
Session 10: Water Damage

Apr 11th, 2014
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  1. [2014-04-04 16:19:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Acessing Bronco Network
  2. [2014-04-04 16:19:28] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Runing as Admin
  3. [2014-04-04 16:19:32] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> >>...
  4. [2014-04-04 16:20:06] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> connected
  5. [2014-04-04 16:22:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM No pony noticed the creak of the rusted back door, nor the sounds of hoofs scraping across swollen wood planks, neither did anypony notice the curse or sunsiquent splash as the bloodied mess of a pony splashed down into the river.
  6. [2014-04-04 16:22:53] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Dispite himself the crazy maned madpony manged to go largely unseen till he trotted up a far bank and making his way into New hoursleans, returning the two confused fisher ponies confused stares at his appearance with death glares.
  7. [2014-04-04 16:24:06] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Grumbling to himself about revenge plots and other such lovely flights of fancy Nitro limbs his way into whatever shadows he can find in the early morning on the streats of the half sunk city, never to be seen again...
  8. [2014-04-04 16:24:07] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> probably
  9. [2014-04-04 16:24:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Signal Interupted
  10. [2014-04-04 16:24:39] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >>
  11. [2014-04-04 16:24:53] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Reconnecting
  12. [2014-04-04 16:25:10] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> >> System restored
  13. [2014-04-04 16:26:11] =-= SlashySmiley is now known as Midnight_Bliss
  14. [2014-04-04 16:27:31] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook hides behind her own private wall of books as she waits for the others to finish talking.
  15. [2014-04-04 16:29:03] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Sunshine. "Well den, let's check out dis place we be staying at. I got everyting I need."
  16. [2014-04-04 16:29:30] * Midnight_Bliss looks over her tarets Locker, for any hints or clues regarding their whereabouts or additional info
  17. [2014-04-04 16:29:51] * Heartmend makes her way around New Hoursleans after she got her new detox equipment from the clinic, going to the library in the hopes of finding the others
  18. [2014-04-04 16:30:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Heartmend is treated in the last few hours of his inpromtu inturnship on helping ponies to kick addiction to a peek at his promised reward. The older doctor hefting up a portable version of his own equipment, "yes sir, not the best bit of doctering equipment but its a steal for a mornings work here at my clinic, think you about have the hang of it?"
  19. [2014-04-04 16:31:02] <Midnight_Bliss> "I'm so close"
  20. [2014-04-04 16:32:37] * Sunshine closes the spellbook. "Very well, be prepared for some unpleasant work. We have some unwanted guests." She puts herself on her hooves and turns to leave and guide them.
  21. [2014-04-04 16:32:44] * Flora_Bloom trots determined around town to find the parts for the terriarium
  22. [2014-04-04 16:33:06] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> *last few hours of HER inpromtu internship
  23. [2014-04-04 16:34:22] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook looks up, "Oh, we have someplace to stay? I hope its more accomidating than that ship, no disrespect to the fine captain mr. Fathom but his lodgings left something to be desired"
  24. [2014-04-04 16:35:46] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> *Edit* remove what I said about Heartmend, Im blind apparently. Heartmend is going to the libary then
  25. [2014-04-04 16:37:15] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Sunshine. "Alright den." The batpony pulls out his saddle and straps it on, letting the magical energy weapons warm up. He looks back at Textbook. "Well... our friend knows where it is, but I don't know how nice it be."
  26. [2014-04-04 16:38:34] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Inisde the locker are a few paltry possisions of its owner, a spare saddle bag, a worn pistol holster, a box half full of various empty shells and rounds, a simple change of cloths, and a old faded photo taped to the door of the mare in question standing in Enclave uniform outside a academy, hugging other pegasus with a wide smile on her face.
  27. [2014-04-04 16:39:59] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook levetates her books into a pile at the end of the table, "Oh well lets go see it then shall we? I do hope you dont mind if I tag along though, I suppose I could find my own hotel room in town"
  28. [2014-04-04 16:40:05] * Heartmend merrily trots down the streets of this fine city "Oh I hope they haven't left already." she said to herself in a sing song tone
  29. [2014-04-04 16:40:35] * Midnight_Bliss narrows her eyes at the photo, leaning in and examining the photo "Traitor..." she said simply before pocketing it. It'd be good to ask if others had seen her instea dof just giving descriptions.
  30. [2014-04-04 16:40:48] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Heartmends new equipment is fairly hefty but still portable enough for her to tote around to her current destination.
  31. [2014-04-04 16:41:32] * Sunshine smiles to Textbook. "A mare of fine architectural taste, I see. The place we are going to is clearly rich in history, but it might take some repairs." Sunshine guides the group. "Maybe you would be interested in support us with it?"
  32. [2014-04-04 16:42:45] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Sunshine lead the group out of the libary and into view of Heartmend
  33. [2014-04-04 16:43:16] * Flora_Bloom askes around I guess
  34. [2014-04-04 16:43:25] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook rubs her neck, "I dont know..."
  35. [2014-04-04 16:43:28] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Textbook. "Well, we have to see when we get dere, no? I am curious where you put us up." Thomas nods to Sunshine, continuing to trot along.
  36. [2014-04-04 16:43:48] * Heartmend waves a hoof to them "There ya'll are. Hope I didn't miss much?"
  37. [2014-04-04 16:44:12] * Midnight_Bliss sets a frag mine inside the locker carefully, the sensor faceing outward before closing the door. The next pony to open it would get quite a surprise.
  38. [2014-04-04 16:45:06] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "No. We just goin' to where we stayin."
  39. [2014-04-04 16:45:16] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Locker closes shut easily, leaving Midnight alone in a room with similar lockers and the lone computer.
  40. [2014-04-04 16:46:26] * GreatAndPowerfulGM a young colt promises Flora that she could find just about anything she ever wated in the shopping district, giving her directions he smiles and holds up a hoof, "so, I did right by you correct?", the blank flank foal smiles toothfully.
  41. [2014-04-04 16:47:19] * Heartmend nods to Thomas and follows along, trying to keep the new medical equipment from falling off her as she trots along.
  42. [2014-04-04 16:47:47] * Midnight_Bliss looks to the computer and trots to it, looking on it for any info on her targets mission
  43. [2014-04-04 16:47:54] <Sunshine> "We are almost there. I look forward for your opinion, Textbook."
  44. [2014-04-04 16:48:01] * Flora_Bloom smiles and drops two apples for the colt. " You did indeed." She smiles happily, trotting away.
  45. [2014-04-04 16:48:45] * Thomas_OMalley will help Heartmend with some of the medical equipment that looks particularly loose, reorganizing it into a tighter, better balanced load.
  46. [2014-04-04 16:49:24] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the computer opens up to a securty lock, prompting the input of a password as well as ID
  47. [2014-04-04 16:49:42] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook follows along after the group
  48. [2014-04-04 16:50:27] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The small colt smiles and runs off munching on one of his newly aquired apples, other fillys and colts coming out of the woodworks now to ask for the other.
  49. [2014-04-04 16:51:04] * Midnight_Bliss narrows her eyes at the computer. Hacking was not her speciality but she could give it a try
  50. [2014-04-04 16:51:57] * Heartmend "Thanks, this stuff a bit old but still functional. Maybe we could setup some kind of clinic. As long as it's not a competitor for the nice old buck that I got it from."
  51. [2014-04-04 16:53:42] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Aye. It be in good shape."
  52. [2014-04-04 16:54:17] <Sunshine> Sunshine glances back. "If that pony is as nice as you say, he shouldn't mind somepony else caring for the ponies' health."
  53. [2014-04-04 16:56:58] * Flora_Bloom makes her way to the market to start to ask around about supplies
  54. [2014-04-04 16:57:44] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Foral makes her way to the maket, finding several junk, scrap, and electronics stores where she can find a majority of what she needs for her projects.
  55. [2014-04-04 16:57:57] * Midnight_Bliss grumbles as her meager skills do not net her any info from the computer. She pulls out the Photo she collected and flips it around, looking for anything that might help
  56. [2014-04-04 16:59:25] * Flora_Bloom makes several orders and starts to buy what she can with her budget
  57. [2014-04-04 16:59:38] * Thomas_OMalley nods and keeps following, preferring to walk on the ground as opposed to fly.
  58. [2014-04-04 17:00:02] * Heartmend nods to Sunshine "Well there is always the problem of supply and demand. If my, say prices are lower. Then the issue of not having the caps to buy new meds. But if I'm to successful, then I may corner the market and then he would not beable to buy new meds. And then he would have to go out of business."
  59. [2014-04-04 17:02:28] * Heartmend "Its all a balancing act really."
  60. [2014-04-04 17:02:29] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the back of the photo has a few words and number scribbled on it in faded ink, "Found this and thought of you: T.H.", it is dated to well before the enclaves fall
  61. [2014-04-04 17:04:05] * Sunshine shrugs. "If you do so much better, wouldn't it be better for your patients to have you instead of him? Still, this city is big enough that I'd hardly expect you to drive each other out of business."
  62. [2014-04-04 17:06:06] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "New Horseleans can always use new doctors. Too many patients."
  63. [2014-04-04 17:06:48] * Midnight_Bliss examines the words and date on the back. "T.H. Who could that be?" she asked herself as she rubbed her chin.
  64. [2014-04-04 17:07:17] * Heartmend gives a smile at that "Looking for a new start on life is good."
  65. [2014-04-04 17:09:09] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Flora can hunt down everything she needs... save the all important water perafire, while various variety have become avaiable since the Gardens even the smallest unit that would do the trick would break her budget. Without the water purifire included her tottal comes to 300 caps
  66. [2014-04-04 17:09:36] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> another 500 would be needed for the simplist purifire that would work for her project.
  67. [2014-04-04 17:10:11] * Midnight_Bliss looks at the photo again "Info said she was invited by "An Old Friend... that could be this T.H. Which might make him an Enclave trator as well..."
  68. [2014-04-04 17:11:06] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the house Sunshine has scouted comes into view as they make there way down a paticularly wet and puddle filled street, soggy fences sinking into mud. The house itself seems to be mostly standing straight with only a slight tilt where the foundations sink.
  69. [2014-04-04 17:11:52] * Thomas_OMalley nods to the house. "Look like it on it way to bein' reclaimed."
  70. [2014-04-04 17:12:01] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> The doors are long since missing, window pains are lacking glass and slowlen, pain curls and runns down its sides while shingles hang limply from the edges of the roof. It is a two story affiar whith classic new hoursleans acitecture.
  71. [2014-04-04 17:12:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM It has a wide second story balcony supported with columbs.
  72. [2014-04-04 17:12:42] * GreatAndPowerfulGM A few rad roaches skitter about the front.... Text book looks mortified at the state of it.
  73. [2014-04-04 17:13:08] * Flora_Bloom curses slightly and sighs.
  74. [2014-04-04 17:14:09] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Flora has enough to begin consturction but cannont run the machine till she has the purifire installed correctly, every element of the machine must be in place before she can recreat the exact enviroment for the seed to blosom.
  75. [2014-04-04 17:15:17] * GreatAndPowerfulGM A creak at the door to the bar alerts Midnight_Bliss as the bartender steps back into the room with her and begins to pull a few bottles out of a crate. Hefting them up into his tallons he glances her way with an irritated look, "What, you still here?"
  76. [2014-04-04 17:16:33] * Midnight_Bliss gives the Griffin a flat stare "I will be until I get what I need. Do you know anypony with the Initials T.H.?"
  77. [2014-04-04 17:18:17] <Sunshine> "It's a sad sight no." She trots closer to Textbook. "Can you see the beauty behind the years? There were times of glamour for this house. But this is not the end. It can shine once more, bring smiles. Can you see the future we can create here?" She looks into Textbook's eyes
  78. [2014-04-04 17:18:46] * Heartmend looks over the dilapidated mansion "Well at lest its, big. But some thing to work on."
  79. [2014-04-04 17:19:39] * GreatAndPowerfulGM scratches his chin with a tallon, "If I do will ya get yer wings out of here before ya kick up any more dust? These mercs are a odd lot but they pay well for the back here and I know they dont like ponies snooping about"
  80. [2014-04-04 17:20:35] * Flora_Bloom gets an idea and heads towards the comic shop
  81. [2014-04-04 17:21:19] * Thomas_OMalley frowns at the house. "De foundation need fixin before dat be true."
  82. [2014-04-04 17:21:20] <Midnight_Bliss> "The sooner I get what I need the sooner I'll leave, and the likleyhood that I return to bother you is significantly reduced"
  83. [2014-04-04 17:22:24] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The comic shop is actually one of the few buisnesses in town that is built around what it actually used to be, moldering posters advertise soon to come comics that will never come alongside newer ones advertising The wondering Adventurer. Various young colts and fillies loung about outside reading comics, one munching on a second apple and waving to Flora.
  84. [2014-04-04 17:23:46] * Flora_Bloom waves back happily, trotting inside the comic book store. "Hellow?
  85. [2014-04-04 17:24:10] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The griffin bar tender shrugs, "Well then I cant say for sure but If I were you I would check that locker". hes says pointing to another locker, one coated with a bit of dust and a cutie mark resembling a Compass and Quill
  86. [2014-04-04 17:25:14] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Texbook tilts her head and looks skeptical, lifting her stare upwards she pouts a bit in thought and squints, looking closer "Hummm... history you say?"
  87. [2014-04-04 17:25:51] * GreatAndPowerfulGM rows of comics line shelves, a elderly pony tends a counter in the back, "Hello?"
  88. [2014-04-04 17:27:26] * Flora_Bloom siles and trots up to the the old pony. "Excuse me, do you have any early issues of the Masked Mare?"
  89. [2014-04-04 17:27:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM A shutter falls from the front of the building and punches a hole in porch. Textbook smiles, "Ah, I think I can see it.... and also smell it", she covers her muzzle at the dank smell, "And your sure we can make it.... liveable?"
  90. [2014-04-04 17:28:05] * Midnight_Bliss looks the the locker and nods, stepping up to it "thank you." she said simpy, checking the locker to see if it'd open
  91. [2014-04-04 17:30:16] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the older pony huffs and points up behind himself at a wall of glass casses on the wall, "Not many of them left but I have a few, #7 and # 12 specifically. Have some of the actual uninked pannels for #23 as well, but if your looking to buy there not for sell, sorry"
  92. [2014-04-04 17:30:33] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Well... have to check de inside, be sure de no rot. But yeah. Noting a little bit of work can't fix." The batpony smiles over at Textbook. "But first... we clear de roaches, eh?"
  93. [2014-04-04 17:30:44] * Flora_Bloom smiles and chuckles. "Well, I am here to sell." She takes out Issue 3 of the Masked Mare and shows it to the pony.
  94. [2014-04-04 17:31:01] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the griff grumbles and steps back a bit, noding in responce as he watches. The locker is firmly shut and locked.
  95. [2014-04-04 17:31:07] <Sunshine> "Why, yes!" She waves at the house. "We already have some very competent ponies among us, and how could we do it without your historical knowledge?"
  96. [2014-04-04 17:32:06] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the old ponies eyes boggle, "Wha- how, HOW? There were only seven copys of that comic left even before the war! Its... Its unconcevible!"
  97. [2014-04-04 17:34:14] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook trots up to Sunshine, "So... you think its worth investing in?"
  98. [2014-04-04 17:34:23] * Flora_Bloom chuckles and smiles. "How much are you willing to buy this for?" She asks. "Considering you just told me it's very rare I won't take it for less than 600."
  99. [2014-04-04 17:35:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the pony flips the switch and raises his muzzle, "That young lady is highway robbery, think you can extort an old pony who is to weary to venture out of his little corner of equestria to find his own copy are you? .... 300 caps"
  100. [2014-04-04 17:38:11] * Midnight_Bliss pops some tools from her bags and attempts to pick the lock on the locker since it would not give
  101. [2014-04-04 17:39:12] * Flora_Bloom smirks. "That's exactly why I can charge this much." She says. "You may never see this copy again in your life, considering only seven existed, BEFORE the war." She says. "This might be the last intact copy ."
  102. [2014-04-04 17:39:19] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the lock is sprung in no time! soon this mystrious ponies locker is revealed.
  103. [2014-04-04 17:41:14] * Thomas_OMalley flies up into the air, firing from the high ground and starting to clear the roaches with his recharger rifle battle saddle.
  104. [2014-04-04 17:42:24] * GreatAndPowerfulGM each hit roach sissle and squeels as it fizzles from the new glowy hold punched in its carabice. Other roaches nearby scatter and make a run for it in various directions.
  105. [2014-04-04 17:42:46] * Midnight_Bliss gives a soft smirk as the door pops open and gives the inner of the locker a looking over
  106. [2014-04-04 17:43:45] * Thomas_OMalley continues to fire on the roaches until no more are in sight... before entering the house. "Gonna have to check ever room, make sure dere be none in hiding..."
  107. [2014-04-04 17:44:30] <Sunshine> "Once it's back to its original shape, it will be a remarkable historic building. We should be honored to have this opportunity, don't you think? I'm sure the historic academia would thank us." She says
  108. [2014-04-04 17:44:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the older pony bites his lips and opens his cash register, making a quick count he groans, looking back he whipes a sweating brow, "Listen, I only have 523 caps right now. I could dip into my savings but if I do that I would have to push back the printing for next months comic and there are so many who look forward to it, will this do?"
  109. [2014-04-04 17:45:39] * Flora_Bloom thinks for a moment and looks around. "Well how about this, give me what you have there, and then." She looks around. "Do you have any issues of The Blossom?"
  110. [2014-04-04 17:45:42] * Heartmend finds a clear spot to put down her stuff "Well at lest I can help out by flushing them out." as she starts to go around flipping over thing, looking for radroaches
  111. [2014-04-04 17:48:55] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the locker opens to show its conents, much more full but obviously left untouched for much longer. Inside is a stocked saddle bag with traveling equipment, a Enclave issue plasma pistol, a combat helmet, maps, and what looks like a private audio log marked "journal" with a audio recorder.
  112. [2014-04-04 17:49:28] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook nods and settles down with a small booklet she levetates out of her bags with a quill and starts to do some math.
  113. [2014-04-04 17:50:24] * GreatAndPowerfulGM before long no more roaches show there heads and there chittering is absent from the building.
  114. [2014-04-04 17:50:28] * Midnight_Bliss looks to the Griffin, nodding a thanks to him and waveing him off "I will be leaving shortly. I'll see myself out" she said as she picked up the audio log with the recorder and hit play
  115. [2014-04-04 17:51:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Older pony slides the issue closer to him to inspect as he counts out the caps into a paper bag. "Not any at the moment, but I may get my hooves on some in time. So where exactly did you find this issue if you dont mind me asking?"
  116. [2014-04-04 17:51:52] * Flora_Bloom smiles. "Over the river in my last stop. It was a lucky find, but there wasn't much there." She says with a shrug, taking it
  117. [2014-04-04 17:52:32] * Sunshine trots into the house, taking care not to stain her suit in radroach remains.
  118. [2014-04-04 17:52:46] * Thomas_OMalley smiles. "Alright den. Time to check dis house thoroughly. Dere a basement for dis place?" Thomas looks over at Sunshine.
  119. [2014-04-04 17:54:38] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the griffin huffs but turns and leaves, "Just dont like, blow the pace up or anything". The audio tape begins to play at a random point. "-eaving soon on a new mission, Dawny will be upset I left without telling her but is he is so mad she can just just come find my tail. She never could keep up, no wonder she got in so much trouble even before things went to shit for the Enclave-",
  120. [2014-04-04 17:56:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM "At least she is doing alright for herself here, better than she was up north. You would think she would be more grateful for me extending an invite for her to come join up, better than the only other oportunity I have found around here for the likes of us. Dosent pay as much as Glowing Dawns crew but I think I would rather not glow in the dark thank you-"
  121. [2014-04-04 17:58:12] * GreatAndPowerfulGM "Anyway Im out of here, If you broke in and gave this a listen Dawn Ill strangle you! well, Ill have you pay me back for that drink last week then strangle you.... Timely Hazard signing off"
  122. [2014-04-04 17:59:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Sunshine remembers seeing a basment window outside so there must be. A door haning ajar in the first floor presents a dark starecase leading down. The floor and walls of this place are in need of.... well if not dismantalment at least a truck load of tlc.
  123. [2014-04-04 17:59:57] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Textbook steps inside, puting her book away, still covering her muzzle with a hoof.
  124. [2014-04-04 18:00:22] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The older pony nods and hands over the caps to Floral, "well here ya go, deals a deal"
  125. [2014-04-04 18:03:28] * Thomas_OMalley flicks on his lantern helmet looking into the basement before heading down.
  126. [2014-04-04 18:03:44] <Sunshine> "There should be one, I haven't been inside it though." Sunshine says.
  127. [2014-04-04 18:05:52] * Sunshine follows after Thomas
  128. [2014-04-04 18:06:06] * Flora_Bloom smiles. "Please, countinue the work of making comics for the kids and such." She says with a smile. "Oh, did you hear of the drug operation bust a few days ago?"
  129. [2014-04-04 18:06:10] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the basment landings are well and truly flooded up to the knee. No lights besides what one brings illuminate the basment as the windows are caked over with centuries of dirt and dust.
  130. [2014-04-04 18:06:40] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the older pony scratches his head, "All the way up in Easy passage, right?"
  131. [2014-04-04 18:07:37] * Midnight_Bliss takes the maps and bags of supplies, plasma pistol and the helmet effectivly clearing out the locker before returning to the terminal, looking it over before typing in for password "Timely Hazard" and inputing the date from the photograph into the ID
  132. [2014-04-04 18:08:04] * Thomas_OMalley groans. "Dis... gonna be a problem."
  133. [2014-04-04 18:10:02] * Heartmend moves upstairs looking for more of the bugs
  134. [2014-04-04 18:10:22] * Flora_Bloom nods. "Well I heard a rumor that some Masked Vigilante might have been behind the bust." She smiles. "Calls herself after that comic I asked about, The Blossom."
  135. [2014-04-04 18:10:52] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Heartmend finds access on the second floor to the roof, a small long since dried and dead garden remains on the roof. Dead roots clinging to busted pots.
  136. [2014-04-04 18:11:27] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook calls out from the first floor she found a unpowered but possibly still operational computer terminal.
  137. [2014-04-04 18:11:57] * Sunshine stays where is dry. "It's just what they say, you get what you pay for." She turns as she hears Textbook
  138. [2014-04-04 18:12:22] * Heartmend looks it over "Well this will come into use, as soon as Ms. Bloom joins us." she said with a smerk
  139. [2014-04-04 18:12:41] * GreatAndPowerfulGM And in the basment Thomas notices that the water isnt still but flowing, flowing to be exact towards a far wall where a moldy and swollen book case barely stands, most of its content long since spilled and lost but a few odds and ends remain.
  140. [2014-04-04 18:12:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM a low rushing sounds comes from around it.
  141. [2014-04-04 18:13:36] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The user name is correct but the password is not
  142. [2014-04-04 18:14:56] * Midnight_Bliss gets annoyed at the password and trys typing in "Password"
  143. [2014-04-04 18:15:47] * Midnight_Bliss Then tries "Dawny"
  144. [2014-04-04 18:16:07] * Thomas_OMalley walks across the ceiling and carefully collects the saveable books before trying to discern exactly where the water is coming from and flowing too.
  145. [2014-04-04 18:16:49] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Water pools up around the shelf and seems to be flowing... behind it. An echowing sound comes from behind the shelf
  146. [2014-04-04 18:18:36] * Thomas_OMalley frowns. With the books cleared, no sense leaving the shelf here. The batpony takes out his crowbar and proceeds to deconstruct the bookshelf.
  147. [2014-04-04 18:19:08] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the computer accepts the pasword for the usename and gies Midnight access to her files. A few options appear on the screen. "Pending Mission Specs", "Payment History", "Merc Agreement Contract:", and "Standing bountys"
  148. [2014-04-04 18:19:36] * Midnight_Bliss smirks as she's let in, first checking "Pending mission specs"
  149. [2014-04-04 18:19:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the old pony tilts his head, "Oh? I handt heard that, you come from up that way?"
  150. [2014-04-04 18:20:00] * Sunshine looks back at Thomas as she hear the noises. "What are you doing?"
  151. [2014-04-04 18:20:32] * Heartmend looks around the roof some more before heading back down
  152. [2014-04-04 18:21:44] * Flora_Bloom nods. "Yup, same with the explosion down the river, the one on the Acadamy school. I heard the vigilante was sighted around there. Then she helped some others catch whom was responsible." She says happily. "Anyways I must be off, I need to purchase a purifier."
  153. [2014-04-04 18:21:44] * Thomas_OMalley grunts as he continues to render the bookshelf into pieces of wood. "Think I can... clear the water. Might be a tunnel!"
  154. [2014-04-04 18:22:52] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Message: Admin "Z" to User "Timely Hazard". Seach out any leads reguarding the fate of a ship by the name of "The Rivers Dream", last seen in the posession of the Recolmators it contains key cargo necissary which must be obtained. Any leads are to be delivered via the normal channels, do not proceed without reporting first.
  155. [2014-04-04 18:23:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the shelf offers little resistance before it collapses into three large peices, the smallist of which rides a small wave of water which poors into the rounded brick entrance to a hall byond the basment.
  156. [2014-04-04 18:24:24] * Midnight_Bliss reads the information and makes a note of it before backing out and moving onto "Payment history"
  157. [2014-04-04 18:24:28] * Thomas_OMalley smiles. "Well den... what have we here?"
  158. [2014-04-04 18:24:59] <Sunshine> "We should arrange some diving gear. This might be more than a water drain." She smiles. "Give me a minute."
  159. [2014-04-04 18:25:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the older pony nods and wayves his farewells as Flora leaves, turning to find a place of honor for his newest peice.
  160. [2014-04-04 18:25:21] * Sunshine rushes upstairs.
  161. [2014-04-04 18:26:16] * Flora_Bloom travels back to where she had found to final piece for her grand project, attempting to buy it
  162. [2014-04-04 18:26:33] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Gonna need some weapons dat work underwater, I tink. Never know what lives in de dark places." The batpony heads back upstairs.
  163. [2014-04-04 18:26:37] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> the computer displays the payment for the last years worth of work, the last confirmed payment was at least a month ago for "removal" of an asset gone rogue.
  164. [2014-04-04 18:26:45] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Z pays well from what you can see.
  165. [2014-04-04 18:27:30] * Sunshine goes after Textbook to find out what the mare is doing.
  166. [2014-04-04 18:27:37] * Midnight_Bliss nods at the info and again backs out to click on "merc agreement contract"
  167. [2014-04-04 18:28:43] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Flora can purchase it for the agreed upon price from before, 500
  168. [2014-04-04 18:29:47] * Flora_Bloom nods and buys the purifier happily, trotting back to the place where her friends were going
  169. [2014-04-04 18:30:09] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight finds a lengthy and detailed contract that the gm will flesh out later as needed. Z seems to call for a high degree of discression and secrecy with his employees.
  170. [2014-04-04 18:30:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the house groans slightly but holds, standing much as it has for a long time.
  171. [2014-04-04 18:31:15] * Midnight_Bliss nods as she reads through, respecting ones need for secrecy and discression. She makes a copy and backs out to click "standing Bounties"
  172. [2014-04-04 18:32:45] * Flora_Bloom trots into said house and calls out. "Hello?"
  173. [2014-04-04 18:33:38] * Heartmend trots downstairs after giving it a once over "Well I got good news for some pony." looking around only seeing Sunshine and Textbook "Is Thomas still down in the basement?"
  174. [2014-04-04 18:34:43] <Sunshine> "He should be coming up soon. We need equipment to deal with a flooded basement." She says, glancing back
  175. [2014-04-04 18:35:26] * Flora_Bloom smiles at her friends. "I have all the supplies I need." She says excitedly
  176. [2014-04-04 18:35:38] * Thomas_OMalley comes up at of the basement. "Not anymore, cherie. De basement be flooded someting fierce, but it look like it has a passage goin' someplace... it be underwater, though. Managed to save a few books." The stallion starts pulling out the books, looking them over.
  177. [2014-04-04 18:36:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Standing Bounties: Payable upon deliver of recognizable body. "Posh Bellows": 350 caps, "Miss Monson" (possible alias, Red maned bat pony mare with Rose CM): 500 caps. "Sunshine Blues": 400 caps, "Captain Glowing Dawn": 10,000 caps
  178. [2014-04-04 18:36:22] <Sunshine> "Well, that does look interesting." She steps closer to Thomas and takes a peek
  179. [2014-04-04 18:37:33] * Heartmend looks to Flora_Bloom as she trots in "Oh, I have good new as well. Theres a rooftop garden, so all you really need is to give it some tlc."
  180. [2014-04-04 18:37:42] * GreatAndPowerfulGM most of the books are partially if not completely molderd, some however are still readable. Sompony loved mystery novels!
  181. [2014-04-04 18:38:29] * Flora_Bloom gasps. "Perfect!" She says happily, trotting upstairs
  182. [2014-04-04 18:38:50] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Flora. "Well den... I suppose we can start construction on de greenhouse." The stallion starts running some numbers in his head. "Let's see... need some scuba gear..."
  183. [2014-04-04 18:39:11] * Flora_Bloom looks ot Thomas_OMalley. "Do you mind... helping me?
  184. [2014-04-04 18:39:26] * Heartmend goes to gather up her things from outside
  185. [2014-04-04 18:40:03] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "No, it not a problem. Just got lots of tings stacking up. And we need some money for a boat, anyway. Where you want dis greenhouse set up?"
  186. [2014-04-04 18:40:38] * Midnight_Bliss makes copies of the bounties before logging out and stepping back. Briefly tempted to try and sabotage the terminal but she wasn't looking to make any more enemies. She turned and packed her newly filled bags before exiting the back room. Her new goal was to chase this Timely Hazard, as they were her targets likely goal
  187. [2014-04-04 18:41:13] <Sunshine> "I should go and take a good look around for affordable supplies. Of course, the house will need more than a one-pony budget."
  188. [2014-04-04 18:41:50] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook mumbles something, at this, looking a bit unwilling to speek up more to Sunshine.
  189. [2014-04-04 18:42:40] <Flora_Bloom> "On the roof preferably."
  190. [2014-04-04 18:43:21] * Heartmend sets her gear down "Well if we can get this place cleaned up, I may just open up a clinic. That should help alot."
  191. [2014-04-04 18:43:35] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Flora. "What kind of plant we growing?"
  192. [2014-04-04 18:44:06] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Sunshine is just close enough to barely hear what she said, texbooks words rining in her ear, "Well I sort of have access to my fathers estate, including his caps..."
  193. [2014-04-04 18:44:57] * Midnight_Bliss nods to the griffin and to the Card pony as she exits if he's still hanging around "With luck I wont be returning here. Farewell" she said as she left the tavern
  194. [2014-04-04 18:45:02] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Heartmend remembers seeing plenty of needy ponys on the trot over, the closest standing doctors office is well over a dozen blocks away leaving plenty of room for buisness.
  195. [2014-04-04 18:45:13] |<-- Heartmend has left (Connection closed)
  196. [2014-04-04 18:45:16] <Sunshine> "Stable income would be very helpful. I shall look into medical supplies as well." She turns away as her ears perk up and she opens a big grin.
  197. [2014-04-04 18:45:50] -->| Heartmend (rwocjanescf@Pony-953.ivv.104.97.IP) has joined #CryMeARiver
  198. [2014-04-04 18:46:19] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the card pony and the griffion nod as she leaves. \
  199. [2014-04-04 18:46:57] <Flora_Bloom> "The seed." She smiles as she trots upstairs.
  200. [2014-04-04 18:48:26] <Sunshine> "Ahem..." She turns back to Heartmend. "If you have a list of what you need, I should be able to get affordable prices."
  201. [2014-04-04 18:48:29] * Thomas_OMalley follows up the stairs. "I mean, I need to know if it be a little plant or a big tree. Do I need to reinforce de roof to handle dis seed?"
  202. [2014-04-04 18:49:22] <Flora_Bloom> "I think it should be fine, It's probably just going to be a large flower."
  203. [2014-04-04 18:50:28] <Midnight_Bliss> "Well, I guess now I must find info on these Recolmaters..."
  204. [2014-04-04 18:51:15] * Heartmend thinks it over "We would fisrts need to get this place cleaned up before I would dare see any one here. Well at lest one or two rooms. But I'll come up with a list and get it to you as soon as I can Sunshine."
  205. [2014-04-04 18:52:06] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Well, if you say so. I just don't want a tree to come crashing through de roof." The batpony follows the flower mare up to the roof.
  206. [2014-04-04 18:52:28] * Flora_Bloom shrugs. "To be safe you might want to ask the others to stay clear while we try."
  207. [2014-04-04 18:54:00] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "I can reinforce de roof as well... if it looks like it be growin' bigger den de roof can handle, we can move it, yeah?"
  208. [2014-04-04 18:56:03] <Sunshine> "That is a good idea. This place does not look too healthy just yet." She slides a hoof over a table. "If we are going to sleep here, we should do something about it."
  209. [2014-04-04 18:56:17] * Flora_Bloom nods. "We will." She smiles. "Now please do help me."
  210. [2014-04-04 18:57:43] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Ok den. First I need to figure out where de support beams are. Dey be de best to build dis on..."
  211. [2014-04-04 18:58:55] * Flora_Bloom nods. "Alright then, I'll help in any way I can."
  212. [2014-04-04 18:59:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Signal Interupted
  213. [2014-04-04 18:59:26] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> ...
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