

May 3rd, 2016
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  1. My opinion on frogs.
  2. 1. I expect frogs to be full of pus.
  3. 2. I do not expect frogs to walk or swim or fly.
  4. 3. I do not expect frogs to be still.
  5. 4. Frogs do not seem to have any discernible personalities.
  8. My opinion on ‘Sensory Processing Disorder’
  9. 1. Something is a disorder when it begins to interfere with well being/tolerance of life and existence.
  10. 2. To the extent that we are a product of our surroundings, this is not a possible seeming disorder.
  11. 3. Example: Someone becomes an adolescent and is informed that they do not process information correctly and that they need to be somehow reconstructed? Is informed that they should seek help in improving their lifestyle and that they are somehow sick?
  12. 4. This seems like a good excuse to shape things and people into being what you want them to be.
  13. 5. Question: Is the knowledge that you are not interpreting the world in the right way meant to soothe you, meant to bring some sort of hope?
  14. 6. People with this disorder should not be exposed to things that make life or stimulus difficult to tolerate.
  15. 7. I would treat this with a conditioning exercise. Throw things at them until they become accepting of the stimulus. If you do not feel as if you can throw enough things, gather more professionals to help you. In this way, you can easily correct a mind's way of sensing the world around them.
  16. 8. I know barely anything about this and refuse to research it for fear of genuine or respectable facts.
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