. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  296. ############################################################
  298. # You can use any variable here, including fancy messages. Color codes and or tags work fine.
  299. # Lines that arent defined wont be sent (home not set, faction not peaceful / permanent, dtr freeze)
  300. show:
  301. # First line can be {header} for default header, or any string (we recommend &m for smooth lines ;p)
  302. - '{header}'
  303. - '<a>Description: <i>{description}'
  304. - '<a>Joining: <i>{joining} {peaceful}'
  305. - '<a>Land / Max: <i> {land} / {max-land}'
  306. - '<a>DTR: <i>{dtr} / {max-dtr} <a>Raidable: <i>{raidable}'
  307. - '<a>Faction Home: <i>{world}, {x}, {y}, {z}' # if no home is set, {z} = COMMAND_SHOW_NOHOME, from lang.yml
  308. - '<a>DTR Freeze: <i>{time-left}' # only shows if faction is frozen
  309. - '<a>Founded: <i>{create-date}'
  310. - '<a>This faction is permanent, remaining even with no members.' # only shows if faction is permanent
  311. - '<a>Land value: <i>{land-value} {land-refund}'
  312. - '<a>Balance: <i>{faction-balance}'
  313. - '<a>Allies(<i>{allies-count}<a>/<i>{max-allies}<a>): {allies} '
  314. - '<a>Online: (<i>{online-count}<a>/<i>{faction-size}<a>):'
  315. - '<a>Offline: (<i>{offline-count}<a>/<i>{faction-size}<a>):'
  317. # A seperate /f show for permanent & empty factions (useful for koths)
  318. # To disable, simply remove the permanent-show root, it'll return to default
  319. permanent-show:
  320. - '{header}'
  321. - '<a>This is a non-player faction.'
  322. - '<a>Location: &e{x}, {y}, {z}'
  324. # For a /f show that does not display fancy messages that are essentially empty, use minimal-show
  325. minimal-show: false
  327. # If enabled, will remove the {leader} from online/offline list
  328. omit-leader: false
  330. ############################################################
  331. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  332. # | Configurable /f list | #
  333. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  334. ############################################################
  336. list:
  337. # You can only use {pagenumber} and {pagecount} in the header
  338. header: '&e&m----------&r&e[ &2Faction List &9{pagenumber}&e/&9{pagecount} &e]&m----------'
  339. # You can use any variables here
  340. factionless: '<i>Factionless<i> {factionless} online'
  341. # You can use any variable here
  342. entry: '<a>{faction} <i>{online-count} / {faction-size} online, <a>Land: <i>{land} / {max-land}, <a>Raidable: {raidable}'
  344. ############################################################
  345. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  346. # | Big List of variables | #
  347. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  348. ############################################################
  349. # Fancy variables. Can only be used in /f show
  350. # - {allies} : Lists each faction ally with tooltips
  351. # - {enemies} : Lists each faction enemy with tooltips
  352. # - {online} : Lists all online members with tooltips
  353. # - {offline} : Lists all offline members with tooltips
  354. # Player variables. Can be used in, scoreboards, or /f show
  355. # - {group} : Players group
  356. # - {name} : Players name
  357. # - {last-seen} : Last time player was seen (if offline), or just 'Online'
  358. # - {player-kills} : # of kills the player has
  359. # - {player-deaths}: # of deaths the player has
  360. # - {player-balance} : Players balance
  361. # From HCFEssentials by Itsmonkey. Only use these if you have that plugin installed.
  362. # - {hcfe-enderpearltime} : Enderpearl cooldown time.
  363. # - {hcfe-pvptimer} : Pvp time.
  364. # - {hcfe-combattagtime} - combat tag time.
  365. # Faction variables. Can be used in tooltips.list, scoreboards, or /f show
  366. # - {header} : Default factions header (ex. /f show)
  367. # - {faction} : Factions tag (if none, uses lang.yml for factionless name)
  368. # - {joining} : How to join this faction
  369. # - {color} : Relation color variable
  370. # - {raidable} : True or false, if the faction is raidable
  371. # - {dtr} : Factions deaths until raidable value
  372. # - {dtr-sym} : DTR Symbol based on current DTR (max, regen, frozen, raidable)
  373. # - {max-dtr} : Factions max deaths until raidable value
  374. # - {land} : # of claims faction has (in chunks)
  375. # - {max-land} : Max # of claims factio can make (in chunks)
  376. # - {warps} : # of warps faction has
  377. # - {description} : Factions description
  378. # - {create-date} : Date faction was created
  379. # - {leader} : Faction leader
  380. # - {land-value} : Value of all claims
  381. # - {land-refund} : Calculated refund value
  382. # - {allies-count} : # of allies faction has
  383. # - {enemies-count} : # of enemies faction has
  384. # - {online-count} : # of faction members online
  385. # - {offline-count} : # of faction members offline
  386. # - {faction-size} : # of faction members (includes offline)
  387. # - {faction-kills} : # of kills the faction has
  388. # - {faction-deaths}: # of deaths the faction has
  389. # - {faction-balance} : Faction bank balance
  390. # - {world}, {x}, {y}, {z} : Faction home variables. You don't need to use them all.
  391. # General variables. Can be used anywhere.
  392. # - {total-online} : Total # of players on the server
  393. # - {max-warps} : Max # of warps a faction can set
  394. # - {max-allies} : Max # of allies a faction can have
  395. # - {max-enemies} : Max # of enemies a faction can have
  396. # - {factionless} : Count of all factionless players online
  397. # - {faction-max} : Max # of players a faction can have (0 = unlimited)
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