

Jun 9th, 2012
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  1. [16:43] <RickDominated> The right half of the path stretches out before the Eclipse caste exalted, the flames that heralds Jackal's location soon vanishing.
  2. [16:43] <RickDominated> Before him stretches a long hallway...
  3. [16:48] <RickDominated> And her awareness...
  4. [16:49] <RickDominated> ...THEIR Awareness lets her barely percieve a door sliding shut behind them.
  5. [16:50] <BSRaven> "...Oh lovely."
  6. [17:00] <BSRaven> Well, looks like it's still onwards FOR ADVENTURE. No slamming doors can spook Minak THAT hard, so the Eclipse... Goes deeper.
  7. [17:01] <RickDominated> More and larger flames billow around them, alternating the Gold and Green, carvings and writings showing up around them.
  8. [17:02] <BSRaven> ('I still don't feel welcome here.') Onwards some more then. Adventure cannot be had within a single corridor, surely...
  9. [17:08] <RickDominated> Three pathss soon open before him.
  10. [17:12] <RickDominated> The first...he can feel a subtle heat comming from, and a tiny bit of moisture in the air, while the one in the middle has no air circulating from it...and from the other, he can clearly feel a tiny cold presence running towards him, the two currents meeting in the middle in a little cyclone that blows the few dust particles around nicely.
  11. [17:13] <BSRaven> ('Well I did say onwards...') Straight down the middle.
  12. [17:20] <RickDominated> And another long hallway greets him, a door or Orichalcum and moonsilver rising.
  13. [17:21] <BSRaven> "No! Bad architect! You don't make your corridors boring like this!" ...Oh my, someone seems to be in a huff as they approach the door
  14. [17:24] <RickDominated> It appears to wrought with the image of... a map?
  15. [17:26] <BSRaven> ...Headtilt. "...Is that a map or am I going crazier?" A brief pause to consider the image... Then onwards once more, through that door!... If possible.
  16. [17:30] <RickDominated> Well,whats obvious to them is that they're looking at a map of creation....but it's...BIGGER than it should be...and all across it, are dozens of tiny little rubies in odd places.
  17. [17:33] <BSRaven> Mentally filed away. "I'll have to ask someone about that later. For now..." A hand to the door. Exploring is always fun!
  18. [17:34] <RickDominated> It swings open....and the room is dark as well, the flames extinguishing behind him, just a tiny little green flame in the center of the room.
  19. [17:35] <BSRaven> "...Well this isn't ominous at all."
  20. [17:40] <BSRaven> Still, a little flame is still something to cautiously approach.
  21. [17:43] <RickDominated> And around him...the flames billlow upwards, showcasing dozens of minatures and carving, of hundreds of places...all....buildings?
  22. [17:43] <RickDominated> No...Manses, all of a Particular style but of Hundreds of shapes.
  23. [17:43] <BSRaven> "...Someone must have been busy."
  24. [17:53] <RickDominated> Dozens fo Manses surround the Ecclipse...and some belatedly they realize that they've SEEN in thier travels, all unmistakably bearing the same style and substance.
  25. [17:53] <BSRaven> "...Whoa, deja vu."
  26. [18:01] <RickDominated> The lights show hudnereds of such carvings...all aranged by what obviously seems like a loving hand.
  27. [18:02] <BSRaven> ('I wonder if someone had too much spare time...')
  28. [18:08] <RickDominated> Nothing else seems to jump out at them as they search the room.
  29. [18:09] <BSRaven> ('Well... I suppose another somewhere is in order.')
  30. [18:09] <BSRaven> With that, the redhead moves to leave the room. A little disappointed with the lack of finds, but can't win them all.
  31. [18:12] <BSRaven> ...Of course, there's still the matter of that map. Just out of curiousity, a finger tries to roughly find Great Forks and follow the river to Nexus...
  32. [18:13] <RickDominated> And upon nexus, there are several smaller rubies, and and another in Great Forks.
  33. [18:17] <BSRaven> Slow headtilt... Then a look at the hearthstone within a golden bracer. "...Good enough odds for me, I'll take that gamble." Time to grab the map and see what else is around.
  34. [18:17] *** Sandwitches changed nick to Sand|Out
  35. [18:29] <RickDominated> They emerge aback at where they came two, standing in the middle between warm and cold
  36. [18:30] <BSRaven> "Hmm..." Hand to forehead. "...I'm pretty warm. Cold it is then!" And down the final path the Eclipse goes, quietly humming something.
  37. [18:34] <RickDominated> And soon, their breath is fogging a little in front of them, a very nice change from the steaming of Rathess.
  38. [18:36] <BSRaven> "Ahhh... That's nice." And that brings a smile.
  39. [18:39] <RickDominated> And futher they go... is that ice forming around them? And on the floor?
  40. [18:39] <BSRaven> "S-Still nicer than outside..."
  41. [18:40] <RickDominated> The temprature settles into a somewhat chilly, but pleasent sense.
  42. [18:40] <BSRaven> "Ah... There we go." A little slower due to the ice, but the redhead's still keeping a good pace.
  43. [18:45] <RickDominated> Here, the ice clings to yet more carviings and writings, giving them a rather intteresting lure and appeal, a long winding tail of perhaps the greatest craftsman of an age going acoss the walls.
  44. [18:46] <BSRaven> "..Okay, yeah, someone had faaaar too much time on their when they were making this. Why is it always epics with tombs..."
  45. [18:53] <RickDominated> Soon, the flames get further and further apart again, but illuminate more and more....another large room comming into view.
  46. [18:54] <BSRaven> Ah, excellent, the end of the road. Time for this young... person... to explore it.
  47. [18:59] <RickDominated> And in the middle of it sits a massive frozen forge.
  48. [18:59] <RickDominated> Several dozen small shapes sit to the sides.
  49. [19:00] <BSRaven> Small shapes are going to catch Minak's eye more than the great big sodding forge... Though it's existence is noted. Jackal will probably like that.
  50. [19:07] <BSRaven> "...Oh I think he'll like those. Now what else is there..." Scanning around the room for anything interesting yields a net result of...
  51. [19:09] <RickDominated> A sound from one of the shapes unfolding themselves, shining blue eyes locked on the shape of the Eclipse
  52. [19:10] <BSRaven> "...Hello little fella." Smile.
  53. [19:10] <RickDominated> It continues to unfold, and six sizzling crystiline wings unfold from its back, lifting it into the air, where it buzzes around Minak.
  54. [19:11] <BSRaven> "Oh hey, you can fly."
  56. [19:13] <BSRaven> "...That sounds... unpleasant, I think."
  57. [19:18] <RickDominated> The thing clicks, buzzes...and unfolds a little into a bit more human looking shape, some of the blue jade forming "Hair" on top of it's head. {Identify or face Destruction, Solar}. It says, a slight female intonation to it's voice.
  58. [19:18] <BSRaven> "Minak Morkano." No hesitation.
  59. [19:23] <RickDominated> The Automaton quirks its head. {Purpose of Visit?}
  60. [19:24] <BSRaven> "Exploration in accordance to the goal to see everything in Creation... And also to learn from the mistakes of those who came before."
  61. [19:27] <RickDominated> {Scanning... you are an intruder...but an intruder with Master} The Tiny Automaton crosses its arms, six wings fluttering.
  62. [19:28] <RickDominated> {Access can be be granted...but you must be guarded and escorted.}
  63. [19:28] <RickDominated> {Access can be be granted...but you must be guarded and escorted.}
  64. [19:28] <BSRaven> ('Oh lovely, rabid fanbots.') "Okay..."
  65. [19:29] <RickDominated> Another nod. {And Eye'm the Strongest Guardian...and volunteer.}
  66. [19:29] <RickDominated> Another nod. {And Eye'm the Strongest Guardian...and volunteer.}
  67. [19:29] <BSRaven> ". . ."
  68. [19:31] <BSRaven> "If that's the case, then... Fair enough."
  69. [19:32] <RickDominated> The Automaton buzzes over and settles over his shoulder, Hovering, still trying to be intimidating.
  70. [19:33] <BSRaven> ...Good luck with that when you're so small. "I'm... going to guess this is a special forge?"
  71. [19:40] <RickDominated> {A Special Forge!} She agrees. {For Very Cold things.}
  72. [19:41] <BSRaven> "Makes sense." A brief pause... ('There was that very hot corridor, so...') "Would I be wrong to assume that your master had a 'Very Hot' room?"
  73. [19:42] <RickDominated> {He had lots of Rooms....but Eye'm never out of this one. I only know the Layout.}
  74. [19:43] <BSRaven> "Oh. Well, if you're to guard and escort me, I suppose you'll have to find out. I intend on telling a friend of mine of what I've seen down here, it's right up his alley." Smile.
  75. [19:43] <RickDominated> A nod.
  76. [19:44] <BSRaven> With that, Minak heads for the last corridor. "...So who is this Master of yours?"
  77. [19:45] <RickDominated> {Solar Craftsman and Twilight Caste Five Moons, and Mistress Amalion of the Third Circle.}
  78. [19:45] <RickDominated> She repeats this instantly, and drones a little bit.
  79. [19:45] <BSRaven> Pause... And what may or may not have been a 'ding!' "In that case, my friend is your Master."
  80. [19:46] <RickDominated> {Yes...he opened the tomb, afterall.}
  81. [19:46] <BSRaven> "...That makes sense."
  82. [19:47] <RickDominated> {Master never was buried here though...he just left and never came back on day two thousand, six hundred and fifty nine years, four months and twenty one days ago."
  83. [19:48] <BSRaven> "That's a while."
  84. [19:49] <RickDominated> {But he said eye'm in charge though.}
  85. [19:49] <BSRaven> "Well I guess he'd like to meet you again."
  86. [19:51] <RickDominated> A nod, and she starts to buzz him towards the other room.
  87. [19:53] <RickDominated> And, lots of steam.
  88. [19:54] <RickDominated> It's like the very worst parts of Rathess.
  89. [19:54] <RickDominated> The Automaton just buzzes in.
  90. [19:54] <RickDominated> And soon vanishes in the steam execpt for a little flash of blue light...
  91. [19:54] <BSRaven> ('Uuuuu too hoooooot...') Blue light. Good enough to try and follow.
  92. [19:56] <RickDominated> ...and somehow, the Eclipse Caste manages to catch themselves...before they fall into a big vat of water.
  93. [19:57] <BSRaven> "...Signs, Soldamnit! Signpost these things! In as glow-in-the-steam as you Soldamned can!" ...Someone's cranky.
  94. [19:58] <RickDominated> And it's clear what it is as they look....
  95. [19:58] <RickDominated> ....A hotspring.
  96. [19:58] <BSRaven> "...I maintain the signposting comment!"
  97. [19:59] <BSRaven> "...As much as I could do with a dip..."
  98. [19:59] <RickDominated> He's able to see however a statue that seems to be putting out most of the water and steam... a four armed and radiant depiction of a Certain Incarne.
  99. [20:01] <BSRaven> "...No comment."
  100. [20:03] <RickDominated> The statue almost seems to wink at him, but its a trick of the light surely, as the little automaton's light bounces on the other side, almost impatiently.
  101. [20:04] <BSRaven> ...And that's the straightest face the redhead has pulled all day, carefully trying to navigate to the other side... And quietly.
  102. [20:08] <RickDominated> They manage without any major mishaps or dunkings, the thing tapping its foot in midair.
  103. [20:09] <BSRaven> "I didn't want a bath just yet, okay?"
  104. [20:09] <RickDominated> It nods, and points to a door. {Exit to next Area.}
  105. [20:11] <BSRaven> "...That works for me." Onwards, for ADVEN-- uh, EDUCATION!
  106. [20:14] <RickDominated> And a door opens in front of him...and leads into yet another room....dark and forbodding.
  107. [20:15] <RickDominated> {Master's Tomb...}
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