
(PiE) A prequel that fits for certain stories

Jan 29th, 2013
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  1. Consider this a prequel to Living with Flutters and Fem and Nitro
  3. >Day 1 of [spoiler]ponies invading Earth[/spoiler] or PiE for short
  4. >Out of no where news worldwide went chaotic with information of huge EMPs in areas where suddenly colorful ponies appeared.
  5. >So far the world is in chaos, some are calling it an alien invasion, end of the world, etc.
  6. >You don't know what to feel about this, you felt like it was a dream but your neighbor from across the hall slapped you to ensure you were awake.
  7. >So far every p0ny peacefully were taken in by the governments.
  8. >You heard PETA and other organizations are pressuring to ensure no harm will be done to them.
  9. >You highly doubt it but who knows what is going to happen.
  11. >Day 5 of magical talking ponies existing
  12. >Governments have confirmed it is no invasion.
  13. >Only few things have been confirmed, they speak English, they are equine, they are not from this world, and they are sentient.
  14. >No government has admitted anything else.
  16. >Day 14 of Equestrians on Earth
  17. >They are from some land called Equestria, not only did ponies appear but some others have as well.
  18. >Dragons have been sighted around the world but that is the only news.
  19. >Ponies informed dragons don't cause harm if threaten. However, there is a rumor about a dragon being killed but it is all whispers.
  21. >A month later of weird shit on Earth
  22. >The world has agreed to drop off all ponies and gryphons onto e United States and Great Britain.
  23. >You wonder what the hell is happening but you have finals to worry about.
  25. >Half a year later
  26. >So much has happen but it seems everything has calmed down.
  27. >Economy has improved, wars are finishing, tension is reliving, and ponies are living at bases.
  28. >Its like the world became more friendly, gang activity is going down, shit in Africa has improved, the Ozone has somehow imporved, and humanity seems to be happier.
  30. >A year and a half later
  31. >A program has started to have ponies live with people.
  32. >Benefits are giveno people who sign up and let ponies live with them.
  33. >Moe jobs ahve been made along with a new department to ensure ponies live safely in the US and UK.
  34. >It has gotten mixed reviews.
  36. >Two years later since the arrival of mythical animals on Earth.
  37. >Your neighbor has gotten himself a pony to live with, she seemed like a bitch but she was alright once you gotten to know her.
  38. >So far the world has gotten use to ponies and gryphons.
  39. >Dragons have been confirmed but its only 3 that are here. They are to be left alone and watched 24/7.
  40. >You wonder what the hell caused this and why hasn't the worse come.
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