

Jul 26th, 2019
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  1. ***TEXT CHANNELS***
  2. #announcements is where we will post anything specifically related to the discord, T҉yranny Gaming, Tweak's YT channel, or Tweak's Twitch
  3. #general is the place to post miscellaneous shit
  4. #tf2 is hats
  5. #vidya is where we discuss how much we hate videogames
  6. #teegee is the /tg/ - traditional games channel
  7. #lfg is the looking for group channel, if you need a group for multiplayer games then post here
  8. #videos is where you post stupid shit you find on 4reddit
  9. #weebshit is the anime channel
  10. #music is eurobeat/outrun/darksynth central but anything is accepted as long as it isn't rap or nightcore
  11. #shitpost is a wasteland
  12. #art is where you post your epic scout sfms
  13. #guns-and-historical is where you post guns and discuss them, and also anything historical related to guns or the military
  14. #skynet is the bot zone
  15. #mod-log is the Superintendent (a.k.a. Cremator) keeping it clean and visible for transparency reasons, just mute it
  16. #the-stump-pit is our political shitfighting zone
  17. #mutefags is the text-voice channel for the mentally disabled
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