
Altadorian Shadows

Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. In the dark of night, a figure slips down the large ornate halls of the “Hall of Heroes”, the soft light of the moon reflecting off the statues. The light sound of crickets could be heard through one of the open windows, giving the night a almost magical feel. The figure chuckles and moves toward the hidden door to the council room, easing the door open to reveal a single figure still sitting in the room. To the figures luck, the others have retired to their night chambers, leaving their king sitting in his chair to over look the state of his kingdom. The King looks up from his scroll at the figure, looking a little disappointed.
  3. “You already came for your daily gift, Hidden. I’d think you’d be patient enough to wait until tomorrow for another.” He sighed sadly, watching Hidden approach him from the doorway. He goes to stand from his chair, when she places a hand on his shoulder to push him back down. “King, I’m not here for a Altachuck or a Lupe snack pack. I came to visit you. I have set my pets on a mission, as well as my Ninja-apprentices to scout out other lands and places only small petpets like them can get into…I take it you’ve been having some trouble with other Neotrainers, Altador”
  5. Altador sighs heavily, sitting back in his chair and looks to the scroll he set aside. He rubs the bridge of his muzzle, resting his other arm over the arm of his chair. His eyes snap back to attention when Hidden settles on his lap, leaning her side against him. He starts to speak when she lifts her hand and starts to pet him. He closes his eyes and relaxes to the touch, succumbing to his primal instinct as a dog. He lets out a soft sigh, resting a hand on her back, his fingers brushing over the slick black outfit she wears.
  7. “Long day then, Altador. That’s too bad…must be stressful to rule a country.” Hidden purred, resting her head on his shoulder. Altador chuckled a bit, patting her back and shifting her better on his lap. He pets her hair a bit, his fingers slowly feathering down to the cloth mash she wears on the lower part of her face. She grabs his hand and clicked her tongue, guiding it away. “Now now, what kind of ninja would I be if I let you unmask me.”
  9. “A ninja off her guard I presume.” He replied, a soft laughing leaving him. He brushes her hair back again, enjoying the distraction from his scrolls and politics. He rests his chin on her head, sighing a bit. He could smell the scent of the ocean and Shenkuu aroma on her, soothing him a bit. “You seem tired Altador…maybe you should rest for the night.”
  11. He laughs again, looking down at the young woman in his lap. He brushes a thumb over his cheek and clothed chin, lifting up her face. His eyes may have held wisdom and quiet benevolence, but we was indeed tired from his long day. “I guess I could retire to my chambers…these scrolls will still be here when I wake up.”
  13. She chuckles from behind her mask, remarking on the fact that any scroll would still be there if left unread. He snickers a bit and pats her head. She pets his beard a bit, leaning up to him. “Well, then I’ll say my goodbye and be on my way, King”
  15. Hidden lifts her hand and covers his eyes, pulling the mask down from her face. She leans forward and presses her lips against his mouth, giving him a light kiss goodnight. He pulls her mask back up and slips out of his lap, waving him off as she walks back to the doorway of the council room, leaving a confused Lupe King in her wake.
  17. “Good night, Altador. See you tomorrow for my prize.”
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