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May 21st, 2018
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  1. So, here are some streamers I like and enjoy a lot. I'm sure most of you will guess at least 3 of them
  2. And I know I'm long winded and I say the same thing and I'm kinda sappy and dumb about it but all I can hope is that it helps someone in the end :D
  4. 1. Kungfufruitcup (aka Fu, Kungfu, Fufu). I have to start with where I really found my home. Gosh it's been how long? 3 years? And probably a little more since I stumbled onto your stream. Fu is like the epitome of bright and happy. Her streams are just the right mix of pure joy and down to earth real talk. Just talking with her like the once or twice I did has really helped me out and moved me to do more. There's a reason she's got such a great community and it's because she's attracted all the right people. It's wonderful. Just listen to Kungfu's laugh like once and tell me it's not contagious. Everything about the stream is right what you need at the end of your day. If you haven't, please please go check her out on twitch. Definitely one of the comfiest and at the same time craziest times you'll have. Though, I am running for worst mod 2018 (#BlameSakura) so put in your vote and let her know >:D
  6. 2. Bird650 (aka da mudda). I actually didn't know bird super well at first. I got redirected from a Fu stream one time and I just loved it. I get pretty scared/nervous when trying to talk to streamers or whatever because I always think "oh I'm just a viewer, the whispers are for mods and close friends and they wouldn't really ever have time for me." Now, don't get me wrong, streamers are busy people, but Bird just welcomes people with open arms. His stream is the chillest place and he's just a great guy. I have yet to see him get mad on stream. And frankly, I'm surprised he hasn't been fed up with me asking him like literally everything. He's been there for me when I needed it and also is like extremely supportive and always wants to help when he can. Dude's a legend.
  8. 3. BuffaloPrime (aka BP). I found BP from a redirect from Bird's stream (go figure (: ). I think trying to encapsulate BP in one paste isn't going to work. The amount of energy and enthusiasm coming from this man is incredible. Honestly, he's one of the reasons I'm constantly working. There are some times of the day when I want to quit or I want to just stop doing what I should and I think "Wait a second. You've said BP is a role model. You know this man is working a job, married, has the CUTEST son, and has maintained one of the best communities all because he works his butt off. How are you gonna do that if you stop now." (those are actual words I told myself today :P) His relationship with his community, which I'm so thankful to be a part of however tangentially, is incredible and definitely something that I'm learning from. His commentary is hype, his duos with Bird are hilarious, his reactions are spot on, and he's just a general goof ball in the most natural way. And then he goes and shows his emotional side and you can't help but just smile. He's a great guy and a wonderful streamer.
  10. 4. Raxa (aka Raxa). I won't disclose most of why I love this guy for both of our sakes, but if you want a chill stream, if you like sass, sarcastic, and goofy streams, but at the same time want to learn more about how to just be and how to just take it slow and appreciate everything and also see me get purged like 8 times a stream: is the place for you. Soothing voice, great sense of humor, terrible streaming schedule (gottem), great games, great fun, great time. Also he's been playing Stardew!
  12. 5. Deadfox29 (aka dadfax). Deadfox is honestly the left to Raxa's right. He's wonderful, always a fun stream, always a happy guy, takes everything in stride (also bans me >:( ) wants to just sit down and have fun. I haven't gotten to watch as much of him as I'd like, but when my internet is good again, it's definitely somewhere I'm going to frequent. He plays literally everything under the sun.
  14. 6. I can't choose so I'll just put a few here: Puppyluv1995, AlwarionDragonaice, Raiyoukai, Zelgan, Zooji, P4ntz, and the list goes on. I know this is kind of cheating, but mostly this is because I love these people but I just don't have enough time to watch them as much as I'd like. Basically, if you follow me and you stream, I've been in it (probably) and I love it. Streaming is so great. At least I think so, these people all just want to hang out and have fun. Please, if you need some suggestions for streams I've got a whole list of small streamers that could use your help, and are some pretty cool people :) I love you all! Thanks for reading
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