

Aug 10th, 2017
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  1. The server is dying and you don't even know about it, I'm pretty close to quitting and so are other staff, I don't know how we can change this and I don't know how to tell you this.
  3. The biggest problem for me personally is the staff team, it's so shit you have no idea. First of all there's 2 admins that are on a personal leave / break (not blaming them at all I get it) so the only one working on stuff is you. Next there's someone with the same rank as me that hasn't done shit for so long and it kinda pisses me off that he still has the same rank as I do (this doesnt mean I want to be promoted I just don't think it's fair that hes still the same rank). Next, this is also my fault but we couldn't have predicted half of this. Promoting Qaazx and Koszik was pretty dumb, I think we pushed a new rank out at the wrong time? I don't know it definitely didn't feel perfect but as soon as Qaazx got promoted he took a personal leave (which is fine) but from what I've seen it's not a personal leave but it's just him not wanting to play DR. I've seen him 3 times between his promotion and now, he was drunk twice and afk the third time. He doesn't really seem depressed or anyting (except all his crying about his car) and tbh I have no idea what he's upto. Idk what to tell you about koszik but for some reason I didn't notice what an idiot he was before promoting him, he asks a lot of stupid questions and not that this is super-relevant but he's so illiterate, idk how. He seems to be behind his computer a lot but not a lot of that time is spend on drugrun, hes on ts pretty much all the time but most of the time hes on other servers or playing csgo or whatever and just joins for a couple of minutes on dr then leaves. We promoted people just because they've been with us the longest and not because of their capabilities/knowledge and I know I was a big deal in that promotion but I also know that the chance of you demoting them is very small unless they make a big fuckup.. Next up is the helpers and I don't have a lot of good things to say either. I feel like obo is the one that should have been promoted to mod (wouldnt mind him replacing geek either) and he would have done a better job than kos qaaz & geek combined, you might think this is bias but that's just how it is. He wouldn't be asking stupid questions to me or taking emotional breaks cuz he cant handle the idiots on drugrun because much like me he doesn't get emotionally invested. You might think hippy is annoying but he's the only other helper that is actually motivated and does shit, this kid gets so much shit and still plays this server. If he came to me and asked to take a break from the server for awhile because he doesn't want to deal with the shit he gets then I wouldn't bat an eye. I'm honestly so confused why qaazx would need to take a break while he's probably the most liked staff member. I don't know if I should talk about the other helpers because they always have something going on in their life so shittalking them would make me look like an ass, so I'm only going to talk about the most annoying one: Blunt. If you take a break like theo (where you actually cant play the server because you have to work all the time) then that's perfectly fine, theo just vanishes and doesn't bother people with stupid ideas or jokes in the skype chat. All blunt does is talk about stupid shit in skype and whenever something is serious he has to make a joke or something and that causes the discussion to end.
  5. I might be overthinking all of this but I care about this server, that's why I put so many hours into it. Lately I havent and I don't mind not playing on it, I can just do other stuff in my life. I just don't want something that we've put so many hours in to go to shit while I'm just sitting here and watching (pretty much like most other staff members). I havent played minecraft for atleast half a year, I'm just on the server reading chat doing as much as I can do to help out and lately my motivation has been gone because I see what's happening and I'd rather not waste my time on this so if nothing changes you can take this as me stepping down. I don't want to put you in a difficult situation by just leaving so I'll stay till you find someone else or if this situation changes.
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